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发表于 2023-1-11 21:30:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Christopher couldn't keep still. He sat between his mom and+ j+ P* C7 M7 k$ e3 v( D* E
brother Andy on the hard bench in Judge Robinson's courtroom1 I5 U. c: m- t) m) Q/ A' \+ N
as the judge sentenced teenaged boys and girls to the% Q7 {0 a4 `+ M6 y
various youth prisons in the state. Dad sat alongside mom
) ]' @2 |: O9 Sand their six-year-old sister Susie leaned against dad, her0 ^& {3 H. o0 @9 o8 w$ @
eyes closed, snoring gently in the hot room.
9 V2 D) @7 \; ?0 y# y4 Q& f' }* }7 z; O% }
This was Juvenile court and nine year old Chris and Eleven-* }! C+ y8 d; B) i& B- M
year-old Andy were here because they had been caught
$ U6 l2 U0 ]3 Y# v9 e- o+ F  j' jshoplifting for the third time.  This time the storeowner
. t' H0 Q& J. L! qhad pressed charges. The boys had been given a court7 Y+ f& z( p3 I  P/ `, g/ J
appointed lawyer because Mr. and Mrs. Micelli, their parents
. O# m1 g$ a1 {could not afford to hire one.
( H* |4 B' Z; i# Q5 z6 l
) p+ J+ y" P* m+ ^5 TAndy sat quietly watching the Judge. If he was worried his4 c/ C" R! ?: l' |  |: D# F6 J
face didn't show it. He was a street kid, as tough as they
. Q7 V- s( N8 Y/ b8 i6 L  O' q6 gcame. His parents tried but the boys were running wild,
9 P) }& N2 O4 D0 W6 C2 N' {: gcutting school and stealing.
. i+ K) j$ S, M; B6 n) U# }5 K" S  ]- z, n8 B3 W
Finally the bailiff called their case. Their lawyer had& d6 z2 L. X; u& a+ f  f& o, B( q
advised them to plead guilty. He explained to their parents,7 n& @! z/ B6 s! j2 C
"Because your boys are so young the judge will go easy on
7 A0 \  T) \  w6 j4 k- \them. He'll probably lecture them and let them go with a
6 X& a1 G$ G1 Q2 Gwarning. Make sure they're cleaned up and dressed in their
5 {' W/ q) t, n( nbest clothing. If he sees two polite well dressed boys he'll
4 P' z, p; `! G; Obe more impressed."
/ o! v9 e* @( M, N0 l6 s$ k3 p6 D' K( D1 _: b6 O
The boys and their parents stood as the lawyer explained to. Z$ r/ w5 N  x+ k
His Honor how the boys were truly sorry and their parents) X! P9 B  y5 E6 B$ k6 N+ v2 [5 X
would make sure they'd behave better in the future.
1 q5 B1 c; O" `4 ~& p
8 o  l9 M! i. C% E' UThe judge looked at the two young boys standing in front of8 d2 v( D. e4 w- S
the bench heads down. He waited until the lawyer finished.
0 M# N4 h! V! F' m, R+ W8 z' q8 a0 _4 |) i" a
"Due to the young age of these two defendants I'm inclined: O; O* y- k& J0 o5 p1 m' a
to show mercy. But I see this is the third time they've been9 n; N' P6 m$ x& S8 U. M
arrested for stealing. The other two times the storekeepers
0 d* i$ D" T/ x" G- R# d# Ldeclined to press charges. I also see they've been truant* _: y( J% c+ u' W5 t
from school and have been in other kinds of trouble before., B* i5 e# W. j/ r7 Y4 ]% s1 V
Furthermore the school psychologist feels they are on their
- g4 v( u1 T5 m+ G: f0 fway to becoming a danger to themselves as well as others."  
9 ^: f$ u3 j1 nHe looked at Mr. and Mrs. Micelli. "I know you both work and! G; ~1 s9 t% ]; ~5 p# J8 @
the children are on their own for long periods after school.
9 \+ e& j+ ^' Z: `6 ZIt's hard raising kids nowadays. But that's neither here nor) x( V5 n2 }7 l
there."" z7 e, Z( \: q) q6 U6 X
7 C! L6 i% ^5 \% e+ B' e/ J
Andy looked up as the judge continued. "These two boys need+ L. G% M5 z, s3 A# X
some more guidance and its apparent you are both trying to3 B5 ~' B% K% t5 }: X4 M
instill values in them. However I think you need some help.
0 Y; s8 L  I$ i* f- @1 OThere's a new program in the state that's in the
4 ~5 f" n- \' k/ x" P- N5 U# B0 Vexperimental stage. It's called the Grandview School." $ l3 o+ U6 z/ \: G6 q4 u, j/ X8 u

% G8 c  P' ]1 s: ]' ?) `) NHe went on. "It's run by Mrs. Jean Connelly, a widow with
' N! o- G/ b- W' v$ Mfour girls of her own. They will be handling six or seven
/ G+ E, o& w3 F& K0 `, \9 H' Sboys initially as an experiment. If it works out the school+ p  \  Z: k( t
will expand to include more boys and eventually some girls.. m# Y6 @; b. Y' t6 N, S: E- v
The boys will be staying at the school full time. Mrs.
5 f& c- _) r7 N) ^Connolly is a teacher and there is another 2 teachers as
8 a: Z( V3 A1 pwell as a doctor and nurse. The school is funded by the, q. x! D0 q1 X  ]  u' x: D* v
state. It's minimum security but Mrs. Connolly assures me$ @1 o# p% E8 Q2 G7 {) L
the boys will not be able to run away if they don't like# [8 O$ d) L; R& {% K4 S
# K+ T7 \0 H) n
# z* M# ~4 S3 ^0 vHe looked down at the boys. "She has some strange ideas
/ E6 G- ~4 x6 n" @" n% Y2 k3 Babout discipline and I don't agree with all of them, but in9 S7 Z4 s. m% ^
this case I feel these two will benefit greatly."6 U3 \+ I0 Z, M+ ]- {$ F: q% @

7 C' P0 T5 d4 m2 U4 d5 Q& h+ @$ F"Therefore, I am sentencing Andrew and Christopher Micelli
4 |7 q9 A1 X' K/ M  zto six months at Grandview school. We will then meet with3 L" _/ r7 a  D
Mrs. Connolly and review their records and listen to her
7 D4 y" F- X6 Vrecommendations. You can drive the boys upstate to the
" E" q. t5 T& F6 ]7 E- x) J/ tschool. The bailiff will give you directions."
  D+ e* u" B' F
: i3 v) Q( E+ @He addressed the boys, "This is a great opportunity to turn1 c7 R1 l+ u: u- q. A
your lives around. I know that Chris was just following$ {3 \2 k  t0 s/ _
Andy, but that's no excuse and both of you will benefit3 ^( T# ]$ O+ I3 ?% E( R8 x/ h' Z+ u- O
greatly from this experience Good luck to the both of you."* M, e; t/ [2 ?* z
He banged his gavel down, dismissing them.4 f, O' A) @% M  E% ^  k

7 G) I' s7 R) y3 x8 f; zOut in the hallway Christopher was yelling at Andy "This is3 a" g4 T8 x5 |! C. t* u- f5 M
all your fault Dickbreath. Now we can't live with Mom and
8 r) x9 P. h6 I& PDad."2 _4 ^( |/ O( j6 B" G

& ?7 O% C9 i3 T' `Andy felt a cold chill up his spine as reality set in. They
' `! c8 q( f6 X7 e% kwere being sent away. No more Mom and Dad, for six months at3 q: l; s9 N+ c! v$ m
least. Chris was starting to cry.  
% p6 ~" g$ r5 h9 }7 G8 V# G  T7 h6 o& w1 M2 `
Nancy Micelli looked at her two boys. Andy was so good/ ?0 Y4 @4 P2 \2 a
looking. He was short for his age and slim, with dark brown* p* A; i/ P' Q$ T
straight hair that always needed combing and big brown eyes.+ P: X2 Y4 H0 z1 F0 w. D
He had long eyelashes and a light tan complexion. Chris was8 c' W! h# D* L' X$ r# v
shorter than his older brother with the same dark straight$ I% z' I: F. q+ q( {7 L
hair and large brown eyes. "They're so beautiful," she
. U0 k8 ]" U) vthought sadly. "If only they would behave." She felt tears
2 w1 E1 N# ^; D! n3 lwelling up in her eyes. She was going to miss them like
/ y9 i' j7 g( i! i$ `crazy but maybe this would be a good thing.
5 v6 Q# B9 j, ^6 R, R7 h- I5 h. C
1 n+ Y8 \8 I. RDad, Carrying Susie was getting directions to the school
2 ^! C* ]' ~# o3 d5 Bfrom the bailiff. "I guess we should get home and pack their* C3 \0 \+ h2 F' B: V8 i9 q  P# B
clothes," He said sadly.
2 W. P; x& s9 |& C* B  J: U7 c
$ _) E! L* P3 F2 i$ @"No you don't have to do that," The bailiff smiled. "They'll
+ X4 M3 Q1 Y- n+ n# ]' ufurnish everything your boys will need up at the school."
! @$ Q6 @5 Y1 Y, j: {/ L* o8 [: G$ c/ [5 v4 j/ R4 j$ I
Soon the family was on its way upstate. The bailiff had told& ]* j0 F' n: u/ _* }3 w8 w. [
dad to be there no later than five o'clock to get the boys
5 f6 }2 z9 L+ l8 B$ ~checked in.
0 i% k/ y# V4 E  ], I9 T  N
" l, ?0 f2 p, }. {Andy was quiet on the trip. Susie prattled on, not
3 [2 d% ]1 e6 v7 n! o3 T, }understanding that her two bigger brothers were leaving
) G3 u! m8 E2 \) S) ^( x% I: ^& q. Shome.
  u# v. D1 e6 g0 ~1 N
( W5 d! W8 O! _) R  Q- PAfter stopping for a late lunch they approached the school.
0 h& _4 ]2 p' n! ?, YIt was a tall old building set up on a hill surrounded by2 \1 b: c; G- {, ]
open fields. A sign reading Grandview School directed them
, ]1 ?5 N" m6 ~, d& C$ {6 }to a dirt road leading up to the house. From up close the: h/ D( h' y& _8 M
building looked like a castle with about thirty rooms. : S; r$ q# d" N$ p- O9 s9 A
% B' D4 `. @2 m: w
Dad whistled, "Some building. What's it doing way out here
% D: V: r$ P# z. v4 Z( W% _in the boonies?" he asked.: y) z# r, R6 ~: @6 t
+ D4 S0 O' N4 O1 s  Q1 c
They piled out of the car and Dad rang the bell. A tall' h$ _8 A8 M3 j+ T
heavyset black woman answered the door. She was wearing a7 }8 B2 \8 g+ p: Z; u
uniform and over the pocket was the name Paula.
" B8 U: T2 b: I) |- [  Q& m: J
. {+ ?, _) G* k. M( i; ^+ B# v7 k"Yes?" She asked.
5 ]% t1 M' Y' _* n9 f
! V% J2 R. H) e- i8 bMr. Micelli said, "Mrs. Connolly?"
) S% K9 l6 X! Q8 z3 k3 t2 v
5 N* K' z/ ]0 y, z8 U8 }8 a$ Y"No I'm Paula Thomas. I'm one of the guards here. Mrs.: o8 ^3 ]- D: q8 V, v9 j4 I1 N
Connolly is inside." Andy's heart jumped, Guards. What
3 R0 q9 f4 l) T/ s- F9 A  Eguards?  This was supposed to be a school.
: L$ D/ U! U' t, A. r  e! T& P& k  v: l0 \
Miss Thomas stood aside and gestured them into the
! b* F/ u& S( L& B  w" b  Rvestibule. There were two passageways leading inside from5 [# a4 q' p, k1 Z. p# |+ `3 i
the front door. Standing in one were two pretty young girls.. ], x$ S, M: Y5 z( N) \* [
One was about ten and the other was around eight. Except for
1 h. y0 @5 {4 Y% J0 q% btheir ages they could have been twins. Both had short
# a% w8 `; x/ [6 ]1 |straight blonde hair and big blue eyes. They were giggling
3 }% ?8 @, {3 G. f9 Xas they checked out Andy and Chris. "That's Christie and7 y8 ^4 `8 ?: ^  N; B3 i- L: X! G
Kelly. They're Mrs. Connolly's two youngest daughters," Miss; j0 s) c: I  n- f2 o
Thomas explained. & L: @: |2 k* U9 s8 d+ Q5 }& f4 Z- W

& x7 H. r" Q' Q- S" U) OBoth girls were dressed like Miss Thomas, In blue uniforms
5 L& S) S" U$ ~. M3 {; |with the words "Grandview School Staff" on the back. They
5 y' V8 w6 f$ N1 X0 |had white sneakers and socks on their feet.+ I) ]. _. C% C! |; [0 O. i2 ~

& F) C9 h, S8 K. m& \# L' T9 rMiss Thomas led them down the other hallway to a door marked; a  B: N% O3 G: |
Reception area. "Wait in there and I'll get Mrs. Connolly,"
. V# y. {( V$ I- X: U. x) M, Nshe told the Micelli's.
1 r6 @1 n! d' U/ [6 f* f4 s5 u+ p# o2 U+ ]6 u: K3 }; c
They entered the small room. There were four chairs against
4 Z2 p0 z% m* l! ta wall and a large wooden desk. Behind the desk was another: n: J3 j4 _/ L* u
door marked "Receiving room." They sat down, Nick Micelli4 B! x& V, ]6 R6 X1 l% f) I. t
holding Susie on his lap.
1 B& A( Z' r$ r6 O( J
* K* ]1 i% S( Z4 T0 L"I don't like this place," Andy said to his Dad. "It gives9 T: C9 Z$ w3 F% @7 o- W
me the creeps."$ I1 Z0 m/ Z; m

7 P% D: r, E- m6 l( H1 c3 }"You should have thought about this when you were stealing. t) L1 l" K# Z9 F
those magazines," Nick Micelli said sadly.  m" u  t/ y* k6 W! v* u5 H

7 T  Y' Z! R( o2 a9 }7 m  nAndy was about to answer when a tall blonde woman who looked9 _$ f, n( P8 V6 `9 c- A! b: E  `0 }7 O" D
to be around thirty-five or so, followed by the two girls; d2 {7 f) o8 \1 v3 g
they had seen before and two older girls, entered.
5 A3 j1 |; r0 l* q0 X7 j5 _9 d1 }2 o8 b
The older girls were larger copies of the younger ones. They" H' H' p  v1 y. v1 R
had on the same uniform. Blue pants and shirt and White" M; t: Y$ g0 F, X+ S- h' l
socks and sneakers. The four sisters and the mother all had% `" C9 z! t# `7 E6 a
the same blue eyes and blonde hair. Andy read the names on0 M3 F" `8 }1 t, U, ^
their uniforms. The oldest was Jennifer and he thought she
$ _1 e& }! r  D# F& D5 }was around fifteen. Next was Caitlin who looked around( x* m# b# J( C3 F2 p( D' |
thirteen, followed by Christie and finally the youngest,- ?8 u  O8 p0 P$ g3 E0 E& B
Kelly./ U( x9 p8 [, ]+ Z

. o  O' u; `5 r1 p7 {The woman shook hands with Nick and Nancy Micelle. "I'm Mrs.5 s! T  K9 i+ q1 I
Connolly," She said. "These are my daughters. They're part" f$ W6 T, u0 J% k
of my staff here at the school. This is a new idea. My
4 L% L4 u9 W$ ?' U8 x6 m, r: Nhusband's family owned this house and when he died last year
' y. V1 k+ C' a2 B+ F  [: @I inherited it. Rather than sell it and allow it to be torn9 G$ w# C, y( n% v
down I came up with this Idea and presented it to my friend
' Q% |0 n) M4 ]! o( G" @1 `the governor. Your boys are the first of seven students who$ \* u3 B0 O$ y' C
will be here this term. If it works out we will expand next
9 {9 {0 M) o& H% l- y% e3 xyear to thirty or so children." ( J; d  L& _5 v3 E, K7 ^

* e  p: G3 j; i: j$ @She pressed a buzzer on her desk. The tall guard, Miss
- Y6 E9 M: j1 h" KThomas came in from the other door. "Take the boys into/ R2 I1 @3 q6 O8 g; g
receiving and get them ready," Mrs. Connolly instructed.
9 u3 t9 L+ P% q3 H0 y5 w"I'll do the paperwork with their parents. When they're
- u5 h' l9 }' dready we'll all come in and begin the indoctrination."
# [5 p2 }: `0 L4 z) ~+ X- @! G/ M6 b- D
Miss Thomas nodded. "Come on you two. Follow me, You'll see
. N7 Y% Y* e; G& ?5 n  g# @your parents in a few minutes."" }* `' J* R5 K; L" W$ S7 W5 K
  D& Z$ J8 U$ f) L/ g3 B7 K
"Mommy can Christie and I help Miss Thomas?" Kelly asked
. `- B" K* L( f2 j0 r9 csweetly. 4 Q( p3 Z2 H' i0 z1 `1 T- L* `& r

  @" d: ~, D5 r9 l! F2 t"Sure honey," Mrs. Connolly smiled. "If it's ok with Paula."* D# z9 e7 _/ _  p9 W, V

8 v" j9 p# Y9 B" Q$ H/ A" w"No skin off my ass," The guard muttered.  
; y1 @4 F5 J2 O3 m+ @4 I1 U" }# d
She led the two boys, followed by the little girls into the, H7 L4 `! g  j5 H- q) i& s6 t8 ]0 p
other room. There was a bench and a table. On the table were, Z- N) ^* c* T( |/ P+ f* u
two empty cardboard boxes. There was also a row of seats on
2 n) ?$ {- h7 g+ r  Hthe far wall. Andy counted ten chairs.# F: Q$ v& [3 T& t: O

3 a- ]/ T# u- b' YMiss Thomas turned to the boys. "Remove all your clothing2 I; m6 w) e6 q- p5 @5 T
and put them in those boxes," she ordered. "Your folks can& @  P. Y5 J( b3 M" L' k; t' d
take them home with them."( w5 a. n  E7 Z

  P3 F$ o% ]' ?! Z; o- \"No way," Andy yelled. "I'm not undressing in front of you.9 o' Q3 x0 M- W6 t" E
I'm certainly not getting undressed in front of them." He
! m; J) j- S* c; Upointed to the two giggling girls. # g$ h2 s* F+ e9 g4 M

1 O6 @8 b5 k6 {7 N0 X- Z"Yeah no way," Chris said echoing his older brother.: x0 F; E+ V  K/ h& i

  k) K4 ?: `+ Z/ [! AMiss Thomas shrugged. "Have it your way, but that lady out
1 V0 o3 Y3 a4 J; @" A+ _there is telling your parents about the program. When she
; @! k5 f0 E; ^- H/ s6 Hgets their permission you two had better be naked. The, s& f' i% n% V8 D$ y- V9 g
punishment for disobeying is bare butt spanking and there
7 }8 I9 ?" g  _: _, Z7 jare lots of people here who know how to spank. Now I'm gonna
, K/ x% {# F+ K% ucount to ten and when I'm finished I'd better see two small- S+ R2 L( e2 W7 f$ K; A) p
naked white asses."
0 J! _! w* O, S3 [+ _+ o
0 T7 H, I2 a  B/ H( ^1 ^Andy looked at the big guard. He thought "If Chris and I+ ]8 _# v2 B! z- S$ J! s: O) |& _' h
both jump her, Maybe we can get out the door and make a
1 W9 p, e3 r' V6 N! i5 Z! pbreak for it.": Z& u2 H* z2 P/ ~( e1 N

; z/ q/ l4 r/ w/ N: A! f3 f' F"I know what you're thinking boy," Miss Thomas smiled.0 C5 \8 e, L4 V, l6 K
"Don't even think of trying anything. I can snap you in two* K4 B/ ]2 p* d+ q
without breaking a sweat."  
2 Y" L$ e% P0 h' t6 K9 H% r5 l5 y( d4 w1 h6 Y, P
"Well I'm not stripping for you or anyone," Christopher
7 f1 f' ~, o! c& Vyelled. "I want my Mom!", r8 e$ r! t3 F* u" c8 L

) p& g/ j9 \' BIn the outer office Mrs. Connolly was explaining the school# j; E( H0 W0 L# k; w) Y0 b
program to the Micelli's. "I hope you're willing to go along
/ r2 Y" J/ x2 E* d" Qwith the program.  It's kind of unorthodox but I think it2 s- F# v4 D8 }* j- u1 I& Q0 n; E
will work on your boys. You see we control the boys and
9 [, i( g. d3 Z2 V+ Nteach them discipline by keeping them naked all the time."
. G5 c  Q7 Y: p) g8 J3 v7 `4 _$ [$ [
She saw the shocked look on Nancy Micelli's face. "Just let
9 @  E( H& l/ K( K2 c$ D. |me finish she said. "Once they're naked in front of the  ^+ a/ K8 V0 ^6 i
girls and women here at school their belligerence seems to/ m: v" F4 n# I
fade away. "They become dependant on the women and we're( r& {6 r  W5 m; A
able to teach them respect."
' j( c& O) O6 v% f$ S
% M! b( ?8 i. q7 ^9 ~- V* Y1 @"But must you strip them?" Nancy Micelli asked. "It seems so
/ g* [& ]+ G' t: n$ Hcruel. And my boys are so modest they don't even undress in9 l' _3 Q9 T( Q* J/ n+ w, E
front of each other."0 U: X# ?) L/ x2 X2 p

+ |. \# M9 n( R$ U( D' c"Believe me Mrs. Micelli it is necessary. It's the first1 Q6 E  g  i# i4 N8 H: u
step in turning these young men into productive citizens.9 N1 [5 E" O/ ?
You won't recognize them in six months." Mrs. Connolly
3 X! F" r/ c: ~; ?$ W' U" @$ aassured her.
3 N. _5 d, }3 y7 A+ r: T1 _9 {6 P! a/ M3 }( O
Mr. Connolly said, "I'm convinced. I feel it's a losing. k; A$ J( J7 j" T$ ^
battle with those two. I hope this will turn their lives# E% C# w# {$ F* m, Y
around. Where do we sign?"9 K7 k$ b) X8 ?! u0 }# K8 o
) c6 C: d* L7 M. y( l. `% e
"You understand you are assigning temporary custody of your
7 j. `8 F/ \2 U3 i; g1 x& xtwo sons to the Grandview school?" Mrs. Connolly asked.
8 j0 G" l$ q/ x0 C! J/ [4 c: u- G; p
Both Micelli's nodded. She pointed to the line for their3 k8 M9 ]3 U/ A  U) B  [
# M3 A9 X7 \  k! {  P, c
8 w, K* Q% t& x/ l/ s/ ^0 QSusie asked, "Are Andy and Chris going to be naked now?"
6 F6 v. K- v  o
3 r7 [/ j2 l; c) f% NMrs. Micelli smiled sadly, "Yes honey its part of the school
8 @& Y  G. }% @6 {procedure."
. Z) M+ z3 ^7 G" |) U+ ?) p5 O# y/ U
"Can I see them naked, mommy?"& \- a; @# S; i  j# y

4 y$ Y8 W% `3 K: y  `7 u' `"Actually we want you all to see them nude before you go. It
) J1 h1 n4 e5 m, P8 Ashows them you mean business and takes the starch out of4 g: l3 {3 b" h! n! P
their sails somewhat." Mrs. Connolly told them. "They should3 A* p- o4 `% E  c( L5 H
be naked now. Shall we go in?"
% y9 |! g1 |% r" H5 c1 C% ?
  `$ c) P0 S0 X$ M! cThe boys weren't exactly naked when Mrs. Connolly opened the
  i8 F$ ^5 c- V9 `, \4 @* ydoor. There they were fully dressed, the table between them
( f0 A4 b. l  x6 W8 j7 ^and Miss Thomas. The two little girls were laughing as the) p: x4 ~/ \! j9 C
guard tried to corner the two boys.9 N. X6 G5 _. b6 v% l& Z) _4 b

  _0 S. {# H. l) q  q9 ?"What's going on here?" Mrs. Connolly roared. "Those two( B3 p; Y7 ]# E7 X( |5 n+ K
should be stripped and ready for the cavity search."% |# h( {9 j4 D  g) h

; R2 l& t$ ?( f, V"I'm sorry Ma'am, Miss Thomas apologized. "They're faster
! z# I9 s& O. ~6 i3 [0 qthan I thought and I'm new at this."( a  `/ g2 t# q

2 ]* o- K$ n4 \" k- @+ v" ]8 F"Dad, Mom, help. She's trying to get us naked," Andy shouted9 M% H# C8 V% A/ B5 _; |: z
at his parents. "Get us out of here. They're crazy."
3 Q, }+ h" H7 m3 a5 a  V8 z' A5 f6 I- p( Q; E6 y4 X
Mrs. Connolly looked at Nancy and Nick Micelli. "You said
% o/ A9 X; P2 U- a( h% Uwhatever it takes. Now is the time for tough love."
  y' T" _5 `8 F% k9 D( U1 n
" S- V7 D8 b4 aNick nodded. "Andy and Christopher, Stop where you are. I
' d' a& G8 ^! L0 \$ Swant you to undress and do it right now," He ordered.! u" W4 n. u- x& Y6 G6 g8 R

4 Z6 l" u/ `! z) V7 H: @Andy's mouth popped open "But Dad," he whined. "I can't get8 C4 ~3 X; Y; c& Q; X
naked in front of all these females, I just can't."
4 d. p/ n- b; z0 z& f
' f: w% V/ n4 K9 KChris started crying, "I'm not gonna let them see my dickie.
+ C. F$ M. `, r; Y8 lMom please I'll be good," He pleaded.4 n) Z9 G% m* p3 k& R
, ]" [5 t8 }  O& T3 h
The room was now filling up with people. In addition to
$ |% V0 s6 {. a9 b2 Y1 V0 OAndy, Chris, their parents and little sister, Mrs.% A6 w! k8 w6 m3 L, R( P9 t
Connolly's four daughters had taken seats for the show. Mrs.
; _9 {3 i' L! S( u9 Q4 ~Connolly knew that she had to show them all who was boss or+ n! |$ k* L& R2 e1 k7 ~
her program would die before it even got started. 6 \; q1 ]0 v* x9 l+ E, v! D3 t

% I6 i7 T; L  i7 b. o"Listen up," She shouted. "There isn't going to be any more
- c* [, y  k* |. N) zarguing. You two are to take off all your clothing and put, M7 T9 J; }! ]: z) _+ J; Y, j
them in these boxes. So far you've earned twenty spanks on
7 H7 e/ o7 ^4 w( _! G7 j8 ^your bare asses each. If you don't take something off in
5 v2 |, }8 v8 N9 I2 Efive seconds it will increase to forty.", [( I% D9 i' x8 O5 O3 \

& G# U. \- [. }8 oAndy looked at his folks. They both nodded. "Do it Andy,"5 I" v2 c- G$ ?2 @& H3 w* p# s- {( y
His Mom said. "You're here for six months. You better make
0 T$ F4 B3 R& D, ?. ~+ Y7 Q7 rthe best of it." 5 o, i9 F1 Y4 K8 Y8 W% W
# H. v( J( O2 q
His parents sat down. Without allies the eleven-year-old. q2 Z- j0 m) E+ l$ c7 X
knew he had no choice. "Come on Chris we don't have a
" k0 {+ w5 g: u0 i* A0 fchoice," He told his little brother, his voice cracking.5 x7 L. m5 O# ~; b3 y, H

+ b! I/ b) y% t( @* bThe boys sat down on the bench. Andy leaned down and untied: m' W  e& `- w) z/ X. p! A6 h5 I
Chris's sneaker laces. Then he untied his own. He gently3 t5 |. p; }' x, D% e
pulled his brother's sneakers off, Then his own.
1 E7 V! }1 f/ Y' }
5 z" Z+ f: D3 [* uChristopher was crying. He rubbed his nose with his sleeve," f6 i/ ]6 N  h/ a
then his eyes. Andy pulled his socks off then took Chris's
' J2 ~; d" C3 H: f" zoff. He stood up and put their shoes and socks into the
0 r7 c* f4 J% Jcartons.
% ?7 b* g) x! r! ^# h, v3 W, w$ N% U1 q8 G! |' A' N% y
Still standing he pulled his shirt over his head. He wasn't
/ U' J9 i2 {' {; O+ \1 ^wearing an undershirt. The girls giggled as they took in his
) U1 c6 S% q# mslim hairless torso, still tan from the summer.; c3 F1 q4 [) R
6 u9 r( }% c' _9 z& Q. _! H' _
Andy was slim and small for his age but already had muscles.! G- U: I5 h7 T' d
He put his arm around Chris and stood the younger boy up.
! p; h7 T4 @* S$ @' M* ~Christopher was still crying as his brother removed his
: F' ]$ k& l# J+ }( c9 jshirt. The younger boy was a smaller version of Andy. Slim
' U% p+ Q3 r. q, N, n& Kand hairless with tan skin.
6 P) G9 `6 k0 s% r7 O2 |* S9 W% D
& w0 ^3 B( @& S- U) }Andy made eye contact with his mother. Nancy had tears in* r  n  y3 l# i- v9 j
her eyes as she watched her sons undress.7 t8 f7 G, N# P
: x$ o- n+ S  A6 X; L# e! j4 j( q
"Hurry up," Mrs. Connolly urged, "We still have a lot to do
6 m: F6 P% w, L% S$ C; y0 y& }% Vtoday."
' ]: [% h3 d+ |/ n+ g  f9 Q* e3 m) x( H: D
Andy unbuckled Chris's belt and pulled his brother's pants
) j" s. B& Y- D- z6 v  U3 ]2 v. M% ]down. He knelt and lifted the young boy's feet out of his' N. _# l* Z5 c5 _9 }
pants. Then stood and unbuckled his own pants and let them
& q0 e2 c+ y" t2 |7 {! Adrop. + O6 S4 f. _6 \: O. C; y

) ?' q; a  C7 N6 B; MThe boys were now naked except for their underpants. That
5 {, R9 J( M7 ?- Y. P8 B; zstarted Christie and Kelly giggling all over again.
9 N! m- B6 S" M+ l' c4 b, F# k5 y9 P2 M+ V' }
Red faced with embarrassment Andy took the pants and placed
4 `$ v7 I  u4 v, C% I1 xthem into the cartons.
2 {1 F$ O. W7 y) b) H% H) s. C6 H, Q+ v3 c
Both boys faced their captors. Andy in white bvd's Chris was6 _' y* J4 ^8 S
in a pair of Superman underoos. Andy now was crying along
+ ^% M9 @* x) ?- Y1 Awith Christopher. 9 ~& u, D' U/ x  O3 H& q

# X0 Q. }8 E* i( X* r& P" _"Are we gonna see their peenies now Mommy?"  Susie asked
4 u$ ^  ]* S: ~2 U, p" U( [loudly.") \* Y4 S5 g7 ~, \( n& w0 t
2 q; L8 o+ r% b& j. q
"Shhh," Mrs. Micelli whispered. to her little six year old.! n2 E0 D! _& J" t$ D* ]
"Your brothers are embarrassed enough."- N; s# g5 h% |7 b! r/ ]( Y

5 E5 ^( h) j/ i; {9 k"No that's good," Mrs. Connolly said. "We want to humiliate
8 B7 }4 ^. E( ]  q. G% x& [: @( ?and embarrass the boys. It's the start of their training. As
7 `/ ~3 e6 @% Y: F7 E, [2 ka matter of fact, how would you like to take off their
7 }: p& Z& W* D! @) dunderpants, honey?" She asked Susie.) {+ f- J$ S& c8 g

' V8 ^* T2 W3 S6 n# B4 Q2 P7 l" h"Could I Mommy?" Susie asked excitedly, her eyes glowing
3 A& @7 ?5 ?, J, u" F( U* ^with excitement.
; Q5 r' z& y2 h7 y( e9 r" j4 K/ Q2 o8 n* ]5 a6 X
"I don't know," Mrs. Micelli said. "I don't want her to get! A+ y: `& O- e
into the habit of looking at boy's penises."
  N5 f+ z& }6 J6 Z/ ~! a' d1 w0 s
" r# a7 m; \1 V: ]( D"I was going to let Kelly strip their underpants off. She's0 Q0 ?; y, ^% ~2 t
only eight and I think its good for my girls to see what/ ], o4 w  f! j0 D# f$ ~9 V! j0 R
little boys have. You should let Susie help her." Mrs.1 y! M3 N* z. o! k+ b
Connolly said. "She can do one and Kelly can do the other."9 Y% C' w& U$ A) J% x2 B& m5 q

+ {9 U/ t' _( W' {+ j"Well all right but I'm still not sure that stripping them7 F; K) A8 U; o8 P' w6 K* {% ~' [4 d
is the best thing for them," Nancy said., `  k% z  [" \0 h, [" ^
" H9 n  J7 {& n: K, }3 @
Her Husband put his arm around her. "We haven't had much% M: i' b& g' ~& F8 W5 f
success with the boys. The judge sentenced them to this
* O' r- _& I2 R: R- aschool. We have to trust them honey."
4 ?0 [- U. Q+ t) W  F8 h; a 1 S* L  V4 a) z  q7 h1 @
Both boys were trembling as Kelly and Susie approached them.
7 ^- |2 k7 b( Y1 q& @. x9 ASusie said, "Hi Chris," to her brother as she hooked her* s6 i% a- o* f# K) ?
little fingers in the waistband of his underpants,) ]) ]  [7 @4 P" }) j+ `0 K, @

' L: o4 q3 e- v" wKelly faced Andy. She smiled at the trembling boy. "Put your' n3 Z9 _7 I1 X. G7 \6 i
hands behind your head and keep them there," She ordered.
3 X: e' J9 S/ `  T) c  `  ZAndy was too frightened to disobey. He slowly raised his
5 P, C' g* d& t# O* Y+ g8 Y/ z+ \& ~hands and knotted his fingers behind his head. Then she
2 S& w+ T. l+ f+ H. u. E3 i, wreached over and pulled his underpants down. She knelt and3 v& v6 f: N  q, Z4 {8 y8 {! V
lifted first one bare foot then the other and removed his
& e  Q: h/ c# |% C, Aunderpants completely. Andy closed his eyes as everyone/ M* ?/ }1 `, P. A, ^" b0 h
stared at his little dick.
. K; d4 B4 e6 X+ F& \- F' ~# J" i8 w) g7 ^: }
Susie had Chris follow Andy and as he raised his hands she+ x) k3 H2 A/ M9 C* c
gave a yank and now both boys stood naked in front of
1 g8 P& \7 s0 N1 P, D# teveryone.( F; k7 ?( A+ e6 t# h

/ @! }+ w, M- \, CAndy's circumcised penis was about two and a half inches# P# ^! ~* s1 l6 K
long. It hung over and hid his small ball sack almost" }9 Z% T7 ^4 M; c7 |. {
completely. Like the rest of his body it was hairless. Kelly
6 g' ~; s3 ?% O; l; j( I4 |6 B$ Istared at it up close. "This is all there is?" She thought.
; |4 K) ]/ q9 E' |9 ~"What's the big deal?" & I: \6 n+ q) C5 T& Y7 X

0 `! f. ]/ ?: R" C4 p# f+ T5 XSusie like any six-year-old was curious. She copied Kelly$ i* d2 N/ H' P; a5 [* O* e
and knelt to remove Christopher's underpants. As she lifted
6 j7 W$ G3 l0 k4 T6 `# E$ g, Fhis feet and took the underpants off she reached up and! A, H3 A& f( G) h7 n7 f# [* p
grabbed his penis. % n! @5 V! X5 `" `

& L$ O7 Q" U) c! k6 ?( ?! B+ H"Susie," her Mother gasped. "Stop that. That's your2 D4 h7 b8 h' {' t0 t8 t9 \3 b1 e
brother's penis. That's not for you to grab."& A4 N4 g+ Z. H" W: ?" i/ k
- m# Q5 b5 J% e- a9 Z. x
"No let her," Mrs. Connolly interrupted. "Kelly you can go
! e8 D7 u; ?+ [# `ahead and play with Andy's cock a bit." She turned to Nancy
; m" B, A+ y1 M3 u; kMicelli. "We encourage the staff to humiliate the students
# |: Q0 C2 r" ]9 l1 ~9 Uas much as possible. It shows them that here everyone is not
+ \% k$ f( Z. |7 h; z4 o) b6 Eequal and they have to earn privileges."# b. m, F9 F2 x1 Z

+ l$ y0 @# C* p: k/ q0 w+ M9 I! eKelly was examining Andy's cock. She cupped his balls in her: O3 u: a) D6 p
little palm, weighing his small testicles. Then reaching9 z& |+ E* q7 s2 C
with her other hand she skinned back his circumcised% _0 }* n5 {1 j- [
foreskin and examined his cock head. Andy was mortified. He8 f' e) K& J2 F% B  g( m+ `( _9 |: g
stood eyes closed and face bright red as little Kelly
7 {" f  D* q! J( z/ Ofondled his balls and rolled his cock around. Despite his) R0 r. b, C0 D0 J8 x1 h* w. a# t
humiliation he felt his dick hardening.3 T1 ?  w  c. i  w2 R+ U

8 F* o( j8 g+ ]6 @( g7 Z/ ]Christopher wasn't doing much better. His little sister
7 Y- L% j4 `9 Y9 r) B; A, b3 Oroughly fondled his balls and tugged on his little penis as6 y( q8 d, Z( W4 Y, w3 a
he stood red faced and crying his eyes out.5 V0 p( }1 Q- t& u$ ?# S7 ^( B

& G5 i- V5 v, |# X& Q' K' E7 PChristie was still in her chair taking it all in. Her mother
4 ?* B" A: e" r8 m4 nlooked at her and the two older girls." Don't you want to( d9 H0 \% z  W5 _
examine those boys? That's all you spoke about this entire+ w2 B# K9 V9 M. E
3 v! H- J/ ~3 ?! u0 L, ]' W4 p+ q' I( o9 C/ |: m, ^2 N
Jennifer and Caitlin giggled. "Oh mom, Sure we do. We just
7 _; B* A  m1 i- Tfigured we'd let the little ones go first and harden them up0 N. h2 E; B: N) r6 {
a bit." Caitlin answered as she and Jennifer got up to join
9 J7 a; m! P; W! J7 ?in. Christie followed.
$ `  ?1 |# c) t5 ?
$ X/ H  ^; y, jJennifer and Caitlin joined Kelly who was still pulling
. l% _9 v- U5 H' Y3 ?& JAndy's cock. "Let me get a turn," Jennifer said pushing her
1 P$ H- A# D) k6 s3 plittle sister away. "Oh my god its just so cute," She told
) x2 @# B) K/ Y9 B+ q% FCaitlin
) v( T  Y5 F! y% t; F3 v" U5 ~- r
- e5 {4 ~+ u9 T, {+ aThe two big girls took turns fondling Andy's cock. Caitlin( d1 I2 t) W# |1 N: y5 L6 R) s+ Z
ran her nails over his cock head.  Andy shivered. His dick
/ W; }. w' F) P+ Qfelt like it was bursting at the seams. While it wouldn't( D! x+ E; s6 @, S
set any records for size it was now standing straight out
9 @5 E) `5 Y) Gand was a respectable 4 inches./ e# A' d6 O, ~* j" [4 d

4 r+ b0 {. z  g+ l2 T: G( m6 zChristie was examining and playing with Chris's cock and
0 _" @3 B5 @: k. L, ^explaining to little Susie how it got hard when you pulled  W, `$ r3 _$ }' L# {
on it. The little girl watched as Christie cupped his balls
" t6 d; G  z0 l% x0 W; c! Nin her palm and stroked his little dick He stood rigid with% S! {3 ^/ Z: X! g6 R7 I; P+ s
his eyes closed as if to block out this humiliation. Kelly6 S3 A2 Y2 S/ R7 v2 o! S8 J2 e& c
drifted over and joined the group.
) K' Q# ^7 s, b. ^6 {, X" I9 |
* Z& D0 v7 _9 z" S' ~( n) wThe girls were giving the two boys a cock workout as the5 f" x- e% j$ e+ m& R
Micelli's, Miss Thomas and Mrs. Connolly looked on.  "This* l: _9 b( c2 b
is the first step in their orientation," Mrs. Connolly! e; o. \$ a* R4 T& t; p4 q6 S  L
explained. "Once they get used to the girls exploring their
" M, D6 R$ S  L+ V' B% k: B2 T3 egenitals and cum a few times we'll move on." ) }5 F0 l3 H7 w  A4 f

# X# _9 A8 ]% ]+ M. {7 W; [No sooner had she said that than Andy stiffened and arched
9 i# t; A  u/ L7 }; p. zhis back. He let out a shout of "Arghh" and exhaled as he
( H9 }4 o7 {1 Z: r  f0 f) I8 Y* Jcame. Jennifer and Caitlin watched in amazement. "He just
* s4 `, D8 v$ C8 C) m+ o. v. t* Kcame Mom. How come he didn't shoot any semen?" Caitlin
/ d! e5 G) s$ y- r: `& T$ ~# Pasked.
, {5 M' G1 G) C
" G) J1 s+ v. C"He's only eleven years old," Miss Thomas answered. "His
3 w/ v& X) k: P: Nbody doesn't manufacture sperm yet. He had what's called a# _5 ~) L% ~8 @0 i
dry cum. Keep playing with that cock. He'll get hard again."
8 s/ o& N4 X  C: T" ?& n: c4 j7 B$ O0 G3 `5 K
Sure enough, after several more strokes by Jennifer and with
2 o; u( ]5 W3 }3 n! Z. a" VCaitlin kneading his balls, Andy's cock was once more
3 J" V1 H6 m  [' E& h1 P( `  ?standing straight and proud. Christie and Kelly were doing
/ R' F' U3 B  ~4 x1 Kpretty much the same thing to Christopher. The two boys had
! i0 i+ S, A8 J6 bthree dry cums each and the girls had switched places when
0 n; N/ `  V1 t7 r5 B5 w9 I6 Itheir mother interrupted.% a$ u- C. e6 B& m# y& ?
' g# i+ K5 \7 k0 |+ s# o. N/ C
"I think that's enough exploring for now. I want to
1 q, W6 C# s; R: p8 `establish the rules the boys must follow during their stay/ `) i4 |$ D" W8 ]
here." Mrs. Connolly said. The girls reluctantly gave up, E$ Y% u8 p/ v7 o) r& ]0 r5 i
their playing and released Andy and Chris's sore little
0 Z5 A/ Y1 `$ H0 k( f' H3 Bcocks.- P& y0 A  l. y4 O: H" i; ^
% \9 _' l& S6 C  J0 o/ U: m" @
As the girls took their seats, Susie climbed into Nick's
/ X/ ^7 [3 a  d% l$ B$ jlap. "It was fun playing with Christopher's dicky she told
3 r; o* j! ^8 N8 Z2 sher father., q; b! P: P! i. M8 L9 w4 ]
) V4 j, L* j- I1 ]7 \! i# u
Mrs. Connolly faced the two naked boys who stood with their8 V5 m( U8 w: E% g- j
heads down, Sobbing quietly. Their little cocks were still
  x' A8 m& l4 _; z1 }% Ehard from being handled by the girls.( ]' _- o4 o" l4 l" q# k

2 r% s0 B& g; o0 l+ O( i- K"Let me start off by saying that you two have gotten off on
; ~; K$ X$ K4 D, vthe wrong foot." Mrs. Connolly told them. "The punishment
5 T, j: a& x* M$ b7 @% e2 c: W- xfor disobeying an order from any of the girls or the guards
/ ]* q: S# O7 {is a bare butt spanking. By refusing to undress when Miss
5 A4 p! @; ~$ MThomas told you to, you've earned twenty swats each and
- h- u. E- ^2 Q8 x* e- b- M7 J: Q7 Byou'll be given them after you're processed in.". D$ K/ i( r* D3 j1 `7 P

* u7 w, I* w7 X5 X/ FAndy and Christopher were crying harder as Mrs. Connolly
: H0 Y& d& s1 }$ D! iwent on. "During your stay here you will be naked at all& }8 a# C. E2 h* _
times. The uniform for the pupils will be shower clogs and
0 N' q# ]$ f5 H+ B. d1 M; P$ cbaseball caps. That is all you'll be allowed to wear. The
3 \# e8 M: z; n/ ogirls will be allowed to touch you and examine you any time
; a( q) C1 ]- Q- q! ^they feel like it. No part of your body is off limits. They) q; l( t) i9 s0 S3 \' c0 r8 u( F
can make you do anything they want. Failure to obey will
; i  U/ Q5 Q2 q: Uresult in immediate spanking. Is this clear to you?"  
; N( A# u+ _3 Q. @* N2 K  t0 u5 X; z# a
5 l( t) B" W# m( G$ }) p, m8 D6 iThe boys nodded. Andy wiped his eyes with his hand.8 }3 n+ W" ]' h/ c
- ~! N8 T0 \% V! T! j
You will go to school in the mornings. There are two full
* T0 m- D2 k% b9 h# \time teachers on staff. They live in the village and you'll
1 R* `' g: o. E" W: \meet them when all the boys report in. In the afternoons you( v" g! F' w, R7 q8 E2 l
will be put to work on the farm in back of this building.. b: Q6 }% G7 |+ t
There are two more guards who live in the village. You'll3 |+ T6 X4 N+ D+ F/ u  X: _
meet them in the morning."( `7 ]& `. v$ J1 l
" b9 Q0 ?; r1 ^' l% h$ [# Y9 f3 B2 G* l
"I'll allow you a moment to say good-bye to your family then
+ T$ c1 ?$ t. A" m2 u. v- Swe'll start the processing." Mrs. Connolly concluded.
+ Q8 Q( _4 u; O( w. a, A/ n! t
. A& q9 _4 m0 W1 b! p9 GAndy's Mom hugged him. She kissed him on his forehead. "Take
$ `6 i. u$ D- g* w! m6 C; ucare of Christopher, Andy." She had tears in her eyes.' [, `* ^! |: J* A
Andy's dad shook his hand. "Let's see you make this a9 \4 m9 J! o8 m1 z! b
learning experience, son." I hope when you get out you'll! G* N9 [6 R2 i% e2 ]! G, ^
have learned your lesson."
# }9 `" O2 T0 h# d/ d) }
- _, Z! r, O* X6 {/ RBoth parents hugged Christopher. Suzie reached over and
6 _6 Q8 ?; T- `4 ^7 f, Bstroked Andy's bare cock. "I never even got to play with+ C) X. A% @7 O0 n
your peenie," she sighed.- W% }% g0 _$ d6 g) ?8 J7 g* [
; A% C& _" ]8 |; L, U: ^, _
"We'll call you every week and see you on visitor's day,"" o% F4 Y6 W# q& X) A" V
Mrs. Micelli called out to her sons as Miss Thomas ushered
+ ^; f9 |3 Z! J+ N3 e- G9 v. _  Kthe family out. . c4 K2 M- V5 s5 A6 v

) Q8 ]$ T7 ?  O8 T# j) Q4 O# {Now Andy and Christopher were alone with the
  ^' P0 R# W2 D3 x& G. kwarden/principal, her four daughters and the guard. - |* C) e- b9 u- y1 G. s
% X1 a8 }  O- g  |- ^& V' z# j& U
"The first thing we have to do is a cavity search to see if
" @0 z6 s9 s# u+ e: g9 H1 Syou're smuggling any drugs or weapons in," Mrs. Connolly
1 E0 J5 h# c4 e0 M$ pinformed them. "Every day when you come in from the farm/ t& B: C- A; E: u* `# f
you'll be searched like this so get used to it."" k9 y9 \& o6 h( {9 U) G5 ^6 M5 Y" b
! L' [7 y- u# j4 Z) L8 M# g# O' U! W
Miss Thomas opened a locker and removed two pair of surgical+ s# X; F. c5 M; o+ |
gloves. She handed one to Mrs. Connolly and the two women
7 B! U$ z5 @( r; b+ i( [( |2 e. c+ Dput them on. The four girls were giggling hysterically. Andy
6 |7 _0 P, k3 ?1 k  [' e! Sdidn't know what cavity meant. He wondered what was so4 }4 H* z. ?$ l2 g. Z
funny. Him and Chris had just been to the dentist and they
9 V- K. T7 a. [1 \+ ?didn't have any cavities.) R0 s, o; c) ?

1 M, K; b. v! k# E/ o4 c) p" Y: uMrs. Connolly pointed to the table. "Climb on up and stay on* F7 H2 N' c2 e5 x
your hands and knees," She ordered.  The boys slowly obeyed.6 }7 r+ X3 Q+ G: C" K2 n& T
Andy was embarrassed because the girls would see up their
' U1 A5 q5 x  C3 ]9 p0 ybehinds when they climbed.
& N5 F) F0 }, X8 d1 R$ x
) D: Q% j0 y$ jHe tried to turn sideways so they wouldn't see anything and
% u5 a  y* K3 C* R! y8 Sreceived a smack on his buttocks from Miss Thomas. "What do
: `% d! w7 n& b! g6 Ayou think you're doing?" She asked in a nasty voice.! w; w1 L7 r! @3 i, ?
& c5 D6 E; |6 I9 d8 }
"I don't want anyone to see up my behind," Andy answered
( J4 m3 J4 u2 {6 J0 }. bstill unaware of the women's intentions.
6 J; n7 N) Z9 T  Q! B  x$ v2 k: k4 j8 W6 X, J
"That's funny," Miss Thomas laughed. What do you think a
& n$ m* U6 F, p/ r' Z9 a% wcavity search is you idiot? . Now turn and face the wall so9 }7 }) m$ E+ x' [! [
we can get a look up your assholes." 4 I) ^8 Y0 O9 a) ]
7 m2 H9 r# |7 k3 [! s$ U
Andy and Chris faced the wall. They had their knees together
3 o% E) [) g2 A7 `0 Bin a futile attempt to keep the women from seeing their most& }  \% F; H; s
secret spot.
/ N; ?3 k! a% E" \+ h
6 X6 b/ y4 m* t" U* W"Spread those legs apart you little delinquents." Miss6 `- a5 f4 ]$ T6 ?
Thomas ordered. "You're only postponing it for a few7 T# Z# r% e' `
! ?" H2 g; \! U1 K' u7 W- F
, Z: W5 B. W1 f8 {There was plenty of room on the table. Slowly, As everybody
/ o; v) Q+ y) H2 rcrowded around, Andy and Chris spread their legs apart. "I'm
% ]9 N( N$ |! V% b4 a; vgonna really enjoy this boy," Miss Thomas informed Andy.# E# M# V  W* E3 b
"This will show you what happens when you don't listen to; j  f: |6 `2 R1 k9 {3 C% N9 R
me."0 c! f/ J  A! C  ]8 L; M+ v1 I
5 _2 K' m+ i5 O
"Lean on your elbows and raise your butts up so we can get5 N$ \8 y9 ^# g3 z# l9 Q! J
a better look," Mrs. Connolly ordered the two humiliated
+ K2 x+ Q4 k- s9 B+ b7 ?boys.
7 O5 l+ x2 A% N7 v
" x+ b3 x9 U  R( V1 n: [! qBath boys were on their elbows and knees with their legs
$ n2 B" H- g8 n( E+ Ywide apart, their pink puckered assholes on full display.
& U6 G) D2 N( f$ e8 A9 RTheir little nut sacks were hanging down as the girls and
: I! ]+ r% [' H; N! |- h6 Y0 ?* [the two women gazed at them.  ?# C' e6 g/ c
+ j( z& t4 X2 ^1 s5 O% |4 H$ S
Jennifer and Christie pulled Andy's butt cheeks even further9 |5 k8 F0 E! w
apart and Caitlin and Kelly did the same to Christopher.; r) I9 V% B: \2 |" k/ J' R) w
Andy felt a pushing sensation against his puckered ass
. n7 z6 F3 v$ Xmuscle as Miss Thomas pushed against it with her dry, rubber2 t& P; _& K( I
encased finger. His sphincter muscle resisted the intrusion; S7 L8 ~6 q7 H$ L& J3 s1 J: V! S( Y
for a moment. He screamed in pain as she pushed harder and- l3 T, l5 z4 A7 M3 E( u' H
penetrated into him. .; K% ^, Y5 |, l4 e5 p$ I

; Y) u+ x6 [& m4 V- B"If you'd of cooperated when I told you to get naked I'd
; \9 n3 M) E0 `& X) J2 }. f- Rhave lubricated you up a bit first," She informed the crying# m/ T+ c1 e6 q  ]
little boy as she wiggled her finger inside his ass.& j4 o/ V3 Q' G: U7 `! U

, a& ~- v; J9 s4 K& a  R' c2 ]# c0 ^Christopher was feeling the same pain in his ass. If
0 M/ V4 P) J* ^) l) B! B5 Hanything he was hurting even more than his big brother. Mrs.
) ]9 u. s; w) w" `7 y+ L; }Connolly had large fingers and he had a smaller asshole than$ I! [# }! X: b, I+ Q/ T
Andy did.: }' M8 ?& Q+ N
. V- O) B0 g! |  a: M! q
The warden was showing him no mercy. He screamed as she+ G5 c- d; s6 s
plunged her index finger past his sphincter and up into him.
' E2 n. K8 X) s) ]$ |Both women stayed inside exploring the two boys tortured
$ B( L$ C$ }9 j  W2 H+ Nanuses. Andy and Chris cried and begged for mercy. The four
* f! C- E0 a9 [  P1 bsadistic girls watched in fascination as they witnessed the
5 V: Z/ ?2 k1 }- \- jfirst cavity search done at the school.
2 W% A4 i; x5 C% |8 C6 s" t- I4 z) s' j+ B7 R
Satisfied that Andy and Chris were not smuggling drugs or
& D! K' f1 l$ H! H4 ?6 ?' vweapons Mrs. Connolly removed her finger from Chris's
+ H1 u  k+ N- z% @; O# Q) t. Xtortured asshole. Reluctantly Miss Thomas removed hers from5 k, P! h6 g& {1 _6 Q* a) b. L
Andy. They stayed in the same position as each girl in turn& H* I& _. c# D/ m: ]+ B
looked inside them., i: ~/ r, J" j+ L0 f- F# a
: N! y- B' t, g( A8 g8 y
Mrs. Connolly told them to get up. They climbed off the
% ]6 I, L& A" b4 a8 Y2 n) y' [% \table, their red faces betraying the humiliation they felt. ' S6 `8 I( U% w5 q3 q  n& }# U
Each boy was now given a hat that said Grandview school and
2 D( @; `% [" T) _& z  ^a pair of cheap rubber shower clogs. "Put these on. This is0 l! l& }  E/ H) s, ?
your school uniform," Miss Thomas laughed.- \0 g; h% ~9 L3 t

) i$ [) O: K. ^! xThe boys were led back into the reception area. Christopher- W& A. f5 X: U% w5 N; d) n
was told to sit in one of the chairs and be quiet. Kelly sat8 e' n8 w9 l0 R( v4 t, [  Q
on one side of him and Christie on the other. "Open your
8 f, \6 s+ D' H6 ^legs a little," Christie told him. "We want to play with5 o, u1 l% J! e5 m5 k
your cock." The girls fondled the little boy's cock as his3 }8 [& _+ e' m3 ~8 j
older brother was positioned in front of a white screen
! Q& k# ?- O! ?1 x) d8 \
" z. O+ u  D3 E! B; ZMrs. Connolly informed Andy. "This is a penal institution
7 @& n$ b' R' ^7 Fand we need to have your picture on record. So we're gonna% W7 J$ r3 M! X! o
take some "Penile" pictures." She looked at his cock. It was
! j3 u) V. H& S" ]* Bdangling loosely; all traces of his former hard on were3 q: R( K' C2 @3 x
; e& }0 T6 D' r  S8 t4 y' p
3 R. I) Y8 z2 IShe shook her head. "That won't do at all. Your cock won't
7 ^( r6 q) j9 H% `  H) L! r* b# a& gshow up in the pictures unless you have a hard on."
2 a. v7 h" v* I0 @) c
& b4 V, ]& F* W. B, O: @She moved over and faced Andy. "Put your hands on your head,9 w( u2 T( `! U! g, [4 H$ b
"She ordered. The puzzled boy did as he was told. Mrs.
6 W. X! U4 U+ I1 ^Connolly knelt down, her eyes inches away from his little
6 L8 |; G. U: M, O' p0 Mcock. She took it in her hand and gently stroked it. "It's
+ T8 f3 o5 g5 m1 u0 U( pbeen awhile since I held a dick in my hand," She told Miss% J, Z8 J7 X) ]2 d+ Q3 c( v
Thomas. She expertly milked his little boy cock back into
/ h% j" z9 n& j0 N. d* }life. With her other hand she cupped his balls and fondled
; b$ E& r/ [, c6 q* M* j! m& B2 Y- s9 hthem. Andy's cock stiffened quickly under her expert hand; ^1 d0 {9 x8 _: ^8 J3 e; t/ W
job. He was gasping as she stroked and rubbed.
: F; b1 O* {' c6 |/ z2 z1 Z/ P0 Z; @
Releasing him she walked over to the desk She removed a0 L; i8 T: `. q, A+ D, i
camera from the top drawer. "Put your hands behind your back& q1 g4 Z8 }3 D( ~1 i+ }) F; n0 z
and hold still," she told Andy as she focused the camera.2 A) g/ F! \) u0 Y6 }# D

9 ~3 O3 Q5 E8 C8 Y9 Y& OMrs. Connolly shot an entire roll of film as Andy
! j8 |; f! D5 l' Zreluctantly posed. The first seven shots were frontal, She) F+ ]2 J: V- D
then used the close up lens and snapped pictures of his cock/ |; ?+ ]! P2 X4 l& t$ K
and balls. 2 v! t) t7 o. c* Y0 U; c

- q& i% a' q6 Q7 y, ~Then Andy had to turn around while she photographed his ass.
% j  L8 x# d: _8 i1 \" OThe last five shots were taken with him bent over, legs
" a; V" ^# y) z1 ^; u7 t4 S) Zapart, his hands pulling his cheeks wide open, showing his
/ f9 B) y, `+ H" fstill sore asshole to the camera.
( h! q# }% _' ~& j( m8 x0 Z7 x; M, n, r# [8 Z5 h- z) h, ?
Andy was allowed to sit down as Mrs. Connolly reloaded the0 j  c  k! K4 d% O% _
camera. Now it was Christopher's turn. The younger boy's1 O+ R3 f2 W6 H& \+ u+ ~1 T4 |
cock was still hard from being fondled By Christie and
' P- w9 \( B( n# n! I4 d1 v. IKelly. Mrs. Connolly placed him in front of the screen and
- f; S$ A' v. v/ m1 B6 e7 _repeated the process. Christopher was photographed with his( L2 O  K% }8 E1 j( k* J
little hard on for the first four shots. "Mrs. Connolly told- k5 ?% ~  R/ Q) Y7 t) \
him, "Play with your cock." The humiliated little boy pulled  ~3 O- P3 x1 U
his dick as she snapped another eight shots, some close-up., x8 u/ M: Q& F4 U1 a, s8 e9 \
Then she ordered him to turn around and snapped off another
! x5 j$ g/ n2 g4 F  b9 Z% wfive shots of his bare ass. Finally she finished up the roll  v% e0 h5 `9 m1 O* Y  v9 _
of film by making him bend over and open up his cheeks once" B- h1 T; b2 I6 V. ]6 @) w
again exposing his asshole.6 U' a. |9 G$ T& q  V

# x8 F/ T8 n6 N+ oThe boys were led to another room the girls following# J3 K! D1 {6 S0 A9 b7 M
behind. "We need to fingerprint you," Miss Thomas told them.& I1 z& [% y  a6 P
Each boy was fingerprinted and then Miss Thomas grabbed: b9 y  j- E# B/ V" `+ R
Andy's cock. She played with it rubbing it until it was( I' |  [. m1 B" `
hard. Taking the ink she applied it to his dick and took a! _& [+ A5 x& z, V" w
cock impression along with his fingerprints. "Now you can, o; U* b9 k: B/ V$ l
say you have blue balls," she told the embarrassed boy. "I
9 o- Y5 f5 ]7 A0 ialways wanted to do that," she explained to the giggling$ G+ u7 g( j' [6 Z) |1 h- k
7 J. p# i7 Z  t) W  L  j/ t+ P( y3 ^8 w1 e  G( |
Andy and Christopher were thoroughly humiliated by the$ k# W, |: `6 ]* R" s* h
treatment they had been given. Mrs. Connolly assigned
. X. w# g  o! h* V3 rJennifer and Caitlin to march them to the shower room and
* l9 H: k! A3 M& T+ Y5 b+ gclean them up. She asked if they were hungry. Both boys8 o* K4 C/ y2 y# z3 T( D4 K
shook their heads. They were too upset to eat.7 R/ e& p; t% e! G: d5 a( Q- `1 a
* p9 d" J$ q# g" M# l' |( u
The Connolly family with the exception of the two older
4 |- v9 I3 Y6 o$ Hgirls went off to dinner. Jennifer and Caitlin led the naked
( C( {% S. P! P& Z$ }, Xboys to a separate area. Jennifer unlocked a heavy steel6 i2 I4 l2 }0 e& j6 Y" [
door. "This is where you students will spend your nights,", o/ B- b1 S7 r6 C) F5 G
She explained. The room was large and well lit. There were
" b4 a- C4 B) T# jseven beds. By each bed was a small night table. There were
5 {/ W: i7 q& J9 Kno closets. None would be needed.
1 I4 C2 z  E4 p7 @8 e
: d3 L# q: j4 |$ r' jOff to the right was a large bathroom and shower room. There
  R) f) h7 W: ]: Swere four toilets side by side out in the open.
4 @3 A0 j6 i0 O6 ~1 |
2 \0 ?; ]( C) q- @7 _6 `& ~  oThe girls led Andy and Christopher into the bathroom. Andy& i. V* \- A$ b- A( K
had to pee. He looked at the girls. "I have to use the
$ b* S9 p* B6 {4 h2 n* [; v- ptoilet," he explained.
4 ]/ M- c/ K7 z* y+ n
* I0 m! {3 p0 K* u"Don't let us stop you," Caitlin giggled. Neither girl  J0 J& B2 M' }" L7 I% m
moved. 7 G. n# @) V) Q6 m. T! o1 t7 X. |
0 T: T/ d0 h  M" h/ K2 _
Andy blushed beet red. "I really have to go," He said: f' F# n; y6 N% D1 U! R- y
* v. |  x0 s1 b; I' ], c. ?7 S3 g4 k2 a% E* x8 H
"Then go," Jennifer said. "I want to see you piss. We're not9 s$ F. z3 G  C, V
moving so get used to it. If you had to shit we'd still stay
% n& d% g- p7 nand watch you. Privacy is a right you've lost." She folded: r# d; l8 P, k0 j# W! Y6 B3 i  J
her arms and stared at the red faced naked eleven-year-old.
4 v: z, C3 e; w) T7 |7 D5 ~" D! a: H+ r( Z) }% |
Andy knew the battle was lost. He stood at the toilet and
5 i4 X* t3 ]5 E  o. v0 speed as both girls watched, giggling and making comments.) `8 x! A1 w+ R

- {+ U% P0 o! ~The boys were next given soap, wash clothes, a comb2 q( d3 M* d5 }/ Z
toothbrush and toothpaste. "These are yours to keep,"
* ]' ]( h8 j, G3 j5 z/ ~" e& BCaitlin explained. "Keep them in your night tables."
' ]$ c9 N+ c4 }0 e/ d) ]* ^( L. ~2 \
Andy and Christopher spent the next ten minutes in the warm8 ]$ q6 m+ ^9 p* }
shower Andy washed the ink off his cock. He had to rub
$ J! \" S% q: a' treally hard to remove it all.  They washed each other's
) @' t9 L. [* d. a8 R  _backs, watching their hands so they wouldn't touch each
% D% i2 \1 t+ U$ |0 i  k. o; [* yother in the wrong spots. This was the first day they had
, K+ B( N' Z' u! v: v+ K, G) M1 [been naked together since they were much younger and they. a4 Y, D5 q* w* i, R! B) H+ S7 e
still were embarrassed at seeing each other's nude bodies.  z( B0 Y3 J3 z

6 q1 I, ?5 z4 y/ T: ~, n' o* |Andy was tempted to stay in the warm soothing shower( [$ R8 `' ], i+ ~. t
forever. Christopher was lathering up his balls and9 k0 g/ F0 T$ I" K( J) `4 o$ V) J) w
scrubbing as if he wanted to wash off the feel of all those
! a" p+ t' A! e; Hhands fondling him., i/ w4 `! O6 y! t
  U: A1 A" _6 z: E7 f) Z
Caitlin brought the two boys back to reality. She stuck her
/ ^4 v$ W3 @) j7 c# o9 o6 [; L* dhead around the corner and yelled above the noise of the
/ V5 }9 v% A2 m/ [shower. "Wipe off and get out here. We still have a few more6 p3 Q4 |1 }7 F. S/ i
things to do before you can go to bed."
7 h3 T2 E( i8 t7 I8 Q& f& f% U2 |4 x! H- u+ N. m9 a1 s4 ^
Andy turned off the water. The boys toweled off and combed
3 O: O: O  u* }& b5 ytheir hair. They put the hats and rubber clogs on and walked: {5 c: \) S( V# `4 v- X% Y9 D
into the dorm room together.
& }7 g" m5 F! R- a! o& M3 y! N# z2 v, K
Jennifer and Caitlin were sitting side by side on one of the+ Y: x7 D' `  T) x1 @
beds. They beckoned the two youngsters over. "Put your hands4 Q* N- @( U1 W5 O, H4 K
behind your heads," Caitlin ordered. "We need to inspect you' j5 j1 I  X9 s0 L) ^
to see if you cleaned everything."7 V4 ]) w8 z1 X' k) h) e; F
" \( v  Q3 U+ a
Blushing with embarrassment the boys obeyed. Jennifer cupped6 F! F5 H- `1 h, k3 t6 F
Andy's balls in her hand. She leaned over and played with/ K: |; ?1 b- h2 M& ?3 g
them, Her fingers squeezing first one then the other. She
1 D4 ?; j$ B8 t- [6 _skinned back his foreskin with her other hand and ran her3 _; E0 K; X* H" h( ?
fingernail over his pisshole.
; e; G% w: O5 v4 K: f1 i# Y6 l# ~* S: R! m( A' j* S
Caitlin wasted no time. She was stroking and kneading
1 x4 k7 G0 A" X* e; v1 a( lChris's little genitals with one hand and squeezing his ass4 r/ N1 o+ g0 g
with the other.
5 s. \# A4 T( w, c2 _& s  `
# Q8 S$ Z& G. c. bJennifer released Andy's rigid cock. "I have to check your
/ n" p3 a7 k- `2 Zasshole now," She told the boy. "Mom's rules are that after: _6 ~# w0 m- H
a shower we check everything." Bending over Andy spread his
% r2 R5 ?% @& c$ {/ B. m& F# G( zlegs and she opened him up and stuck her small index finger: y& t* u. j' x3 e" N2 @/ u  E4 F; r
in. Once again Andy grunted as a foreign object pushed in+ u/ X2 e( J4 r' X/ q
past his puckered muscle into his rectum. At least Jennifer' J$ _7 U0 Z" }6 y$ M9 d+ G
wasn't wearing gloves and her hands were much smaller than
! t% a9 j8 H$ f- a3 Q4 jMiss Thomas's or her mother's. She wiggled her finger around
# X2 M4 u2 D  x& ?3 _' F$ Nand as she pulled it out she peered, in checking to make
4 N2 _) @& x) o! v: L  s5 ~9 jsure he washed himself thoroughly up there.
& J* O$ l& f2 b, `! N" ?
2 m0 o& e0 _" ZCaitlin had Christopher on the bed in the same doggy
- u3 A4 _: {7 C4 `3 @, N: tposition as before. His elbows were on the mattress and his
  d( W! z- b# o( s8 p$ glegs were wide open. His ass was once again up in the air9 L8 @2 M. ?! E' Q
with his asshole in plain view. She pushed her finger in/ G( P5 K1 N0 H9 j6 l4 V
causing the little boy to cry out in pain. After wiggling it1 S5 g9 \, X; K  h& w) l+ `" k9 a
around in his rectum she withdrew it and pronounced him9 _) {  j) A' B# E2 N
clean., t5 W5 z9 o  s  _9 R
- }& i( _% H# ?7 z  |" t: ?: n
As the girls finished up their inspection the rest of the4 J. B6 |" K2 k" c7 `' K1 C/ Y# o
family arrived in the room. Miss Thomas was carrying a small6 N( h( y9 R+ R/ `5 V3 g
gym bag. Christie and Kelly ran over to a vacant bed and* `/ J, Q8 R$ _1 X& D
sat, smiling evilly.
5 x) U7 x7 n; B+ {( M
2 ~3 R) q: M) \; o) NMiss Thomas opened the gym bag as Mrs. Connolly explained to
  v% r! l: f* Y; J5 {9 `the two boys. "Its time for your punishment session. Each
6 Q& F6 P- a1 fnight we'll add up the amount of swats on your bare asses6 C$ C* H/ F7 u5 t
that you've earned during the day. One or more of us will
: [( L! u# N: w# [% nthen give you that amount. Tonight we'll start out with
0 ~$ [# V  L- L! tChristie spanking Andy and Kelly taking Christopher."
! q# b0 w! p6 W2 J* n! m% p2 l0 Z* Y
Christopher moved to Andy's side and hugged him. "Please
+ `6 |9 q3 ?* A' G/ LAndy. Don't let them spank me," He begged.) x9 w: R2 l& y. \' l

# i2 |. c3 J- t6 l; yAndy drew himself up to his full four foot seven and a half-( f5 D$ N7 d) v% b0 q' Y
inch height. "You're not spanking either of us," He said- X6 T5 Y4 w+ F9 w/ Q3 X/ X
bravely. "The first one of you that tries to touch us is
6 F7 l# E4 f# vgonna be sorry."
* B2 `8 O. f7 \6 t# h& T3 p9 v: Q" M/ s
"That's pretty brave talk for a naked little kid," Mrs.
9 h" C# k3 l. yConnolly said chuckling, She nodded to Miss Thomas who moved
0 G+ q2 d# u+ N; sforward. - b+ s) j. e* Z! R3 u, j0 {

7 x$ p) _0 {4 k9 f9 q; T"Come on you little twerp," The guard taunted. "Take your
, Y" D  }0 ~2 W# v% C6 bbest shot." Andy tried his best. As she reached out towards2 h; x, w# M$ y8 y
him he threw a left. Miss Thomas easily deflected it and
2 x# h! P! Z: A. {6 l; w8 Lpushed him. He flew backwards and landed on the floor taking& \5 M: F  h5 S: f% A# ~
Christopher down with him in a tangle of bare arms and legs.% w& H/ I+ V& i2 }! i9 I" Q/ c2 h

4 q) ]' V7 m. B; n6 I' [# _9 J3 ~The big guard reached down and lifted Christopher off Andy, Q, N  X- I1 U7 ~
easily. She handed him to Jennifer and turned back to Andy./ m8 [1 S2 l- A0 r& w& w
"That's the second time today you've pissed me off boy. Now,  |) W1 z0 F4 F' R( a( I  @
I'm gonna be the one that gets to spank that little white$ c1 W0 m% T$ ]3 F! U) V
ass of yours. I'll tell you what. It ain't gonna be no
* U% z  w7 E7 W  ^( Htwenty either. You need to be taught a lesson."
+ R5 b- _  c& Q: ^; P4 I& h3 K! l6 H3 r
She reached down and grabbed the cowering boy's arm and( ]" X; v, S/ e3 s
yanked him up. "Stand right there," She ordered as she
% \) d. d' n! lreached into the gym bag. - R" E( H4 q. N% Z' i
6 s1 o) p# M/ v& `  l) L# l* J
Meanwhile poor Christopher had wound up on Jennifer's lap.
7 z  R7 P  n8 Y" a: _His feet were off the ground and his ass was positioned/ w& p+ [: e& K+ W$ [3 `8 i
perfectly. Miss Thomas removed two paddles. She handed one
& k! J' M6 Z0 |7 Mto Jennifer and turned back toward Andy. The paddles were
- H4 K& U# f, ^: q4 @; @carved out of wood, about seven inches wide on their flat* g5 p! K: g; v9 [7 g" g4 U6 }
side with black taped handles. Andy turned white when he saw" H2 _& o7 g) X# i  S" q
them. He'd never been spanked before and neither had Chris., F% l. d6 E1 q, A  K
& Q9 d; k& S1 G0 ?% G
He stood petrified as the guard grabbed him by his cock. She
4 ~: ]  D- z7 u  z3 ^( x$ Nled him over to a bed and sat down. Andy standing in front" S+ H* N1 o  |, ~; Z: j# k' W
of her was trembling as she stroked his little pecker. "Yes6 Y& G3 a' c+ j. G2 Y" ]
sir your ass is gonna be red as can be," she threatened as
: E3 X/ x$ @7 Z  D/ \( w2 T5 oshe cupped his balls and played with his cock. Christie and- U* A  p& G; k9 w
Kelly, their jobs taken over by Miss Thomas and Jennifer,! g' ?1 w/ f1 S
positioned themselves to watch as the guard expertly
/ h* E  w8 I! E4 b# m2 E; F; ymasturbated Andy. Despite his fear and despite the
7 A8 b6 `! `/ e6 e# _punishment he knew was coming, Andy responded. His cock grew
) o2 P; ^  t* \0 vhard, and as she kneaded his ball sack and stroked his dick
' i! G. `8 F" W+ E% M0 v& x/ Zhe stiffened and with a loud yelp he came.3 C# O, d3 J4 i* c9 J" i

# s2 c2 K5 a3 p5 i0 a; q3 g"It's a good thing you don't shoot yet," Mrs. Connolly
! C9 K* v4 H7 P3 ~9 {chuckled.  "Or you'd be up all night cleaning floors after4 k; ^* |7 v; v& g* U6 \
your spanking."7 G! X3 O: P) c7 w  k( w/ U) I6 u
' v8 b# H6 z8 o# V* k  G* R$ I
Jennifer was absorbed watching along with everyone else as5 _# D: Y) y0 i9 C# D' V" u
Miss Thomas was playing with Andy's cock. She held the
1 J2 c8 x% k2 Asquirming Chris down easily with one hand. Now she turned( ?5 K% Q2 }2 W! e
back and lifted the paddle. "This is for all the crying and
0 M. Y* _# {' q6 a, R( b2 ywhining you did today," She said as she brought the paddle
8 \* j. B, Z  m- {# [) z1 j: }down sharply on the little boy's exposed white ass.
8 l3 r/ |6 \+ `1 R  P, S! ?& G, o6 X  S7 K
Christopher screamed and jumped forward as the paddle hit
$ O+ E4 o; X2 M9 A5 D9 R  L! b: [0 hhis left buttocks. It smashed down on his right then his
) O0 i6 {- \* v1 ]left again. The little boy howled like a dog in pain as
/ A0 b1 X; ]4 U0 L3 d* lJennifer pounded his little bubble butt continuously. He
9 J, ~7 C/ t& x: [5 Rkicked out with his legs, throwing off the flip-flops and
3 D9 E/ x% W+ i& k! K: T3 Ejust missing Kelly who was watching in awe.
) V3 L1 T! W# p" N9 a. R' e9 W $ d/ S3 K5 w! C* |. x2 M( a0 \1 y
Andy was not doing much better. Miss Thomas, still holding7 C/ E+ r( R' }( N% ~, h
his cock pulled him forward. He landed on her lap face down.
0 h  l, a6 P- a9 X. W: _& q. _/ j3 t) iShe raised the paddle and smashed it down on his exposed
/ S1 g: s3 X5 O6 R6 M" vass. He felt a searing pain as the flat edge bit into his7 d; @; m- \6 i5 l; ~, z
plump little bottom. He barely had time to cry out when it7 B2 z( E/ U" n: }& T( d
descended again.  "The next time I hear one word out of your
# i  Q- h, i1 X9 b1 r: O: s4 Qmouth I don't like I'll be back and do this again," the
  v2 l/ m% T, y0 S( D) F* m2 yguard threatened as she rained a steady stream of spanks on- p) s9 t) ^$ m1 U6 J
him. His ass felt like it was on fire and the blows kept
& S( e: Z9 s; L, {coming. # V5 \; [* i6 I. ~; J

# \$ E8 E% ?5 g7 ?: uAndy lost count of the number of times the paddle landed on. ~7 @1 y- P# ~0 G3 z7 M/ e5 U
his sore butt. All you could hear in the room were the howls2 r0 G+ C6 }5 j6 ]2 R8 _
of the two boys as the cleverly designed paddles tortured$ J# s! U# [6 A2 D
young ass flesh without cutting the tender skin. Finally/ L: {. M  B# Y" B3 K: X" L  x( \% j$ a
Jennifer released Chris. He was bawling his little eyes out1 E' g8 E% H2 M0 `' Q. D
as he hopped around the room barefoot, rubbing his tortured
0 f- T0 d$ d: H- S# rbehind.
* s9 d/ R7 G1 k$ y7 Q7 Y, M; T$ c) y9 `+ @& [: z3 @
Everybody's attention was now on Andy as Miss Thomas kept it
4 f! e8 W- h" M9 t% ^up. Thirty, forty, then fifty times the paddle dug into his
. y8 k" j7 ?3 K% a  S9 j, cthrobbing behind. His skin was glowing crimson. Mrs.2 g4 `* N' h0 k7 i7 L! I" k. A
Connolly interrupted the guard. "That's enough," She said.
  E, H- K$ Z9 `* G) t0 N0 D$ e"You'll wear out the paddle. Tomorrow is another day.. f8 D& u+ S9 H0 B) P7 N
There's a lot to do and I need them to be able to walk."
1 I9 ?/ }4 E# B3 j5 |$ _$ S0 B' z
  u4 ~6 k0 s* m7 X# E& L" L. MMiss Thomas released Andy. Never in his young life had he! Y" r" R1 \; o( q9 t9 g! j1 P
felt so much pain. His nudity forgotten, he joined Chris,
& Q, i) ~5 p+ b& b3 b+ Z7 jhopping around the floor, dancing and rubbing his throbbing
9 E  n% V% K( b7 Q; z% E) l- _ass.
* H* g7 ]/ {- x- ?3 _: u$ ^+ o$ X. V1 u  a
The boys finally calmed down. Christopher stopped dancing2 d5 Q* p# _, F9 ~
when he saw Little Kelly laughing at him so hard she was
8 o4 `' s& j  c' ?3 f' I: {almost crying. Andy was still rubbing his sore ass. Both
" h# w" Q5 W( I3 ]boys blushed bright red when it dawned on them how funny' h. s6 N8 ~# K9 \
they looked hopping up and down totally naked, while rubbing
, k: n% A- r( Ctheir asses.  / I& l/ q$ d9 h* [; X2 z5 h
3 k$ u* r  x) I$ R8 q3 E7 M3 d
"You've just experienced what happens to bad little boys who8 @/ A5 ]* R0 a/ x& v. Q9 t* s9 [. u& `/ Y
don't listen," Mrs. Connolly told them as thye stood in5 @' A% {, K/ n9 B
front of her, tears staining their cheeks. "Now get some* U' _; [% f7 r0 I0 C
sleep. Breakfast is at seven o'clock. You're going to have a
' R: ?% P! b# fbusy day tomorrow, meeting the other two guards and the, E! C: R0 B: p0 x$ J
doctor and nurse. Make sure you look clean and presentable
# O  m1 G2 `) Y2 yfor them." She warned as she turned out the lights and left
$ Z( z. w5 o5 \0 sfollowed by Miss Thomas and her four daughters. "Nighty9 ^9 h! M0 f. U# p; @  i7 `
nite," Kelly giggled as she skipped out last.. b& B, e' S! R3 q" V
7 a& v4 {; G8 [# [0 n( U
Andy sat down on the bed gingerly. His ass was still
# i  x3 }1 K# @6 Y; c5 Dthrobbing. Chris came over and sat down with him. "I'm so
9 v' b2 N9 U  K, J5 |: P! X. kscared," He told Andy. "Can I sleep with you tonight?"3 j  w2 U/ n3 m! b$ V" h5 i
3 W, {, @1 f5 b6 P% A- T
Andy put his arm around his little nine- year-old brother.9 l8 @1 }$ J: y
"Sure squirt, he smiled. "Just watch your hands. We're naked
' o# Y. Z0 R; N3 w! ~+ Ryou know," He joked.
) R- [5 d* ~/ O) l* F
$ M& T' Y' `, o; }# KAs the two boys lay in bed in the dark Andy whispered to* b( T$ b% l7 a: B" H4 A* ~
Chris. "Tomorrow we're getting out of here. If we get) S& G9 j6 y. O9 y0 @% `
Christie and Kelly alone, we jump them, strip them and take
1 @# Y! ^' U* x  w2 j) d  ktheir clothing. They're a little smaller than we are but
) q, `5 C  X  e9 Q% O, stheir clothes should fit. Then we run down to the highway
; j/ t& [8 k1 O# ^+ k0 Kand hitch a ride.") v" g( O: k; _3 f

" N9 g: w& u/ Q: o7 e2 ~+ CChris drifted off to sleep. "O.K.," He murmured.3 E3 m3 p' r9 h

7 ]* B% n. q) b3 k' @$ x3 sChapter one the end.
( c/ \6 Z! i) V9 o, w) e: w4 b, c  v
. Y8 m+ E6 J! o, ]8 c( J. j    * r$ M) x; |5 R# N

! D% I' _8 h$ z# m! j
# C4 |' w; G0 H# D4 D6 S6 ?* ]+ K" h; L  W  z, L# q6 f
# O# C' n/ x+ I1 V! k& CAndy and Christopher part 2) B' `& n1 X1 B) T, }
2 Q* D4 ~0 G: ?+ P5 T, H$ D6 |/ k3 \
copyright 2000 By Mozzy 24
. K, V1 G& o( W, I( @+ C1 s6 sall rights reserved
% E# i5 |8 m2 A6 e3 O
5 Z9 i, G$ ?& x( U0 F; ?5 [# P( I1 X( F+ J# U% A9 R( p

9 D) _2 t7 x- R6 h2 s  L5 x3 Q( K0 }
Andy was in the middle of a dream. He was in school and the$ x" E( n7 b% U
teacher had just called him up to the blackboard to explain a' ]1 h. {4 y# N, O4 A: a
math problem. All the kids were laughing and pointing at him.
# l  |1 d" g% Z3 XHe looked down and his heart jumped. "Oh my God. I'm naked in
/ O+ l3 \' ]2 `5 ]' e$ r) }front of the entire class!" 9 b2 U5 _8 L1 w9 J4 X

, y$ ]/ C- t4 ]% y) L& cHe woke up in a cold sweat and sat up in bed. Next to him
+ s  |7 }0 Y( CChristopher rolled over. It was still dark. "I'm not at7 `0 C  X6 m& z+ y, V& k
home," His foggy brain told him. Then he realized where he
( P$ F" h, v/ b9 D$ u% O$ iwas. "The Grandview school," and he really was naked. His
- ]. a' Y; L. X" R; Obowels churned and he got out of bed and went into the+ j$ b; F1 v; z) J+ Z, _
bathroom.  " _/ `* O* d1 P$ h# f

+ Y# m# y' {' J9 M2 Z. mHe sat on the toilet glad to be alone without those fucken'; D8 e, L& {9 h- b* q
girls watching him.  Finishing up he flushed and wiped
$ I; R( q, y, Vhimself. "Better wash in there," he thought. "They're gonna
5 o! M) `- ^/ ?& S& m& z  Scheck me in the morning and I've gotta be clean or they're
& L0 C) f0 M1 F0 x: J$ q7 j3 jliable to spank me for that."
$ n: K2 Z9 s6 O" l2 B
* t' i# ^! [% \9 c6 Y8 q  ?& f2 n$ GHe climbed back in bed next to Chris his mind racing, "How8 X' X/ m# `* [0 h6 k; f
can we get out of here? I told Chris we'd jump the girls but
& O$ b+ Q- c8 V3 k, B  G  ?what are the odds Mrs. Connolly would leave us alone with1 X% u: N6 L, o: V! F& Y
Just Christie and Kelly to watch us?"
  C3 |/ X  a+ l2 ?: A. F1 O1 g" ]* b9 l% Z  N$ A: K2 w
He was still in that half-awake, half-asleep stage when the
" w; Y4 D* I; Z5 t1 z) R1 T  Y3 dbell went off jerking him and Chris awake. The sun was out.
" V9 z/ i( L! u; Q( RAndy hustled Chris into the bathroom and made the boy sit on
7 V6 o+ d( ^) @the toilet and take his dump. He then made sure that
6 Q, x( B  x0 U6 i8 r. e9 LChristopher washed up really well. They brushed their teeth
8 ~" I- T# i/ J* A7 dand combed their hair and put on the "uniform." The hat and
) f  \+ X" c1 x) Nflip-flops.2 a0 s" w* T# v# N  @1 g/ r

; A4 ^9 V: A3 ]) J8 H; R; h: ]His plan hit its first snag when Caitlin and another woman he: F$ n- @7 q  Z$ k& ^
hadn't met the previous night, came to get them.
5 _  Y) O' d2 |7 V5 G1 }
5 H! A( {- J* _. s% ~" u$ a4 y8 v. vShe was old. Not just older than Caitlin, but even older than1 X: N5 E' t3 u, ~
Miss Thomas and Mrs. Connolly. She had gray hair and wore the
8 K$ H% E! |9 ~% I7 @. Xsame uniform that Caitlin and the others wore, Blue shirt and
5 y% m8 N; F0 B5 Mpants and white sneakers. Her nametag read "Mrs. Maikowski."  I5 @9 ^$ n  \
0 ~8 P4 e; W7 I& x2 k7 F9 C
"Good morning students," Caitlin giggled. "How was your- e. G" |& k( D% Y/ L+ u
night?" She turned to the older guard. "We spanked them/ ^: f* k' E5 y  N% ]3 V1 A" G5 d
before bed last night. Their little asses were bright red
! `1 W$ |! O% r$ Bwhen they went to sleep," she explained. $ J* ]; p6 U% Q
, c; U5 Z! `, O  h5 N  T" n- I
"Oh let me see," the older woman said. "Turn around so I can: @' M: ~9 D& y$ Q
see your asses, boys," She ordered. Blushing, the boys faced: @, }1 T6 L/ Y3 W8 L9 e
the wall as the guard knelt behind them "Might as well check6 `1 @5 y; m- F# I
their assholes too," She said looking at the boy's little red
& m. H+ m: I& H3 O6 O5 |+ l# Wasses.1 h7 M& b  M2 _6 R2 ^  L. O( J

- Z8 v+ u7 k% d  n4 @7 v8 zAs she opened Christopher's ass up and looked in at his* s5 l* d4 {/ [
little asshole, Caitlin introduced her. "This lady is Mrs.1 ?8 n9 w4 g3 G( H1 }% Q
Maikowski. She lives in the village and is one of the day  @: j6 J( A4 [1 P& A2 k0 f0 X
guards here at the school. She is very nice as long as you
7 [. Y3 y6 q' C1 {1 B) s. i$ G7 mlisten to her," She went on. The little one whose asshole
+ M! }9 r( k9 u4 ]9 W2 byou're inspecting is Christopher. His brother is Andy. Up
0 Y, N2 B: y- V7 _1 M- {until last night Andy had a pretty big mouth.") h8 A" E& {' L% e% F

- w! U* F9 w% H* \/ r1 q) I' @I'm pleased to meet you both," Mrs. Maikowski said as she0 A3 E% D. U# ]/ m, D. c
stuck a big finger up Christopher's asshole and wiggled it.; C7 Z6 e" q7 K! l0 K5 D6 ^. ~
Chris jumped and yelped as she penetrated into his bowels.
' b* [' ?/ k$ y, z" y6 \She satisfied herself and removed it. "Oh dear I should wear6 f) c7 R& ?/ I7 U7 I$ k! `8 g4 o7 U
my rubber gloves, "she said. What if he was dirty?"& Q8 a0 r! O5 ~! {

/ z: [9 h7 z/ Y" x5 p& qNow it was Andy's turn. "Spread your legs and pull your
" r8 _( ]5 w' L$ g, J0 tcheeks apart for me," She told him. "I can get a better look" R" X2 M' G+ Z' h* X' D" X! H( m
that way." Andy was blushing furiously as he opened himself
1 _5 D7 N* D: z% A- u1 Aup. Mrs. Maikowski looked up his ass and said, "He looks$ @+ T/ a0 c# ^/ p0 [
clean. I'll take a chance," As she plunged her finger past. N, y& _! e  W  {' P
his puckered asshole. "The reason I took this job is because
1 X# Z. [+ I6 ^. ]2 T) B$ Y. [I like children so much and Mrs. Connolly promised I'd get a! x: n# y( P7 \: d
chance to play with all the students." She wiggled her finger
; S7 P- j$ c- Y4 {inside Andy as he grunted, tears welling up in his eyes.. ?8 N/ o/ z7 g4 E/ j
" K0 E6 N9 Z6 Q8 [5 g% I
Satisfied she pulled her finger out with a plop and turned
4 G: g: }2 P  o4 I* g& Hthe two boys around. Still kneeling she proceeded to examine. k- M, a5 U& N; {2 w% ^& L
their little cocks close up.
! e( R: t1 a! ?" c+ |/ `3 J: B% q
# }# F0 @6 a1 j- H/ l8 G. R"Put your hands behind your heads," Caitlin ordered as the" ]' u8 v+ o1 h/ F; [0 i& t
gray haired woman cupped Andy's balls and cock in her big
7 z1 E0 t* F- M, t: F3 rhands. She kneaded his balls with her left hand and skinned
5 X- T' \% _! M6 F7 fback his foreskin to get a better look at his cockhead with0 I% X$ z0 t- T. g! V) u
her right. "Very cute," she said to Caitlin. "I like the cut
- f. S7 a) R0 _  G. t& ~# {6 Tones. I think they look much neater. How about you?"
. U0 |# z2 ~4 w5 l7 V
% u# G1 t* g5 f8 q"These are the only two I've seen so far," Caitlin admitted.# k- J1 ^* o" L/ l* W( @3 [3 J$ A
"Mom says Sheriff's deputies are bringing another one later
. \; \0 o4 R+ M2 Y1 ~on today."
4 ]/ o) N* Y$ Q+ G
( F/ ?  H5 M. \The older guard turned to Christopher and cupped his balls3 f7 X& d/ a) ^8 q! M9 a
while still pulling on Andy's cock. "Does Andy cum yet?" she5 D& D2 }' F, {2 w$ \
asked as she ran her hand up and down his thin cock. / u" J, {: e; O! L
! J6 }2 z: q8 ?2 K. a) s; l
"Just dry cum, " Caitlin answered as she watched Mrs." `2 i! G' U% f' ^  C0 n; g, \
Maikowski explore both boys' genitals.
" g1 u4 _- {3 n+ I3 v2 Z8 z: b" k9 |
Andy was breathing faster now as the older woman worked his
4 s( S- P0 U0 N' v: A$ n9 Epenis. Then he arched his back, raised his body up on his$ A& B/ h& e& ?) O7 A
toes and exhaled loudly as he came. His cock started' W& m, u" F% X1 I6 B
shrinking. This was only outward sign that he had in fact
% F% m* Q" U- y  M; ?4 J: [' |$ |cum.
6 d! U+ `  n, l, X! @9 d
* n6 ^, [* w( k1 X. Z; vMrs. Maikowski released Andy's prick and concentrated both
( }' G1 q" {7 `7 ], ]hands on Christopher. She expertly milked his tiny prick
4 ?- L: L$ r2 Q3 r! P8 S* jgetting it harder and harder as the little boy squirmed.3 f5 P' B5 [% N# `& Q( T7 s
"Have you made them do it yet?"  She asked.% l" p7 T' ^' Z3 n& `4 x/ J

. p* Q  G# f3 l1 j2 e7 M& ?Caitlin shook her blonde head. "Mom wants to have all the6 M& p9 }& ]! q7 z' G9 F4 P( r% L& K
boys here before we do," she answered.
% k& V6 L0 \2 a  X5 V+ }5 r! Y5 W, v
, O& t  J) F  V9 fThat puzzled Andy. What were they talking about, He mentally
7 ]( y0 ^, \- {shrugged. He guessed he'd find out sooner or later. Right now
5 T& Y" _- _" }7 b" x" {! S2 Phe had other problems.* o* f, l# K/ S# D4 L0 V

6 l7 j& Y7 d* V2 hChristopher was wiggling his ass and moving his hips in and$ `* R# q- \1 F- m  }0 O/ |3 W7 a- s  g
out as he got ready to cum. Then he stiffened, arching his
; X- @' H) l7 G& y8 S# J! V! J7 ebody and came, as her hands continued stroking him.
# a- B2 w$ {7 e, M1 E1 B* n
% [7 w& o  I& R2 k6 XThe boys were led from their room to breakfast. There was no
2 D+ {# @- G2 `# u6 U2 T8 O6 Echance to escape. The old lady looked too tough for him and( K& b% C# l4 b, T9 ]* w
Caitlin was too old for Chris to fight.
: g3 w0 j8 ~8 O9 {! s4 ?' N( e2 [. i6 E/ u  a  u# M# \# y
They were led into the small lunchroom where the family and
8 @4 O, k9 m& r+ KMiss Thomas were waiting. Jennifer, Christie and Kelly were
: C. O- _0 u7 R! U; @in regular clothing. The two younger girls wore little skirts2 D. ?; g6 l6 s  P6 O
and tops and looked like two cute little schoolgirls rather
7 m8 W+ }2 s, ?0 |1 r! kthan guards. Jennifer was wearing jeans with a red sweater6 t) d; K2 }1 t7 Q) O, g! g
and sandals.  
  c; P3 _6 B0 v
. L: G+ G$ ~- x4 N% \  W6 A"Where have you been?" Mrs. Connolly asked Caitlin. "You're
9 Y. n& w- U7 r) e. m, v! Vgoing to be late for school. Hurry and change."
9 L$ n8 R# D9 P) {0 G: Y4 G0 z3 ?- f
As Caitlin hurried out grabbing a donut, Mrs. Maikowski said,$ U  M# u" x0 z, f, O' i$ P
"It's my entire fault Ma'am. I wanted to check these two out
1 F5 C/ ]! I- |: Uand I took too long." : t, ^6 s: P. Y6 @

/ {; S' {1 @/ F8 l* a2 W4 |"That's quite all right," Mrs. Connolly said. "Its exciting
/ X" K+ V" q! S% qto see all our hard work coming together. I just don't want5 s+ W3 N7 x2 c; j7 h) @
the girls late for school in town." She turned to the boys.$ A, n' j8 R, P4 R0 V- l! l- v6 p
"I'm not going to have my girls in school with a bunch of
; k. ]+ U; A8 f6 \* ]% n4 ]; Q, ?( Ndelinquents. They'll work as guards after school but they're' t; I5 ^  K4 E: d
going to a normal school in town."
. x. W* E+ P, E+ f3 ^7 B" h
6 Y5 \+ [' q2 I5 A: H1 DAndy wished he were in a normal school right about now. After
: y! X$ I, P; J) jyesterday and today he'd be a good pupil and wouldn't cut
+ {0 k. U  z; G1 j+ c9 s& iclasses, No sir!' e9 e; m8 @. o3 L* u

' d8 ]/ r/ I  RThe boys were fed cereal, milk and orange juice by Miss/ {% Y4 r3 F5 T$ j
Thomas and sat down to eat. Caitlin rushed in dressed in a! l- m( w3 z0 w/ R% c" Z
skirt and sweater. She had her white sneakers and socks on  W  e) A# e) R! _! F3 o8 |) v( r
her feet.
  R, L2 ^; P  Q# u; t$ e1 v! g
' l  e" }0 C8 j. |4 d& {+ iAll the girls kissed their mother good-bye and trouped out4 T/ ?* g' ^0 R
following Miss Thomas who was driving them to school. - {9 c9 d. h6 |* L' m
1 t+ v. @4 x- b+ v
Mrs. Connolly looked at her watch. "Its time to take them to
$ F/ ~3 s& s" _& U& bthe doctors office," She Told Mrs. Maikowski. "Nurse Randi is
% I4 S( [8 R, f4 a  z- e$ [. malready in. I saw her car."
# C( ^3 b9 T4 R$ ~8 K
( `6 T5 S& V$ S; A- U" iThe boys were allowed to gulp down the rest of their food and! Y( ?7 y' t1 _: R  Y
finish their milk, then Mrs. Connolly led them down the hall
7 e8 F; q6 f5 F, z3 v: u8 A. zwith the older guard bringing up the rear. ' ?$ _2 g8 O4 P! i% Y
& A4 ?# o  W% `8 r* ?
Andy's mind was working overtime. If he and Chris made a run
0 ]0 P, ~3 |/ y4 q* f4 u9 bfor it they'd be naked in a strange part of the state. He
# P5 Q7 \( D. m6 S# owasn't even sure he could find his way out of the school: G6 u' H' g8 j
building. He knew if they got caught, they'd get a worse- |3 K  o% v/ }/ Q
spanking than yesterday. Better to wait and see.
! F! h  |8 {" p# e- w; x) J7 Z1 e' B6 V: `
Mrs. Connolly stopped in front of a door marked Elaine
5 G3 ?. I/ y8 ~% y* {5 ZBrenner M.D. and turned the knob. The boys followed her in.
7 k- w6 X2 c* R$ s8 q, D
. H$ B& P1 q9 b5 V8 }Sitting at a desk in the outer office was an absolute angel.
  }  h9 W" G$ b& A8 {0 N' g+ [; D, tAndy's hands flew down to cover his crotch. He didn't want6 J0 Y, j7 @1 F3 S$ g' \. Q
this woman to see him naked. She was about 23 years old with# ]  y& i2 Y% W( T4 B: N
long golden hair and just about the prettiest face Andy had9 H3 u* e  d2 T  g
ever seen. Both boys were covering their cocks with their
- U- R# g- F0 k$ I& s  ~hands in a futile attempt to hide their nudity from her. 1 X; q% d0 k: f' P3 B8 F
2 m8 N" e2 B' q4 h# p) _
Mrs. Connolly said, "Randi this is Andy and his brother! ]' H) S# V+ T4 w3 i7 d+ ]- P
Christopher." She turned to the boys and her eyes flew open.
" I8 @, H! b, R) j( Q"What do you think you're doing," she yelled. "Get those
/ U9 g4 H2 V! H- qhand's behind your heads You've just earned 10 spanks each
3 l9 d9 N/ K4 ^* z/ ]; W; @. Otonight."
  P, y+ P" L( O  S" R
3 Q8 h4 g) C3 i. k: VThe boys raised their hands and placed them behind their4 |0 h) B5 q7 k
heads, exposing their cocks. Andy had half a hard-on.  He% k$ E0 y; r7 x* g; S( `
blushed as the nurse's eyes lingered on his genitals and she
9 b' I+ j4 t2 @# j+ h5 s0 msmiled.
# O. c+ X7 q, g) h% a, r4 d) r1 Q1 G# T( V) P
"Oh come on boys," she said in a voice that went along with
/ e- V* s: P5 h$ p2 Jher angel face. "I'm a nurse, or at least I will be when I: N" ~) Q$ c$ ^5 i
finish nursing school. I don't look at you like you're two" @$ P+ E# b" k9 W* {7 C
naked boys. I see you as patients." As she was saying this,8 g; b0 x  D4 y7 y
however, her eyes kept jumping from Andy's cock to Chris's.
2 ^0 e. h' f3 _/ G) g1 `+ ?
" g' N  r( D* p6 S, g9 E3 MShe turned to Mrs. Connolly. "The doctor called. She's in7 h% P. G$ q1 `  S7 g+ [7 s2 a
town and will be here shortly. I'm to get a urine sample from
$ V" Y" Y9 T+ w; Q" N% zeach of the boys Then I'll weigh them and take their
- y  @8 \# o0 Mtemperatures. The doctor will take a blood sample and take
8 e* s* t3 @: @! R( \. O, g/ vtheir other vital signs when she gives them their physicals."* e5 N! q6 F( H# q3 o) D

% @, r9 @3 U# t"Fine I'll leave Mrs. Maikowski to help you," Mrs. Connolly
; }& ]) O) _* N/ J. e8 ^  ksaid. "I have to make some phone calls. We're expecting2 c& S2 p- ~( y( _/ b8 w! D9 ~! }/ H% Q
another pupil later on and I'd like to know when he'll
& p( i1 E; T* ?" G) Narrive." She turned to the boys. "I expect you to be good and5 {% c; k! p$ Y3 _0 J
listen to the nurse. If you don't, you know what to expect."  ! a" t7 r4 q4 S" p, A* W& r

" v8 \% W! P! y. f1 jAndy and Chris both murmured "Yes ma'am" as she turned to+ P1 d! I! J9 I+ k+ V" i
+ U1 W5 _# P1 Z  R- m& y: O
6 ^: x/ |! S! l: I/ d& G9 [% Z. H"I'll be back later to help when the doctor implants the& F, _4 i$ P5 Y
tracking devices." She told the nurse as she closed the door.
3 [5 u# P: E8 x4 M! [. X
1 P8 o. u  D7 P1 P3 ^"Come with me boys and I'll get started," Randi said. She led
' e( w& H# {2 R1 {" Kthem into the examining room. Mrs. Maikowski following.  
$ L- }% S; L6 C4 k: a
5 U# F2 R. C+ i! ?5 sRandi handed the boys two small jars. "I'll need a urine
" }" h) P- N! _; [+ R1 }/ Zsample," she told them. Andy looked around for the bathroom.) F  E0 w0 [, ]# ?
There was none. He stood dumbfounded until Randi said. "Just) V) G2 z  b) E  A
pee in those jars, ok?"
7 N# ]  P% x( c; k9 b" dShe giggled, "It's not as if you have to get undressed."
; X6 U7 `; s. C2 V; N8 Q7 D$ ~" q7 j5 ]8 P- X5 N) U* E
Andy held the jar in front of his dick and after a few: k+ S7 O; B6 R+ ~. z1 k
embarrassing moments when his bladder wouldn't work, managed' A9 }1 D* b0 s' S! w: ?
to pee and fill the jar halfway up. Christopher tried and
( `/ {- O: s1 m- B# |tried but was just too embarrassed. 2 M0 J$ @6 @3 h9 `, J5 a

* E# r$ p4 P1 e3 a, s1 V8 yRandi turned on the water at the sink. The sound of the water+ v- Z7 U" q% o
from the faucet made Christopher pee at last and she
8 K8 T; I; _) N; H! K) fcollected the jars from the red-faced boys and labeled them.& D1 x% q, g- J2 m2 T: q1 s; S

0 D6 x7 Q- l5 I4 P( ]Next she weighed each boy telling them that they were too
$ r4 l& I3 p1 w- K4 H7 z! r0 uskinny. She stood the boys against the wall and measured! a3 R+ x1 p2 p
their height, writing all this down in their charts. Andy
; e# J. J  k3 w2 z" btried to cheat but couldn't make four foot eight no matter
3 G1 |7 j  l! G9 {+ Vhow he stretched." x* V4 g+ v. h+ ?* v

+ _9 v0 M: b& \9 \She pulled on a pair of surgical gloves and pointed to the
% Y, l3 K( F6 |: Pexamining table." Andy you go first," she said and he
1 o, q# o& [  U: S, v8 g9 E9 l8 ireluctantly clambered up.
, Z( ~1 T% f5 t8 g
& z  x/ G" M# i. ~"Our names rhyme," he giggled "Andy and Randi, that's like so
3 _1 D, `: V! X  F* X: }cool." She removed his flip-flops and placed his feet into! ^$ k. P; c, Z
stirrups. This opened up his ass nicely and she could see his
8 o$ g, ?( `0 Q9 n5 p& W! hlittle puckered rim perfectly as she took a tube of KY Jelly
3 L& Z/ p- J# h  u$ \and lubricated up her rubber-gloved middle finger. "I'm gonna3 }# z: e- i* B
take your temperature," she explained, " I need to lubricate% ?. G$ L, P5 A' I8 O
your rectum for the thermometer and for the doctor to give  L# X+ Z' Z( M
you a rectal exam later.) v  I5 x5 x% q0 ?

( U' Q4 m$ K' i% r# I% Z4 KShe put the tube of goo down and spread his asshole wider8 C7 c. l, e' ~) t1 ^: z* D
with her other hand. "This won't hurt you," She told him in
7 ?' E# p% B) ~& a& pher angel voice as she pushed her greased up finger deep into" L/ i+ w8 i8 Q* {
him. # u3 R& \) B) ?+ {
; S9 _8 o, |6 d9 L
As she wiggled her finger in Andy's ass her hand lightly& @* }6 _5 z1 C/ H# k% g2 N" e+ }
brushed his dick. Instantly it sprang to life.  Randi looked6 Y, [# H9 t. r, e/ Q$ ^( ?
at his cock and smiled. She cupped his balls with her palm,
0 o, U8 x9 x+ L+ \& E% @8 ~& rher finger moving in and out of his ass at the same time. ; X/ s& E4 B* ^8 |% P6 ~# f+ A* z4 o
5 N: K8 d% v& w( x1 i1 l+ W3 x
"Does this feel good?" She asked rubbing his cock. 4 e, I0 z6 N/ k* I
7 ~' Y0 L' D! }- u. Y, A5 f! `
Andy stammered "Yyyess," As she skinned his cockhead back and- X4 Z/ V4 }! t# O6 Z+ _! x
lightly ran her gloved finger around his pisshole.
+ U6 H6 b0 R8 h/ j3 g8 A% ^
6 B; t- G  q9 [# uRandi continued exploring the young boy's cock and balls, her2 r& _$ H3 @1 l2 c* L
finger moving in and out of his ass all the while. Andy felt) Q9 B- }/ c5 ?3 a" u: b6 ~4 M
himself building up to a climax as she played with his stiff
9 z0 m; x* O( L; P' ]little dick.     
. _: f- h; |2 k: }6 R5 Y! h2 H5 ]
As if sensing that he was about to cum she removed her finger
5 _- u9 J: e7 G9 ]' E) w1 [and reached over to a tray. She took a rectal thermometer and
, X, c9 ^4 Y4 J% astuck it up his well-lubricated ass.
8 ~7 Z3 O+ m8 K# `: O7 k" Q7 {4 T4 H: h1 E6 I- f) v# w) G0 a0 x
Chris was watching in awe His little dick was as hard as his# p+ `) m! `4 {- Y' {
older brothers. 6 ]2 F8 Z  [/ p( k4 H' p7 X9 @* _

2 i" j% v" a* V  K+ d5 j0 }Randi looked at the nine-year-old boy and smiled. "Does
6 B9 i/ g' r* }  l7 o1 [- A% E9 ?watching me examine your brother's penis excite you?" She
; z3 [4 ~  m* J5 D  _  S; Q3 \teased.
+ A8 X; F; O( U4 l8 p; [% x$ o
7 Q) d6 P6 b- q7 N"Yes Ma'am," he answered solemnly.
+ W2 m. x7 U) M5 \* R( Q
! O. Y6 E# f/ s  X! d  [She laughed and turned back to Andy. She removed the3 M) [: ?6 v$ V
thermometer and told him he could climb down. Andy got off9 U$ _( @9 p2 ^5 G1 ]! R
the table, his cock still at attention. He looked
8 ]& ]0 f. f. A! _3 j2 h! h' t7 t; Hdisappointed.  The nurse read the thermometer. "98.6," she  f, B/ n, r& G9 C  I
announced. "Perfect"/ `' x  z+ r* v, i! Y3 n$ W$ D" s
) c% Z$ m, B. }
Now it was Christopher's turn. He clambered up on the table,8 l# B( R8 O8 l8 X( g& y" K
kicked off his flip-flops and put his feet in the stirrups% w& b0 G$ w# f0 j6 B* l+ _
before Randi could even tell him what to do./ ^& s- T) y) `( W" c4 u
! [/ Y! S( k3 L# j2 i
"My you are an eager beaver aren't you?" She chuckled. "Do: C. d% p- `- x7 c. x  |+ B' }
you want me to examine your penis like I did to your
& `& ~8 h5 T- @6 e* ?brother?"
  c2 k1 ~3 n, o
  ~' H! f- I* |( X% s! |6 Y, IChristopher nodded, "Yes ma'am please"2 J5 y  f3 h: Y  |/ L. R

) s* W0 }( N" H' R1 y"I have to grease up your rectum and take your temperature.
& e7 p; C5 X% g# r' o8 @$ IIt may hurt you a little," She told him.
: Y  U' I7 O: ?( ~: Z
" p' R7 |% G& _6 q/ X, c" aAndy was watching. His cock was still fully erect as the& j! }* V* G* {4 ^
pretty nurse greased up her finger again. "Everybody's been
8 j9 b3 A: U+ tsticking their fingers in our asses anyway. At least you use
  Z& K4 a, g  R2 H- ^goo to make it go in easy," He told her.0 Z4 K7 R9 C" r6 y3 w# d( L
! C! ?7 ]: `1 l* F) ?) t
Mrs. Maikowski interrupted. "They're not supposed to enjoy4 z  H5 l: y( H# |# r2 g% O$ P/ r
this," She admonished the young nurse.
' m& j7 `/ U1 F8 ^7 X  o
3 D! ]$ \( }, r, q4 M"They're just children," Randi told her. "They don't have to0 q9 [5 V# o5 M- B! d( ^: o
be tortured." She turned back towards Christopher. "Raise
4 r6 |- t4 s! l  s: a0 dyour hips a bit," She told him. "I need to see your rectum a
5 u* p# k6 c7 k. h. Y8 a: Glittle better."
" T, X, W2 U7 G+ S7 o
. w; o1 V6 w& r7 xChristopher put his hands under his hips and raised them up
) c9 L% n. v: V! x8 Y$ _exposing his asshole. "That's good Chris," the nurse smiled
( I) r( H# V. y* ^as she inserted her middle finger. % X$ C% X( k4 n0 c* {
' E+ u9 A- z4 L
Even with the jelly the little boy cried out as his sphincter" d3 k+ N4 L, ]  S
muscle was penetrated. Then she was in, Moving her finger7 @# D/ N# `* J; x+ M6 z) n5 a
around as she explored his asshole. "Do you want me to
" q! @. t4 W7 m* ?) Cexamine your penis now?" She teased.! N7 p* {% T: N3 y) P

) q# Q4 ^$ l" y+ N! V3 T. _- t* `"Oh yes," Christopher said eagerly.
! H/ F! H' N8 W( v5 n
/ m; B' c( I! [& K3 q0 i$ cThe nurse took Chris's little cock in her hand. With her
  _* ^& P, E9 P/ s  z) Q: c) y- w6 Ethumb and forefinger she stroked up and down the length of it
+ w, y) a/ z+ [0 g0 a* I! Fas she moved the middle finger of her other hand in and out
* e+ t( K, g' Z- D* ^' Yof his asshole.  She moved her head down to get a better look( \0 p$ D# a  b( w9 J
as she skinned back the foreskin of his circumcised little
# ?. Z* |) K% q+ P9 a/ ]prick. "It's so cute," She said and kissed the tip of it
' ]* e$ c: o- I  vlightly.. ~  B  ~) W7 \" r( _$ B+ F
4 K% I0 n* l! x  S. C: k
The little boy was in heaven. His hips were moving as she
3 }! |8 {% J5 @0 uplayed with his cock some more. Then she removed her finger$ c6 K% m- Y1 ^
from his ass and inserted the thermometer. She stroked his( H8 M2 n% ~. a& p
cock and it grew even harder as she waited for his
1 {& \2 U! A* m+ Z9 \% Ktemperature to register. She then removed the thermometer and
  Y2 N, y1 M/ J0 H! qread it.
  }' ]; T; k- r1 \+ o" K  k
* Z' O( w/ N7 xMiss Maikowski looked on in disapproval. This crazy young
1 \; N3 q' Z& Q/ g# g% v8 pgirl was turning this into a game. These boys were supposed) Z# u1 N/ `' G0 j' }) T
to be humiliated, not enjoying being naked.
/ o: g. c1 n+ _2 m! U
" J6 {9 c( f8 x8 o6 e6 t The door to the exam room opened. Mrs. Connolly and Miss
- D& b, D9 v9 ^1 [9 H& hThomas walked in followed by a younger woman dressed in a# ~0 }8 h, ?( j
white jacket. 3 O1 o8 @3 Q4 V- u
- X7 a5 x* q9 L& F- j
"Good morning doctor," Randi greeted the other woman.( x7 ]. W' L& U& W8 [' ?

9 {! g* Y  s1 m( n) o5 S& C) v"Good morning Randi," The doctor answered. "I see our
9 C5 L/ N) i$ b! v5 Npatients are here." She looked down at the two boy's cocks.
* q% r2 b5 Z" _9 M! C0 U"Why are they hard like that?" She asked.", v6 b9 Z3 k( z

) @9 }) @* D+ X1 B' X( ~+ e"She was playing with their cocks while she greased up their
2 ~$ c5 z9 t' sasses and took their temperature," Mrs. Maikowski informed
8 d5 c+ m4 I7 H3 {5 |the doctor and Mrs. Connolly. "Those two were loving every
6 n- _! o  z' j4 u4 n3 [moment of it," She added., x8 R6 B9 ?$ W) L/ y
6 U2 O5 I3 X9 v8 T, q
Randi blushed. "I took their temperature and weighed and$ F7 ]: t; {0 ^+ J
measured them. Their asses are all ready for the rectal" E* L# n. t; r9 a& k
exam," She told the doctor.2 f* T* E/ g% i7 Y! B
5 _" f$ w7 S8 g, j
"I have to examine them but we need to get rid of those6 y* M/ I/ ~& v8 G) \! a
erections," The doctor told Mrs. Connolly.
. w2 P# C7 P- J1 R7 l1 D2 h8 N( [: x& e7 h
"I know exactly how to do it," Mrs. Connolly grinned. She
+ C; }! F3 `& |0 \) E' ~: q" I: [% w% qturned to the two boys. "So, you liked it when the nurse
" z; |0 z- q6 N3 u& W9 \: oplayed with your cocks huh?" The boys looked ashamed. "Well
5 }" q2 @! T: c- b" jif you like to have your cocks played with you're about to
+ I; ~6 w2 F$ hget your wish. Christopher I want you to take Andy's cock in, _& Z# n! Y7 ]7 e* J, Z. w5 U# I
your hand." She ordered. "Andy you take Chris's in your hand.
/ ^; D7 f7 c4 G5 D- T8 {- fYou're to jerk each other off until you cum."
" m2 C% i" S, m7 B3 e+ B. x; S. F: `* T& d2 a
The boys looked shocked. "He's my brother. I can't do that."0 I$ n3 [7 n! G8 K# @; O
Andy protested.
8 F/ \5 g9 N) ^) X4 m1 @8 e' k2 N( S. _+ r
"Yeah that's gay," Chris chimed in.0 C. v. X2 w7 D( e5 G+ z# m

$ K4 b! I. T4 R0 a( Z9 R"That's ten more spanks tonight," Mrs. Connolly informed the! b/ G$ Y- e! b; U0 T8 \0 V
boys. "Would you like to double it? You're already up to
3 q: A& [8 U8 j9 k, m  H, Wtwenty."
3 P3 z( P, a/ ^' y/ V3 [* F
( R; q5 q3 H& `+ o+ O. [7 c, P"Please Ma'am," Andy pleaded, his eyes brimming with tears.* B1 Z9 O% \5 ^4 y( l
"Don't make us do this. He's my brother."
3 Y* G7 B" }5 u" ^9 [( f' N' V! d$ s4 E! s! _) ^* o
Mrs. Connolly looked at the two boys their hard-ons' [. g7 o) A9 g  g0 X' J
shrinking. "Do it now" she said sharply. This is your last
- C2 E4 F2 [4 f, u- d+ L6 schance. Your total is now up to thirty spanks each with the
/ C. |+ I* x3 M7 ]0 w8 }' Z' p* Apaddles and its still morning."   
; \3 t) E: z- c3 i4 \; \8 L& r, x; q
Both boys were now sobbing. Andy moved in front of Chris.' t* T. L! B) z$ _9 S' Q/ Q% B6 s, u
Everyone was watching as he reached his hand out and gently8 k8 K' S1 ?8 h. {9 G
took Chris's prick in his hand. Chris followed and grasped6 @! l  k* s" S' W: C4 |, q5 A- c! \
Andy's cock at the same time. They nervously pulled on each
, @" v% i; a6 F1 \* _% j. Tother. Their cocks were stirring back to life. Slowly and" m2 F: L) @% g4 Q8 B2 I
gently the brothers masturbated each other as all five woman; t: m: O6 v# k" F, s
watched. Andy cupped Chris's balls while he pulled the little
! y: g( k- D% o8 j% A( V6 fboy's dick. Chris copied his older brother.
/ v, n# B0 c4 j$ [( u
, d( U5 x$ B4 G+ |- s) RBoth boys were blushing bright red as the Warden made them
" B, T% X& Q8 a! A: J# Hmasturbate themselves in front of the pretty nurse. Andy/ l. \* ^* ?: u- s
glanced over and saw the look of pity in her eyes. He also
0 u. B5 {8 V7 m/ Z# \7 t; hsaw something else. She was enjoying their humiliation as
$ Y/ ~! }6 ]& Twell.
; y* @1 P( b1 e0 J( R7 p& @5 c& k
0 O$ V. b- H1 v& s' }7 F( T# aMrs. Connolly instructed them. "Move in closer to each other.0 {& W- e. k3 K
Stand toe to toe and rub your cock heads together."
6 t2 P1 `& n' l4 g4 X( U7 F4 z
The boy's faces got even redder, but fear of the paddles won. W7 H. _* L* K; L5 a
out. Andy tugged on Chris's little cock and rubbed it against( [( w. Q. k- R- b+ a5 W# X* _
his own. Christopher was kneading Andy's ball sack with his
6 b( z  f) \7 k; ]( Y. |0 eleft hand as he held his older brother's dick against his. & H4 ^. K! Z/ D
5 z% Z6 G8 a8 g6 p: f0 `
The women were watching closely. "I was going to wait until a
" p5 j$ L$ i5 @1 N- ?few more boys were here at the school before I started this( G" s! n) l2 J! G% k- M3 _6 P
discipline system," Mrs. Connolly informed the doctor. "I
2 t; O& C6 e  d7 mwanted the girls to have them do this first but I need to; W# V" I/ i0 j  [
show them who the boss is."
6 L4 S( N2 P5 ^+ _, @' u- I& R- C+ V" p
"Speaking of who's in charge," The doctor said sternly.
  z" ?8 @7 d: |3 `# i: {"Randi, The next time you have to take a patients temperature
- `9 a" A: i0 N; r/ yor perform any procedures, don't get close to them. I would  N/ X' T' y5 l% Q
hate to let you go. Is that clear?"
7 r, @; b6 g) a* @0 ^! ], U   
6 K, Y0 `$ d- l. U5 hRandi nodded solemnly, "Yes Ma'am," she said. "It won't
, \: e: E& s6 Z5 Y1 w9 }# u1 Bhappen again, Doctor Brenner." 7 t, ~$ L9 j; m: ~  o) h
3 z& x% V, R9 V1 U0 a! U9 S
Christopher came first, Arching his back and making a
3 C3 a; I* m+ r9 h2 ^croaking sound as he dry came. Andy pulled his brother's cock
7 O: p5 G/ P1 Fcloser against his own and in a few more strokes came also.1 \8 f  B6 J2 i, O8 I$ L
Both boys stood still holding their shrinking cocks, unsure4 h1 @. M, E( s+ h- s9 O$ o# x
of what to do.: D1 f/ C( _8 V2 G' t8 [
- B" a, @% P, x5 C* u" ?3 A
"That's very good boys," The doctor said. "I'm Dr. Brenner9 Q0 J% I* P' w! C6 D" X
and I'm going to give both of you a complete physical. Now6 W4 P, f! I: a2 x/ u/ v
who wants to go first?"6 j, h# T! ]' K+ Q: ?$ n2 c* q
# O, c6 R$ J6 S7 y5 a4 e
The doctor was in her early thirties with medium brown hair.
7 E8 y, Q% _/ o# p  z8 B! ~She was about five foot six and was kind of pretty. At least) l" T7 o( D, d% j, f3 ]
Andy thought so. He said, "I'll go first Ma'am." ( g0 _- E, y: X% F# [8 P8 r; ]
8 {& G% @- y) X
"Good Andy," the doctor smiled. "Please sit down here while I" w/ b8 n' m- R* `2 b7 V. l3 j3 y; n
take your blood pressure." The other women made no effort to1 r  e+ Y& s/ c) x$ x
leave as the doctor strapped the cuff around Andy's arm. She
. T# C" N0 S+ ntook his pressure noting, "Its fine considering he just got a6 z- B% s0 R, h+ x
hand job and is naked in front of a bunch of women."
0 }! B$ s5 D# c8 c
) _! A0 f% e  A& Q3 ^; N" C5 R"All right Andy now I'm going to draw some blood," She told9 E) i& `3 f$ e& b, [- Z
him. "Be a brave little boy. It won't hurt very much."  She
7 |" T; u$ R+ f' j# x1 w& }strapped a rubber band around his arm and swabbed his vein. R8 Q6 \& u/ m
with alcohol. Andy looked away as Randi handed the doctor a) {3 `  E- K& W. G- Z. E7 Q8 p
syringe. He felt a pinch in his arm and then she loosened the; I# V" u% n8 \& {' T9 M) F3 [
rubber strap. After a moment or so she pulled out the needle.6 S, b+ U: N1 [% p: d
Christopher looked pale as he stood by his brother's side
3 y$ S* z6 d! y5 O( }! fwaiting his turn.) ^0 i) w8 ^& Q! _

. u* P2 t' B+ _  lThe doctor put a band-aid on the puncture and Andy smiled at$ i- E/ i; g% \0 h
Chris. "Didn't even hurt," he said bravely.
! P0 I7 M/ l0 E! F! L
, x  I: I  w8 S/ x, kThe doctor checked Andy's ears and Throat. He gagged on the( y2 Z" T2 {0 n9 Z& f/ ]
wooden tongue depressor. She checked his eyes, shining a8 i7 N- @' b% _7 c2 a* G0 A# t) {( ^
light into his pupils then tapped his knees to check his& T- k$ K- F0 L" ^$ t4 v
reflexes.) y. H9 A4 J% O) p, b

  F! Q9 y; ]# A"Ok Andy now I want you to bend over with your legs wide open
9 \5 c% E, I$ U+ N: jwhile I examine your rectum. I understand you've been cavity
( w5 Z  A  C( vsearched a lot in the last twenty-four hours so you must be, M1 A# [! B$ X
used to this. I'm going to check your prostate and insert a
" U; O* W+ G+ y! j6 ]( H+ Q7 _9 V, ftube in your anus. You'll feel a little more pressure than4 G5 r3 _9 q, c) c4 s3 c
you're used to but it'll be over soon." She informed the* I( v- M9 \! W$ m* b
little boy.( s' J; [6 }2 x7 d: e

! E+ n6 w& ~4 ]/ e" F/ U& SAndy placed his hands on the exam table as he bent over
. H. B# k) I* T. b0 jspreading his legs wide. The doctor moved in behind him and
5 t4 ~5 k' f# a2 l, }/ bpeered up his greased up ass. "No swelling due to the
" Q) F5 O' P, m) afingering he received," She announced. "That's very good."
+ D: b" J/ Q1 v3 w7 J. n+ y4 ]6 S9 \+ H0 l( s
She pulled his cheeks further apart and peered inside him at: P# i4 [1 U2 W; A& [2 g
his puckered rectal muscle." Looks fine no bruising or
0 `0 b5 e1 b& O5 u& D8 k9 aredness," She announced
8 {- O5 n& c4 B& ~; H
5 v. O! _% n. N1 W2 VRandi handed her a pair of rubber gloves and Andy relaxed a
$ [8 Z& ]- `- M  K" n( G. wmoment while she put them on. Then she spread his cheeks once
* }- U1 u" v* t; I+ e8 jmore and Pushed her way past his sphincter and up into him as$ v# u7 j$ w9 n3 U3 r* e7 q- m8 K
he grunted from the pressure he felt inside him.
; d& W5 J* J$ H5 s+ }9 m; q" l9 K5 v" ^2 P" _
He jumped forward and cried out as her probing finger found
6 I2 Z" I6 }( i8 s2 G- Z' N4 z( Mhis tiny prostate. "You'll be dry cumming for a few more
- p% }0 }6 e5 M6 ?" p) N. rmonths, Judging by the size of your prostate," She informed+ h$ K4 W2 ~( D; X
% `# D  ?0 o6 H) n7 W- O5 V: a# l. x% ~9 x4 G  N, H
She removed her finger and Randi handed her the probe. "This
4 {; ~. v5 R9 i% b% P1 z+ _" H! V9 p4 vis a sigmoidoscope. I generally use it on older men when I- t) {: @, c: J: E6 r$ M
examine them in the state prison. The state wants all inmates& t1 P7 Q1 H7 ^
including the students of this school to have a complete3 y# v6 _/ C$ }" F
physical and this is part of it." She went on as Randi2 }+ A. y. m3 [# y7 s0 p
reached over and Pulled Andy's ass cheeks apart.
! G. |+ G  z( \: |$ |' H2 U9 p( N
+ f# J! B9 I  d: r  x8 ~The doctor slowly inserted the probe as Andy grunted. He felt
6 U( Z/ z" M  v! tas if he was being ripped open. The pressure was increasing0 x' v! X8 e! B& q  d2 k4 p8 N
as she pushed deeper into his bowels. He felt like he had to' H4 A; F' y) R, B
take a shit.
4 a  t0 w- h3 j  h. c" p/ O1 ~1 f; G* y$ T" y* F" S7 A  w& B* L
Then it was over as she pulled the probe out. Andy breathed a
) h/ h% c- o: w# Xsigh of relief. Tears were running down his cheeks as he- D$ A3 o! M) n/ ]" |5 E
stood up. "Here wipe the goo off your ass," Randi said and2 t1 l: P9 o: @! j
handed him a sanitary wipe. He barely had time to finish when1 G  L' c* k& k0 L3 e4 ~  Q
the doctor said. "Climb up on the examining table and put
) x% j$ a# i) V, ~6 g( ?: `your feet in the stirrups."
. w3 G/ M$ ^) \
6 ?& }1 ~5 P: WAndy kicked off his flip-flops and lay back on the table.9 f8 x" ~- ?0 ~* q
Randi placed his feet in the stirrups. The doctor lifted his
9 l0 P: n" {$ D+ [- xcock and pulled back his foreskin. She examined every little
7 p: B4 `0 e* g! J9 I4 finch of it then cupped his balls in her other hand. She
" x2 I! [7 N! V& f3 usqueezed gently. "Does this hurt?" She asked.
* ?# E/ |8 {7 E/ y1 Q5 s& h  p# b4 {, a' \! p
"No ma'am," Andy answered as she peered closely at his
. A& B# S# k+ S7 fscrotum. "Turn your head to the side and cough," She" x: @5 p, p9 B
ordered," still holding his balls. "Very good Andy you're) p$ F4 C! E/ D  o
quite healthy." She released his balls and put her% f  \, {$ K  s$ B: p
stethoscope to his chest. "Breathe normally, She told him as
3 z1 c! N: x1 y2 `4 K( Eshe listened to his heart and lungs. % ^$ u$ T" {8 M2 F5 m: H: t

- e' e' Z/ n2 }0 F1 ~: R- h"You're a fine specimen and I'm sure Mrs. Connolly and her5 s% Z* [' a+ ~; o1 l: ^
girls will get good use out of you," She informed him. "You( p1 }  o% G5 a- t- @. I4 I/ J
can step down now but stay here. There's one more thing I* E0 S' i) E6 J1 d5 y8 m
have to do after I've examined Christopher."& B/ n2 ^7 o; B# r" \0 {

8 T# c% W, B. M* i( P6 `! A"Thank you ma'am," Andy said politely all the while thinking,# t, G6 ~; I  @( B) y2 O# c
"I'd like to shove that torture tool up your fat ass, you! [# e1 w7 d: U9 H4 v" f
Fucken' Bitch."( Z7 v3 V2 v5 f0 M: R

: V: M6 b" j1 H7 qNow it was Chris's turn. He was crying as she took his blood) k# F+ i4 M0 O# W  c
pressure. "His pressure is acceptable considering the! Q0 i9 }/ u, P
circumstances," She told Mrs. Connolly.
* _# R7 n5 c$ [1 l. ~+ M* ?# m: n- e) q4 ~" V* A6 n6 W
"Please don't take my blood he sobbed." Andy comforted him. 4 L+ }* b# k& K4 N0 _! Q
"I'll hold your hand Chris," he told the smaller boy. "Just
: o5 i/ ^% m) l# U& P9 Ldon't look."" d! z- ?+ j, R7 y8 f4 F1 i
& G7 A) [2 ^: v" o3 s
Andy held Christopher's hand while the doctor cleaned his6 h% z' r: T& p) f
other arm with alcohol and jabbed the needle in his veins.
6 x) ^6 T; k+ b6 Q1 gThe little boy screamed as the needle broke his skin.: _* X% h8 Z4 D, G, i

/ I! k) T5 q( O  O3 AShe removed the needle and swabbed the puncture. Randi handed
3 E( j" m8 L: ~4 M$ C6 w6 E% U! ?8 n) uher a Band-Aid. "Stop being such a crybaby," She admonished
' t3 X) n; V; i5 h: Ithe nine-year-old. "It didn't even hurt." 3 v: F7 s! W. w- k4 J

# [2 M- B6 {1 YShe proceeded to check the little boy's throat and ears. His
/ @3 V* f* i0 P3 a- lreflexes and his eyes were next.  1 f+ h$ d" {/ }) c( f

) \0 g; k- p2 o4 Q& [The doctor was ready for his asshole. Chris was told to stand
. l/ Z$ Q. A8 Q7 h- J0 n4 ]up. "Face the wall and spread your legs open. I need to give, r2 `* T4 P4 l9 |+ W2 {
you your rectal exam." The doctor told him.
7 d# A7 `% ^* h, n- ~/ h. h" y% y, O  b' I8 Y) m$ ~
"Can I stay with him?" Andy asked. "He's still a little boy."
  f; L; G' o. \7 m8 K* F, Q
' [* j  A+ J; d# [" Q2 r( O"As a matter of fact you can help me," The doctor said as. V# m1 s& R6 A% s
Christopher bent over. "Spread his cheeks for me so I can, R$ e& u9 `. U- u8 L
have both hands free."- Y5 Q7 q; n: X8 r& n8 u1 p+ V! b

' T) l" g1 d! lAndy knelt behind his brother and gently pulled his ass
+ I1 }: ?/ Y/ [% ~cheeks apart. He felt strange looking up into his little
6 u# f/ ]$ g7 o! R4 t. Z% obrother's ass from such a close distance. The doctor peered
% e, X( O) K7 b( z9 _over his shoulder into Chris's greased up rectum. "A little- Y5 f# X+ j& x1 F
red but no tearing or swelling she announced."
, G1 x. o' ?0 S; ?" m# P! S7 \
" D& r7 U' {. n1 e7 TRandi gave her a new pair of gloves. "This will hurt a little
- K1 J3 H9 I3 F2 O+ Mbut not as much as your strip searches did." The doctor5 J1 D" B3 ~: |) i5 O8 ]4 Q
promised as she inserted her middle finger. Andy held Chris's
  X! R5 B) z% J% ~0 J( V6 ghand as the doctor poked her finger around in his little8 j+ g. t7 c5 c8 R) F
1 X" t6 b+ ~7 C6 F- @0 a
/ b8 ]1 Z! y0 A) z0 ?+ k  B- ^2 a( _Christopher tried to be brave but then she touched his
! X' K  u; w) U. vprostate and he jumped and started crying. "That hurt me like( m  f3 `8 [1 X4 c" }
when they strip searched me." He shouted.  "You said it
: A' d* M: s) n0 o7 c* E+ mwouldn't hurt like that. You're a liar.", b" m' l/ h. O
9 j: @  U5 a: b8 q
The doctor turned red but went on with her exam. Mrs.0 d8 D& u) \, Q1 Q
Connolly said, "That's another ten spanks for the both of
# _+ K' w, k9 {( r+ O% lyou."6 y. Y* J  I( T) E! o: M4 A
, z3 E+ I1 z2 |8 C+ R! r6 w3 N
Andy choked back a reply. It would only lead to more spanking
: A; ^7 e  X7 m6 Q* Hand they were up to forty already.! ~: F& a, s2 V/ m( D) i
  m, w# l- _9 H4 D" d, @
The doctor removed her finger and Randi handed her the. Z7 I% Q$ b2 J2 m
Sigmoidascope. Chris's ass was well greased up so she just5 ]4 d; ^% W8 e8 S* Q
inserted it. He shrieked as the instrument passed his' C# l# ^: v% _' q9 p
sphincter and went into his bowels.2 a2 {) v1 F: O4 {+ {; }

+ g5 R+ t2 o" E# Y- b3 pAndy held him tightly whispering "Its all Right Chris. Just a1 z9 p8 }" l& }) x' o
few more minutes." Chris continued to howl all the time the! ^6 X- e: Q# I0 @
instrument was in him.
4 [/ G1 ^* q" h" r" z; m; U8 z: ^9 w
Finally it was over and the doctor let the naked little boy
8 Y* d& m1 h3 m( s& G, }& l  Ystraighten up. She checked his heart and lungs and pronounced3 ?5 l# x" Q/ D
him fit. "I'd like to perform the insertion now," She6 z0 _- V: Z; L' p
informed Mrs. Connolly. "But after its done you can't spank5 V1 p  ?# R" g2 v
them."( ?' O. \0 c7 W9 T: f2 L/ g

- ]: i  Q, B" C" b' e; m& eBut I owe them forty spanks each," The warden said. "Might as% S* x0 P+ O5 }' u7 Z$ z
well do it now. They'll be screaming in a few minutes anyway) v% Q9 Y) G% \$ w" ^) D
when you put in the devices," She laughed.
0 F" @5 a7 l8 ?. O0 ]7 x1 y  ^/ H* `6 b9 d! r2 J( ]0 {+ S. o; }
Andy was wiping the goo from Chris's ass when he heard that2 G2 U7 e: x) x& w6 p8 b0 r( Y
conversation. Chris was still sobbing and not paying much7 I" ]' l- j( o
attention to the grown-ups. "Uh oh," Andy thought. "I don't& }4 @3 {+ ^2 O
know what they're up to but I have a feeling I'm not gonna
0 r" Q* G: a; Tlike it much."
( y$ @6 o2 f% X! t
6 {) x4 U% I4 _+ [) sMrs. Connolly told the two boys, "You loved having Randi7 D' y) W- k1 C8 [% E1 F: D
touch your bodies. Well you're going to have the pleasure all/ F7 s6 w7 \& E3 _8 ^
over again." She turned to the pretty nurse. "I was really7 J8 j0 s+ n/ C! z) |
upset that the boy were having such a good time when you were
+ R5 G% z( g) [" nexamining their cocks. If you want to get back on my good
; Z# V1 x( r6 y- Yside you'll sit in that chair and whale the tar out of their2 [  x% ~+ G  I& ^
two little asses. "9 ?% Q# }% x$ K) I6 ^

$ w. u% J$ t7 j+ Q! \- ERandi looked horrified; "I'm a nurse, not a guard. Why do I
  {! X4 M  K( f& n# i- }have to punish them?"
; q/ _" O* H1 _; r: d5 ~1 @6 I2 e. W% e$ G
"You'll do as I say or you can look elsewhere for work. "! i- {0 D' z6 e/ b) C: {7 l% ~: I, d
Mrs. Connolly replied. "I'm your boss and I want you to do% Q7 \' t8 G. z9 ?
it." She looked at the blonde nurse and smiled evilly, "And
7 O. v3 W/ {3 `  C" {( Wif you go easy on them, I just might pull your underpants
! X" F9 Z2 S3 f- S; I1 B& Sdown and spank your bare ass in front of the two of them." 1 S" r6 d* s& i# S0 O1 {0 Y* \. O
0 t' c3 d3 v9 U# S
Randi sat down in the chair defeated. "You first," Mrs.9 l5 Q) J/ t5 p  k7 F# J  D
Connolly said to Christopher. "Your whining is getting on my
7 T# S  ^  ]% z: f3 W4 W  i' qnerves."
5 l6 R; s- @" w  m$ b
+ i! w3 c8 m! B( W" P1 @Christopher looked pitifully at Andy. There was nothing his7 q9 X( Q. \- @/ D, W. g) D
older brother could do. "I don't want to be spanked," He
  f4 u0 ^$ M3 h2 D2 gcried.
- x! N* a8 k! n, B2 c
  b) @2 j  ?' p5 l! W# Q; dMrs. Maikowski quickly grabbed him and turned him over
9 w9 K. f. w8 s, H4 s* s( E+ DRandi's lap. "Do it good, Blondie," the old lady cackled.! R% C' W' f: N. H9 i( y

/ i( r2 a# m! w2 {Randi said, "I'm so sorry Chris," As she brought her bare6 w) J; W& L$ m3 _- y
hand down on his round little ass. Soon he was shrieking and
& g7 H% l2 a5 Zkicking as she swatted first one bare cheek, then the other.
+ U" E' r( v7 i2 G7 a
$ M; D2 n! h! d8 C* x* }Miss Thomas kept count, watching to make sure Randi was using
- l+ m) W3 U8 O+ r$ s3 rsufficient force on the little boy's buttocks. He kicked his6 [' N' B0 p3 F) N
legs and shrieked like a banshee but there was Miss Thomas
2 m% p* x& i+ b6 S1 {" X$ ~and Mrs. Maikowski keeping track of each swat. Finally with( g; _' ]& G; N7 J3 B
his ass on fire Christopher was released and allowed to dance% \7 g2 e3 U# Q1 \- d  b* r
around rubbing his behind.
/ v. D6 J0 F5 I( _. _/ Z/ Q: `) l
8 I. v& }$ W) X' J, z' D2 LRandi looked down at her hands. They were almost as red as
% X2 k* ^6 Z( \1 _1 f7 ypoor Christopher's little ass. "I can't spank Andy. My hands
: W& _* V$ G5 A. B  ]$ [are killing me," she lamented. So Andy found himself over6 ?2 |( H) }/ }! [7 `8 K
Miss Thomas's ample lap. % O- l& }& u; `( F( f( i& n" s
7 V4 ~' q. p8 f. L0 o0 }
He jumped as her hands came crashing down on his left
5 l* F5 ]) c3 e( g- ~, Y& X8 G2 C1 Vbuttocks then smack, after smack; the palm of her leathery+ d8 Z; v+ u) @/ ]
hands punished each cheek. Andy tried to take the pain but
8 t5 r1 O' m' p, pher callused hands were worse than yesterday's paddles.- z8 S" P  m) @# g8 h
Twenty, thirty, forty times they crashed down on his/ j+ W. _# g- J! h7 i! v
defenseless ass. Finally as he screamed in anguish, she
7 X6 l: h( U$ ]" y1 _finished, leaving his buttocks glowing crimson.2 ^  ^2 G+ o) F. e
* I3 ?- F5 K: B" ~/ e
Andy joined his brother hopping around on his bare feet, as) d& a8 H+ e3 ^: [7 H2 O/ R
the doctor prepared to do even more harm to their bodies.
3 y5 H) A7 l4 E: e. g( X$ l  V3 z' C, ~$ |3 y
The two boys ran out of steam after about ten minutes. They
2 a$ X5 M" a8 ^8 Hstood sobbing quietly and rubbing their sore asses. Mrs.
5 t  b  ]' ~4 T. _! CConnolly nodded and Miss Thomas grabbed Andy's arm and- y$ h' N( j! \6 _2 q1 i9 k
brought him back to the examining table. "Hop back on Andy,"! i/ T+ _$ D3 W9 G/ v, i+ `
The doctor told him. "I have one more thing to do to you and# K$ E& v0 i7 x$ z, i& G" E
1 c. F& n' o9 K7 d% p5 n5 _6 ^/ ?  w+ K* k: O
Andy climbed back on the table, a puzzled look on his face.
0 r( `. r, s2 S9 Y& n( G& \He gingerly lowered his aching behind down.' b  z( |! z% {/ |4 q
. M$ I# E5 n1 ]6 {7 l: C1 o1 p0 G
"Lie back and put your feet in the stirrups," She instructed.7 ], g3 b/ `1 s3 z9 X, @. d# w
As the young boy did as he was told, the two guards held his1 L$ h( n. I4 v
arms down. The doctor prepared a hypodermic needle. % d# R% X& b( [7 V

$ l" w+ [9 t8 E+ r# s2 u"I'm going to give you a shot of local anesthetic Andy it. z8 J4 H, _8 p9 a# ?( U5 m& G+ G
will deaden your genitals, It may hurt a bit," She warned./ M6 g9 a3 g$ J7 V4 w8 a

0 R1 y! Y% I& `6 y, O+ G- TAndy arched his naked body trying to pull away but the two4 S  w4 h2 n# c
women holding his arms were too strong. "No," He screamed., t& g0 Q6 {$ t, R5 s9 U1 y
"Keep away from my cock, you bastards."
! E, k# t2 O) V3 k( c: l  J* e5 C2 n; b  ^* E  O$ W, p
Dr. Brenner quickly swabbed Andy's scrotum with alcohol and, ^1 W/ y- A$ u; U# F
inserted the small needle under the skin of his ball sack.
. G& z& j4 w! x0 `" CAndy twisted and turned trying to get away as he felt his  B, @& S) j0 U3 j
balls and cock grow numb.
& I/ x2 t9 U; m: u
9 j+ T9 W6 V2 C% Z. V' o2 [, MChris was screaming "Leave my brother alone" as Mrs. Connolly
4 n% j; N: i! @1 \held him tightly.; R7 A6 H4 q: ~9 F. s# x  z

9 Y) E( t( Y  b1 S- u4 x. ~"I needed to deaden your scrotum so I can make a small& }# v. Q) {& t$ J7 c8 n
incision and insert a tracking and control device," the
( T9 X* V6 j" U% E7 bdoctor explained. "I'm going to have to give you a few: A( I5 Q) E: u0 y; [) q
stitches which should heal in a few days." ! Y; s/ d4 p5 w6 E8 G
8 ?2 Q; H, `6 m- z: w2 J
She pulled on her surgical gloves and approached him with her
* h7 m9 K5 J( nscalpel. "I'd hold real still if I were you. It's not really! t: h' k5 M, X
good to squirm around when someone is near your testicles: {6 z$ z5 T  U9 w& ~
with a knife."1 e, e: o  U1 r: s. }+ k( q
8 A7 {8 B9 D0 S* X' v" B7 d& @
Andy gulped and stopped moving as she bent over his little+ u) {3 ]6 e* V2 D/ K3 H
naked body. "Randi come here and help me," The doctor
3 C4 g5 K3 j& Hordered. "Pull his penis out of the way so I can get at the  c# s/ b2 i8 j& J! C, }
back of his scrotum."5 v& s/ o2 M0 d: Z* H

  k, ]$ j4 a* N1 G$ f5 y1 A6 F$ F' @Randi lifted Andy's little cock and moved it so the doctor0 Y( z/ {$ C7 w5 [- J
had a clear path to the back of his ball sack. He didn't feel0 T( o' u! n' u6 L
a thing as the doctor made a quarter inch incision. "I've% {+ s' A1 D$ P% V/ k3 ]
done this a hundred times," The doctor explained to Randi." ^! N+ Y& g8 e
"We do it at the state prison weekly. It's a lot of fun doing9 M3 ~3 N( h* `9 ~
physicals and examining the naked men," She went on. "Next4 k& b/ G/ y* k
week I have ten more of these operations scheduled at state.3 {6 S! G7 ^# V# O0 A
Would you like to come with me?"
& f, B+ _$ ?) I. N% b9 r' _' K# S" C1 |! m) Z* S# M, N& Z& z3 z; |
The nurse nodded. "All those men and you get to see them
9 |" N4 X0 n. hnaked?  I'd love it. Count me in."
9 ]' l* O3 x! b( I4 t# J5 |5 {* a, a4 O8 }: q( {* r
Andy's heart was beating like a trip hammer even though his- h6 Y9 \- I8 f. I/ `+ F
lower body, especially his cock and balls were totally numb.* B7 v/ w( |3 r7 u! m
The doctor took a forceps from the instrument tray and picked
3 s9 F) h$ z9 Uup a tiny computer chip device, "This will be over in a: c  b4 |9 k+ ^( b1 o1 r" x
moment," She said as she bent over Andy's balls again. The2 z. Y& v# y7 ~, Z
room was quiet as the guards watched in fascination. The only- P# x- t4 ~1 j# O5 q
sound was Christopher sobbing quietly as he moaned, "They're
3 }) R3 W5 S6 ?* E# h( l9 N- icutting off Andy's balls."
+ [- V" p4 M1 R& q& k5 A3 L9 @9 ]) o" {# s5 o
The doctor inserted the device in the small opening. She took8 Y" V  m7 t1 @2 W* p
her needle and sewed two stitches, closing the incision.
: M8 ~  _5 Z! z  A" P1 u7 I( D( Z2 S: RRandi wiped the tiny cut with a cotton swab and it was all
2 [2 K6 U4 L+ d: a6 X& D* cover. The doctor put a Band-Aid on the wound and Andy was( [; E3 d  [! A2 F
allowed to stand up.
; J/ S6 @5 p2 m( [5 {9 B* ]/ D+ r' |. A! Y
"See Christopher, It was nothing."  The doctor told the
2 _) p( V; x  z, g# Dyounger boy." Go ahead and lift Andy's penis up and look% _& @( J: L. L& v
under his balls. The cut will be all healed in a few days and
( d, ?7 Y5 h, P" R0 h8 T. cyou'll both be back to normal."
7 k8 l& N. m+ t$ ~- K& k
6 y3 X' e/ Q' I% T2 R/ @  uChristopher lifted Andy's cock tenderly and looked at his" X# [3 x" l, |" a2 i' _3 o" R( @. r
ball sack. He felt Andy's balls "Good, they were both still. v1 F, L2 l- j* }4 E
2 u. F, K6 T8 k& ^8 K+ ^4 U, J) {  x9 `
Then it was his turn. He screamed as the two guards lifted
8 x' t$ y4 X+ Q" x; Ghim on the table. He was still crying loudly as the needle7 m$ l. p1 n' K$ n
went in. Soon his little nut sack with its precious jewels0 X! k7 S% _3 s0 s
was numb and so was his cock.
6 O) S% v3 P" n3 N9 H9 x7 [/ |% q1 @* e
As the Nurse swabbed his balls he closed his eyes and didn't
% H# H3 p* u; s6 f6 d$ m2 X. Vfeel Randi's hands lifting his penis out of the way.3 l* f$ E9 _/ h* ~

0 W% A. U. B( Z- c0 Z( h. R# lThe incision was made and the device inserted before he
4 _. _! h0 Q7 q: B- Bopened his eyes. Two little stitches and he was back on his
) H, P/ Z" R/ c) Ifeet. 8 T8 G, k: L0 L+ p$ K  ]

6 w! p9 V* ^  D& q9 J/ x"How does it work," Mrs. Connolly asked the doctor. She
7 T5 u6 _1 _1 tlooked at the two naked boys.
! a' D+ Q* u7 x. u  D' C+ R# _- H9 H  ?+ r1 h- p/ m4 K( k9 j9 D
"It's very simple really. The doctor explained. "It uses a5 s: y& L& t! ^: \( ~$ Z4 ?- Y
radio frequency sort of like a garage door opener." She took
$ j2 E) G: @1 r. p7 _2 J) [$ T2 mout a bunch of remote controls from a box. "Give these to  c+ x( O4 O- V- U
each of the guards and your daughters. There are ten buttons.
  t# b* q" N6 Q  fAndy has the number one device implanted and Christopher has
$ p5 Q, t' C+ g7 e/ Q6 Onumber two. When you press button one Andy will get a sharp6 {$ [7 ?- h& G6 e" b
pain like someone kicked him in the testicles."0 c) E+ F0 A2 B  U1 {+ Z( t0 p
/ Y/ B/ [  _& H, n$ |2 O
"Let me try," Miss Thomas begged. The doctor handed her one, r8 H- A, [- R9 F
of the remotes. "Ok wise ass this is for yesterday in the
! b% Z( `7 R1 I2 \7 j$ Xprocessing room." She pressed the button and Andy screamed as
" N, y" T) q& t+ Y7 M1 xhe felt the pain in his balls. He fell over clutching his  z, {! h5 z3 p2 h# Y: P/ r2 G
genitals, moaning.
/ X+ h1 m1 b- Y, z3 J. P' c6 ^' o9 U4 N5 K2 q: f
"Actually he'll feel it even more when the anesthetic wears
. E" U5 C  ~7 ~! ?off," the doctor told everyone as Andy lay on the floor in a- [- J6 [; {/ v) }) {, X! x- ]( a3 x
fetal position holding his balls and crying.: V# C' \5 ^+ S% R& h# H- x

, b2 V& p  N9 b* J1 u- YMiss Thomas helped Andy up. "See what's gonna happen if you
+ S( l- R  H3 n- y, ddon't listen to me, Mr. Smart ass."
3 [& x* P6 @5 d3 t4 h& R# @- z1 X: a! Z2 g; s; Z
The doctor continued. "The grounds have been wired with an
" p* I' X! ^; g3 {$ o, M( m$ f4 D& D. dinvisible fence. If any of the boys try to go past the
- ^9 S7 }0 B% _, S/ h0 G0 vboundaries, they get the same jolt. The only way they can* F4 q1 A2 P/ ^' O: ^8 L. C
leave is by de-activating their implants with the master; e$ ]- n1 n7 |, g
control. I'd lock it away if I were you," She told Mrs.
6 g7 a7 m, k' b9 l+ ~& NConnolly handing another remote to her.
9 V" Z/ f# {! P9 z1 B6 h' }; v* c5 i% B/ `' q" j+ A( N& F
"I'll need you here for three or four more days to implant
4 x; o7 p6 M/ h6 @  B* ~the other boys." Mrs. Connolly told the doctor and nurse.
6 B) u; |1 h  d2 F) n# j"They should be here in the next few days." She looked at her
! ?4 g9 U6 D1 v! D9 pwatch. We have to get moving I'd like to feed these two some
8 ?: N# a& A9 o1 Elunch. Miss Paulson should be reporting any moment now.  She! q; u/ g( Y! L; t( J
has the afternoon Shift. I know she'd like to check these two: K7 c5 {$ ]; ?- [0 i
out.  And the girls will be home from school at three.
$ W1 Q) U* Z: j2 t4 ~! w/ nThey're gonna be curious about What went on and I'm dying to+ }# g" E; v) V% b8 `9 f" I& o
show them how the boys learned to jerk each other off."
3 n4 K8 t( D. b( H3 T9 S! Q' R& ?" E5 ?$ R2 `" Q
"I'd really prefer it if you let them rest for a few hours
/ B9 B2 k6 c$ m- A: B' gafter lunch. They really need to let those stitches heal for4 a6 k, V8 l) f: B8 j
a few days." The doctor warned. "Maybe just let Miss Paulson* m8 Z  l( c' M7 J: L: j0 M  L
check them out today and show the girls their stitches. They
' F' D! p! R4 S/ `% e6 Mcan jerk each other off after the anesthesia wears off by: b0 G' o" C) C0 _* R' p. c
dinnertime. But no hard labor today."
2 Q) T6 Y( _* N/ Z6 @7 ?; _( C7 G+ B
"Well all right I'll let them rest up today," Mrs. Connolly7 t, L, D; P- r! y& D% ]
agreed, "But tomorrow I'm gonna have them work on the farm a
# S, A2 p3 r2 ^, h+ X1 ebit. Might as well get them used to it."
5 f; `  T5 S1 f: S
& U! W, k5 A% o% D. h% h# zThe boys followed Mrs. Connolly down the hall, their Flip-; V7 {: n! X1 v6 B- G) I
flops clomping as they walked. The two guards brought up the
, }& w0 U0 t+ j) z% [rear.
: c8 y6 `& H% V# [  w" l+ H3 v. T$ W0 p% q- C' V$ m8 x0 R: G5 l
Miss Paulson was waiting for them as they walked into the7 Z+ [# [; T0 t: o
lunchroom. She was a college freshman just nineteen years
6 e1 o2 G. N0 N4 f& W  iold. She worked as a guard part time and lived with her folks2 v# r/ Z, V, }7 _
in town.
, z2 l2 T8 m( n0 E3 B! A: N7 ?% R( P( ?8 s" n( O" x7 O. i3 }
"Hello Mrs. Connolly, Miss Thomas, Mrs. Maikowski," She' K" O7 a! V* [/ r! o
greeted them as they trooped in. Her eyes swept over the two
9 \* ?0 A7 D" nnaked boys who were blushing furiously as her gaze lingered
7 O4 C# V0 O2 D0 Non their little hairless cocks.
  q4 `5 r, j' j& H3 ~; J% [; ?1 L: U# l, W8 n5 U' X+ I
"Hi Lori," Mrs. Connolly greeted the pretty blonde teenager.
, \2 w* t! i. }+ S/ d! Z+ r6 F0 ?"These are the first of the students This is Andy and his
- ?8 {- {) L# z/ ayounger brother Chris." She turned to the boys. "Put your" D/ g! F1 V0 ^- z
hands behind your heads and let Lori look and touch your
5 Y/ v* l( x, ]5 qcocks."/ C# ]0 C5 }9 e" L( ~) M6 B+ G3 j
* f8 R# \4 a5 g: p0 m
"That's really not necessary Ma'am," the young guard blushed.6 D) D' ]$ _9 \* v' q3 ?
"I can see they're naked."
6 X1 E* M, P: p% i. m8 N
& @& X9 v1 h2 H( q"Don't be shy. You're going to have to learn how to take1 R" f+ U- ?5 M& P) |
charge. Mrs. Connolly insisted. "That's part of the job. You0 v$ a& E2 Z! F: t/ W, y4 f
might as well start now with these two."6 g- F& O% T, e' _8 \
. G0 x  T6 n+ j8 W1 h
The young guard said "Yes ma'am," Then sat down and beckoned2 y9 S3 a0 O9 k( @% I7 h$ V
the two naked boys to stand in front of her. , Y' d2 R* r% ~

- Q( g+ |6 o9 P. P"Be careful with their balls," Miss Thomas warned. "The" Q& c; H# [; B8 g( L
doctor just inserted the control devices and they have! [" d8 R' Y2 S) R6 [; O& R
stitches behind the scrotum."$ E( v1 ^' G+ W4 U& e

* Z; }* {# ?+ D* P# |Miss Paulson nodded as she examined Andy's cock; She stroked7 c6 c1 v" h: _$ _
the length of it trying to make it grow. Andy barely felt her$ z1 a- \  s! ]# I, L  d( ~0 {- Q$ j
hand as she pulled on his prick. The anesthetic was still
* k' B! O5 j- d2 ?4 `  Vworking.
6 O& F9 `. v, g/ [She gently cupped his balls and examined them, noting the6 D9 B( s8 z$ s& W+ w
Band-Aid on the back covering his stitches.
/ n; A# H) i/ l( ^# W
6 M: r2 ?- P) N1 f# wShe reached over and took Chris's smaller cock in her other
' [" d4 b+ m1 S# C" vhand. She rubbed her thumb around his cock head and examined. [  u' t9 O" u& u( U& c, q2 c
his piss hole. Then gently looked at his little balls.
( P- Z% ]$ J6 w. Z  Y5 K! w# y9 \8 w/ Q
As the young pretty guard closely examined them, Mrs.
# K# Z5 c* I  @: x/ ?, P' C9 c& RConnolly explained to the boys. "In this school you cannot
% B3 E: z  M$ frefuse anything the women ask you to do. If you do you'll6 Z9 j! ^% u5 M4 ~1 [% o
either be spanked or get a jolt in the nuts. This is your
. `8 J. n2 m# Ksentence for the crimes you were found guilty of."% n4 I* z$ }6 l* t8 Q4 n

- O/ u# x+ p9 k7 eShe continued. "There will be seven boys to start. After all
0 G. g) K  O* O8 j, cthe boys are processed, you'll start school and meet your
+ o! y; U3 A2 A4 Qteachers. In the afternoon you'll work on the farm feeding' ~! I1 g5 O. j* Z/ W( z
the animals and cleaning the barns. If you behave you'll be! y% A2 T+ _) O+ r/ m
treated fairly. If you fight your punishment it will just get) ]0 q3 Q  j9 F) ]5 N
worse for you. Do you understand?"
& w% \7 I8 ?3 X  v/ t
% J$ D* ]3 }1 u' O. X% C8 C- pThe boys nodded as Miss Paulson continued examining their/ H5 y. e8 b( ~
genitals. 9 E; r( a. d0 Y! K4 e
+ X7 b5 z$ H- B) e; i+ Z
"Good," the warden said. "Turn around and Let Miss Paulson
$ m/ {4 t9 }* k1 }6 f0 }+ Xlook up your asses. Each guard can make you do this anytime0 L& b; e3 H/ ^3 r) s
they want. It's humiliating and it's done to embarrass you."
; a# W, M- _& M( z/ s- s  M. T. b' m7 X9 E, K2 ~6 u. x
It sure was. The two little boys were blushing even more as1 h/ V6 i1 N/ K' f# _4 t7 k$ l% d
they bent over and pulled their cheeks apart.; u) j4 A) E! ]% q/ N0 r1 J
Miss Paulson looked at their overworked little behinds. She' I) y; _' I( b  Y. ]$ q& @2 C
giggled as Miss Thomas winked at her.   o9 W- z1 }0 Z6 p8 S

* X1 U# O8 R3 J7 S0 Y, EShe gazed into their asses for several minutes then let them
9 t7 h1 i) `, }8 T" ^8 e4 sstraighten up. "I think I've seen enough," she said. * ?- @! J0 @* v+ f: h) L
" S' N: o! S5 Q( S2 Q) L. r; G
After feeding the boys Miss Paulson led them back to the
5 J; a/ s- |  [  M7 r9 Hdorm. "I think you should shower and get some rest. They have) z1 P$ o& H1 Q, a: I  o, j
a lot of things planned for you," She warned. "Get as much5 l' y: b# ]6 j" D
rest as you can." She squeezed Chris's little nuts as she7 a2 ?' P/ f/ R+ n$ F" s
left, locking the door behind her.
" l8 I- A3 }4 F0 h1 H$ Q0 ~$ A4 E( Y$ n1 h
"I'm really sorry I got you into this Chris," Andy said
2 k9 Y0 c5 U+ l7 B! qglumly. "Its gonna be tougher now that they've put these
# t. g1 E+ X9 v' pthings in our balls, but I promise I'll always protect you/ e& F& H1 e$ V! @7 C" W0 _
the best I can." He hugged the younger boy and kissed his5 e  g# y5 d, K9 F- |* x
' E! `$ Q) I" `* K/ D
( }7 n) F2 G) y. j: t' N: fThe two boys showered and Chris noticed that his sutures
! t2 I. U# W+ Gstung from the strong soap when he washed his balls. The! ]/ T" I1 V; O  T4 h4 e
anesthetic had worn off.
+ J6 f5 Z! R( p+ u
6 _- u! {8 I! {) DAs they dried off their bodies. Kelly and Christie, back from
2 ^/ j% J; I7 K6 y7 b$ Ischool and back in uniform ran in. "Let me see your3 q7 I. h) N, B
stitches," Kelly demanded." C) a2 V. J7 E, N# {3 k! }
+ C1 |  h' {( t5 h( Y: P# r
Both girls had been issued the dreaded remote controls. The
8 O8 K' f: G) I3 S& L0 X; Gtwo boys placed their hands behind their heads and suffered4 ~' N! r6 Y- U% ?  H" U+ X9 ?
the indignity of being handled and examined by two little  _' [- V. W/ [) `& R
girls., u4 R8 o5 j9 W/ w. D) {
7 D6 m5 [# _8 t3 w: K. C& v
Christie lifted Andy's balls roughly and stared at the white
2 x( M1 k2 L! [6 w- @( _Band-Aid. That's all there is?" She said disappointed.% x4 }1 j; m8 k3 K) o* {# j

6 q3 c) X0 r. W8 zKelly was rubbing Chris's little cock and he was relieved to
7 c! X  \( t8 Y! Dsee that it was getting hard. % f3 S/ E2 b. k' Q& e
8 G" q6 o7 a5 W! w5 }0 T# J
"Mom said you and Andy played with each other's peenies," She! Y' V2 I( w0 y: p
giggled. "Show me."$ [! N$ D) q3 J! G1 w# B8 b1 e& @  x
- v% q$ T0 J/ g; Y
"No," Chris shook his head. "That's gay and I don't like it."
, g) I" W% M8 L  ~* n3 c* E8 k6 b3 k. n* h, V0 X; {
Christie was rubbing Andy's cock as he stood with his hands
1 K: L+ |  I8 K3 p  flocked behind his head, blushing in embarrassment. She$ L1 ~5 ^9 @% E" P9 y
listened as her younger sister insisted that Chris play with" }1 m' ]5 w' \7 i
Andy's cock. 9 F: c+ ^2 Q/ g2 D3 g# S
! i# Q2 _4 a9 i' L: j
"Use the remote," She said.  "That will make him listen." # C3 u8 \  h+ B+ m5 q
) u! K( X1 v. \: P# f
Kelly took the device and pressed button two. Chris stopped
, t/ q9 X/ v3 h) t. W# \  Jarguing and grabbed his groin. He screamed as he fell to the( z) @! y( ]6 I$ d, B# l2 |
. I. Q3 j3 C! a+ P$ Z/ e1 S: m' O5 \0 H
"I've killed him," The little girl shrieked. She got down on
) X/ _: ~+ A# O6 Qher knees, crying and said, "Please speak to me, I'm sorry."6 F# M/ H+ A& E$ M4 i6 V7 N6 N( H) v3 e

! ~! |# J& ]. q: aChris groaned as the pain subsided. "I'm Ok," He said weakly.0 R. z8 e' R  ~4 l
He got to his feet.7 }. L. g" [" C! V: I
! j1 t: m9 B- B5 U: C: v  K
Taking Andy's arm, Christie pulled him in front of his
+ D" n* b! S- ]$ abrother. "Show us how you play with each other," She% M% F. g0 z, s& V$ x& @5 T, b
3 k" {5 e5 e  s0 ?- H# j2 `
- t: _% }7 F* nAndy and Chris knew the pain of the devices. Christopher was
6 H  f, R" X, q- E' {crying in shame as he took Andy's cock in his hand. Andy
' I6 O; Q  ?. _% \3 x: Scupped his brothers little ball sack and pulled Chris's cock.
; c  x# [- M3 f+ m. BHe ran the tip of his thumb across the head circling the pee
& T. @* T# s1 H2 d8 R) |2 `# [; w, P. ghole. They built up a rhythm pulling and stroking as their
% d5 p7 b5 B( v% ?& [" Q  a: Fcocks grew harder. The two little girls watched fascinated as
/ V* |' U$ Q( i6 V' P* |+ ythe boys pulled and stroke each other's naked cocks until
$ \( \4 v/ S8 T$ U! JAndy stiffened and arched his back as he came. Chris stood on
/ H3 s) N. W9 a/ e6 ?his tiptoes and gasped as he followed his brother moments' {8 W& I1 {- i
6 B" z* T5 f$ i, p$ {
0 K0 @3 }/ E  K6 U"That was so cool," Christie said awestruck. "We have to go.' C# C0 i% C' W  F3 t3 C7 q
Momma wants us in the office. They're bringing in another  n9 P, f- k3 o- F% K
5 Q7 x" E3 q8 z, g" X% [$ l# Q9 |4 ~9 R7 J3 ]4 \; n
"We'll be back to take you to dinner later," Kelly promised.( L4 v" X' T* N* n0 b! s4 R( W& a
"I love watching you pull each others peenies." She laughed! q, `) g# M3 C+ q3 |
as they ran out locking the door behind them.) t& C; o. M9 T  D9 E) B

3 U5 W1 s2 a. mAndy looked at his little brother. "We're fucked," He said
3 n3 h2 I& i& b; i, P' G$ |shaking his head.
  W& _& Q8 }; Z" O* ^" p9 f+ k4 u
$ d5 _+ P) H, ~. W& S! J) V# v! vChapter two the end7 Z! a2 c# y: `: a: h
$ H/ \) G: y& z1 y) U+ j1 g" z

- e% L3 n" F* J$ g; J0 D& Y1 B
. |* o6 d5 w, W, y: h+ X; f8 iGRANDVIEW SCHOOL FOR BOYS 3+ T  m) t6 n6 ^8 X4 B. q' R
3 M% W  l9 `, f+ g& V& Z% g; `
4 m4 s8 j* ~/ fcopyright 2000 By Mozzy 24! e/ v+ F8 A: g) s8 |
all rights reserved
  y1 i! q2 [1 c5 v! {  x
1 r5 D5 d  _* l0 y# k9 p( j3 q5 Z6 \7 U; d. l; V  p) [

2 G; M- }$ E1 i2 p! p/ F
4 y. g- \" I2 Y7 H9 x  V' IThe sheriff's car was pulling up in the driveway as Christie( \/ B; p4 t4 p& N4 w4 y2 \( n, _
and Kelly ran to join the guards and their mom and sisters in
* T6 `  ?: ~! z& l* K8 N; ?the reception area of the school./ W0 V; e6 B3 _+ q; o

5 L# f" S9 _' t6 x, F$ HThey ran in breathlessly. "They're here," Christie shouted.
0 Y3 B4 T2 W: s"We saw them pull up just now."
" t$ l9 V  S( o4 E: ~. u; i$ {
3 o, d/ B+ l" [: V- Y) W; NMrs. Connolly nodded. "Good, let's not have a fiasco like
1 @6 N( X/ V$ l! Z* J: {0 |( ^# Syesterday." She looked at Miss Thomas. "We'll all go into
" C. p2 i  a. F7 F/ h: T0 ~receiving. Mrs. Maikowski will help you. Lori will jump in if
6 M: K6 x! k9 V5 E5 E. F+ y/ d, iits necessary."/ K& k8 s' R. p

+ L2 J) ~9 e/ v! Z5 ~9 GShe addressed her staff and her four daughters. "This one is
. K6 F( y% ?( T) |  n/ U+ htough. I spoke with the judge. He's been in trouble since he
$ O, n+ w& L1 m" Swas seven. He's eleven now and tough as they come. His last9 G  h* I  F( r
two sets of foster parents gave up on him."
/ O, s  X; R5 a5 g7 Z5 ]
! y' Q6 E7 b9 QThe outside doorbell rang and Miss Thomas left to answer it.
9 I* b, j, _$ ]" mShe came back leading two Sheriff's deputies, A male and
8 e5 p5 J$ m: O' B6 \' p% g! wfemale. The male deputy was big, around six foot three and. e: m9 `1 y- w7 ?) \1 Z
burly. He looked to be around thirty-five years old.  His
4 l" P, d: y, nnametag read Harley Summers. The female deputy was a tall
2 O$ r& p9 Q% J2 pbrunette around the same age. Her nametag read Naomi
) s" Y$ r- e' f8 q2 ?% B& B$ oTancredi.  
5 M& O$ G% R( y$ ^! w) p: C& S2 M' s$ N
Wedged between the two of them was a slim boy with long: i9 f  `0 _1 d7 q. W
straight blonde hair. The most striking thing about him was
% A5 Y6 u& w: q( Shis big blue eyes. He'd be considered handsome if you# V7 @. n' [$ F4 S
overlooked the smirk on his face. He was dressed in clothing
: v1 S# r- ?# M, jthat was way too large for him. The crotch of his pants hung
" t, U0 d. H$ a& a7 l6 hdown almost to the floor. His sweatshirt was a man's extra6 N: G5 i: y: z6 @; p
large. It looked ridiculous on his small frame. He had torn0 ]" }8 i$ c. K) ]  S
sneakers on his feet. 0 p' B" E$ K# d, S7 N1 }
- X8 [5 _0 F( F/ G- v
"Get your fucken hands off me," He yelled at the male deputy$ \  E/ N5 Z/ F0 G) X
who was holding his shoulder. "I'm not staying in this6 ^. |2 X/ C4 E6 I0 l! C1 V
friggen shithole."
/ @0 M: G1 X0 p  a9 ~: c8 D
5 L! v+ c9 m, Y' g. y% O"Who's in charge here?" The female deputy asked.
* r+ C" H" ^% S+ [5 T7 V$ D5 a+ U4 s6 v: ~9 Z/ y! Y  I: L
"That would be me, I'm Mrs. Connolly." The warden
  y+ z% e! y% [( `, n7 ?volunteered.
" s. q! j. g# l& T; P4 I2 n/ [( U7 f  _( v1 u( o
"Glad you're taking this little delinquent. The drive up was
3 ?  [8 q2 l6 X4 c: d& cno joy. Two and half-hours in the car with this foul-mouthed
' z; z8 M+ I( {; R, w* B; m* vkid was too much. I almost slugged him around fifty times."
9 q! m' |4 @, k3 f- \She handed a stack of papers to Mrs. Connolly. "Sign here and! J1 p. w+ N9 m! m  W7 q5 N
we'll take off. It shows you've taken custody of Ricky Gordon
) p5 o' K# y% B" [0 k5 F+ V, e: Aage eleven going on thirty five with the mouth of a truck; l: Z5 Z$ J4 e
driver."+ S* L9 G3 M0 K" A1 Y4 o. l, w+ _

& Q8 M! [1 A. D4 u0 j"Hello Ricky," Mrs. Connolly said, "Welcome to Grandview, r+ f8 n/ t4 D8 G9 R4 h2 H
2 G0 p( D% b5 k) C! |
( W8 f# Q2 i3 U& l( eThe little boy looked at her. "Fuck off," he snarled. He; x: B. }9 ?( t- q" F6 o: ]
noticed the four young girls looking at him. "Hey gorgeous,"4 f: Z2 u# Q) ]/ P7 R6 X( L
He winked at Jennifer. You go to this school?"
& _, z& @- l! u4 j" f; c: j/ O  o. n, ]( P" f1 Y, {2 e+ t. i
"Sort of," Jennifer grinned." I live here.") L  Q# C; |' t( F4 t6 m. [

8 k# O5 D  e4 S; n& _"You're absolutely right," Mrs. Connolly agreed. "He is a+ z( q: F  F0 \% a
handful.  I'd like to process Ricky now. Why don't you stay
" q& f1 ?" m3 C# p" F& laround and watch as we check him in?" She invited the two0 [# N, f( {+ F( O4 p* w
deputies. " I guarantee it'll be worth your time."- N4 j. W, n( b
9 V9 \3 F. L, F: _1 ~( k  `/ V
Harley looked at Lori Paulson. "Well, we should get going but
0 h% j& S& Q9 W. r  Ya few minutes won't make much of a difference."
' v, H8 i& L5 h9 D& b: l, q
1 A' q/ t2 h# z. I7 t; A"Great. If you'll all follow me, We can get started."  She
2 O" _; U. \  n; Swalked to the door of the receiving room. "Please bring- O. O) o/ Q/ y' i# x$ Q: P8 g; r' S% s
Ricky, will you?"% V2 ?6 J/ v  M( a' }, p

! k1 E" S+ K7 z1 f9 w' X, ADeputy Tancredi pushed the young boy. "You heard her. Get; C% w$ E! j7 [( w8 K! C
moving."6 n! |" ~1 A8 L  z
* Y$ Q' F9 w6 x
"Get your filthy cop hands off me, you cunt." He cursed at
8 L- [0 ]6 X0 v# D4 m. S3 yher. "I told you I ain't staying here."  
2 f& T4 r2 k) C$ ~. R  o. L. y3 f
Miss Thomas exploded. "Get your ass in there boy or I'll
2 J$ m3 J9 g1 ]) F, @break every bone in your body." She threatened.) W2 ?) W% L0 M" `+ ~

. V0 ~8 i! Q/ C7 p- i5 J"You and what army, you phony cop?  You don't even have a2 K5 Q+ m' r  X! N8 d
billy club." He replied, but followed the rest of the people
% Q( U3 ?3 u, Jinto the receiving room. The girls were already seated when) W9 n8 i, w- |2 a* ]& F
he walked in.
  H. S( q3 Y" ]* u$ X! D4 @. P& Q+ G* H' e
"Deputy Tancredi, please sit down and relax," Mrs. Connolly" G2 m  P" m/ c" F- f8 g
invited. "I might need Deputy Summers to help out. If you4 x6 }4 O" C% Q  q7 t4 A9 q
don't mind." ) n6 A/ Z5 M) p/ B% Q( q
! u) c( _: r6 I; z
"Be glad too," He smiled. "What do you want me to do?"
2 A" |8 C6 }" W4 r  k4 b9 \8 S: c  v: q3 z7 h$ U& Y( S: k
"Just stand by in case I need you to restrain our young4 b' C4 x4 A% B' J. k
friend here." She told him.
# r1 N5 {$ |2 e0 ^+ _9 g$ R9 r
* q+ u8 w) S0 G' A0 }* _( B, CThe boy was looking around There was the table with a) e& t* C# [7 D7 E: t! {  R! Y
cardboard box on it. Next to the box was a pair of shower9 q) w5 W, G. Q, A9 ~$ U9 k" W
clogs or flip-flops and a baseball cap that had the words% X8 T- w7 \/ k# j) M8 B
Grandview School embroidered on the front.
8 g; M. C4 u/ g7 n& K6 b7 q1 U5 b8 v8 Q* m1 a/ f% L
"I want you to take off all your dirty clothing and throw it% \9 n: I' _* n4 d( E
in that box," Mrs. Connolly told Ricky. "You'll be issued the* e1 E' X( q& L3 _3 X3 O; z* r
official school uniform to wear."
. J2 ^) j2 ~9 [" Q9 \) }& \7 a7 G* @$ ?' j
Ricky's eyes flew open. "You want me to strip in front of all
+ Z+ o3 x1 a1 i+ {of you?  Fuck off lady. Nobody sees me naked unless I want+ n) S- y. j2 W  a
them to."  He grinned at the four young girls. "Tell you% f% R3 d) Y; A2 U
what, You show me yours and I'll show you mine."0 f8 W1 r5 `" _, z4 s2 F  r

7 `1 P1 E# j1 ]% T+ w"You have no choice young man," Mrs. Connolly informed him.
$ @$ d" M- T  O7 ^6 I% b; S+ B"You will get undressed willingly or you'll be held down and0 g* t$ N3 E6 c; Y& g# D
stripped. This is not a democracy." . U# H: U& e+ x, f/ q! k- [. x
6 C$ r; A+ Y! e. H: V' y
"If you want me naked, you perverts are gonna have to rip+ [4 k  y6 O/ H- P" I3 N* Z" G
these clothes off," He shouted, going into a karate stance.0 ~0 N: @5 X. e- T3 K

5 f8 J0 k# g4 n6 UMrs. Connolly nodded at Miss Thomas. The big guard moved
: p4 Q- h. {6 A- M" a1 L5 Sforward. Ricky swung his arm in a karate chop.: x. `! N" C2 T2 N/ g$ V1 e
0 v, |# ^) t8 `7 c3 A( y
Miss Thomas blocked it easily and laughed. "Boy, you're gonna: X0 `( x5 b: D9 \/ q# f; k
have to do better than that." She swung her right hand and" y* ^4 L& [; b3 Q3 h* _, `
caught him with her open palm on his cheek. Ricky's face got
7 R! S: m( n3 y" t7 e% Pred. With a sob he threw his slim body at her. "I'll kill
  |! U5 }( l( n& j' Ayou, you fucken pervert " He shouted as he pushed against her/ f! s  H. J3 W' r' \
large body. She moved fast for such a large woman and the. [7 w! x6 r8 n' m: H3 Q$ r; Y
next thing Ricky knew he was on the floor. Mrs. Maikowski$ A. a2 x# H5 N4 N" B6 o( |
joined Miss Thomas and they held the struggling boy down.
+ q* V8 M0 @( r7 C3 K
3 A* J- v4 m' \$ `/ q"Get those raggedy old sneakers off him," Miss Thomas
$ U- r7 p6 I# V9 q( x' sordered.  Ricky tried to kick out with his feet. Mrs.3 ]9 P3 \! b% P% G
Maikowski straddled his legs and pulled the sneakers off. ' F5 A" C; m- m: S

0 A, o* i: L4 h; k3 g& X. b"Gimme my sneakers back," The struggling boy screamed.
- _* d! W' v4 E' _2 N"They're mine. Nobody takes my stuff."8 l# Z; _, e0 E2 c$ S' ]
Mrs. Maikowski ignored him and peeled his socks off. She4 D7 ]3 D3 f5 r9 o3 `1 S) X
moved clear as Miss Thomas released him.
5 ?7 g) v5 y( t- S" k5 ^2 |# b+ v; p* I5 I1 X# h
"See how easy it is/" Mrs. Connolly grinned. "Now let me tell1 m6 X# g& f, |( A
you the rules here young man. In our little school all the7 L& N! I8 p3 {6 c: B
pupils wear the same uniform, Shower clogs and a hat. Other
# F- G  F- x4 {( y! Vthan that you're to be totally naked at all times. The female9 m7 {  ?8 d3 L/ }: Z' [
personnel are in charge. Any girl or woman can give you3 p9 l+ N1 y6 {! G# D* l' R) v
orders and you're to obey without hesitation."6 ]+ W( x5 o1 C( X" ~, x' f# u
" g  z' w) n3 `
"Like hell," Ricky shouted, His voice cracking. "I don't
# Q) z/ v6 n) c, O$ g! V) m  xlisten to any cunt!"
1 r1 q+ G, {! Y) q
: s: O' z3 J4 g( G4 t1 k% a"We'll address your language in a minute," Mrs. Connolly went
4 y0 k" r( ?0 @) y3 w% S) }) Ron. "Each time you're given an order and disobey you earn+ ?5 I( f! U" C0 L0 c
spankings. Each time counts as ten. The spankings are given1 S+ l" ~0 h+ d* F
at night in front of the entire school, students and staff.
+ S& [! r& O+ j  W# j- D' eSo far you've earned twenty from each of my four daughters. I
- m, k1 ?: N3 i8 Kdon't think you should go any further. Eighty spanks are
0 E) T  f: d' D3 Kgoing to be quite painful. We use a paddle and it's quite  N+ v  p+ j' `6 B& D# V& t  u
effective."9 @$ d9 y' t* D' k! q
  ]- w' w3 V- f% A; g. P
Ricky looked scared for a moment.  Then his face hardened.
* l' I! p) U6 J- Y5 u"Nobody is taking my clothes off and nobody is spanking my
$ W7 \% [2 S" L- A& v( t4 V6 Lass."
( k2 E8 b) }2 g, [5 H' g
6 \( K" h2 N$ ~' V"Oh dear I was hoping it wouldn't come to this," Mrs.; O7 `6 t0 K5 @/ R3 G& c
Connolly said. "Deputy Summers would you please grab him and( \% i0 z3 `( Z6 C$ m7 |
hold him while we take his clothing off?"; A6 N: m7 l  b5 N5 O, ?: |

- P/ }* Y  W4 k6 q) Z9 H"It would be my pleasure Ma'am," The deputy said He smiled at! J1 s) D, O* e7 S; H
Ricky who was backing away. "Payback's sure a bitch, kid."4 ~6 w4 `5 n- L

6 ?  ^+ ~4 U/ ]/ t5 ORicky had nowhere to run. He tried the door but it was
% y/ d# d$ @' x$ zlocked. The big deputy grabbed him by the shirt. The oversize2 j" D7 O7 {7 O0 J3 G& v
sweatshirt slipped over his head and came off as he struggled
0 q3 }( b) r( u; w9 T: p& ]4 ato free himself.
2 d) q( v$ H* @- X2 w% ^4 f
9 v% J/ j. a* U- ^7 {1 JRicky's upper torso was hairless. His skin was pale. A boy
+ U' |/ u3 a4 [; W- d7 F, r. T3 _like him didn't get too many chances to sunbathe. He was
9 ?# f& t2 X. w) Sthinner than he looked in his loose clothing. His pants were* K! K7 z/ o, e6 B' P4 {: ]
hanging below his navel, the top part of his boxer shorts
# M8 N9 a: Y3 X+ R/ G( x; Oshowing. The oversize trousers were held up precariously by a, J: X. z4 l! E. I3 g
thin leather belt. 5 e9 l2 Z: E0 Q( D: w7 `* f7 g

' D( y4 W8 k4 d' n/ i1 R; Z8 {$ YThe deputy had his arms around Ricky pinning his hands to his3 ~/ s! R. N. I
sides Ricky's face was crushed against the deputy's massive
3 Y' d  H1 I* F/ N; ochest. He struggled to free himself; His bare feet kicking as+ S+ Y) E1 z9 K5 E& N
Harley held him suspended off the floor. He cried in his( v0 `3 N# s# A9 b; p& c
frustration, "Let me go you fucken big ape"
. C4 U0 s6 ^( a6 q, l. R) F' z2 Q: o6 H
Mrs. Connolly stood behind the struggling eleven-year-old boy1 a, `4 [) |3 S, n! I
avoiding his kicking feet; "I wonder if these pants will come3 t  @$ n9 W" z6 V3 y3 r
off if I tug them?" she asked no one in particular. She
0 {  }" q3 i, E2 q- J1 Fhooked her fingers into the waistband and yanked. The+ Z5 S  @! `; \: |% j/ c$ I' @
oversize pants came off Ricky's body easily. They joined the- E# D+ A7 V0 s/ h& M* J5 J
sneakers, sweatshirt and socks in the box on the table. / P$ Q  u& y# |$ c( E

' e0 z% T% b8 ~# tThe four girls were giggling as they watched Ricky struggling5 [' u" q1 ?- K3 Q& I
in the deputy's bear hug. His legs were as white as his upper3 ^5 y& z4 }+ e# i0 m% Z8 s. _+ E7 y; `
body. They were long and skinny. Ricky was about ten pounds
# g  a; o2 @* d% n4 U7 ]underweight and probably was not fed well while in foster
- l  I, S  v7 L$ scare. He looked much heavier in his baggy clothing.
( h5 l/ e: n, F7 w./ i9 H1 `  b+ y

1 W* V1 R1 {. Q4 |! d/ `- gHe wore red and white striped boxer shorts. "I hope you3 r8 v( [  Q% z; d
showered sometime in the last day or so," Mrs. Connolly said
( {& Q6 _6 J2 G" x. kto his back. "I'd hate to have to strip search a dirty body."7 {/ F7 v: I% F6 G- L1 `! j
4 F2 X: K8 o. @' b7 K2 @
"He took a shower in lock-up this morning before the Judge) v2 v9 T+ i, o% H
sentenced him" Deputy Tancredi informed Mrs. Connolly.* [) \1 S5 ^3 j5 e% D4 n* e
( J2 J* f8 [9 c5 o
"Can I take his underwear off, Mom?" Christie asked. "Kelly  \! w% s2 i4 ^, Y- ~' R8 i
got to do the last one."8 F  z7 d' x$ r) ^1 B9 G
- I& V- T( `. n
"Better let me do it Honey," Mrs. Connolly said. "Until we% b+ M0 v7 ~8 Y, D2 E2 c
get him naked and used to being handled he may hurt one of
) j/ Z6 |: q; ]you."8 y, C- U; j) ]) q) e7 P& K' M( H" L

3 i" [* q. t1 ^& F- T; u' wThe deputy turned Ricky around so everybody could see his5 q2 X  ~7 N9 A  d8 e! G1 Q' \
cock when his underpants came off. Mrs. Connolly approached1 W, T+ r" {) x; o: q, I7 {
him. "I'm going to remove your underpants now Ricky. Don't- C' Z: p. n/ [! F% g& d) @/ y
try and kick me. If you do Its going to be harder on you at
# e, e6 Q5 t& L; Wpunishment time and your underpants will still come off."
' F1 @7 W+ O3 A; Y0 Z1 `"Leave me alone," he shrieked at them. "Nobody strips me& |/ `8 J3 k3 u- S  S
without a fight."
/ [3 Q" [4 ]7 G! w" n- P% J
9 e4 u$ P% a+ U- o/ M/ RMrs. Connolly sighed. "Hold him tight," She cautioned the
7 ]- G% O7 w$ Edeputy. "Grab his legs," She told Miss Thomas, The guard
0 W6 Z, M4 A* b' fmoved in and took a kick on her hip. She grabbed Ricky's bare, f8 D* ]- B7 d+ d
right foot then his left. She knelt holding his legs and Mrs.
' M  J8 T/ N+ m* ~" gConnolly was able to pull his boxer shorts down. " V! z( m% _$ g

& {3 F* z% T3 K/ H  x& }Ricky was crying in frustration and embarrassment as she
0 @9 u2 y0 W/ lpulled his underwear over his feet. The girls moved in to get
) b7 h: W; w- u" [1 n; ]- ~9 ~a closer look. Lori Paulson joined them.
" V, r% r$ W& N& C: l0 X+ A3 y& Y" [: h. P
"This is what all the fuss was about?" Caitlin asked. "He's9 i9 p* p' [+ u, B  ^" g" H3 Z
got a little dick."  
! V- B* C/ {8 x$ R
( M8 N- ^1 R. i( N4 a2 [- xMiss Thomas released Ricky's legs and stood up. Everybody: L% @7 C' q8 ~. S
stared at the boy's cock. Ricky, naked stood about one inch
' s4 v8 L: h5 r& l8 C; staller than Andy. His circumcised cock was bigger than Andy's
/ n/ s/ x. J7 ^3 @- Rwas, but still on the small side. While the other two boy's5 e5 p. N+ k1 n* D) s
scrotums were almost hidden by their cocks, Ricky's balls
& X2 f/ C' H% R% S. a$ rwere clearly visible hanging below his dick. Like the other
# i  j+ h0 f1 R* n0 u2 a) P2 g" e, S- v, zboys he did not have pubic hair yet.
7 h& ^* N" p* B+ k' k8 _
- t6 H( f9 |; s7 E' Y9 MHe tried to free his hands to cover himself but the deputy's# T: o5 y. m! d8 x/ W2 L
grip was too tight. All he could do was cry in frustration4 t3 h2 h7 j$ Y. y) _
and curse as the girls looked at his naked jewels.
9 e. u% ]+ M/ s8 E  \4 d8 e
3 {$ `4 Q4 R2 [: u6 }6 H* qMrs. Connolly said "Ordinarily I'd do a cavity search at this! X+ k; g& E8 u/ f
time, but I think we have to warm this young man's behind a
9 m/ i8 K6 v2 n2 kbit first."; Y  u. w9 j/ `

, b9 W# a0 O4 EJennifer went out to the desk in the other room. She returned) L( x9 o2 z& M
with a paddle. Mrs. Connolly took it from her. "Your ass
& H, ^0 d: A) A$ R0 H! h! X  e3 xneeds a little tenderizing before we can continue," she told
- j# A4 r5 y- ]. c$ d7 E! T5 cthe struggling boy.
, o$ A) i& t0 L" {' b9 h% |1 a+ E6 b1 X( T! `5 g
"Would you turn him around and bend him over?" She asked the# Q: V3 v. f5 q4 M: I3 q$ k" q
; f. P, ~- `6 y1 C
$ i; _# o! d+ U! o"My pleasure Ma'am this boys been asking for it all day." The% G5 [4 f7 i9 q) y/ p  J0 A
deputy replied. He handled the boy like he was weightless and* I/ G3 K0 R! G1 \6 ]: {
before Ricky could even protest his little ass was in
' c+ _) @8 v9 _2 [) Z5 Dposition.
9 j; z. o0 g) W: T: N
  E4 |: x7 \, V  e- ^"Would you like to be first?"  Mrs. Connolly asked Deputy4 ~: h# {/ ~9 s% d( e2 K
( c/ }% P9 G3 u) W$ b) a7 V* t2 o; v/ T" S5 B: ?$ Y
"I'd love it," Was the reply. The deputy took the paddle and* ^* `( s5 I% t7 h  E- W, L: ]* b
let fly, The boy screamed as the flat wood landed on his# m7 Q; ^: P1 u" e
round buttocks.  Then she hit the other side. The deputy: _% @/ u( C) s- b  l( m
handled the paddle like a pro raining blows evenly on one
* W# {3 \0 e. n1 `cheek then the other
& Q8 C8 u" L* f; V( {8 U; n. @3 K
Ricky couldn't escape. Harley Summer's hold on him was too% [8 e5 r& n- r
strong. He screamed as the paddling continued. After forty7 m+ w$ u. H% U( Y; t  q
whacks Mrs. Connolly Signaled Deputy Tancredi to stop.
+ d, L+ k: Z" d5 \$ H( E) p3 w0 E% O1 x4 K! f8 R" Q
"Will you cooperate now?" she asked the bawling youngster., s) L8 n/ s) E% p  r: L+ X

6 k1 V( i& T2 F9 [5 c; X: A$ A, F"Bite me, you Bitch," He screamed. "I'll kill you all"+ t6 ~' d2 b- k: n& H" z( o( ]
# _- |1 u2 ?( ]" ?" j
Mrs. Connolly took the paddle from the deputy. She hauled her* i0 n6 W) {. c4 c
arm back and let him have it. The girls looked on, giggling! m: ]3 {+ f) b5 o. V& Q4 ]
as his ass turned from red to crimson. She gave him forty3 i0 y2 X  ~' t. y0 l
more spanks and asked him again. "Are you ready to cooperate
8 r# M2 X. j* [& k/ Unow?" + m% S( G+ `& _' P' d: W! |
/ X5 {# A- k9 C( x( K. [
This time he shouted, "Yes! please no more."
# t* ~* |( f+ f
  p% K/ b3 z5 F' j+ ]/ x- Q"Very well," she nodded to Deputy Summers. "You may release
/ w) e7 g" U% `" f" ]him."
1 U* p% ~1 |& b6 A
# y! m4 A$ n4 E$ U& }" XAs the deputy let him go, Ricky started hopping around. Tears
" F2 U2 [( G8 U" c9 |  w, a( Iwere streaming from his eyes as all modesty forgotten he" J; J" i9 A% X
hopped from one bare foot to the other, rubbing his raw ass.
$ e6 m. a- [7 {+ Z8 r, Q5 ~. Q+ ]0 f7 e0 p5 w
Mrs. Connolly waited until he had stopped jumping around. His, A) i1 Z" L" W$ E  a2 }1 \
hands flew to cover his cock as he realized how he must have4 V: t9 r7 Y% J
looked. $ w, m8 S$ d; |6 f
8 k1 R  ~9 f. g& [% b2 y
"Get those hand away from your nuts," She ordered. "Or would
' l6 Q4 D8 E( \5 M& r9 j. V- G9 {you like another forty?"" N& U+ b8 F* P% T+ g3 X$ q

9 E& o8 u" T3 V& C0 zRicky moved his hands away and stood blushing as the girls7 [  f5 r6 N. G0 x: W5 a! ^" J; _
moved in for a better look.
, L- L1 n, C- W/ P9 R0 k! S/ \
& Y& ~( z. M, l( f& m"That's better," Mrs. Connolly said. "Now I think we should" ]$ h* U( d* z: K+ j; E. L
strip search you before I let the girls examine your cock and
+ _4 K+ Q/ y. l+ d5 @6 m/ e: sballs. Would you please get up on the table, on your hands& I- k% i) U6 c' C; c
and knees and face the wall."6 x: H) t, U) J% [. a
, Q, \) i. {4 b' f  q4 d& M6 e* Q
"What? No fucken way," The boy screamed "You're not gonna% ?; R# c: T" x
look up my ass."
. G5 j1 U3 b; j
& M# u6 O" r( e+ Y/ ?" f0 F"You have ten seconds or you'll get another forty and then
0 W9 R! \) ?/ r$ w+ E) }4 xyou'll do it anyway," Mrs. Connolly
" x, _8 `* ?  j3 n: K  F$ ]# |7 Hthreatened.
3 m1 Z! |0 X7 Y; t0 R5 ^% K9 [0 \/ l" n# G. \  q9 {. i4 S
Ricky face was red with humiliation as he moved toward the( e, ]7 k  ^0 y
table. His ass was glowing crimson as he climbed up and faced  ~$ x; w0 f* I7 m# W5 T7 I6 k6 y+ T
the wall on his hands and knees. "The redness would go away
6 @  G" M- C/ }in awhile," Mrs. Connolly thought. "The memory of the3 N$ P2 N' h  ~% k! u+ M9 l
spanking would last longer."
+ G& M/ H' `  ^& {, `$ b' {" A; R7 R
The four girls were laughing as he assumed the position for
- w- G0 o9 q! kthe strip search. "He doesn't look so tough now," Jennifer
. V  N+ L- B4 N7 N- _* hobserved.
+ E/ O, X2 N$ p' z  I. ?( U
2 q0 W7 _, E9 y5 ^' qI'm glad you think so," Her mom answered. "I need a volunteer
# \- q' C6 q, }" W$ w: X# O2 \9 eto spread open his cheeks and you're it.") ?2 d/ `& H( B" K2 J
0 [* P" f; R$ G! [! v3 F: g
"Spread your legs wide boy," Miss Thomas ordered as she took* `; h! s8 a* f5 O4 M9 e& S
several pair of surgeon's gloves out of her pocket. She  M% R+ o7 [" W
handed one pair to Mrs. Maikowski and one to Mrs. Connolly.
+ X  i9 O: n1 c4 b: c9 H& T& P5 c4 Q% w. G% d) B9 o) ?
"I think the honor should go to Deputy Tancredi," Mrs.: r$ j. l1 o& L8 e, y
Connolly smiled. "She had to take a lot from this boy on the7 @  N9 y) O1 |1 e$ O+ H
ride up." She handed the gloves to the smiling deputy who
8 k2 D" z( j# [0 h: oeagerly put them on.9 Q4 x9 P7 x; V& e% W5 a$ Z

$ p4 ?( K( {/ J+ a% KJennifer stood off to the side and reached her hands over.6 `; g1 s9 \( e: e. y
Ricky had his legs open, his balls dangling down below his
' o- h% S( u* U0 @& Y- Rbody. She cupped them in her hand but dropped them when her
& q; B7 `: k, v% `6 r6 EMother said, "Jenny, keep your mind on your job."
& p6 ]) U+ R; `: O3 d! g/ X
8 o7 G' F/ z" ^Jennifer spread Ricky's red cheeks apart and the girls got
: v: \3 {3 Y' i* f' ?  }5 a/ ltheir first look at his pink asshole. The deputy was waiting.' v" a) s: ^2 U2 H; h& j3 Q
She pushed her middle finger against his tightly puckered' q7 ~5 M/ b0 c
anal muscle. For a moment the muscle held. Then as Ricky
7 P; l/ _6 P7 q% c, B; J0 `shrieked in pain, she pushed her finger in up to her knuckle.
: q9 I. K+ d, B- M: v2 q4 {4 o. C2 c
Ricky was crying in pain and humiliation as Deputy Sheriff* K, B& v, F" ^7 t
Tancredi got her revenge for all the grief he put her through
1 d& W9 A2 d6 |on the long ride from the city. She moved her finger in and
: A4 D& @5 ], _" o5 P  Q3 Z3 Xout, Wiggling it in his small ass opening as he grunted.2 a: [& R5 p$ g+ I7 `( j

# c( ^. |% u" l0 w8 ?9 U- Q9 }# iWith her free hand she reached under him and cradled his
9 n& U4 u  [; K, Cdangling balls. She bounced them up and down in her palm as' @; a8 O- F8 Q& @
the embarrassed boy sobbed in frustration..
. [1 i% t! a& }
9 m9 L* m& @9 DFinally she pulled her finger out and Ricky tried to move.4 E4 g. I8 `8 s
"Where do you think you're going Boy?" Miss Thomas cackled.' d2 c4 U9 @; A2 ]) {! G. X* ^
"I'm the official ass reamer here and we're just getting
/ @+ N# |# l2 U4 k+ Ystarted." She moved in behind the helpless boy and Jennifer
7 Y- a6 x& q( n3 L. {spread him open even further. 6 }. ^5 R" h! R7 D3 a5 e
3 S3 c; d+ _+ }5 x! ?8 h9 l/ y
The pain was terrible as she rammed her large middle finger: k0 x5 K2 _# A8 ^
into his tortured asshole. Ricky screamed as it pushed past
8 m9 r! [  [/ X( s' _" W, J3 Hhis anal muscle. The girls had gathered around and were
; i7 C, n* B' w1 ]7 ]9 Kwatching as the big guard reamed him. In and out her finger7 C5 l9 D& N, S( W
went as he bucked in pain, trying to relieve himself by
: e; {  h) Q) D3 N! ?3 jchanging position.; J$ j5 r- k& T, a+ {: _  r, `
' }9 P9 B+ Q5 ^9 h5 A4 Y3 z0 g
"I think that's enough for now," Mrs. Connolly said. "Its
' y5 F' c8 J) s- Q' U4 Htime his cock and balls got some attention. Stand up in front. C" O, w# W' R3 S( T/ p
of the table, boy. Put your hands behind your head.
, E+ [' ~7 z3 {7 `
7 W. i! [4 B7 o6 F% M5 d. xRicky was glad to stand up. He faced his audience his cock9 q8 Z0 I3 b4 e2 J/ o# u) h0 |
drooping. "You did a nice job spreading his ass, Jennifer so: |9 }* u: ~" r+ R
you get to go first," Mrs. Connolly decided.
+ i/ s( J4 X# n8 S1 I& V4 D8 s! V0 [+ {1 i8 x  ^
Jennifer Knelt in front of the crying boy and grabbed his
5 ~; D8 s+ o5 V5 Z5 Ccock. "I wonder if he's a dry cummer like the other two?" she+ P8 r& X6 I; n
said giggling.( [7 s% [) \' }# l
9 ]) h! C% A1 Z. `3 _( f
Caitlin laughed, "I bet you'll find out. I don't think you; {0 z& O8 h$ o$ A. D
should have your face so close to his cock. If he cums it'll
+ I( G1 o- R$ d) Y0 _$ Iget you in the face."
2 O/ q9 o  @/ Q7 z& k; {
% X  u' g1 q& J+ M' Z7 L% RJennifer moved slightly back and massaged Ricky's cock.
" Q( ?- n4 o+ \  A; ZDespite his humiliation, he responded. Slowly his cock sprang
3 R, v: n9 P5 [* F# vback to life. Jennifer jerked him off with her thumb and
# M8 W  L: R0 m& g2 R; mforefinger. She was kneading and bouncing his balls with her4 y/ g; s! ]' k7 C
other hand. Little Kelly moved in behind the red-faced boy
: N$ s- H  q3 P5 Q8 M0 Jand was rubbing his ass cheeks. He winced as her small hands
/ X- L/ `2 s0 h& Z* R) B; e9 @6 Jfound every sore spot on his crimson buttocks. 0 H1 `! j* ~1 `; v2 `# g
# I$ @- z5 }, \- k4 F8 {
Caitlin knelt alongside her older sister watching as Jennifer0 r$ c1 r9 m: s6 c" Q- a+ j$ {7 |
massaged his now hard cock. Ricky was breathing heavy as the
. p- I8 a- ~/ w4 P. ksisters attacked his body front and rear. Christie joined2 E5 @- B' R, g( v" o! w: C5 E
Kelly at Ricky's ass. She inserted her forefinger in his
( m/ k# H+ z( grectum as Kelly spread him open. It went in easily, Her" f% Y( ]7 B7 R4 Z' ]
finger being so much smaller than the ones that preceded it.
& G# Q5 x2 w2 p* s7 `: a2 ?) A! q8 T8 A! [/ y1 {# J
The boy's body rocked back and forth as Caitlin joined her, ^9 M( Z3 s- x* `% N3 b; j
sister in playing with his cock. While Jennifer massaged his
7 B2 I  f# u! u4 y& qballs. Caitlin pulled on his little penis. Without warning
7 Z. E2 B& Y& C1 ARicky rose up on his tiptoes. His body stiffened and he let
- q* w9 m' ]3 n# s% b; jout a moan as he came.
! A  s) \% Y+ [2 Y3 B
; r% b) U" A* O" D8 ?"Yep he's a dry cummer," Caitlin observed rubbing her finger3 L: Z9 A# `# A# T, m1 G
over his cock head and piss hole,  # a8 `" L' \6 w+ h
! o) B  ^$ D! K2 q
The girls traded places. His cock drooping, Ricky was
$ H8 K  \; O, q, H7 l% Y3 Cattacked again. This time Christie examined his balls, Her
$ z4 [9 l  @' ulittle hands were rubbing and bouncing them as she knelt, her
9 Y+ }4 \: O% m8 I4 P  n' m3 ^4 Kface inches from his genitals. Little Kelly was tugging on
: u+ Q4 q- ?  chis pecker, pulling and stroking. She also was getting a7 J- C! u% {1 j+ j1 T
close-up view, her eyes exploring every inch of his little, L2 x3 G% |* n: V
cock. The two younger sisters had now seen three dicks in two
) g+ m# S  d" H5 a5 P8 I, ddays and they just loved it.  b& z5 {. g7 c4 N: I, j, a

( C5 }$ w0 D) OSlowly Ricky's cock regained his hardness. The two little# W, p4 F4 j2 v- l" O
girls kneaded, tugged and stroked until he couldn't stand it5 P, M" Q0 I* B0 J
"Arrggghhh," He yelled as once again he came.& c( c: j2 D1 a4 e3 U& N: L: y
  A- h2 H  C% T8 @: k
Lori Paulson had been watching from the sidelines as every
5 c3 M4 _2 Q3 Z0 awoman and girl did something to Ricky's young body. Now she
! L9 e! s7 L! v5 a' a# P% j* m. ymoved in. She encircled his overused cock with her thumb and
& p% \/ P/ A, j! m& L' Z4 r7 |forefinger and gently rubbed it until she felt it stir. Ricky
9 }% Z  _7 S3 N) whad his eyes shut as yet another person examined him. Lori
/ r# N; i3 O) k$ l7 tstroked his cock and as she did she inserted the forefinger, m( O% _2 |# A
of her other hand up his sore, used asshole.- R, ?4 w; ]* o/ \% a; ]
4 q# S3 F0 u" H4 p; Y$ d7 v
Once again the young prisoner was masturbated to hardness.( z$ K" M1 N" ]: [+ l
The blonde guard was ramming her finger in and out of his ass
! f2 M' S3 K' s( Zas she pulled and tugged his cock one more time. Ricky felt2 a8 V2 |4 M+ E$ U  o* M& j
like he would never be able to cum again after today. 8 X3 @; b' [6 A  }+ z* f
* E- W0 f' M8 i! a( Q$ L9 X
To everybody's surprise after a few minutes, the naked boy' `7 Y: ^6 F0 D- R8 h" ^. _
stiffened his body, moaned and came one more time.
% R1 L8 W8 i2 ]7 w( w9 T6 ^
1 U7 k# W2 A: YHe was drooping with exhaustion as Mrs. Connolly let him put0 I- b3 K2 z8 V, o; F
his hands down. "Its time for Dinner," she announced. "I've* S0 F5 w# G6 X% V# s
hired a new cook and she's preparing a meal right now. Can* g$ e) P8 d. ~5 g5 a. b
you stay?" She asked the deputies.  {+ Y1 ]: @; v3 C, }! ]
8 |% ]9 o1 V( h9 e. F
"Thanks but we have to get back to the city. We're due to6 t5 d& m8 V& |" Q& s
come back with two more boys tomorrow so we'll see you then."
4 u# |7 _, \7 i0 v# t% S5 g. ADeputy Summers replied.7 x1 g& r! e$ h$ K  L' X. K" B
! d' ^* N5 Z( c# m! V8 ^% {& q
"Now that we've how you process your students, we'll try to
: U  N# p3 m- Y' O; `( D; garrive a little sooner tomorrow so we can spend more time."6 V# P, c4 J& h' u; L% l
Deputy Tancredi smiled. She patted Ricky on his sore butt.+ J7 E/ R) P$ f3 _. ~% r9 U( E
"Take care, loudmouth," She laughed as she left with her
- }' R- @9 L7 N4 Ppartner.
* ?" ^# e' p- N- x; ^# e  C
2 P/ i, q3 F' Y) K: S! y, \1 H3 XMrs. Connolly instructed Her two older daughters. "Go get the
& w6 A& L# m! i& h, F* C% Uother two and bring them to the lunchroom to eat. Might as( a5 s/ D+ L& M' b- Z
well introduce them to Ricky here. They're gonna have to get
" \3 l9 m  X5 s& Dto know each other, sooner or later."
; M2 {$ n1 q; g; U3 {' @% u
" t+ X- S' u$ ^) TShe turned to Miss Paulson. "That was a nice job you did on
5 H. a/ T  y  P4 u  O/ b5 Xhis cock before. There's a special harness in my desk
' F* t; Y% y, a( {+ moutside. Would you please get it?" : \+ u/ B. F& Q

0 M; P3 W4 o2 HWhile Lori was gone, Miss Thomas handed the blonde little boy/ s! I  Z2 X2 F& Z# _9 l( j5 @
the shower clogs and hat from the table. "This is your
0 H6 h. }( E3 M3 `uniform. Put them on." She instructed. 1 {' o1 {& |/ J

" D% ^' x/ k/ b0 MLori came back in with a leash and a small harness device in
4 x- R( o# b: v1 z0 Xher hand.  "Is this what you want?" 5 {, @1 t* x( r+ ]$ P4 p! W6 W( S
2 G+ n( _7 v, D: ~/ h; ?$ F- ?
Mrs. Connolly nodded. She went over to Ricky. "Put your hands7 w+ P1 y- \3 I# Z8 a$ L
back behind your head," she ordered. As the boy complied she0 s2 ]; ]7 L% O4 D# B, ~
attached the harness around His cock and balls. , @: [+ j. ~8 V6 j0 q5 t& c

0 E$ P3 t6 o; s/ S3 U"Until you learn some manners this is what you'll wear" a. }6 W5 E8 F' N" ~" N
whenever you have to go somewhere. Tomorrow you'll put this
* h' n  i. c; y) |  c' fon in the morning so we can lead you to the doctor for your
4 c) z: j* h4 s% D% ]2 ^" Lphysical."% M% n) {1 X; `# J4 L
2 M9 t- T4 m' a. y
"After dinner we'll photograph and finger print you." She& d+ A7 J! e3 n, _1 g
told the totally cowed boy. "Now lets go to dinner." She4 p1 `, o& _- J! A+ B: j
tugged on the leash and with the guards and Christie and0 _3 I# j9 T/ [3 G
Kelly following, led Ricky by his cock to the lunchroom.
& J+ Z0 T: |( \0 ]" Z# j, B; n% e- Z2 T8 l6 y
Jennifer and Caitlin unlocked the dorm door. Andy was asleep9 ^; Y7 x# s/ R- V' v; ~- n
on his bed under the covers and Chris was about to fall
! Z0 [4 ^+ C2 x; H& s' V) _asleep as the two teenagers burst in.5 l0 F1 F# x2 ?, R/ X. E/ S; N3 |

, v$ a5 s% r0 [, x' S8 t) {"Up and at em," Caitlin shouted. "Its dinner time and the new
* X. p' x/ J+ X+ _# X) J2 Rcook wants to see your little naked bodies."
! u; a: P3 j$ ]1 h' r0 B7 p$ D/ O7 s# W$ z% P( n9 f+ L6 V
Andy slowly got out of bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
4 u8 P  [: A+ a" ^( cChris said, "I have to pee." All four went into the bathroom8 p! [$ k+ S$ T
and the girls watched as both boys faced the toilets with: N7 C& g, l1 B& A" O+ l# z7 i
their cocks in their hands and tried to go. "Do you always
) ~: v  W5 t( nhave trouble peeing?"  Jennifer asked giggling.
* n# |4 j6 @" }/ q' S8 s4 Y/ W) L* @
"It's hard to do it when someone watches," Chris complained.( S8 W2 t8 X$ u+ v3 o
"Please don't look.", Q6 O5 p- b* V/ @, W# b
, ^8 d& K! C- W3 D: F
Finally both boys peed and the two girls led them to the- z7 {6 G& Q$ x/ ?5 R, p
lunchroom. Caitlin was pulling Chris by his little cock and& v/ {- p1 Q% A: X- l
Jennifer was leading Andy by his. The boys clomped along in( a+ f$ E/ ]" N! M5 F
their flip-flops trying to keep up with the two older girls.) M$ d! e: B' D
6 c0 J# y; @3 s4 |, T) @( S5 |
Mrs. Connolly and the others were already in the lunchroom6 j9 M" X: _" r% \2 ]
when Jennifer and Caitlin led the two boys in. Ricky was up+ a* N" b, h# A* H- J  @
on the table, the harness removed, while an older gray haired
0 @6 _8 J6 [/ z& v, Blady was looking up at his naked body.
  I( {- K& d+ E# d* |$ W  }6 Z( x' a9 j/ C( _
"That's your new room mate Ricky," Caitlin told the two boys.
1 V# Z9 k9 P- X"The woman looking up at him is our cook, Mrs. Mandel. If you
; [. G/ i5 z- [7 \) [) Sthink Mrs. Maikowski is mean, wait until you get to know that# l& p) k  R9 p2 Q# b% e( F/ |
old goat. She ran the luncheonette in town and used to yell
+ o8 Z$ ^. h, ^- s. U7 E! W1 b1 Hat all us kids and chase us out if we didn't buy anything."
4 `, S. }3 x9 k- |' K! T; ^; t! w" p
As she spoke the heavyset cook told Ricky, "Squat down here,
, s% q; b3 O$ R( Pkid I want to get a good look at that cute little cock of
5 h9 |' y, z3 |% K( D& Lyours." She roughly grabbed his balls as he hurried to obey.
: r4 \6 u# x. g. B7 h( t4 Z5 h/ D6 r+ h) V$ g. U& w) j
"Oww!! That hurts," He complained as the cook roughly pulled  M' k9 w4 z9 N  N! u  Z/ s+ A
at his cock and bounced his balls in her callused hands.) X6 I1 Y+ j: l) O9 f; C- r  R' @

, u! Q: [, d, f, C, {1 n) g4 nMrs. Connolly, Mrs. Maikowski and Miss Thomas were sitting at! z& s% l; v; v; y/ I/ Z. X5 w
one table having a cup of coffee. The two young girls and
+ h3 Q9 k6 j3 D' ]& V) K: A* I, sLori Paulson watched as the old lady tugged at Ricky's sore
1 m1 b5 n- B% _: f  M5 o1 pcock.    D" l1 z  e; e$ H3 d' Y
. V) j3 h2 U  ^) V! r; A. M' ]5 |
Mrs. Connolly spotted her two daughters with Andy and Chris.& Y! A+ B0 W3 S6 C
"Good they're here. Put them up on the table with the other5 N  n; T4 ]1 {/ q4 {' k$ p
little delinquent." Andy and Chris were forced to climb up on
! f$ J2 y# ^) R( ^the table as Ricky got his first glimpse of his two naked
$ K5 }$ H/ E- I/ V6 @2 `3 M1 Z4 wroommates. The three boys stared at each other not saying
% G3 g; t5 B) }' Q6 Y) c) ?. }" z) M" panything for a long moment. Then Mrs. Mandel cackled, "God
% b# {/ n9 w0 j% }+ W" m+ v! cdamn, two more little dicks for Annie to play with.", ^% o) t' B1 A
8 L; Y" c; E# L: S! R2 e4 q
"Talk about singing for your supper," Mrs. Connolly chuckled./ i6 |/ i+ r% S! z, y
"Those three are gonna have to do more than sing for theirs."* V! O) E- t, G' f
4 R: m5 ?3 P2 E+ }- `
The boys glanced at each other shyly, Checking out the other
/ R$ N3 @7 ?8 c8 p$ Dboy's equipment, but trying not to be too obvious about it.
5 T5 X& @9 c# P4 W. w0 x3 o2 Q5 AMrs. Connolly noticed Andy glancing at Ricky's cock as the7 I0 Q$ j" ]7 D9 X* S. p! l2 C
old lady tugged on it. "Would you like a better look boy?"
1 h6 y2 @" C, d$ P+ HShe asked.  "Mrs. Mandel, If you'll finish getting dinner- d. T9 E0 u9 o. L% y
ready, I promise you'll get plenty of chances to check out
2 T/ [6 W3 x" _these other two boys. I'll leave them here to help you clean
. C* |  J0 v8 l4 y# }+ kup after supper," She promised.- {; r. ?7 o7 c& @* S

, ?$ c/ ]3 T5 n6 O$ i7 c"That's a deal," the old lady smiled happily and went back4 i2 \: E* @" Y. z; y* \/ Y1 g4 c
into the kitchen to finish preparing dinner.# k# R0 u' p7 _
% w  B. D9 m9 u0 L
Mrs. Connolly turned to the three naked boys. Ricky was
* ]% s/ B8 B3 A6 f# Estanding up, Glad to be away from the crazy old lady. "Andy
1 A6 t% u; @- b: x3 hand Christopher this is Ricky, your new roommate." She said1 K8 Q. ^7 o& W0 R; |7 A
introducing the boys to each other. "Why don't you shake
* C. m( @( J2 o  f7 rhands? On second thought, Andy why don't you and Christopher
* A$ i- P. z% Z8 B- _. t: hcheck out Ricky's cock?"
) u$ s. W3 f/ C( \* N  u' d! d8 j% A
* w$ i% p9 v+ S; h9 R' [Andy turned pale. "But, but," He stammered. "I can't touch! q- y) l5 w- H: z3 H7 _
his penis. It would be gay."# @) m! Z. u  M3 W; P/ U
His little brother shook his head as well. "No, I can't do" R4 L( }) @; S1 W2 l8 l' K" _2 I
it," he said and started to cry.; i7 `# _( O# t+ J. ~+ \% F5 x

: j7 R- ]' E  ?) c5 ["No guy touches my dick," Ricky said, though a little
9 f, T: `8 d1 Z: Quncertainly. He still felt the pain in his red behind.0 B  P2 C/ X9 c$ {" O, Z7 N

  o9 D6 E0 [0 q/ o& }$ B+ {Mrs. Connolly grinned evilly as everybody stopped talking.
3 G: A9 Y/ d/ @0 d( G$ `! g5 gAll eyes were on the boys. "I don't remember telling anyone
$ m/ g& m. }9 x  Z% O5 _/ Ythis is a democracy," She said in a menacing voice. "I want% P; [0 [$ q4 J
to see your hands on Ricky's cock and balls right now and; c5 }; g7 H7 N5 q" Y9 A1 t1 c  v, l
Ricky, for talking back you can also pull on Andy's cock."
% l* ^* ]1 j& }. ~- L
5 |' t; E% W4 Q" m; D/ }1 k3 HThe boys froze. No one wanted to be the first. "Can I zap
1 H6 I6 |, ^7 C, h! w- s3 A6 ]them Mom?" Christie asked taking her remote from its holster. ; S* j+ W' q0 m  |/ a# V& @
( g6 g2 U) q) L0 I" o
Mrs. Connolly looked at Andy. "You know you're gonna wind up% ?7 T2 D& f: I6 C
doing it. Why don't you avoid some pain?" 9 ]- U% |+ M' Z1 Z4 W

# `6 m; F$ d; c+ W" ~+ bAndy and Christopher looked at each other through tear0 |- A  h( D' v* D/ ]5 _: s- V& Y
stained eyes. They had played with each other's cocks several
, A* x; d4 E+ G$ j1 H4 mtimes now. It wasn't so bad. $ u/ o- ]1 l4 D' A

& F! Q: `4 d: X9 p2 C4 H3 }Andy sobbed, " Please don't use the remote. I'll do it." He8 ^: l: h" z  y2 U) [
reached over and Ricky's face reddened with humiliation as4 h6 E8 R$ M, k6 T: s9 s
Andy's hand wrapped around his cock. ; t+ A" g' w8 v
9 o; b  J/ |# V2 e
"Christopher you play with his balls while your brother jerks5 W( f( I+ q5 l. u
him off," the warden instructed. 3 J& H4 _+ N+ w( h; [! k6 y
9 h6 m- r0 h+ W$ p
Chris moved besides Andy and knelt. He cupped Ricky's balls) C7 I+ c. {6 K. O
in his small hand and squeezed gently, bouncing the blonde
! T) z: [! a; \: R. y: y' }boy's testicles while Andy pulled and stroked his cock to
  Q4 ?2 a( N7 hhardness.
. L+ {/ X, m2 _1 C: s( V
9 O* l3 }7 f3 s# H% j4 CRicky was starting to breathe heavy, despite his! s5 D! e4 d2 a( X1 E' n
embarrassment. His body was rocking back and forth as Andy! n7 w) U) L& |' f* }) `
moved his hands up and down his firm little cock.
; S% \3 [% v! f
" I) ?. L; c) r5 p7 GMrs. Connolly nodded. "That's good, now Ricky I want you to, e3 u/ {$ O- f" J* L
take Andy's cock and do the same thing." She instructed.
5 r& d& h8 y7 b, g; L" k+ V6 o"Now," she yelled when he didn't move. Ricky felt pain in his6 |5 b6 S3 l! x! i& r" @! C0 I
sore little ass as she smacked him with her bare hand. He
& g0 q) z: ^+ I% fjumped and quickly grabbed Andy's cock. The two boys' were
) @: N; M4 Z" {whacking each other off while Christopher knelt and cupped
3 H  d+ d  f# h0 B9 @/ y& BRicky's balls in his right hand.  "Do them both," Caitlin+ h( K) ]0 H: R9 z4 S" M7 b1 j
ordered and Chris took his brother's balls in his other hand; k4 E$ y4 r% C
and played with both scrotums.) r( M4 u5 `6 _2 W4 \
/ M7 _; d- K7 R
The girls had the table surrounded as they watched the show.- H5 f9 p( h5 w- n6 Z
"Mom, can we make them do some other stuff?" Jennifer asked.5 d6 G8 _; Y. P# y
"You know like what we talked about."
  l% Z" Q7 M) M4 |8 c0 C9 V# E3 \8 O/ C: }- J
"Soon honey," her mom promised. "I just want to get all seven
9 V1 r- H- J1 J  b. q9 {boys here and get the devices implanted in their balls, then
/ t2 L4 B; e% X+ {7 jwe'll start training them."' h1 i5 p4 c- M. B0 [" c/ X) U
) D; ]) Z( d/ p% Q/ z5 w( D
The two older boys were moaning as they pulled and yanked.! c/ x$ t8 u$ \* L! e
The combination of cock stroking and ball massaging got to be6 U- K, v% Y( M! m7 Y, r. |
too much for Ricky and with a groan he stiffened, arched his
* s# N; m9 @( ?' I9 j# Xback and came.
/ o2 U8 g- ]( E! A) \# T; w# ?
. G' p, G! o; j! ~: sRicky continued stroking and Andy soon followed.  His body8 `/ b9 h0 O* h; S
shook as he groaned and stood on his tiptoes, eyes closed as6 Y9 m, F2 R/ n6 C# Z/ a
he also came.
1 P/ M9 q+ G; E
# e: C  u  y# [4 `9 ~Both boys were standing, heads bowed and their cocks rapidly
) d+ E6 i6 Y7 R5 Q+ yshrinking in front of the young girls and the guards.
" P+ ?+ J" P+ [" E* l; k1 k' ^; WChristopher was the only boy unsatisfied. That was soon! |; F2 v1 p3 z8 \' l2 |
5 v6 m/ |; K8 l  V" b! F
, B( P; e7 v' h7 d8 p8 ?5 F"Andy, you play with his cock," Jennifer ordered. "Ricky you
5 T, i. s1 F- G& Ccan have the honor of playing with his balls."
* c  X" d) O, w% j6 U$ k6 ~7 g' e' [( D$ ]7 Q

9 L" Q5 [- s% g; g3 `
" V' I$ _! T* v! ]% S& L/ z; ?“安迪,你玩他的公鸡,”珍妮佛命令。”瑞奇你能与他玩蛋蛋。
  x: J  k5 U- {6 N# q+ c8 W
- b  O8 H0 q# z5 ]1 B3 a! Q
, Z. }7 Z$ |% t$ D" D, i; X) R* N! ^, P) J
7 |# D/ r4 S" O% |& X5 I
& E- f9 M3 D) `' V
& r; N, K3 b3 p! i& `/ G* x, r

, J: e6 G1 D7 K* j5 a1 z
, ^, }6 l3 Q+ O9 E" H5 }* H9 W7 P$ s/ w3 g
  L: n! m1 k& m9 n
6 g: L  b. a2 g. i% P: s  F
! x8 ?6 s2 u7 @

* K" _0 [1 i6 U$ e: Z/ P! y, c' Y6 O! }# Y7 p# E) M
( |: r5 O& |* ?: G7 U& \

; s& j4 w. m+ N! H$ ?) L& \" i) N( c( z# A4 i. a; G0 U, X
0 O& Y7 O2 N( n/ b

% r# ^' v5 ~$ C. t) c4 U1 s0 I
6 E5 c& q/ H1 y) X/ z
+ E# N/ `, N5 gSoon Christopher's little cock was hardening as Andy and4 a6 C& I$ `: x. a! s' `
Ricky stroked and pulled on his organs. The little boy's ass2 J* [9 f) n9 B  b
was wiggling as they caressed his genitals. Ricky cupped his$ E- n" w! W$ F. |, [
balls and felt the Band-Aid where the microchip was inserted.
5 I0 S" ]7 F/ e3 Y/ V- `/ GHe made a mental note to ask the brothers what the Band-Aids
7 g* P& Y9 E; |( D6 ~. A* bwere for.  Andy gently tugged on his little brother's dick
. ^  z( U- u$ ]6 ymoving the foreskin back and forth. Christopher had never  @- x; T6 x0 k: B
felt such pleasure in all of his nine years, Not even when he
' ~0 S, `* ~+ m( mplayed with himself. His breathing got louder, His eyes were( P: @, U8 i: o. O6 _
closed, and his little body moved back and forth, as two
% X+ w1 `" X$ ^4 |7 {2 O4 ^! zolder boys massaged him Soon he stiffened as he reached an% r. D$ Y7 ]- @! [+ E2 i
orgasm. As all three boys were dry cummers there was nothing& f) q: ?7 h3 j
to clean up.4 P1 L! s- x' |
4 ~( F9 F0 S6 L- s! s% k. }
The girls and guards sat eating at one table and the boys: n5 F9 {1 E7 o
were at another table. Mrs. Mandel had made a stew and Andy
( j# c: g# V0 dwas amazed as he watched Ricky wolf down seconds and thirds.
8 s" o/ W. A4 [8 }
# ^8 H( V" c+ Y$ e- AIn between bites Ricky looked at the two brothers, "I
* v4 e9 W- T# a- fwouldn't have touched your cocks for all the money in the9 J& f" H7 x. d" x% j/ n8 R
world. They spanked my ass so bad I couldn't face having it' A  Z" P5 x8 {/ f
done again," He apologized. "Why did you play with mine?"
5 l. O2 {7 X$ ]3 ~8 b* b$ Y$ h* w+ c0 O  A0 [; W- H6 d
"We're not gay," Andy said. "They implanted a chip in our; o* O" S" f" _' N4 U
ball sacks. When they press the remote it feels like your. q  e6 H7 c. r' P3 `! Y. J2 F* I
balls are on fire and you've been kicked by a mule." He/ B5 b. _0 w, K- ~  B% @
looked down at Ricky's crotch. "They'll do the same thing to
/ `, q8 [! G3 h3 x/ Qyou tomorrow."
) W& P1 F9 n; f+ p) D6 Z9 h8 x4 u  ?3 R8 d* W( M, E
"So that's what the Band-Aid was," Ricky said. "I'm getting: V) ]: e% c7 j2 w& _, w2 G
out of here tonight. You guys can come with me if you want."
  b# @; P/ o9 R1 f0 l, D
! Q7 `( z- U, G- Q5 tAndy shook his head. "If we go beyond the school grounds the  F4 I, D4 C# j
device kicks in. It's also a tracking device."; _) H. a. _8 \& w1 B
0 Z* D8 f: m  G7 M( l( u
"Well then I'm going myself," Ricky said. "I'm not staying in% r& f, A! H+ ]; X5 L8 W" e
this hellhole."
! S5 L& c+ P: Y+ ?
) D1 e0 K0 i6 I3 A& A"What did you do to get them to send you here?" Christopher
/ R% r6 X9 u8 ~, H' e/ _asked.6 e9 ]: ~) _4 R* [

* j4 G4 Z. f0 B3 r# B"I ran away from my foster homes. No joint can hold me."
/ i1 K* W4 }* X! _5 KRicky scowled, remembering. "At the family I stayed with
3 t" o% ?. {# d  dlast, The old man was molesting his kids. When he came for me8 m7 J8 b* A' K" b0 `6 V$ D4 X
I kicked him in the balls and took off. He told the cops I6 e" I. |3 |8 {  [, w" W$ w7 ^& x
messed with his daughter and when he tried to stop me I( ~2 `9 K; t' Q: }$ `. u: I
slugged him."
- r, l" h! y$ ?0 L5 m* k6 e( f* Z/ M8 s/ P+ o4 r/ b: a) Z+ {7 c2 U1 N
"We were caught stealing," Christopher said. "The judge gave
, l4 z# F4 M4 y+ ^& s3 A6 f' dus six months in this place."
3 t! |" m  W; l8 z; `2 }" U0 @+ E$ a2 F
"How long have you guys been here?"  Ricky asked taking7 ]5 D1 @3 [1 H
another bite of bread. "These chicks are fucken' nuts."8 t+ D1 Q, ]+ M% n$ {6 x
6 B" T) t. d2 w5 N5 C! \' y
"We've only been here a day. So far they've had their hands
6 `0 i2 Y+ l, X- Gup our asses, jerked us off, Implanted a microchip in our. `7 N' w; e8 z* }2 t
balls and made us play with other cocks. You're right,
! z  D( T  i# n& ~everybody here is nuts. The nurse is cool and I think she
" Q+ x; ^0 H: j# ~5 pfeels sorry for us but she still liked playing with our dicks9 C9 Q: D! U  Q" [9 V
and stuff." Andy said sadly.
( i9 F1 V% t0 K" e$ `
( Y1 W4 l9 g7 w3 v1 H, q. w"The girls are worse than the guards." Christopher said./ N$ I; H) Z& g7 s+ g. f2 D" ?( G
"Kelly makes me cry and I hate her."
3 I4 H4 l4 `3 I% c* _0 t, l; M4 M/ K. t# D; C
Dinner finished, Mrs. Connolly gathered up her girls, Miss$ @9 A- N% B/ r3 X- |. N
Thomas and Lori Paulson. They left leading Ricky by the# D7 Y" D& {; s
leash. The harness they had put on him before was once again
8 _" J: |/ n: Y- n' H2 K* Don his dick and balls. Little Kelly was tugging on it as she
5 `: R$ z# w- d' Cled him to be fingerprinted and photographed. Mrs. Maikowski
& y. u4 C3 ?7 H' X0 e- twas left behind to guard Andy and Christopher who were to
1 L$ j- F+ y% O, @/ G+ Rhelp the cook clean up the dinner dishes.0 W0 }# o  z/ |7 D5 l; g
" h% X% H  V4 n
"O.k. you two up on the table and let me get a better look at! `0 l, \# G! G0 s+ L7 a* V8 K
your cocks," Mrs. Mandrel commanded.. }8 ]* K3 D) _9 N3 ?& N
# f! Y& y- W* i0 {
"I thought we were supposed to help clean up?" Andy said. ' e: q" T+ @6 X4 b7 l

/ ], x" V5 i! d  l$ l$ w# c& T* n) JMrs. Maikowski smacked Andy's bare ass. "You're to do; `" L3 }+ V, Q8 J
whatever we tell you to do."  
/ \" ?5 R) n. X0 h- v2 x
- W& k7 i( I4 C, L% bAndy looked at Christopher. "Here we go again," He sighed.
$ l3 k( B$ E7 p9 ]) L$ WBoth boys climbed up. "Squat down here so I can get a look at
6 \& y7 l3 G* z0 Ythose little cocks," the old cook commanded.
0 @, P9 o; _7 N9 z( `  x0 F* B$ i. c  m1 s9 N
The boys were made to squat in front of the two women who sat
( r( W- B5 r: H0 @; B0 Xdown on chairs, their faces inches away from the youngster's" U0 |9 v1 i- N% P' J
genitals.2 g5 u; {% i3 {6 f& P# H& N4 t

9 E3 t: z- \% ?. b0 t& JAs she roughly played with Andy's cock Mrs. Mandel lit a/ m1 X3 Q1 V# Q# B
cigarette. "I could burn your cock with this sonny," She
7 ^( C( c( \% v, R; c- Ygrinned, "Unless you and the little guy do what I tell you." : s+ ~7 q7 z0 b( i1 u

% E3 o) w5 }1 K6 o; e! l. {$ xAndy gulped, "Don't burn me," I'll do what you want." The old
5 A9 @" z, |* T/ P3 E0 z" h; Plady smiled. "Stand up and face each other." ( O% ]- B1 p+ e! i

, y& p9 a( U/ n4 P3 QThe boys got to their feet. "Take your dicks in your hands0 s' t- M  V5 {1 [' F  M$ x0 R
and rub them against each other." ! }5 B! G* U+ f5 b

; f6 O( _* P- E" d: vBlushing Andy and Chris did as they were told. It felt weird8 C9 v8 X7 z" a( M" q
as they rubbed the heads of their cocks together. "Now use/ s( m4 Y8 J9 O
your other hands and play with each other's balls," She
( D( |9 k* K# G" I- \' Minstructed. "I missed all the fun while I was in the
) c% j. x$ p: H" Q+ r4 v% h6 {! Mkitchen," She remarked to Mrs. Maikowski.
" R' l# m& t' a$ Q- Z+ Z2 B9 A3 U0 Q; Q) f" R. D1 E& L# m
The boys spent the next few moments amusing the two women.
% S5 O7 l7 X/ f6 P% Z% e% KMrs. Maikowski had them lift up their cocks and standing
4 g  B' a( X+ v8 hclose, rub their balls against each other. The boys were
1 `7 g6 V1 S* z- n' {+ r7 E) Tpanting as they neared climax. Christopher was the first to' d# g5 S4 A( K2 `; S
cum. As Andy's balls rubbed against his, he arched up on his& ~5 {5 g! u7 @! p
tiptoes and let out a moan as he achieved orgasm. Andy
: \7 d, S: b2 P2 O/ T$ Y" Tquickly followed. + j  U# d) z2 a2 L( _: F

# [( E& @7 X. D. A7 [Not satisfied the old lady had them face away from her and+ n" y9 s1 r7 L. _( j
bend over. The two older women inspected each asshole in turn# q8 u+ U0 n. D! V1 p! q" ~
as the boys stood legs spread and hands pulling their asses
1 r4 a) C5 A7 G" C- Eopen.2 \2 P$ g! G. h( ]1 A2 S' l" @. P
* c. S8 V9 M! R5 V( B
Meanwhile the Connolly family with Ricky in tow and the
  _4 y+ a" F/ p6 S6 o. _. b0 Tguards following had reached the photograph room. As she
& }0 E$ D' }7 Xunbuckled Ricky's cock harness Mrs. Connolly gave, ~+ @& q! e4 X- u. ?/ F* T
. I- c  O' K3 ]' q1 A; E
% e! e8 D8 \- `, K& W& E& s"Jennifer, You're the photographer tonight. Caitlin play with# s2 j4 B+ m% b( |2 `! d4 C
his cock, It's pathetically small for the pictures. Mrs.' V: }; L) h9 R* Y9 A
Thomas will you set up the lights?"; Q6 a# w5 ?6 E/ c2 O' g

! V. J( ?) L- \6 k6 aThe two younger girls watched as Caitlin expertly massaged& k, b) i! C! k5 E( t5 @  @! D
the boys cock into arousal. That done Ricky was given the2 ~9 m- O# d/ n# D! G) h& h
sign with his name on it to hold as he was positioned for the
: n4 n- E" K0 a" Q) T6 d+ vpictures. Jennifer snapped two shots with the sign. Then+ }" @8 y$ \, ]
Ricky was made to pose. / X9 r  W" r: v6 W9 G

& m8 t  M! W# @2 @  U7 cChristie and Kelly stood alongside him for the next shots,
& _" l6 K# Q9 p8 K% J2 @smiling as they gazed at his cock and balls. Their older
( O! P9 [' R7 `! |sister snapped away. Next Caitlin posed, kneeling at his side* S2 A2 `8 N7 Y8 @& \6 R
and holding his cock in her hands. Ricky was made to bend6 Z- W7 F1 n: j# b
over as Jennifer concentrated on his ass. The boy was
& l1 l7 E3 c4 }6 T1 K, H7 G" }( y# \blushing with humiliation as each pose got more embarrassing
1 h' y& m. j; t7 T1 O! Cthan the previous one. The final shot had All three girls( C  y! t; w# Y: A, s) V, D
gathered around examining his wide spread puckered asshole.' k7 Z! ^- C& z( [. T: M$ V+ h! D
1 ]) V" N/ z" N9 F6 Q- s
He was fingerprinted next. And to top off the evening his
) j6 V) G8 ^# q$ b5 U$ Jcockprint was taken just like they had done to Andy and Chris
  p3 @$ F- X% p+ _: ]the night before. ( R( ~: i6 D& }

( N' H& k3 o, l% Y. w2 g& Z1 g"One more thing," Mrs. Connolly said to Miss Thomas. "I don't& n/ J) i8 b+ Q2 w" D, r6 j& J
trust him. Lock him in the small room away from the other
5 Q' y" l  E0 L  y' `' r% R3 C4 C5 otwo. Until we have the control device implanted I want him% B; D4 k6 W0 s/ h; M. {8 b. j- F
' P( F2 b9 R* m1 h. S4 m! I! n; S7 E: l- h; p" r! q" ?4 b" V
She turned to Ricky. "Its gonna be tough on you unless you
0 d& _! c6 o# }& G0 g% z1 Jbehave. To show you just how tough you still have twenty
9 ~5 ~2 _3 ~# D: pspanks from each of the girls."0 g! ]& L* [! j5 C, y
: Q- x/ ]- Z/ M, c2 R( Q! m
Ricky couldn't believe it. His ass was still sore from the
8 ^0 p# V# Z9 c9 Vearlier spanking. The tough street kid started crying. Miss
: |5 }. Z, C; [- @8 q5 c. CThomas grabbed him and the four girls sat down. He was bent, u* b5 \/ g7 f, k7 Y0 a
over Jennifer's lap before he could resist. The guard handed
" t$ h/ m$ S4 B. N  dher the paddle. The thick piece of wood came down with all
. Y" z# I! p, K1 x! Othe force she could muster and Ricky's ass felt like it had# k# t7 P2 D2 M$ P; h2 G( ~1 }
been shot.
2 X% I4 A9 h$ r  n1 j1 g
* |; s) E. B9 L2 }* n6 \: _Each girl tried to outdo the other as Ricky was passed from
; w$ I) N& j" f% h3 dsister to sister. After Jennifer, ten-year-old Christie gave
2 o' o& K* ]6 R7 t, }him her twenty whacks. He felt like his ass was on fire.
2 D0 ~" a8 J* g* C" w) HThere wasn't much padding on his little ass and even Kelly,: I+ r* d& {5 I: P2 }2 M/ q7 W0 g
batting third was killing him. He shrieked in agony as the
* R; Z: o" o4 C5 z3 \paddle descended swatting each cheek ten times.8 R" o+ R) M) R$ ?$ v7 _+ [! [5 }" H

8 s( A' t& {& Q+ UIt still wasn't over. He was moved To Caitlin's lap for the
8 P( ^* h) R4 ^, {; s7 Z- Nlast twenty. His legs were kicking as the paddling continued.) H! P; m- t9 l0 L
The howling was deafening as the paddle continued torturing
# n4 f  ]- w3 N4 }4 bhis blistered ass. Finally it was over and Ricky was allowed7 {' F6 C) W% a: [+ F4 b: @
to dance around and rub his throbbing behind. His balls were/ ?0 {* f, b" V$ t9 G1 m
swinging to and fro as he hopped around bawling and screaming
4 b4 M$ {# h; o, e8 V* `$ yin pain.  l$ m3 S. s; @1 V

7 f& k. y! q$ @- aThe dancing continued for ten minutes until Ricky, exhausted
# O6 G& o, k; e( y( ?and humiliated slowed down. He stood head bowed with his
. {0 x% d! R; O# [0 @1 t; vsides heaving in front of the warden, her daughters and the
$ w. W$ c! V+ I& H5 |two guards.
; I" C: r- t. s3 s* ?
3 h% w  y- l$ P# F$ O. N; k"Take him away," Mrs. Connolly ordered. Miss Thomas roughly1 E- C/ J8 {4 D3 _( [( ~+ V
handled Ricky's cock and balls as she attached the harness.
7 E! s( }; F( f/ z4 Y8 ?/ m1 bThen leading him by the leash she took him to a small
' L' u8 ]$ b- W. H: ewindowless room.   T- b' m( H* }4 v& m/ r
; q, s1 A7 b4 ]
She left the harness on as she shoved him in. "Make sure
( J/ y+ ^( g- u3 pyou're showered and clean when we come for you tomorrow," She
7 }! U  d  N( f5 }ordered. "Have that harness on." She slammed the door behind3 X. }; ~5 M- D: |# Y
the sobbing boy.
* m3 {0 _& A* U1 n; z* {, d
2 E) I/ O# M5 V% KRicky looked around. Off to the right was a small bathroom.+ f. \& M+ b; @4 d6 e2 \
He walked painfully into it and looked in the medicine" P  O7 K$ B0 Y* Z& e9 r
cabinet. There was a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a bar of
8 W3 [& f9 K- c3 ]+ m/ _soap. Hanging on a hook was a towel. He washed his face and
* U! z+ S; C1 j1 fpeed, then sat on the bed wincing with pain as he put weight  Z* l$ d  t3 `/ S* O; H& F/ h
on his sore ass.
' G$ O  c- F" u0 `$ p  F" B0 M1 b% U
He turned off the light and cried himself to sleep. Thus
$ X: E; [; k+ S8 x3 H3 ~ended Ricky Gordon's first day at the Grandview school.
# B4 F9 P2 S3 P$ `& w- w
$ N" u* ?- g4 u+ S/ b% yThe day ended for Andy and Christopher in almost the same
7 A$ Y, l  B0 s/ [1 y! x& P% I+ t9 Gway. Mrs. Maikowski stood guard as Mrs. Mandel showed them! s: ~3 L$ v+ c$ T9 Q% j! e
how to wash the pots and pans used to cook dinner. They dried$ [2 ]* ?  \  w- u: p. ]8 q
and put everything away. Christopher was sobbing. He refused, s* L# r# e4 K
to make eye contact with his brother. Andy knew the little
6 @% c: G7 o3 z& ?boy was miserable but there was little he could do to comfort8 j3 @# N% p3 i& S
Chris with the guard watching." U6 t( ^, |" M; ~6 M2 E

  X1 @3 p! q+ _- CAfter the guard marched them back to their dorm, She
8 S2 ]5 q% B0 Uinspected their bare bodies one more time, bending them over3 t: Y& ^9 u2 l
and checking their assholes. Then locking the door behind
) l1 h* O# [$ D: g6 s* Dher, She warned them to be up and ready for inspection by8 G" J: a4 e8 l3 L/ B0 `+ _/ R) y
whoever came to get them in the morning.
! ~% ~7 R, `3 S& q! ?, h1 C, V
* Z) z) y. g8 _Andy looked at his little brother. "All right what's4 ], x1 J4 a! r. i" |* Z
bothering you?"
$ P8 _: [, s+ [  v, M, |0 K& Y
7 [+ Q4 g; b0 K- O% _$ N1 m; N9 D"I came when you played with my dickie and also when we8 h: v/ o" E& @  K  X& D
rubbed our balls together. I'm a queer," The little boy
6 {5 ]$ }2 P( ^1 u- bsobbed. "Cause I liked it."! l7 u7 D) p5 W6 D- J2 {. L7 Z

2 Z0 v( V! {3 v9 @. w0 ]"It feels good when you play with yourself and it feels good6 h. f# j  n; \  S$ ?# g
when the girls touch you doesn't it?"
" ~9 z2 ~+ Q; l) Z# ~& bAndy asked. The little boy nodded. "Then how can you be8 ]1 ?5 {5 D5 }- k  f
/ r* h/ v' j% U3 {$ H* Y0 w9 A- m3 e9 O3 _1 B# E- @
"I don't know. I hate it when the girls inspect me and look. U  N, n) Y+ ]
up my ass but it feels good when they play with my dickie and5 w) _7 C; M8 U. m
balls. Why is that?" Christopher asked.
: O" @: {( m/ R7 t+ O- R& P8 X; p* s$ {% X) i. k' O% u
"It just does and that doesn't make you queer." Andy7 H6 |3 X& F8 u. T0 \+ q
reassured him. "I didn't want to touch your cock and balls# \0 K9 B0 w' c4 {. U$ J$ N" ?
and I never will unless they make me," he promised.
7 ]7 \/ I9 n& [- [. I0 e0 A2 ?" H, O2 H
. ?1 e6 K" o: @6 eChristopher sat next to Andy and hugged him. The two boys' F/ w7 e) k/ j$ \* P" Q) F1 @
went into the bathroom and cleaned up for bed. Then Andy5 M& A2 c+ L8 C  O
tucked Chris in and kissed him good night. He climbed into! p: b, \$ ?4 ]& E8 o& U
his own bed and shut the lights. As he drifted off to sleep
& V8 Q0 Y! U& l& K" y8 H, Nhe wondered, "How are we going to get through the next six
+ @4 r. ~4 t* y% |months?"
, @0 [8 }# |8 ~1 ^9 X( ~: O
& C# j* U, h7 ]! @Then exhausted he too fell asleep.
8 J: Y5 K7 M' ]3 A! N- a1 m0 G7 q: D" @0 T5 F' q
Chapter three the end.
; A6 q2 c4 Y" M% `1 l5 UGRANDVIEW SCHOOL FOR BOYS 40 Z. a1 s; W& r) Q' S; @6 u
Michael and Josh0 u# q  V; W: R% ^& d& Z
/ w9 \; D3 k: L
copyright 2000 By Mozzy 24
5 R# E5 ^6 v+ y' Fall rights reserved
" n/ i' Q' v6 e* z9 j" t4 J/ _$ o0 z

; w9 I/ H; O; U
& C( a# l7 O, n  X4 i
. k) m7 p+ e" V5 k% cThey came for Ricky the next morning. Actually he had been up/ O" h8 {( e4 A; R" _- W
for hours. It was hard to sleep worrying about devices
( Z2 f% G" O0 P$ A0 v7 g3 qplanted in your testicles and spankings. Ricky took a long
0 [; l6 v$ B% n& Bshower and cleaned himself up. There was no reason not to and
) y3 R, [. T) k2 G4 S4 t0 bthe shower soothed his burning ass.
4 ~7 G1 K% A: j6 n4 O9 C
8 r& A- b# {) b8 \2 m( TMrs. Connolly had gathered the staff and they were given+ u2 w. {* S2 G4 q" h
their assignments. "The Doctor will be in at nine O'clock.
0 w0 V* h8 {0 W- ]1 t  B/ [She wants all the boys in her office. She needs to check the, n' y* G4 D. R7 g; S
stitches on Andy and Christopher and to give Ricky his
# `# n; ~# M% J5 k+ Dphysical as soon as possible. She has appointments in the
" w0 h4 j  J3 e4 ~* NState prison in the afternoon."
: g2 G9 r2 ?: {! X* _* }
# c# t# }' ]& I4 g$ [She went on, "Today is Saturday so the girls will be around
0 Z( p- q1 h: i! h9 P& lto help with the prisoners. The Sheriff called me this5 ?; }+ R; X$ H6 H- N
morning. The deputies are bringing two more boys and will be, S: e  G5 T' L( D8 U
here around one O'clock. We have to finish with the doctor by! z5 U; K3 {5 C7 h  ^
' a- I8 }/ r1 a' ]- q7 X% _
8 y" Z) e+ n( i) U! |"What are the two boys like Mommy?"  Christie asked. "I hope
9 n& I! J$ `. f: a# Uthey're cute."% o. m8 W, R* Z
. T" X* _* Q" Y2 M
"I hope their cocks are bigger than the other three," Caitlin: ~7 u8 C/ z8 [  `* `# |3 |  j
giggled. That got all of them laughing.
6 Z. c5 G8 X& I( W1 L* T& f( G0 x1 Y
: O2 \0 H; k. R, h"The first kid, Michael Sanchez is going to be trouble. He's/ N8 w- z6 n) ~: P0 T. V
twelve and stabbed his stepfather in a fight. I almost said
8 D8 P3 z& q/ H% F5 ?; E$ ?3 o: N6 pno but the judge asked me to take him because he thinks7 e7 N: A7 n0 U7 Q) L6 \4 l- d
discipline may turn him around. He's a big tough Chicano
! T3 k" O9 C  b# _kid," Mrs. Connolly winked.   You might just get your wish
( }* S$ R0 R  _for a bigger cock, Caitlin."
. a! R. k; u# X
. \: u% A# I/ l( g( HEverybody laughed at that last remark, But Mrs. Connolly9 f/ h' N$ {' G* i; A6 u6 V
seemed a little worried about Michael. "Miss Thomas I think" E* A4 V/ b3 i2 u5 g8 }* [
you and Mrs. Maikowski should have your Billy clubs ready.
& T7 C$ E# n! q9 d+ ?% Z) D5 n; dUntil we get the device on him we may have to keep him in! Z( z2 R& s+ W% \4 R, d
cuffs."  She instructed.8 S, I5 b& J% m$ k3 z. D: \

- b! w6 S& n% i5 h  a8 ]) R1 r"The second kid, Josh Steinberg, is also twelve but he's just" y/ L# P; P* Q+ k- y; v# v9 I- Y4 z
the opposite. He's a computer genius who hacked into several
& K' R( @3 d4 N8 M  v4 yplaces he wasn't supposed to. He almost caused a bank to go, q$ o1 N7 k# f+ H* u# a
belly up. They pressed charges and here he comes."
, k/ A+ p) ~2 q! p- E, b
- E# e; S, Y+ T"Miss Thomas you and Mrs. M. go get Ricky. He knows about the
5 u: @0 m6 w0 x- H! S, xdevice and may give you trouble. Use the cock and ball
! x1 z5 ?, T$ s; w! z) }0 w7 l/ H. aharness."$ i- M' a$ p/ y

/ b, b- ^5 o0 p* J7 h* `9 ^"Caitlin you and Miss Paulson can go get the brothers. We'll
3 l; C4 J! _$ B# h7 T& k+ Q- Uall meet in the lunchroom for breakfast. Mrs. Mandel is off
! r) R" d3 x9 Y* N% a" Stoday so it's help yourself."
$ P% R" l2 q$ B4 b) t
9 F1 b' n+ J( Q6 v. l4 s, ^The two guards set off to get Ricky. Caitlin and Lori/ ]2 w5 g" ]  i. s% |- K* l7 e% A
followed went to get Andy and Christopher. Mrs. Connolly
5 D! f1 d7 Z- h9 J( H9 |1 @walked to the lunchroom with Kelly and Christie skipping
4 l, M: |& J+ p/ }ahead.
# E/ C% [. g* j. U9 V; L
" c& G& |. X+ L, B; i4 Z6 eRicky was waiting nervously. He had been awake and ready for
9 W& f- R4 J8 o. d3 e. \! p8 nquite awhile. "Where's the harness?" Miss Thomas demanded.
- W8 x% K1 G) z6 K, A"You were supposed to have it on this morning."
' o, m( I. }) u, F5 [; T# \9 l/ u. K& j; D! ]4 ?! U
Ricky shrugged. He wasn't going to cooperate and let them
- n5 Q9 z- }* N2 k/ n2 M4 Pfuck around with his balls. "You want me in the fucken7 c- h* I2 ?$ C/ H7 `
harness, then you put it on me. You seem to like handling my, N: X5 L" U/ z
cock and balls anyhow."
3 z$ r& Y9 q* o* H# C4 E7 ~$ d9 C2 w6 Y8 J/ O' |3 }
Mrs. Thomas saw the harness on the night table. "Boy I'm not- \+ x1 I; T1 c/ f
sure what you're up to but I'm putting this harness on your: J* A! W' c; W# V  u- c6 Z
nuts," she said advancing on Ricky.
3 ]& p0 A; S( ^; s5 }2 R
4 G) e% q' y6 k; x3 V" dThe door was open and Ricky faked around the big guard and
5 g+ s# n/ U- p7 B0 Z6 Gcleared her. He was almost there. He'd worry about his6 V+ e8 P! b4 D4 F- @( _; j3 v* V* j
nakedness after he got out of here.
: w2 F  e6 p; y6 K( z
+ \) q2 c; j5 s  ?  [, pHe almost made it. Mrs. Maikowski moved fast for an older# u! S. B2 }/ T" n  w
woman. She stuck her foot out. Ricky was in the flip-flops3 P& G+ Q6 H" a+ Z3 b( F( b7 ]/ F
and couldn't run well in those awkward shoes. His foot hit
( z; Z3 b7 t# q" m2 u8 T- ]hers and he went flying. ! Y- w& o1 I& {- ]& {$ b

1 l$ E! S! S' s: {# t* ZMrs. Thomas was on him before he could get up. "I think' \- i" F4 s% Q' A% p/ C
you're about to get your little ass whupped real good, boy,"6 A7 f7 b; V2 v1 L4 |$ \7 o
She cackled as she lifted him up effortlessly.
! V9 S" g) ~! t& s3 ^( P: ?+ s% U. V- Y7 \
"First lets check you out. Put those hands up around your6 b, d& @+ \/ M$ N/ p" @: Y8 E
head while we inspect that little cock."  She roughly skinned
/ I1 t9 E' l3 l- y3 d9 n; tback his foreskin and checked the rim. She fondled his balls' G  Q$ n8 d) H  K
next, feeling each one then ran her finger over his cockhead! ]- W9 X2 y" k2 C) ?
paying particular attention to his pee hole. Mrs. Maikowski7 a6 h) o, ^4 r8 }1 p
knelt behind the naked boy and spread his ass cheeks checking
( W( X/ U8 _7 u* H0 X1 _him out from the back.
- L8 Q& R( k  R/ V9 u6 _1 `* g# {- ]' @4 m' g7 l1 {- ]7 u- x7 @
The two women were finally satisfied and the embarrassed) S8 F6 q+ ~- b- T4 Z
youngster was led to the bed. "Give me those flip-flops,"
4 B* x7 H: E( }# B9 n3 nMiss Thomas commanded. "Lay down on the bed face down and, D3 \6 j; t$ }" }: ^
hold on to the headboard." Ricky knew what was coming and8 e) q. R- U% G$ s; T) f: {9 r8 z
braced himself as the big guard brought the rubber soled shoe
& V  I0 C! ?6 ^2 w% r; p* [down on his tender ass. "Yeooww," He screamed as the hard
7 B; {1 o7 t9 m: V3 c  ssurface dug into his flesh. % H+ [, o3 B9 O% r; A
8 V" ^( o# S) Y+ y0 R
Miss Thomas gave him twenty smacks on each cheek, alternating
  r" s2 P( s" z1 uhands as he howled in pain. Ricky was allowed to hop around: b6 x( C4 G! {& U
and rub his ass, then stood with tears running down his: ~3 U( z) ?. M8 s' }
cheeks as Mrs. Maikowski placed the harness around his cock
$ x7 |+ Z+ x3 `& @and balls.
* J( ^$ R& @& d8 {
& L; I) V5 k2 aStill crying the little captive was led to the lunchroom by* N: ?4 i3 n  F' _$ ~# W# G
the leash attached to the harness.( ]. @) P: m: I
. N6 g4 x% f/ Q$ Z  L# r( v
Caitlin and Miss Paulson opened the door to Andy and
( H. ?; T) j+ ?' @2 X0 HChristopher's room just as the boys came out of the shower.$ C; Q4 U+ o) `' Y- @3 l
The boy's quickly combed their hair and brushed their teeth
2 _3 T* E- A- X* T( Cas the girl and guard waited.
5 G" x6 f9 C) y% ^' R3 L
3 Z$ }6 W9 Z3 p5 Q' w5 ^: lMiss Paulson checked Andy carefully as the boy stood with his- M9 y4 @& j5 d& t. z7 p" d
hands behind his head. She sat on the bed with Andy in front$ v$ _* {, j  W5 R3 z4 I) P( c
of her, his cock inches from her face and skinned the
' l' t9 R' k# K2 H. D- Rforeskin on his still wet penis back. She stroked his cock% O4 F6 |6 W! U: n
until it was hard and carefully examined his balls noticing
# d: I7 ?$ F" O3 _# m! }3 }5 A! Pthat the Band-Aid had come off in the shower." q4 E; }, X4 c4 z$ Y

" K( A( ~% X: c5 b' JSatisfied that his cock and balls were clean she had Andy
' \  e7 o: `/ X. K0 Bbend over and just as carefully inspected his pink, puckered6 e2 l' M' {& M. W0 Y0 l
asshole.5 ]3 H! ?( b& X
6 z9 l* Z2 o( H" h1 h
Caitlin was doing the same to Christopher. Her hands made
& H  w8 h2 U/ |/ [! sshort work of his little cock as she stroked and kneaded it.* h4 ]* ]3 d% ?2 q) ^8 t3 b! w, _2 j
Then the little boy bent over and Caitlin examined his6 I* e- O( v9 Y: J% v7 s
rectum. "She shoved her small finger into his asshole causing" P- B3 G/ |7 a
the little boy to cry out. As Chris sobbed in humiliation she
3 P/ ]( P  P9 i& fwiggle her finger around inside of him until she was
9 D8 m5 r6 K  N' Hsatisfied.
8 \  a& m7 S- C- Z7 G2 Y  \/ l% d
8 {0 o8 E0 n4 G& C. N  k"Mines all set," Caitlin said. "How about Yours?"
- h( J3 {- M; o# i% ?2 q
- x# _9 K! |  D; ?Lori nodded and the girls led the boys to the lunchroom.
5 @; C- r& w" @- G3 e; B) `5 B$ x; X! M( S
The staff again sat at one table and the boy's were at
: V1 M3 X& W$ y: @another. Miss Thomas fed the boy's cold cereal with milk and9 G, \0 v0 J- f8 \$ y
orange juice. Ricky picked at the food. "You better eat kid.
+ y4 q) m4 A# r3 F& H. WYou're gonna need all the strength you can get when the
% ^7 c' i! c' ^5 ^doctor cuts your balls off," She cackled.! x% k1 T0 ?* U! _* z
; m, C* x  ]( k; R6 r/ q
Ricky turned pale. "Don't worry the doctor is just gonna make4 B& j$ d- s& [' C9 Q
a little cut and insert a computer chip," Andy said. "It5 h3 Z4 {/ s( A7 e8 n; j
doesn't hurt until they press the remotes." ( W2 C; z# f) T$ i

# _$ H6 C; a2 R7 s* A"The nurse is really pretty," Christopher chimed in, "And she
6 H: |9 M& S. f0 w# [plays with your peenie really nice."
8 \: A7 w+ N% B0 u4 e& p5 M& P# N7 Q, d/ o0 v' @
The boys finished breakfast and were led down the hall to the" ~* r2 b/ a; T+ R5 y) V0 t- N. G
doctor's office. Ricky's heart was beating like a trip hammer
+ C/ j/ ?* j* v1 I, L. Ras Miss Thomas led him in followed by Mrs. Maikowski.  The
3 }* G; u$ {% q7 M2 Z: }other two boys followed with the four young Connolly girls
3 g. D  E) H1 Hbringing up the rear. Mrs. Connolly and Lori Paulson went to' b4 {) a) e5 `( J* `& r6 z
the receiving room to prepare for the new prisoners.6 N+ z) X8 T* ~
! x$ S4 L& K8 o  x9 c: M# ]
Nurse Randi looked up from the chart she was reading. "Hi9 Y3 x9 ?$ f8 K4 [& b
girls," she smiled "What have we here?"
7 |: t1 b. ?9 C3 U6 v) ]
% v4 C) X; I' c2 v"This little twerp is Ricky Gordon. He's here to get his nuts
* I2 q# J* a# l1 ocut off," Miss Thomas cackled as Ricky turned pale.
+ T- v( U4 p  S3 r4 f0 `' t4 h
, u1 R. w1 q$ N' v4 M2 FRandi came around in front of the desk. Her eyes greeted Andy
' ^, Y1 V5 F8 Mand Christopher. "Why don't you all sit down while I check0 L( b. v  v' b  v8 V2 {! Y
Ricky out. The doctor will be out in a moment. + d4 J2 q" z6 h( ], P' e

. M% Z" b8 y3 f2 `Randi smiled at the naked blonde haired boy. "Your testicles
& J' C+ f2 m& q/ yare not going to be cut off Ricky, The doctor is going to
! b" y# D: w* a$ O% P! lgive you a physical and make a tiny incision in your scrotum.) f( O; ]# |8 l# J
It won't hurt and it'll be over in a second."* v# z1 ^5 ~0 S
4 N: p( e6 l' _/ f& _0 `
She led Ricky over to a scale and weighed him making a
9 z6 i' ?$ W5 `% f* G9 M* x1 pnotation in her chart. Andy and Christopher watched as her2 m- I" C$ V8 F- U/ m) z
hand brushed against Ricky's penis, wishing it was them.3 t% ^/ ?8 A" |, [& M
Randi handed Ricky a plastic bottle. "I need a urine sample
2 e0 D- Z. Q6 M, T# w& hfrom you." The boy looked around for a bathroom. ( a3 z/ e  _) n3 ^8 G" m1 v
. z7 K6 R% ]* n+ a8 S3 b2 ?% J* A' u3 u
"What's the matter Ricky?" Randi asked.
! m# \  l' x3 w1 J4 n8 A
& @% n; L! Z% M& x, ]( `: h"There's no bathroom," he answered.
1 Z0 r* L/ Q* @. X
) j- j9 T3 q, y5 F- D/ x/ tRandi giggled "Don't be silly, now pee in the bottle. Please
4 u0 t2 N! C' U0 h1 _- Shurry up we're running late."
* r$ P0 _3 c6 \5 Z4 W: n3 ]1 v* g  x
Ricky turned bright red. The Connolly girls were watching, So, O& _( f7 P, b
were the guards and Andy and Chris. He unscrewed the cap and
/ \) g+ {9 p1 x$ L; y0 jplaced his cock into the mouth. As everybody watched he0 o! f" o3 L1 Z$ B" q! \
managed to produce a small amount of urine. Christi and Kelly8 k2 s# t; x  ]! g  A
were giggling and pointing as he handed the jar to the nurse.( s2 l$ t0 O& r% K% a4 C4 T# |% g

# S) L! a/ P% e& P' |She had the boy stand against the tape glued to the wall and
8 [+ E$ o4 I& `* ]. n# E4 l5 qwrote down his height. "Now Ricky I'm going to take your/ n) e8 q. U& ]+ G) u
temperature and grease up your rectum for the doctor. She's4 }8 l1 b" t) W3 b  Q, v
in the exam room so lets do it here. Would you please bend1 [2 ~* u5 O) [& t
over and pull your cheeks apart for me?"
* L' i) H0 u( v' u
7 @6 d0 d) T/ LRicky blushed as the four girls broke out giggling. Nurse
( p; d: F, Z: j0 `4 u; u( e5 bRandi put on her gloves and greased her index finger. Ricky4 y6 e3 m* v0 |6 v# u& p3 @
was blushing furiously as he turned his back and bent over.% x0 c2 T( P2 c! t/ z7 ~  Q+ e6 S
$ ?2 z" E+ Y% k. y+ G' ^% J) ~
Randi said "Please open yourself up for me." The embarrassed' H: L0 {- y( j3 E5 M. C
boy reached back and spread his cheeks and she pushed her
* ?+ _5 C! V5 s$ T% {$ pfinger into his rectum. It went in easily, lubricated by the
: M+ p/ b# E7 t; d2 T1 F! N+ SKY jelly.
3 e" i# c, J; |. {3 ^! x; C% g& f  h: s9 X6 E
The pretty nurse wiggled her finger inside as Ricky grunted.
! L; T5 Z$ l$ z9 B  T+ }* x"There that's it," She said as she removed her finger. She
. r# L: M0 I8 i, _7 ?pushed a rectal thermometer up before Ricky could straighten& B3 Q1 F, s& G: F& l1 t9 {% l
up.+ \3 B8 c( S% G: `5 s

2 ]# `/ Q) V; P"How do you boys feel today?" she asked Andy and Chris while
4 U$ x7 i% p9 ~6 C& j# T8 x) ashe waited for the thermometer to register,
; S8 y. P! g: O) B! M8 i/ q+ e2 z8 b' T! q+ u; I
"Good I guess," Andy said. Caitlin was playing with his cock
4 V" s2 D  T9 Nand he blushed as Randi noticed his hard-on- ~. y# ?* M% Q; b# J0 E, c1 d
"I'm all right too," Christopher said wiggling in the chair* r( p$ F9 w6 p3 j! O9 l
as Kelly pulled his little cock.
; }5 }# P. ]8 d: O8 }& ~0 f5 l5 g
Randi removed the thermometer as the doctor came out from the
2 _# }( K& i3 X2 `4 y9 Kexam room. "I'm all set. Why don't you girls stay out here9 W! r2 t8 {- X) [* A5 O7 P
and watch Andy and Christopher while I examine Ricky?"8 \) h  G, [; m
# m0 \3 @! f4 v; t% F, u
"Christi and Kelly can watch them," Jennifer said. They have
; }( k! Y' l; i0 D, K( s* athe remotes. I'd like to see you examine Ricky if it's all# M4 p- C/ w$ z
8 `0 g0 T2 ^8 d# s% i  n! @* x) t6 A
"Sure," The doctor grinned. "As long as you feel the two5 R& y! y9 S5 ~% u' U" g# ]
girls can control them."
' V/ h9 k& z+ e4 @: p" b: V& J) s, O) r3 n. W4 z$ t
Christie removed her remote. "They'd better listen or I'll
2 U/ p9 G# g( C% {) Ezap them real good."
) r- y7 E! b1 }6 p6 m5 n6 Q2 C( h2 @1 |
In the examining room the doctor looked at Ricky's cock
* T( T4 N5 h& J4 Lstanding at half-mast. "I told you not to play with it," She* c! x! n6 M; b8 Q: E
admonished Randi. "I prefer him to be flaccid while I examine
( ~2 \# ^- {: r6 p4 h* {# hhim."
) B- v! h6 L9 c: l- _; ?& y4 f5 A; y! V9 D
"I didn't go near it," The pretty young nurse protested. "He6 f/ q3 S, n! S- S( D
must be hard from me inserting my finger in his rectum."
, I6 k5 K% v& r$ E8 E  ~! M( W7 l5 k0 ~9 \& l
"Very well," The doctor said putting on her rubber gloves.! c' x( U2 S) {. q0 {+ ^1 Z) W1 b
She sat down in her chair and beckoned to Ricky. "Place your% R' f% |; a# g( S8 y" P5 k
hands behind your head," she ordered the embarrassed boy.. x) }/ e4 A- `; a9 b( _: `
"I'm going to examine your penis and testicles."
. ]7 a: S6 |  b: y  U( b
$ I; Z( e0 P; o5 J3 `. g& z: ~  xRicky stood in front of the doctor as she stroked his cock.. c. v5 L/ \* U" U  }, d
She peeled back his foreskin and checked the rim. Then she6 ]5 e9 N+ B% G6 }+ E4 a! p4 R
cupped his balls in her hand, her eyes inches away as she2 N. Q( r3 F  G& Z; G
slowly bounced and looked closely at them, examining each one; N3 @- L- S) }- M0 K
& n' {& ]5 O; J# S3 `! w( d' M" [% }1 S$ ?
"Turn your head and cough," she ordered. "That's good. O.K.# w- @+ d% v+ L8 e1 i
lets see if you can eject semen. She stroked the boy's prick
4 {  K! X# `! m1 X/ Ywith her thumb and forefinger encircling it. Ricky was still6 x- H- o" c9 |3 l4 l& Y
in the position; hands behind his head as the doctor
( ^( V/ m4 E3 z% cmasturbated him with the girls and the guards watching. As
. o6 j' |' o; h: I; [. G* ]embarrassed as he was having a strange woman playing with his: @- E# X, V( H7 A8 \
naked cock, It didn't take him long. His cock grew, His
! h2 N* O8 D% X! R8 g; P/ Wbreathing quickened and his body swayed. As a finale, he% K  j) ~" g$ d3 a$ R" t' m2 |
stood up on tiptoes and arched his back letting out a moan as+ `4 S8 I) _" O$ x. e7 l
he came. It was a dry cum.! P6 d7 Z! F& w$ ?4 i1 B3 B

0 D+ S* n! B& q, y"Very good," the doctor said. "You'll be making semen and
0 h8 a. f' a& D& M0 L! v6 S7 Vshooting before you leave this school. Now lets examine your
2 ^; K( n  S  G% pprostate. Please bend over and hold on to the examining3 ?; V) U1 ?+ s2 Z. {
6 [: M3 F; d4 W! r/ o% W
; N7 g4 o9 _7 XRicky did as he was told, blushing crimson. "Would you hold
5 O( Z& v. u) n! B9 B& }his cheeks open?" The doctor asked Jennifer. The oldest+ h% Z; ^1 ?- f/ A
Connolly sister sprang up from her chair and spread Ricky's
! P3 m$ Y: a& k4 ]) Yass wide open.
; k6 P; F, M  A/ Y) ]5 Y- a
/ m( d* G2 c2 x5 O. ?$ W: C' P8 ~The doctor peered in. "Normal sphincter with a little2 j$ S# ?) e  ^0 ?: `! U/ s
redness," she called out as Randi wrote in her chart. "I'm# o6 t( @6 ~+ K  L9 l
going to insert my finger deeply," She told Ricky. "I want to
& U, p) X! b: \: I" `) hfeel your prostate. It may hurt a little."4 o5 i( m, C8 }) @2 `7 s

' Y# t( M! v( U- R& LThe little boy braced himself as the doctor pushed her middle
9 j! V: q1 ?3 t( Q" d& p  ~finger past his puckered muscle. It went into his greased up! U, y4 ?: _+ d* _, p) W
rectum easily. She wiggled around as Ricky grunted. Then he
) r' z. b, v: Ijumped forward and squealed as her probing finger found his) D, g* {# I) K' q( N6 ?
prostate. "Normal for a boy his age," She told Randi who
4 s& X8 K  o" H( \wrote it down in the chart. With a plopping sound she removed9 {! l/ H! d# T$ [
her finger "Now I'm going to insert an instrument that will. k2 A& R* Z' t# c, G7 Z
let me see up your colon. There will be some pressure so stay
& ^5 v$ ?  i5 [0 A0 I, n6 Ostill. Jennifer keep those cheeks spread for me." & S$ f# [) X1 i" r

/ O" V& r& K: ]9 |7 o0 {% \  E9 w7 dRicky felt a lot of pressure and pain and grunted as the# {5 b7 w& u' k: v
doctor inserted the sigmoidoscope into his small rectum. He
$ l% _1 ?( H9 g& ]5 E1 t' Q9 ]  Dtried to be brave but tears were pouring down his cheeks, as
4 ~. M& j# o( V' g: ?* c% Y& e- Vhe stood bent over with Jennifer pulling his ass cheeks wide.& @, B" J# _- M5 }0 p% U4 h- A& u
Finally it was over and he felt relief as the doctor pulled; `  f9 a$ I+ @+ }
the instrument from his ass.
3 r+ g1 W! c) H+ `7 l& H5 w4 P7 w! H& y4 a/ F; I
The doctor thanked Jennifer and allowed the boy to stand up.7 h1 ^5 w1 k. W4 Q9 [$ j2 k0 T
"Please take off your flip-flops and stand on this chair,"5 J9 Y  d9 m4 q0 c/ c! Y
she ordered. "I want to examine your feet." ) a2 G% c0 F: W0 u  z8 V- n" s

6 C8 t% E4 _1 ^. C& V0 kBarefoot, Ricky climbed up on the chair. The doctor looked at; M5 S- R7 [0 }3 j
the boy's slender feet and checked between each toe. "This is( {2 a) {5 q) L. c
how we check for drug use in the prison," she informed the) S. s" L( G) O/ d$ K7 U) n% H8 P8 |
two guards. "Often when you don't see fresh needle marks on/ D# L' ]! e4 `8 L& K5 c3 E
their arms but you suspect drug use, they can be injecting
" h) e; K4 i0 \the stuff between the toes. If you don't know where to look1 X+ L8 @1 c  _0 t) h8 B" `
you won't catch them at it. Ricky's a street kid according to
) U! `' Q2 H( U1 U+ c; d# l2 Chis records and he could have done heroin. I see that aside
" Q% T. W' T- Rfrom needing to cut his toenails there is nothing to indicate. H* r  R: S$ _7 S  ]/ _4 ]& j
drug use," She went on as she inspected the soles of his
8 h) U5 {. m* q$ ]+ Wfeet.+ o# H' M0 G9 Y8 j; x1 S3 J* p* _/ }
" |1 J+ F- G( n* m$ B( H4 T
"O.K. Ricky you can get down now and sit on the chair while I; F  ?5 F5 U9 B  g& o$ f
take your blood pressure." She put on the cuff and pumped it
' B9 w4 w9 ]- b' F- u$ u% tup. "It's a little high but you are under some stress." ; R, J; ]2 i' F0 ^

: D0 }, }6 P( S& B/ NShe put the stethoscope on his chest and back and checked his
. ]; R9 y( a, m) O7 P% i  alungs and heart.2 O7 e; |; b( B, t3 C: ?

+ B/ M. }/ K; J( u/ E3 L8 mWhile this was going on Christie and Kelly were having fun
" N0 {: @! |/ G" vwith Andy and Christopher in the waiting room. The two boys& M5 [1 x$ ~" D# \- y) }
were made to face each other with their hands on each other's
' T0 y9 j: o5 p* P) f5 c- Lcocks. The girls watched as the boy's played with each other.8 f% h+ W( _3 m3 e. T5 w; f
Both dicks were hard. Christie edged in closer to get a% R  G7 G1 ^: Q6 F& u
better look and that's when Andy made his move.
3 F3 B$ C) g, D7 s. G
( o. p- D* P9 v# d! d/ KHe dropped his brother's cock and snatched the remote out of! h! V% }+ L7 h/ A
the startled girl's hand. "Get Kelly," he shouted to his8 n, Z2 P$ t' t( p
brother as he pushed Christie down. Christopher reacted and9 h) }4 ]" {9 u1 u
grabbed Kelly's hand as she reached for the remote. He got
/ @& B) b, x! G; Iher down on the floor and held her arms for Andy. The older
: Z* m  p: o0 k2 ]/ I7 Aboy removed the remote from Kelly's holster. "Let's get the$ @4 u( F4 w9 R/ s) _( x
hell out of here," he shouted to his brother." Run for it."   
1 D: g( T2 s; `" V' e
9 v+ T" z. T+ \The boys turned to run when Andy felt the pain in his groin.
6 I, k; {1 J& OBoth boys dropped to the floor in a fetal position as they
5 l( Q3 p' x$ Wfelt the full force of the computerized restraining device.. L, W1 o* z1 y% ~% E1 B
Mrs. Connolly stood in the doorway with Lori Paulson. Both
" B# u: t1 F$ Q3 W3 U/ Wwomen had their remotes in their hands.
1 F7 G* s0 m3 K" u
( E6 Z. k# Q2 |$ R8 I) OMrs. Connolly picked up her daughters. "It looks like I got, q' F$ E: p' `( Y- m
here just in time." She plucked the remote devices from
/ m* R9 ?8 E# n0 M3 B! zAndy's hands as he lay moaning on the floor. "Try to hold on
1 a! \9 t3 m9 m; [# oto these next time," she admonished her daughters.. D* A$ w* k7 G- g4 G) Z  d0 B

. f0 L- f( p5 \Slowly the pain wore off. "Stand up," The warden ordered the
6 Z) n7 h$ a* L# I: o) n- A5 W1 }9 Wtwo boys.
8 V& t; A2 s  m" ]) I8 v% z- }0 S0 _+ u  S& n
Both boys were standing at attention. Andy was crying tears( ~, m# z; T  a
of rage and pain. Christopher was crying because he knew they
2 Z+ O* _) I" `" Y+ m0 q4 ~were going to be punished. " I don't have time to deal with8 P3 n2 |3 C( V9 J1 s2 S! z( J
you two now. The deputies are on their way with two more boys
5 B( c1 w' C' ~+ U& E8 I0 sand I'm in a rush. You can be sure that you'll be dealt with* x1 l; X) T, P, r2 y
tonight and I guarantee you're not gonna like what happens."! k0 G; X. A! G+ N
She said sternly. "Now lets see where the doctor is with
7 H' K. v, u+ ?' MRicky. Your two sisters should never have left you in charge.
9 ^" [6 T. t; C, v9 FI'll see that never happens again," she told Christie and4 w! V1 N( S8 m- F
& ^; x5 I, r( a/ d! E+ ]% u, K& m
: q' L# w) i- ?: L+ p* T) iLeading the two boys, with her daughters following and Lori
2 w" e6 E3 Y$ @. z4 KPaulson in the rear she entered the exam room./ Z& ~- V0 Z; ^# ~( G2 J

& ]& C4 p* o7 V5 H: g# H"These two almost escaped," She told Caitlin and Jennifer. "I( \1 z- V/ i: E7 P+ s  k' x) P& z
don't ever want to see you leaving any of the boys with only
8 ?8 j8 l% {; w. j* R: xtwo little girls to watch them. Is that clear?"
; [2 h4 J1 m+ P8 o! D8 R
/ r. `5 ^# w1 P4 O" _0 L" mBoth older girls nodded. "I'm sorry mom it won't happen. Z0 z/ E) }4 `+ [6 z( _8 k
again," Jennifer promised.   N* x2 b: S/ J8 _
* _5 u) B& L& k' Y+ O$ l
"It better not or I'll drop your pants and give you a bare-* ?# r( r/ o* m7 c5 Z; t* h4 e
assed spanking in front of the boys," Mrs. Connolly% M: n* q0 l; U7 P) E
threatened. She turned to Miss Thomas and Mrs. Maikowski.; i( U* V  b+ H" F2 q
"You two should have known better. I'm really disappointed in
# V" I  p5 U- S0 {6 g  }3 ?+ D% c9 H: u- vall of you." She paused realizing she had interrupted the2 k( h' o, _9 y3 V8 u; S, n- g
examination. "I'm sorry doctor, Please continue."
# F6 q; z' g, K( u# I' Y) f0 W) d, i4 D. g
The Doctor had Ricky cross his legs and checked his reflexes.
9 [& ]3 U6 K. ]' M$ DNurse Randi drew a blood sample from him and the doctor: u! f- a- K( J! j6 I0 m
pronounced him fit. "You can get on the examining table now,"
4 n# Q. j4 {, A& BShe told the scared youngster.
. R9 w# W9 t9 y$ R) r; E2 T( b9 i( X6 h: T& l0 z( U& e, p
It was crowded in the examining room and Ricky was sweating. y. U! x+ N7 y$ M, ]& q
as the Nurse put his feet in the stirrups. "This won't hurt/ E6 Q: ]7 F/ T: `* ?# `! Y: a4 g
much," She told him as she swabbed his cock and balls with
: ]: d0 \+ d, j# y& talcohol.
% t' _9 z* C( f2 g* k8 F
0 r1 B, O% p1 N* M5 I& Z! j0 E7 DRicky was crying as the doctor filled the needle with
6 ]; G  f# L" f7 g8 dnovocaine. "Once I inject this I guarantee you won't feel a
( r5 T3 F" ]2 x6 Bthing," she promised.+ y8 r# \8 ~% V6 L! A' e

7 u* p* m- \; PHe looked away as Randi lifted his penis so the doctor had a
/ `4 e3 O( ~- L' _" X3 K  }clear shot at his scrotum. He felt a pin prick as she
: m% a" U5 I1 z& Q1 cinjected the anesthetic then a numbness spread over his lower* t' L8 v, d! Y# u4 e* ~( ]
5 y$ q* Y' T# u$ i
+ Q( p6 g1 q! e/ r: rRandi held his penis but the boy's cock was so numb he didn't# n2 K  K7 v; `% g. t3 S6 q* d; E
feel her hands gently stroking it. The doctor made a tiny
" s: z2 n; O$ B% s. K6 @incision in the back of his scrotum, Randi handed her the
* f, T9 [4 o$ ]* e7 _forceps with the chip and she expertly inserted it. Then she' T: A8 {, [2 j  t7 k
took the needle and sewed him up with two stitches. The7 B% A+ W+ F. j4 m& h! q6 ?+ b: W
entire procedure took five minutes but it changed Ricky's1 u4 e! b/ w& e( m  c3 v
life. He was now a captive much like the other two boys and
6 j4 f$ C0 x. _' a3 S, D4 rwould have to do as he was told or he'd feel the same pain: {& L' S( k$ B& H! b+ r/ ]
Andy and Christopher felt.
4 \6 @8 }0 b( q  s& l- w8 N
" q' `9 K1 Q/ G8 J5 @The nurse put a Band-Aid on the incision and helped the. v; {, ], q1 s& q* G
wobbly boy on to his feet. : F8 o0 T. ~- M8 ]- y
5 |: Z; u! c2 |- h6 ?
"O.K. Andy you're next. Hop up onto the table and let's check/ H9 M# Z0 N+ |, U9 Y: r, [
your stitches." The doctor said. She lifted his testicles and
4 f) Z6 M, M! N6 Sexamined him. "Good you're healing nicely. The stitches will+ o6 s3 X' X+ Q9 m0 y3 P
be absorbed in a few days and you won't even have a scar."; j4 E' Z% U2 z! R( z% W4 b

: Q: S% R  I( @Christopher was next and the doctor was also pleased as she9 \0 P# q/ t0 B- x& P9 U
checked his small scrotum.  
  o2 r( s: C8 k4 [; X
. }! D( D, s1 R, O6 S"You have to let Ricky rest for a few hours. He should be all
& |, w$ `& p$ S9 qright by suppertime and ready for activities tomorrow," The
0 s% k7 q) _* |$ Kdoctor told Mrs. Connolly. "I'll be back here Monday to do- {; k& J0 X. E6 s
the next batch of boys and I'll need to examine Ricky's
: A: A3 E" q) r4 vstitches then. Andy and Chris can do anything you need from) ^) p8 K, f8 z% E" t3 c3 Q
them. Their stitches look fine."0 B! ^% c" C# k' b5 B# Y
; C) t4 B" }7 D" C
Thank you Doctor, I'm going to have to punish the two of them* E% m5 X: y$ A! m
tonight so I 'm glad I won't have to hold back," Mrs.' K, _6 i6 o, P
Connolly said. "Good luck at the prison this afternoon."2 B- V. }& k+ \0 s
4 P4 t( b) _( D1 ]( ]  c- J
"Thank you. I'm taking Randi with me. It's time she saw some2 Z9 E" x/ ?" C) T+ Q9 v% j9 u
naked men. She should be a big hit with them," The doctor
- v1 O4 t! Z" Glaughed as Randi blushed prettily.# v7 Y6 a6 ?6 I# C) L5 G
, f( @! l" j# T. G& m
Mrs. Connolly looked at her watch. "It's now eleven fifty, we% ^0 u$ R( }$ t7 {% g0 R. `
just have enough time for a quick lunch. The deputies should. W: j' Z7 S' ]' H/ g
be here with the two boys before one."! N4 l1 f  p, i, T2 p

* E2 g5 C0 _3 f; l) o) PThe boys flip-flopped their way down the hall following their
+ h4 d4 _' I( Ncaptors. Miss Thomas and Mrs. Maikowski brought up the rear.
( V9 I  E4 p$ |) P1 a: _Due to his stitches Ricky no longer had the harness and leash% @  ?7 J$ v2 h- z3 k- Q, _
attached to his balls and cock. "Nice try," he told Andy.9 U0 @* O; ^, R% ~8 e7 h3 r
"Maybe next time we can all break out."1 ^9 V' A$ u0 l5 M2 z6 }
4 N  D+ W' E; y7 U$ P
"I doubt it, " Andy said sighing. "Even if we get away from
; ]0 S! {) ^+ B0 @" c6 Tthe guards, The school has an electronic fence around it. I# {" p4 s) e3 R- }* z
forgot about it when I tried to escape. It would have set off
' U. Z" ^; k: K4 {the device and zapped us anyway."+ Z8 Z+ I4 R& q$ i1 E, S! @9 a4 n/ n

4 l% i+ v7 O' X% e; S: rThey were all served a quick lunch of sandwiches and chips by
- N& Y" C4 o: S- {3 W( u. nMrs. Maikowski standing in for Mrs. Mandel.
$ ^! Q9 q  X, \# z/ [; l" V2 H& a4 n) ]0 z
After lunch Miss Paulson took Ricky to the dorm. "He can bunk1 t3 T6 y1 Q# w' j6 ]- y
with the other boys now that the device is in." Mrs. Connolly3 a! w" F; G2 Z
told the guards. "I'm gonna need the solitary room for
* L) ^" U8 `4 h, CMichael Sanchez. We'll put Josh Steinberg in with the boys."
8 |: ^, D; ^2 E8 x$ c) `* b  t5 G% P! O$ ?
Lori led Ricky away for his half day of rest. "You two can
5 e# \8 {# W2 m/ f9 D4 nstay with us. Let the new boys see what we have in store for
$ F! _6 A/ [8 F: V! ?! u$ nthem." Mrs. Connolly told Andy and Christopher as she led% A7 w3 T7 P# f6 L2 p
everybody to the reception room.0 y3 J3 d# O  A; g# g8 E4 Q
3 T: e5 u, V4 z# q% P7 Q% f8 e
"Take them into receiving and keep your eye on them," She
1 H1 W) h, D0 F, e! ~, _told Mrs. Maikowski. Lori will join you after she gets Ricky; B4 m! l6 f5 F( X, y
settled in. The rest of us will wait here. The deputies6 Y( j: {- g, W' {/ E" f! j. ~4 `
should be here in a few minutes."
+ W% h$ m' ]& S- ~6 {/ C9 T" a! Z- S+ \' l; O7 {
Lori took Ricky back to the small room he had stayed in the
" i# P9 t5 i! v" `6 V% Aprevious night. He gathered up his toothbrush, toothpaste,! s1 j% t8 j, H7 a- A" K* r8 N3 T
soap and comb. Then she took him to the main dorm. "Let me" y. |6 w  C) e! z
see your stitches," she asked, sitting down on a bed. The boy
  ~$ ]. n0 \4 X; Vstood in front of her as she lifted his penis and examined
, V; Y& I  s# Khis scrotum. "Does this hurt?"& j4 [. W* m. j- ~8 {

: {' r& R5 ]! Z4 n% @8 KHe shook his head. "It still feel numb."& \, v% c0 V7 ?: \/ q! r! D

% G. U5 H* x/ U" p! D" b1 d"Do you feel this?" She stroked his cock.2 c& W, L' y) s, B( f( c
6 A: ]" r0 G/ D: E0 x  S" R9 C7 N
"I can't feel your hand," he cried. "I can't feel my cock."3 t. e, a: l7 S0 ?/ c. H: m. _8 r3 x
He started to sob. 4 r1 g3 n' }; N8 K
3 Z/ N. z2 e7 W4 X
"The anesthetic should wear off soon. Try and rest," She said
: Q/ s9 C, \/ Z6 e5 [; Istanding up and walking towards the door. "I'll see you+ ~& {* u1 c+ s6 j& a9 e
- T( V( N- Y6 x6 h) Q4 ~) V8 a; r2 V, F1 C: P! `* ^
Lori was walking back to receiving when the front bell rang.
5 T2 ^! Y2 n5 m1 X, s+ F  J8 c& kShe opened the door to let the two deputies and their charges; j5 K; x( ~1 o# g+ g8 _; s
in. - U# I4 k2 w6 Q+ \

+ d' [# v2 ^; A. k" x* r"Hi Lori," Harley Summers smiled brightly. "How's my favorite
, j  g+ u) u7 N% X8 e; X& qguard?"
% P6 ~1 j% B6 R% s+ `1 q% t1 `/ t+ X
4 }  I' P7 c3 j% p: @"Hello Harley, Miss Tancredi, come on in," she answered.  
! h2 w. H7 Q1 @  G( T1 u; X% I1 c6 m) Z# u+ ?  p
The two deputies walked in leading two boys. The bigger of
; U  @" }% Y" g9 X! w$ Gthe two swaggered past her and looked her up and down. His
) f' e6 Y. a  n( j' H+ Ceyes lingered on her breasts. "Yo mommy I'm gonna like it, y2 ?7 ]# J* W) v/ g3 U
here," He said licking his lips. "There any more like you?"8 K1 e4 D) o+ H  }

( X% P& C* p* j: x: wDeputy Tancredi smacked him on the back of his head. "Pipe
) a3 j/ U: ^6 T3 i) u5 Mdown before I break your face, Michael."
+ E, i5 j, H6 i
9 a  h! P: m+ k/ |- ["That's Miguel, Mommy how many times I need to tell you."
9 L- Q0 s3 f' L
% e# Q) E/ z! p# D"Your records say Michael and that's how you're gonna be$ b2 V. v5 P7 H& H
called here," She answered.
+ w, l% W/ P+ A1 ?7 z0 I* R
3 [4 _) H5 y- S" Q$ v4 ?# D5 `Michael was big for his age and loud. He wore the same type
6 s, J1 A) L( ^% sof oversize clothes Ricky wore yesterday. His Jacket was
" N; i' y1 _! q0 @: Ublack wool with red lettering, the word "Lobos" on the back.2 p$ t" _* a- \4 o
He had a red scarf around his head and wore Black Nikes on
# [5 `$ N" Q/ ghis feet. He stood about five foot two and was stocky but not
2 @+ B4 v: I: o* U8 G- ofat. His hair was dark and straight. 0 G' v2 H  f# \% K9 G0 ^3 U" F
' q$ x+ m  j. W& m* A0 Q+ ~
Lori looked at the other boy who hadn't uttered a peep so
+ [( v9 `8 A9 p) ?: \- U0 bfar. "This one is Josh. Don't let the angelic look fool you,". t1 W/ k; I9 W- K0 g
Deputy Tancredi told her. "He caused a bank to almost go1 e/ ~  C8 n$ D* ~5 i! Y
belly up by hacking into their files."
( f( a4 G' j) i; ]. }4 {) S' Z; f! _. T) e3 m( }$ x
Josh was a slightly built boy, almost feminine looking with- b" ~) ]5 I/ q  ]* m: @6 ^/ X3 v
long brown hair. He had big brown eyes with long lashes. His2 V: `7 |3 ^0 Z' S+ ?  W% b( w% {
eyes were his best feature but were almost hidden behind a' ~1 C) T% w# B& I0 K
pair of black framed glasses. He stood around Five feet tall* q/ y+ O6 c; R: [, x4 Y% }0 y3 a- H
and was neatly dressed in new dungarees and a button down$ ?. H& i& V5 U; a$ H$ N7 X
white shirt. He had black loafers and socks on his feet. He, K) x. V# D. ?
also had tears in his eyes as he looked around at his new7 ^/ O4 e! o# Z9 Z9 Y% `: ?
home.. E' E; H3 o, F

% f& {( I* C8 o5 y"The other boys are going to eat this one alive," Lori
1 k; k2 S8 S- U9 tthought as she led them to the reception room.$ C1 u* b- }# ]1 Q4 H% J' {" k
8 d2 m  B& j+ ?* k
Mrs. Connolly greeted the two deputies warmly. "So this is1 F! Y$ A' v7 s, A$ ~
Michael and Josh. Welcome to Grandview School. I'm sure your
0 a* H- ?) }: d5 k' hstay will be very interesting," she told them.8 t# b1 @7 {/ g5 M3 m
4 K% V, l' C4 q5 j. e" t- b0 Z
The four girls were giggling as they took in the boys. "I bet) `$ m7 g( {" o2 n
his cock is big," Caitlin whispered to Jennifer. * Z3 M2 p; D) }0 X
( j# [$ i: i+ B5 Y5 I% `7 Y! T
"Yo Mommy you didn't tell me there were such foxes living; \9 {  r. T) [7 J& m
here." Michael said smirking at the four girls.
9 i$ F* Z; I8 S$ L; b, a% I+ A: }
5 Z4 J# T0 U2 W"First of all I'm not your Mommy, The deputy shot back.
  Z/ P; d: [, ^6 I: \1 j: Z8 m"Second of all these girls are on the staff here and you're& N' o4 `' r' H- Y
gonna learn real fast to show them some respect."( z4 v) O% ?; o8 G3 q0 |/ k
5 k6 E9 E! c  Q3 Q3 `
"Sure Mommy whatever you say," Michael answered back." C: H# `6 V7 |; E

# n1 ^& `2 p! [. a5 r"I think we should take them into receiving and Process them.! h8 Z3 `# x, F  N0 M
You will stay and help won't you?" Mrs. Connolly asked." F1 n0 u' U8 d. N
/ t0 {0 s2 y) f9 g
"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Harley answered. "Come0 F" ^. D. h+ A" j$ P- H
on you two, into the other room."
. {+ Y. }5 |. [1 h" J' \6 w3 {
8 ~" F$ d$ X" z* B7 g' aJosh walked timidly into receiving while Michael swaggered in
# H3 f2 D. k" f( p# g5 afollowed by the four girls and Miss Thomas.
& h# O! Y( L- z' T! `6 @) F& o% F  K+ }) l0 [3 [3 {% B
Mrs. Maikowski had been busy with Andy and Christopher. "When
, G. j" W7 D) x  @they bring the new boys into this room, I want you both to
7 n* D  O  J9 }+ D  W0 E# ^greet them with a big hard-on," She instructed the boys. "I
- H/ O, s4 O1 {5 T/ @want you to play with each other's dicks and don't you dare2 u( W; ]' U, j+ @) E  H* y7 f1 w. h7 l
cum. Just get those cocks hard and keep them that way."' x6 B* D% O* Z0 I9 L: r
  c9 U8 S$ G9 J1 ^+ ]5 d
The boys were standing by the large table facing the door.  ^' l" T) j1 i9 c. [. Q) p
Their hands were on their heads after having succeeded in
9 ?9 P4 s! g" m; B7 k7 ]+ ~, Bgetting their cocks to stand at attention. That's when Josh1 E( Z3 b, V# h# k+ F; X, G0 `& K
walked in. "Oh my god there are two naked boys in here," he& S+ w# @0 u, y: d. A
stammered.1 G& D, v( V6 m: s. r# P0 j
1 W$ [9 i- X0 z$ B
"They're not naked," Mrs. Connolly said. "They have their
+ ^' D! Y8 X, V5 d! N' p: Shats and Flip-flops on. That's the school uniform.": |, w/ o8 T5 |* a& u

) r3 c/ }# a3 KJosh stared wide-eyed at the two naked boys standing a few' H* S( _9 R2 z1 x- R
feet from him. Michael took it all in and grinned. "You want/ {: x& V7 B- q( X2 C* |
to see my cock, Chickie?" He asked Jennifer. "All you have to
6 M) M( i- B8 C, k+ e6 l- Ado is ask and if you're real nice I'll even let you play with
" E7 T7 D; F' I. iit.". e- b, b! k$ Y* K, N6 I2 ]

- U3 W4 K( A2 |; @0 W. Q"You're gonna show us your cock all right," She answered."
3 ]) K) G! m4 S% oSomehow I don't think you're gonna enjoy it as much as you
( g; ~7 ^- y( Ithink. & s' Q: |( F' y. n, z

- }+ X# {) b, _& J& `2 E"If you two boys will disrobe and place your clothing in- c, l" T' y- J8 T% X
those boxes, We can get started strip searching you," Mrs.
3 a3 u$ w$ c: J1 B' kConnolly said all business like.
9 \, {3 [/ y& v6 [
& e3 v6 f" Y, p3 G  e* q$ e' \2 v7 ^"Let me get this straight," Michael said. "You want us to6 f2 Z( d! T9 n2 p0 V, T
strip in front of all of you and then you're gonna check us
8 u) ]! g# n7 r1 k3 m6 Sout? That's like bogus. These are my colors and I don't give
! ^; z6 o3 s: G3 O6 }% ithem up to no one. Now if you mean a little one on one with
: R$ s+ J  C& B+ Z" j' uthose foxy ladies, That's different. I'm up for that." 7 C' n( c. h, n8 k
4 [% V7 Q* d0 V& g( Z
"What she means is get those clothes off your raggedy asses& B4 v8 {4 _/ `3 @" t
and put them in those boxes right now." Miss Thomas said
. W9 W0 q* U1 M( x! a/ L2 xraising her voice.  "You'll get them back when you graduate.4 ^) a8 J. |5 `& _* t9 }# @' x
If you graduate."
& ?& Y2 T* k9 B; D4 o+ C- Y% W* m, s# p+ Z0 }6 Y: q
"Hey my sister, chill out. I got to think this over. I don't
# f, x( ~& h. qmind being naked but I'm not sure I like doing it in front of
* f; z) S- T: d# m2 I/ Zall of you."
' v  H& L5 k  [) y9 M8 ~6 [5 p, U" Z
"I'm not your sister and you better get moving. Failures to7 R" Z4 C; P! h/ t' }# Y; ~
obey means you accumulate spankings. You want your fat* m5 b, u* X0 Q
Mexican ass to be spanked?"6 |! ]/ b3 n% l* h& Y! L

( z  y# I; ]4 Q0 Q' E2 k3 r% d! d"O.K. my sister, no need to get all uppity, I'm in," Michael; S) Q; S7 r# z* r
grinned. "You want to see Miguel's cock you got it. I'm gonna9 E+ a) O( n  z1 o# Z/ e0 s
enjoy this." He pointed to Andy who had his hands on his head* T! [) u% G" l4 F, |4 f$ T% R
and was standing in front of Deputy Tancredi. "It ain't gonna
; x8 v- R6 N% Fbe a little dickie like that one," He said laughing.
$ q6 W8 l: J9 E' T5 K5 o$ Y( Y7 d! F6 {3 l
Deputy Tancredi had been checking out Andy's cock, She was
( j6 g, f# U- W& x5 \stroking it and cupping his balls with her other hand. "I
' q) G( y; C) h, J6 |+ {4 l8 Mnever got to see you yesterday." She said.  Andy blushed at( B3 Y1 D) Z3 d- N
Michael's reference to his little cock. Wasn't it nice and* @% Z0 b0 c; v8 D' X
hard and didn't the deputy find it cute?
; a( d8 N) x2 A9 x7 P  K0 H5 |% P9 P' |4 Z( q& c# }+ i1 W0 {
The forgotten person was Josh. He hadn't spoken since he saw; C5 f" V5 s9 K8 \4 }8 M7 O
Andy and Christopher standing naked when he first walked in.  X' P$ Z1 n* r- o' B6 S% @! x
Now he was scared and confused, His body was shaking, as he
8 F( ~3 x/ ?4 B; i9 F9 i" M" ?+ f, Lwatched Michael sitting on the bench unlacing his sneakers.! I: G% \- f$ Y# s
Mrs. Connolly looked over at him. "Well, what are you waiting
# R5 q' \# y: S8 ^$ w7 P: ifor? Get those clothes off and lets see your cock."
3 B0 T. Y9 f) s! R, h* X
3 M8 K, l* U' o6 ^/ {"I, I, I, Can't," he stammered. "Please, I've never been
( D! `& E, m! C7 _$ Bnaked in front of anyone in my life." He looked at
/ n. Z: h% K+ h# C& eChristopher, "How can you stay like that?"
( p9 _) J" M* C+ F6 O' t9 p' \
3 A! |  F+ q' A2 Q"I have to," The little boy answered. "It's the rules in
" s- N, D$ o" Y9 |, c! Jhere."
# r: t  H6 K# J' x1 ]5 i8 p7 v  h. o
9 ]" {* }* H- ~* l( o"If you can't undress by yourself, I guess I'll have to let& U% h4 O* ?+ r5 b1 p& A  I
my girls undress you." Mrs. Connolly threatened.5 j  j. s4 e. a7 M- }' M8 v
  z+ |. d7 q+ q' h
"No please don't do that," Josh begged. He sat down next to) [  |; o9 ?: V5 y. E3 `: v
Michael. "I'll take them off."$ Z# d% ]  ]+ ~3 b' q

$ T# y  O: a2 qMichael pulled his sneakers off and then his socks. "You want: E) v% z9 g3 W! T: L  W4 E$ `
these in the box?" Miss Thomas nodded. He swaggered over% J  v0 F7 R3 C/ @
Barefoot and put his Nikes in the box. "I want those back
% m4 j$ F! S$ @- }when I get out of here. They cost me mucho dollars.": U* j7 a% _2 Z6 E+ d% L* B! z

: i, b/ ~, B. q% z6 ["By the time you get out of here they won't fit you." Miss- k+ `  b; g; {: D, |8 @& M
Thomas jeered.
0 R% b) r3 k0 O1 }' M9 J
% y  `& f2 r$ R) F5 N3 g/ y) RJosh kicked off his shoes and bent over to remove his socks./ x5 C6 [% ^( g8 t' a
He was already crying and wasn't even barefoot yet, much less
! S! v/ \( `3 n0 o8 B, _; {naked.
+ _# A+ @" p2 z- ]: R( x
+ d* b! Y" r9 o& e# fHe stood up and placed his shoes and socks in the other box.
& b4 f. F( A4 X* i
; Z! c  h, J7 ~) I/ |8 u" u4 XMichael pulled his shirt over his head and placed it in the
" T5 l. t: O' kbox. Jennifer and Caitlin exchanged looks as they took in his
! J3 C, _0 i  h! l6 |muscular torso. Although he was stocky his upper body was
5 r0 D6 f. b/ K7 i, h: {  g0 wmuscular with nicely defined pecs and strong looking arms.6 I. ^' t2 k# O$ {7 a0 q

( v3 A% f! V% X; YJosh unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it off. He was just the
2 k$ I5 b* m" R/ |8 |opposite of Michael. Slim with a little boy's upper body.0 y3 }4 x- W6 O0 y- @8 m
Like Michael he hadn't grown any chest hairs yet.
( ?3 @( h3 h" C, P) j! ]4 e2 B, D3 s% c8 N* |; ], [5 L
The boys were now down to just their pants and underwear.
2 M( [) g# z9 n6 a6 XMichael was grinning like he was enjoying the situation. Josh
# ]! c% {) |* o  Ywas sobbing.+ h) Y2 f! x$ d$ y( c; t

6 k5 t$ c/ c. Y" d7 q8 _# ?$ rMrs. Connolly whispered to Miss Thomas. "That kid is enjoying# k0 S- i" q( O- Z
himself too much. Lets concentrate on the computer nerd2 J5 \; p8 }3 y' n
first. Then I can devote all my attention to making Michael
+ ^/ Z) y. ^9 D6 I# T  q0 ymiserable."' k8 Y( C+ }& g7 K% z3 i
, m& N" {* z3 ?" V, F! |- y- B
"You," she said pointing to Michael. "Stay where you are and+ ^9 b1 {3 Q$ m! K6 s& \1 n
keep your pants on." The four Connolly girls looked* [6 c' v4 Y7 V, v$ g% n# H
disappointed.! A& H4 Y/ `" ?$ b
; L4 S' Z2 M# S3 n
"We'll let Josh finish undressing first." She explained.3 C! V# r; @" z

" w% l! Q* }3 X; y( A5 d# ?Josh turned pale. "Please don't do this.  I don't want anyone
; I. u' g! |3 j* a7 dto see me naked. Please, I'll do anything."
# P* w" \& k0 {# S+ X" c& |  l9 I
"You certainly will," Jennifer grinned.
8 B% c) {. p$ \* c9 t: ?& r0 H4 P! U# A% x; @5 k  e) \
Michael smiled, "Saving the best for last huh?"
- `- v: n* |1 [+ G- ?0 z) X' V4 h8 p% N
"Josh put your hand behind your head like Andy and
$ q) q# {+ h& ?0 w# AChristopher are doing." Miss Thomas instructed. "If you're+ T% q4 S. `2 G$ s" J/ _
not gonna strip by yourself, we'll do it for you."$ }' k! E0 |+ Y; l4 W. v5 g
0 P7 a- J5 Z' [+ D6 K4 N" b0 D
Josh's hands were shaking as he slowly did as he was ordered.
8 z% J: E, V- s$ |5 Y"Christie why don't you finish undressing our reluctant
" i: L, c! t& {4 C) wguest?" Mrs. Connolly said to her ten-year-old, blonde headed
: r+ J5 Z9 O2 a* {; G. \' a$ V- Bdaughter.0 w' o! X" l" |! L! v# n7 R5 [2 _

% |) A3 \$ Z, C; [7 G1 n7 ?, YA great big grin appeared on Christie's little face. She0 B! n9 X: V' c; i8 d3 A- Y3 Q: M
stood in front of the trembling boy and undid his belt.* t2 T3 C/ H: ~: J" S" l9 V
Josh's eyes were closed and his whole body shook as she
$ K( }8 J2 n9 R: O' `1 |pulled his pants down around his feet. Kneeling down Christie
& G; ^( B2 E/ D9 Nlifted first one of his feet, then the other as she took his
; L7 c. G" ?1 p# R* i2 ^$ Q2 [- epants completely off.
7 f1 k! X* ?( K: D 0 _  |9 g" F% A3 ?' L$ }
All eyes were on the slim brown haired boy as Christie threw
2 m6 ^: x/ L3 X7 K0 h8 _& b# w  ~his pants into the carton and hooked her fingers into the  y  C3 T7 O  A: a' R
waistband of his shorts. Josh gasped as she pulled his
" F( ^, k6 i! s5 O5 H. X6 F" z; _underwear down and the cold air hit his naked cock and+ @$ `) p( p! ]$ L7 O9 C
balls." Step out of them," she ordered. ' D- k5 @/ t) O  e* W# G

/ X1 x$ O4 G/ u! r2 d" zJosh now stood completely naked in front of the school staff,
+ a, d) c' O& x0 L  k- NThe deputies and Andy and Christopher. 1 {7 u* I5 u+ a( z
& ~# G; E/ p. t
Jennifer broke the silence. "Not bad," She said taking in his$ i) S8 ]5 g; {1 a% ~
four-inch, flaccid cock." It probably will top out at six
; \4 @2 M" v8 b: N. x4 Finches with a hard on."6 I) m$ |/ z5 T2 A$ e% r+ D
* ?  `2 c$ E% z7 [, g
Josh was on the verge of puberty. His balls were almost fully5 e6 z; F" U+ b6 A
mature. They hung well down below his Circumcised Penis. He
! l  e1 P- Q* S/ u  l; vhad no pubic hair. His dick was long but thin. Its girth
- t3 P6 `& g; a9 w# m" D. z  _  ]hadn't yet caught up to its length.# J6 y* d5 v% Z3 C
6 L$ L" }3 K! C6 X% k6 |. ]  d5 s
Christie cupped his balls in her little hands and examined6 x" x( n) J! h) g, ~
them. The other three girls joined her. Caitlin was pulling
( r1 d, B4 ?; P2 u0 Z8 U9 @  won his cock and despite his acute embarrassment it was( `$ V; a8 J( d. l& J
rapidly becoming hard. The girls kept at it, switching
, j; e. S: Q( v5 M# p, I1 L5 t* ?* Epositions as each one examined his balls and cock in turn.
/ F, Q# ^9 Y( ^1 a* D* HJosh was staring straight ahead too ashamed to look at) i  o4 X& |5 R4 l: ~
anyone. His face was blushing red as the four girls7 L- l+ [) d" r& i) u, ~
manipulated and stroked his balls and cock. ' ]- i2 R7 `" ]. R9 h, p

6 I+ h5 `$ ~+ R) d# S$ T# uMichael watched fascinated. "Hey little Mijos, When you gonna- P' s2 n8 K# t2 [6 r
play with my cock?" He said grinning. "Unlike my homey there
  I1 u$ v! M4 a* @I'd really like it a lot."9 l( K- I) o3 p# `

/ F4 b: l! L/ O; p& L"Shut up you little turd," Deputy Summers ordered, Or I'll
" ^: h! i; I! |* \% G. ^/ tbreak your balls,"
( t- ]" Z3 c' Y3 S# I+ ]9 K* O6 u$ b  L5 d# b8 `4 Y3 N7 I
"You'd probably want to play with them first, Maricon."9 b" M+ x/ N' ]" t3 w* P, I2 ~, d
Michael answered. But he shut his mouth as the deputy reached
  I* Y9 [4 g9 w) `" [: d' Zfor his Billy club.
# C! a1 S3 z7 b! L- E  y2 Z! h4 N, i3 _/ E
Mrs. Connolly watched for a few minutes as the girls gave
; a$ D5 z$ c! b8 R/ @5 y3 BJosh's cock a workout. It was now standing straight and" D4 j1 G3 X+ T' t( k' q
proud, Jennifer hadn't exaggerated. It was a full six inches.: Y% e* v9 r4 X: G
The head was glistening with pre-cum as the girls kept at it.1 p3 h. [4 j8 f0 G5 {; T$ l
Kelly was pulling it when she noticed her hand was sticky.
( [  v6 J' _! D  C' S"Eww," She cried. "He got gooey stuff on my hand."
7 s# [; C  ~& h! G9 v; P- E7 Y, A: X9 |$ [$ L
"That's pre-cum, stupid," Jennifer teased her sister. "That; v3 L+ I. H0 j+ R- C* m
just means he's getting ready to shoot his cum. I'd watch out$ f3 c0 i" L) K% l: e  r4 j' W
if I were you." Her warning was just in time. As Kelly kept
- g3 s. _/ a2 |$ W5 B$ i- sup the rhythm, Josh's body stiffened and he gasped as a load
2 q6 v5 Q/ D6 }; T; bof white cum shot out, Just missing Kelly.
( \  B* q% `: s3 i2 r+ c; p1 k6 D/ f5 r  ~
Mrs. Connolly took Michael's shirt from the carton and handed
" ~6 v7 h) ]( Xit to the crying boy. "Wipe it up with this," She ordered.$ ^6 A3 ^9 k& w( F/ c
"Michael won't need it for a while."
6 Y/ ~  G: e0 r4 a# L7 H" _6 {* j3 V
"Hey that's my good shirt," Michael protested as an; v0 V" y. Q: B3 j/ d
embarrassed Josh bent down and wiped his cum from the floor,
7 i, j- T, ?- Z) [% |) ]giving everyone a glimpse of his rounded ass.# Q$ [5 |  {( J8 L2 o# O  h
% U* z6 I5 @* i8 x$ h: }" ^
"Now wipe your cock," Miss Thomas ordered, "So the rest of us
: }4 c* p6 _7 m8 B6 E4 g( `5 L4 P; Pcan examine it." Tears fell from josh's eyes as he wiped his
; h6 X" q3 I/ Vcock with the shirt. When he was finished Miss Thomas it from
& E9 G+ f' _, Nhim and tossed it into the carton. Michael watched, his face
' U; B6 I3 y- y9 Jred with anger at the way his shirt had been treated.
+ N) j5 a( d* H& F" N( v$ }% L* L* e" k" I5 D3 G
Miss Thomas and Mrs. Maikowski were now inspecting the naked
3 Y" P% p4 Y2 qboy. Lori Paulson joined them. She stood behind Mrs.+ a* |" Z7 }( j7 @* `
Maikowski as the older guard knelt in front of Josh,3 J) r- S: v1 o; B5 p0 Z8 {% X; ]
examining his balls. Miss Thomas stood on the other side of# C8 }- }) F( y+ h0 ?
him stroking his cock. She ran her fingers around his cock% ?) u4 u" ]/ g5 t5 n
head causing him to shudder. "Do you want to play a little?"
! W8 z. B! H  j' h9 H; j0 kShe asked Lori.3 x: Z; S" D; F1 `% e- N  i$ D8 ^  Y; x

: _! S6 T! p* V# e4 l" J4 z6 LLori nodded and Miss Thomas switched places. Josh's cock had
" @9 M& v: Q' ~1 s  Dagain hardened as the women kneaded and stroked it. He was/ ~. K9 m7 k" s/ z6 Y* _: F
swaying as Lori ran her hand up and down its length. His
/ x7 {1 @2 h9 S' }6 wbreathing quickened. Mrs. Maikowski dropped his balls and  Z, t: {* P: Q0 Q; Z, H" U
moved away as Lori stroked him until he stood on his tiptoes# q9 U. j" [& e+ a$ u9 N3 `
arched his back and came. + Y4 E4 T4 M2 \" n& X, }

/ u' ^+ s+ P% C3 W$ K8 v( vAs Josh cleaned up the floor, this time with his own shirt,
) J  P7 R, ^  \; ~/ R5 aMrs. Connolly shifted her attention to Michael. "Might as: x5 s8 U0 _2 A$ }
well get a look at your cock, you little loudmouth. Drop your2 D- G5 c: X: h% B9 j
pants to the floor and step out of them." She ordered.
3 }2 B1 S0 C) E" f- U- L  J  x' \, Y( q7 [( T
Michael grinned. "Sure Mommy. Which one of the little chicks
: u( ^( [8 `$ R; q2 Z9 O6 I( p% Bis going to play with my cojones first?" He unbuckled his
  q8 t$ H0 o6 v6 X: j1 ^* Obelt and let his pants drop to the floor. He stepped out of
: F0 b' s/ z$ y! pthem and Miss Thomas picked them up and threw it into the, F9 ~, D5 s3 m4 @& {
carton. Michael's legs were as muscular as his arms and
$ {0 i/ J  b2 Q5 G- P9 f6 g6 Gchest. He stood proudly in his white Bvd's, His cock bulge
* o+ D9 v9 @2 ktenting the front of them.
; _% V# E3 N/ G4 c/ v* P6 P3 a3 F- k5 G' E8 r( f
"You're too sure of yourself kid.  I think we need to take+ |/ V7 L! I' q7 k* u$ V
you down a peg." Mrs. Connolly informed the grinning boy.
$ `& l) E2 g  Y7 C+ b. u  O! A"You're going to have your underpants pulled down and your
) g) C0 v/ q0 @; `$ E) W3 d; {  L/ |2 Qcock is going to be examined just like Josh but I think we'll
2 h* w3 m/ L# h4 L2 Q3 g, t( rlet Andy and Christopher do it."& t9 k4 P  t8 j8 ~
3 K0 N/ N: |' w4 h  S, x6 u
Now it was Michael's turn to blush. "A boy, No fucken way. 5 A- f( ]% h1 l- \
Why won't you let the girls do me like the other guy?"
+ S" X6 a. D3 T
3 b& |& [7 s3 q& t% a"We all want to see what you've been bragging about but you$ ?$ ~7 N  m5 ]. c
aren't going to enjoy any of this. When I get through with2 z3 t' U$ X1 J( i
you you'll never want to be naked in front of a woman again."
, j) m' q0 x  MMrs. Connolly told him. "Now get those hands behind your. ^$ W9 r9 O, }" z' e" M
back. Deputy, will you handcuff him for me?"# B  k- E% U* e; t0 \; M% H. m

' l. ~$ T" j8 z6 O+ _! ?Deputy Tancredi moved in behind Michael and snapped the( @% Z  k: L2 S
handcuffs on him. "This is starting to become interesting,"
% z4 s, ?: w0 {. Eshe said chuckling.
/ c$ v! M4 v. Z0 V7 t
( e  R5 o) L8 i7 R- _; qMrs. Connolly beckoned to Andy. The naked boy was reluctant.! f! a; G/ a4 S3 [/ A0 w0 X
"Please Ma'am don't make me do this," he cried.) a" N9 r9 W" @4 G4 B

. k3 {5 q- W& _* `/ v# ["What did I tell you about saying no," She warned. "You and
# o2 d$ U7 ^/ w- Q& Wyour brother are in enough trouble already. Don't make me use$ K6 X0 c# _! Y' P6 [6 n
the remote. Now pull his underpants down and let's see that
; p4 H4 w9 R1 N$ d1 c7 Kthing he's so proud of."
  Y! A2 [2 ~" ?- D; v# w) [' C7 n$ Y1 k/ C# m0 T( J
Andy stared into Michael's eyes. He saw the fear. The dark
) E% B% v2 B1 E- ^6 y  i( k- a4 Zhaired boy was scared. All this goofy talk
/ m0 E9 Q! T' P7 J2 B1 f. [& }Was just to hide the fact that he was a frightened young boy.% A  Q& V1 `: W& b" J
Then Michael made a mistake. "You try to take my underwear
6 o7 y* T2 s3 z8 Z) S+ Foff and I'll kick your ass," he threatened the naked boy* ]  q9 q" @: f
standing in front of him. 8 H* L( q: @. M7 h9 }5 j$ r
4 o# V/ H- N1 O+ v
Andy was also a street kid and was tired of taking crap from
5 \6 T) ?  L6 Tall these people. That did it. He reached up and pulled% [/ m, f6 Z1 c0 j0 ?
Michael's bandana off his forehead. "Hey that's my colors! B5 k) l9 B; p; Q9 z, ~5 g
Esay." The older boy cried. "Give that back." 5 A1 x) F% W% u' Z* i

+ a" j( L- N3 z, N7 x9 _1 g$ F"Tough shit man," Andy grinned. "You're handcuffed what are
* g7 Z2 h+ a' e- ]( Oyou gonna do?" He threw the bandana away and reached over to1 d- ^8 v. |( O1 {
Michael's underpants. With one swift pull he yanked them down: o  [' e3 \* J) K4 Z8 D3 `  e
around the taller, heavier boy's feet.
( y! U( u3 U: ?7 E& }6 M! Z5 N2 c$ M; m1 ~2 _4 R$ i' ^
The room was silent as everyone stared at Michael's cock. He0 X# Y! P5 X) e7 e- ~/ L
might have been twelve years old but at least one part of him  t( i6 d. [# T8 `
had reached adulthood. His tool was as long as Josh's but was! v# R6 ~/ Q7 p: o) |
twice as thick. It jutted proudly out of a nest of black
: ]7 a* l7 f7 i! z2 D6 \pubic hair. Unlike the other boys he was uncircumcised. His+ u, J( n" z) w6 x5 N# D$ W4 l
balls were hanging down below his cock and like his dick they
7 a: R, d* x+ X0 ^6 @too were fully matured. $ C$ c. a  L  r
- \, F5 h4 {) }/ b# }
"Holy shit," Andy muttered as he looked at Michael's dick. It
& q7 v% }% g0 Ywas the biggest cock he'd ever seen. The girls were) B- Z! t8 H# U" l: `2 j9 K) U
awestruck. Jennifer and Caitlin stared at it, A look of
. f( ^, Q: r/ z$ R- b0 xdisappointment crossed their pretty faces. Each of them  K% S6 ]0 ~5 o* H$ c
wanted to play with that cock but Mom had said no and she was
. y1 _: v, W9 K! B- v8 bthe boss.
7 f& l( k/ V) w! o8 p4 l' S! d; v4 a8 i
Josh was staring as well. His cock was busy being massaged by
6 n# J* g- G: A) WDeputy Tancredi. The others forgot him as they gathered
' h  I) @1 X, l6 ~# C1 zaround Andy and Michael to watch. "Christopher get over by
: k5 u6 H* f' A) d- uyour brother and help him examine Michael," Mrs. Connolly/ c7 k; i& a; n4 Z; }
0 w1 X  L+ F2 I/ R
! w1 M- ^; V4 |Michael was grinning, Only his eyes betrayed his fear and
" ~1 B& v& v  Rnobody was looking at them. "Hey chicks you like Miguel's6 W8 \8 s6 R$ ?. l
cock huh? Who wants to feel it?"
' H$ Y# L. t: }1 H$ p
% f$ W# M! K, N! C1 L, P1 v"Go ahead boys," Mrs. Connolly ordered. "He wants someone to
2 Y. k" N, v; yplay with his cock." ! ^; }: b2 [& ~& _

( ~# v, R4 p0 L2 y3 J% j6 c$ o"Hey," Michael protested. "Let go of my cock. That's for: p9 W% v- a$ V9 M3 |
girls not boys." Andy was kneeling on Michael's right side) E' V: A) P, h$ L$ o* S
and Christopher was on his left. Andy had Michael's cock in
$ m1 {! u$ `) Dhis hand and was pulling it while Chris examined his large
1 F% R; n+ K' g; n: m# J/ C8 Hballs. Michael tried to kick out at Andy but the smaller boy& j) K% M. m# E( J# J
moved his head and the foot barely grazed his shoulder.. ^( q- y4 \, L1 O
1 _' {& X: y: O' m8 _' \2 n) F
Miss Thomas knelt behind the handcuffed boy and before he
8 v" S" j, |2 H0 I( j: \could kick again she grabbed each ankle in her massive hands) |; ]$ o# ]( j2 Y. _% Y
and held him rigid. She took the opportunity to look at his$ M3 S1 T9 a  ]
bare ass as she did. "Nice ass Boy," She complimented him. "I
: {, y8 @3 g/ [# U# J7 ican't wait to get my hands up it."; ^' W4 S$ W- q( {# H7 e9 J, ?# c

1 @- D2 h* `1 H9 ^3 SMichael Tried to struggle but her grip on his ankles was too
; T* N, ?7 P  Y) S0 L9 Ftight. His cock was rigid as Andy masturbated it to full
( A) C& i5 k7 o1 u/ mthickness. The head was now peeking out from his uncut
* `4 U. a; X/ K! R, {; gforeskin.   r9 E1 g/ F4 x4 t7 f

1 X( {1 c" |0 j) G! G' f6 Z% [7 Y"Peel the foreskin back and lets see that cock head," Mrs.
3 A# \! |2 F1 d8 S8 Y6 _: g! ^Connolly instructed. "Pull it away from his cock and check to
8 d" h% w0 a  X  h! r4 Osee if he keeps it clean."  0 O* O* q0 m1 k% n* Y( {* b9 ^+ t2 m
4 E( L) B2 e/ M/ _' |0 Z; k
Andy did as he was ordered and the women peered over his# M( F1 v$ U2 L( l- c8 W
shoulder as he continued to stroke and pull the thick penis.
6 w* Q- q* y) {8 R% X. A  aMichael was breathing heavier as Christopher massaged and9 a5 z, D/ v1 q9 Q( ^
kneaded his balls and Andy stroked him. "Better move out of
, @8 O0 l. v/ q) b1 |, g: Nthe way," Mrs. Maikowski warned. "That boy is gonna cum and I
1 l; j' n7 f' a/ Lbet he shoots six feet."9 O9 i1 y& \& Z# j* g
+ {* q; v" H6 x# K
Michael was moving his body back and forth, his eyes closed
2 \& X3 j: h" g; V) f' U5 L; Qas Andy and Chris continued playing with his genitals. He was
* s: c% a6 A: _8 v: q9 Fgasping as he neared his climax. Then he stiffened and with a& e) C2 V6 t& D8 f& W
cry he shot his wad across the room. Andy barely had time to
: Q! C! ]$ l5 C0 [. |move his head aside as the cum missed him by inches.) \9 ~, u2 P1 [) p4 r4 s2 h1 T
* m/ a. n4 q4 R3 w! [2 F
His cock dripping cum Michael stood head bowed as his" _# x1 O( F# _5 y- r
breathing slowed back to normal. "Who's the Maricon now( D* |2 {1 ?: u9 Q9 t
Pancho?" Deputy Summers jeered. "You sure enjoyed that."! O" h4 z& g6 n1 j4 x; H
$ T1 a$ h8 J/ j
Michael blushed deep red. His cock rapidly shrank. Josh had1 B% ?6 y  E3 R1 `  t9 v
cum at the same time as Michael after some diligent jerking
+ g5 c" l, e4 ]: r& z6 E7 h+ qoff at the hands of Deputy Tancredi. There were two pools of
; K$ d) h9 \5 O3 f8 I$ Lsemen on the floor. "Get their shirts and wipe that cum up,"
: C" o% e& L$ h' a9 GJennifer ordered Andy and Chris. "Use his bandana," Miss: |' H8 }9 \% \
Thomas suggested. "He ain't gonna be wearing that for
% @; G- M: Z/ p- T% ]) Z2 qawhile."
# L: P3 F- _+ ]# _/ Y, V  q& H# y
' ]) S) T$ {' Y1 DThe two new boys were led over to the table. Michael still
3 X9 c% z  P4 H# M% p8 T, X. Lhad his hands cuffed behind his back. "Get up on that table- p' d7 Q5 V6 ?1 P% I3 d% h) Z  }
and kneel facing the wall," Mrs. Connolly ordered the two: t( ]" W4 F8 _) `8 {
boys. "Its time for you to be cavity searched. Get used to
' f# x# k6 ^7 vit. You're gonna have a lot of hands up your asses while you# W1 z9 Z, [5 s5 }$ n, {
stay here.", `9 I) ]" P5 A9 n/ y
; R8 B# f# a0 A- Q
As soon as Josh heard that he started crying all over again.
4 {% Y* d% o) V- u3 a"Please don't do that. I'm so embarrassed. I never had anyone) n0 V( x" g3 @) X
treat me like this."% r7 a0 R3 [/ g, H/ }( O! I! D  q

& L* a" x/ f/ h8 w# f) C"You've just earned your first spanking, Kid." Mrs. Connolly, x# Z* D  u, d" I; o2 w
told the sobbing boy. "We do it in the evening in front of
! m4 s! E# `' }the entire staff and students. If you keep your whining up,
  z0 Q1 S& N3 Y8 EI'll make an exception and do it here. I was hoping to avoid' {" C# r9 A8 P% q
that. I want your ass to look pretty for us."
# @6 s& N+ N3 b5 G  m
! v3 i' P* f" P7 |  QJosh and Michael were positioned on the table. Michael had- h, i2 W9 ], `3 ?9 L
his face resting on the surface because of the handcuffs.
3 T% M; N9 U, w! lJosh was on his hands and knees. "Now lets get those legs+ T: ]4 S5 R. g/ Y8 U. R' @6 R
apart boys," Mrs. Connolly ordered. "Josh your hands are1 R% s7 e- G& O: Z5 @
free. Open yourself up and lets see that asshole. Lori you7 c# n. Z* o, S4 F! |" m
and Jennifer each take one of Michael's cheeks and pull him
6 `( s& ]/ Q* Y) k7 f& kopen."
& ]/ l: R8 s9 B( V2 C
% `. h2 c$ D2 `  mAs the young guard and Jennifer opened Michael's asshole up4 z! v) C% B) h( ]" e2 o( @
to everybody Mrs. Connolly reached under Michael and cupped
* e" i; j3 v: i/ t% Phis dangling balls. She chuckled as she squeezed them "You
; u$ u- D( R/ rwanted the girls to examine you but I don't think this was
: y; V9 c; e9 t; q2 _0 r5 o, dwhat you had in mind. Each of us is going to explore your
! O" C: ^2 H" u' z$ hasshole starting with Deputy Summers. I figure his fingers# S- i" J0 W1 j6 l
should open you up nice and wide."; J, s. U: e1 O! _; d4 k. S

  N' ~$ B1 Y/ P& l, lShe turned to the deputy. "Did you ever strip search a3 s- \+ h: I9 \2 F
suspect?" ; {) o- Q9 M, s
# }$ S5 T" v# G" L* }) g3 G7 m% t
"Harley grinned. "Usually the sheriff has us men do women+ W& i7 o9 l( A" Y- F" M
suspects. It makes them more docile. The female deputies do( H) e9 O9 m. _. Y+ i' v
the male suspects. But if it will make this little delinquent2 N3 f. X9 ?! ~
uncomfortable then I'd be glad to lend a helping finger or, C' L% ]) X0 J8 A
1 @* p0 N5 u/ o4 n, c, z' d% Z' j0 u
0 C3 \! @8 d7 |; `$ oMichael was upset. "You can't do this to me," he yelled, as; _( l1 O/ q5 {) E; _# B4 N# H+ @' l
Lori and Jennifer stretched his asshole open even wider. Josh6 q7 [/ k5 z! s* V! _6 e
was next to him on the table sobbing uncontrollably as Mrs.
2 {- t' w( d* i# K( s- y) v% EMaikowski and Miss Thomas pulled his legs further apart.
$ x" [$ `4 N" e) h4 z
* y- J2 V7 Q4 T; G5 Q( pAndy looked at the two boys on the table, their puckered. L. z' l( g9 W4 h# V
assholes on display for everyone to see.  Their balls were/ j% e- ?4 K4 ]6 _, _. R
hanging down as they faced the wall on their knees. He# w; l8 z2 X" `4 `1 T9 A8 o
blushed as he remembered how it felt to be explored like this6 w. t, P: ~0 K$ S
while being helpless. The two boys looked ridiculous. No  K. Y) N+ f& Q0 M$ C6 w9 ^- O6 n
wonder Mrs. Connolly forced them to do this.6 u  f8 ^9 w, C3 }  Q  k  U
/ ~2 m% w4 Q0 c; B; N. T( ]
Deputy Summers took a pair of gloves from Miss Thomas and
; O! W+ ~7 G  h& w7 I, [7 \stretched them over his large hands. "Do you want me to use
( x. H( R) F+ R. M; Nsome lubricant?"
. S) {8 \/ o- C8 I  D8 D3 Z9 F. T* ?5 b- Y4 W
"No this kids got a big enough asshole," Mrs. Connolly3 K5 `* ?; o# Z
advised looking at Michael's wide-open butt. "Next time He'll
" d& e/ M6 P/ G0 Klearn to keep his big mouth shut."( C5 j# a. f! i0 F' b8 q1 A6 V

' }3 k3 J% `4 O  g9 uMrs. Maikowski had put on a pair of the gloves and pushed her/ g+ A) c# Z3 ?) S5 s8 H
middle finger against Josh's puckered pink muscle.."Yeoww,"/ ?' f+ r; O4 O- w4 j' S( K; G
He screamed as she forced her finger in.# f4 Z: N! r3 w8 s/ M
& V) o% c6 `  U0 \. ^- a
Caitlin and Kelly watched as she wiggled it in his ass. "I'm
- x; a  ?+ R5 _+ b. ynext," Caitlin told her younger sister. "Then you can go
, h" n" N2 e1 z. ~1 Q7 vafter me." . C* s- S& t2 C: _6 U

( H( e' Q+ F1 ^' {"Don't fight girls, each of you will get a turn," Mrs.# P8 G, M% f: N' v3 x
Connolly told them. "There's a whole school year to go for  N0 x( {" y/ i& {* @  G0 N1 c' T
these guys. I'm sure you'll get lots of opportunities to
5 Y: h) ?8 y  C0 |4 gstrip-search them."- p/ t* p; t4 o, k  F7 p6 J
3 P3 X; F0 S9 H4 q
Deputy Summers pushed his gloved hand against Michael's3 p9 k4 \: n5 p: L2 @/ H
puckered ass muscle. Christi and Mrs. Connolly looked on.
4 b3 ?! E" s* ]% k"Why does he have hair around his hole Mommy?" Christie asked) o3 V9 Q4 s8 K
as she noticed the few strands of hair encircling Michael's1 b8 C6 v4 Q0 ~: e) g. }& Q$ {) F
brown asshole.+ F4 j! U6 c( P$ Z
, E4 r7 u: p- H: B8 F* t
"He's reached puberty honey. As he gets older he'll get even
0 y5 z( o  d5 w+ i; j  Q7 x( }  smore hair down there and under his arms. You'll get hair on0 ~* Z: a# U. I8 O
your vagina in a few more years when you reach puberty." Mrs.' q7 m# z9 @5 O! W# q6 F$ o; A' H
Connolly explained. "Like Caitlin and Jennifer."& w" @8 o6 }1 J5 M( w, r

0 o# s% w8 @( G3 E8 X& ~Michael let out a howl as the deputy's big middle finger" e' Y  }0 O+ U- u' O1 b, i
forced its way past his sphincter muscle and into his rectum.  z+ [6 H* x; ?5 ?; P
The boy was openly crying in shame and pain. This wasn't
! ]* b- U& i$ {4 m" |# ]$ oturning out like he'd thought. On the way up to the school
! s1 q, H0 Q! L# x9 l1 x3 q$ ^he'd bragged to Josh that he'd plug every girl there. Now he
8 Y' y: E8 F4 X3 M& k( N9 u# mwas getting reamed and it wasn't fun.
; ?, s1 p3 t! z: Q+ f! m+ Y6 I7 `8 h& C) P4 f" _; S
The deputy moved his finger in and out as Michael whimpered.4 W0 f; B- k' _7 b9 @% L9 C9 V! i: C5 @
His hands, handcuffed behind his back tried but couldn't
8 c) y. j. x# n8 Q7 greach the deputy's wrists.
" W3 x; q. v+ T4 o  |  q
/ A6 B& S- x% O0 k% qFinally Harley pulled his finger out and pronounced him
$ g! t  E) ?& _! i: c( bclean. Michael didn't even have time to catch his breath6 g2 ~1 D+ t. Q0 H7 _0 {
before Mrs. Connolly shoved her finger up into him. Josh was
: c9 Y. D' h( T% xgetting the same treatment as Caitlin, Following Mrs.% Z* m0 z  {: i" b1 s- E
Maikowski poked her finger in him. Each woman and girl took
+ x" `$ y/ [$ Ttheir turn probing and wiggling around in the boy's tortured2 _: ?1 }% ]# I/ }( ~+ w' s' [( ~
behinds. Even little Kelly was allowed to ream each boy.
) u, _7 `% X5 H, z" r; K' W
; _/ Q4 U! _9 `# hIt took a half-hour for the women to finish exploring the two* K7 n9 b7 J, J2 ?( Q1 ^0 k9 M
prisoners. When it was done the two thoroughly humiliated
- f( h; u7 ?3 S' B! {0 o7 qboys were left on the table. Their asses were still up in the
5 H' ?7 s* s4 ^! m4 ^- M$ N6 dair on display.% f, e9 I9 O/ L( n; T! T$ h7 x& q* ]

# l* c4 |5 ~6 c+ q5 iLori was sent to the other office and returned with two of
) {" B4 g5 v& B* K  o# ?the wooden paddles. Mrs. Connolly took one and gave the other
0 N: r+ d; N8 y+ l, \7 t+ h+ J9 zto Miss Thomas. + [. {' q% m) G4 C! q

% x0 W/ l' @6 j6 h# bShe addressed Michael. "Stay where you are. I'm going to show7 k. @7 @. C9 h$ g
you what happens when you mouth off to any of the staff of
/ t! N* O9 @  q7 A- i* ~4 K" `& Dthis school. Ordinarily you earn punishment spankings during
2 P, g; v& [0 H& h, Q+ r9 B: Rthe day and they're given out at night but I think your0 y: V& R' f' ~& a+ R
behavior needs to be adjusted now."
3 n# w  X$ c6 L4 B- l1 p
6 M& |4 C7 [2 Y2 ~# C( i9 a  SShe hauled back and let fly at her target. The paddle landed& }: n3 q. E5 O" T) Q1 O4 k+ K
with a loud whack and Michael jumped forward. "Eyoow, Madre" Q: @+ W( ~2 ~/ m5 |8 |1 M
De Dios," he screamed. She hauled back and smacked him again.7 J8 `8 n0 d1 ]7 A
She worked up a rhythm as she pummeled each cheek in turn.8 b# l0 ]# d# }- D8 O5 j! s$ g
Forty times the wide paddle landed on Michael's plump ass and
+ x0 Q8 L8 @+ @+ |  `0 z( [' F4 wsoon it was glowing a cheery red color.
- V2 _1 u- _! E( m3 g4 x2 ~5 E8 j4 z/ l) M6 s9 [3 y  J$ ^( U4 Y( z
Miss Thomas lost no time in Whacking Josh's smaller white
( N7 _: R1 M8 w, jbehind. Both women continued spanking their targets as the$ K* w) Z$ \) V3 m& a% x6 p
boys screamed and howled. Andy felt pity for the two new
4 U+ i5 f/ H( a3 k) I( J& oboys. He knew how hard those paddles felt against tender ass( V4 z/ C8 R4 f
flesh. Christopher was crying. He was afraid they'd be next7 |% ?4 ~& x6 a5 `" ]: Q% T9 ~7 z
on the table, being punished for the escape attempt.
/ o( C4 ~/ ]  i9 ~2 u' E
- m! p  I" b% G! T) s7 SMrs. Connolly stopped after forty times. But it was only to
: L4 m4 H# M( R9 `hand the paddle to Deputy Tancredi. Soon the deputy was
+ |; T+ z0 B- I6 Z  k/ b: d& Jgiving it to Michael as he howled in anguish.- l: I. L" _' F

" Y9 p: R: l1 i' |7 uMiss Thomas gave Josh forty spanks and handed the paddle to% \. ~  m5 s* [6 A6 L4 k+ T) e
Christi. The little ten year old showed no mercy and although
8 i% o8 \- J) h* h* E2 B! \she was small her spanks reddened Josh's ass even further.
! ?( l3 }+ j- @. L. p
* b" W  z* V, ~6 C: r* g& P) I2 wEach of the four Connolly kids got a turn at Josh's blistered1 @' H- C2 U/ J
ass. As for Michael after the deputy finished she handed the
5 @. R8 z/ o4 D2 g) H* B4 Wpaddle to Lori Paulson who kept up the pace, Michael hadn't( B2 b+ `- r$ B# U! [* l8 G- c
made any friends this afternoon.
% M5 }4 {9 f) M
$ I7 V- n5 g# ~0 u+ GThe boys howled and screamed as the spankings kept up until+ I: ?0 Z5 U4 S8 p: f. Z
Mrs. Connolly called a halt. "We need to take the mug shot% c- q* O- N, i8 g9 j! c7 z
photos and fingerprint them," She told Miss Thomas. "They
% m' G* O5 Q3 gwon't photograph well if their ass cheeks are bleeding." 6 q  v' V+ n5 Z' O5 A

! [1 [( t- t2 c" |4 }' M# f9 tGiven this reprieve Josh and Michael were allowed to stand4 D$ E4 L1 }- i" U+ R/ ?
up. Michael's hands were released from the cuffs to allow him! |- C4 k* j4 n& m, d
to rub his ass. Both boys hopped around rubbing their aching7 y/ Q' w' k. `
behinds and crying their eyes out. The girls watched this
) \# ]3 G$ K( l% x& Yspectacle, giggling. Michael and Josh both had decent size
6 L+ }4 [3 e( Q. t$ @  h; Y) T# ~cocks and ball sacks and as they hopped around barefoot,
9 I8 O6 g+ v. u( `& ztheir genitals swung up and down and to and fro. This amused
# G8 Q6 I" i, E/ ~+ ~" Pthe Connolly girls considerably.% U& x# Q% W2 d- ]! |- P8 I+ d

7 ~$ L  z- P3 q* @Mrs. Connolly laid down the law to her newest students. "This+ V: }( q, t5 q) u, d5 ^
is an example of the kind of punishment we give bad little2 v8 s* B- @, J/ p
boys. Mouth off or disobey and you'll get more of the same.
4 Q; {. q# t4 H/ f+ jNow lets see how well you've learned.  Michael I want you to- W# ^! p% t5 ]8 Z+ o( {& }
face Josh. Stand toe to toe."
/ f: b7 z$ D+ Y$ Z3 R2 {
; Q2 Q; l- e0 |' p) z/ e( SMichael sullenly obeyed. "Good now take his cock in your hand# o9 ]- C# c& u$ n
and examine It," She ordered., ~0 L! H% A* k9 y

) O, P. v, B9 A; |# i- m9 z"No, I won't," he shouted angrily. "I'm not a faggot like
  {7 ~& N( j) G- K/ o, y+ Cthose two," He declared pointing to Andy and Christopher.: X/ m, ^% @0 [# P9 l: W, z$ Q
9 W( t( B& w: a1 ^
"Very well. Deputy Summers would you pick up Michael and turn2 Q3 J% l" I) Z- ]8 P6 Z: `
him over your knee?"
$ z% l) S4 h% ?8 h9 b4 H$ U% f0 ?' U- F
"Yes Ma'am it would be my pleasure," Harley Summers said
5 m- @- ^" \4 E% Bsmiling evilly at the scared boy. He reached out and grabbed
; j! S% |" O. n2 h' Z% yMichael's arm and once more the boy found himself ass up, X: |( U+ F: ^$ H/ M; h) p7 L
ready for a spanking. ) ~, G. C3 U' N) t4 |. C2 L
2 W3 ?( M1 n. ~3 @4 j
"No, please I'll do as you say," Michael screamed as Harley's
8 `& L- y+ {) A  f. F$ dhand crashed down on his bare red ass.+ @! a1 ]) e! X" f' Z, G' g  c9 j

; g( f4 o9 z/ V  R; N, J# n"Ten spanks on his ass barehanded should do it," Mrs.
% S" a% }% `9 M+ Z/ BConnolly told the deputy. "You were too late Michael. You
! \. M9 Y) e  C8 p( u: d5 Q2 {must obey instantly."
9 g5 A' n+ E, I, x  e" t3 ^) \" Z* W+ H2 |4 e
Harley had hard callused hands and they felt worse than the
0 d6 W6 d: e* D9 G$ {paddles as he slapped Michael's sore buttocks nine more times/ r' [. j# i" h: X
causing the boy to kick and scream in pain.
, y, t0 f  K; Y8 f; B: k
: ]1 k% F/ u8 j+ XWhen the spanking was over Michael did his little dance,
0 L6 d+ s+ ~$ {5 rhopping up and down and rubbing his red behind. He was openly
( L$ f* Q. {! d$ kcrying in pain and frustration.
1 |( u& a3 s" D+ ~6 e" Z' A& }2 o2 V9 B$ Z4 H% @# `
"Are you going to listen to me now?" Mrs. Connolly asked the7 [' Y/ k: v, }7 m
dark haired boy. Michael nodded and muttered, "Yes."
  @1 M- J( D" B. `5 m0 T
  s5 X, W, I' a, E! m4 |"Good now stand facing Josh and take his balls into your
/ y  B* m8 P+ t2 d3 c0 S; Whands," She ordered again and this time Michael listened. He" x$ Z6 f! ^; O" t. \' _
reached down and cupped Josh's balls. Tears were running down
" P/ E( P$ r% o0 S% j5 E2 Sboth boys' cheeks as they reddened in embarrassment.
0 f6 J9 f. y. |6 r. u. d5 l  I. u& F
0 u( D: O: H* E( a* m; ["Josh you take Michael's balls and examine them as well," She( a% |) D4 D$ W, e
commanded the other boy. "Now stroke each other's cocks with
/ a' w6 u. ]5 b1 r: Pyour other hands. Josh I want you to skin back his foreskin2 O6 j8 a/ J; ?1 ]0 Z
and play with his cock head." The guards, deputies and the1 m. U: X& B4 i5 _
four Connolly kids looked on grinning as each of the boys
7 f  I/ Z5 T! C; _, P  Pplayed with the other's cock.
, \" T/ s9 F; D3 C. n
" Z" a4 f+ ~! u4 t1 A6 G( wThey stroked and caressed and slowly each cock grew hard and% m7 o2 V# G& H# X
proud. Michael pulled Josh's skinny cock with his left hand2 M1 d4 H3 v4 \: R) b
and cupped and kneaded his balls with his right. Josh in turn& y- h" Z7 {+ s. P: H
was pulling Michael's thicker cock, skinning his uncut
; I! V8 z$ a2 J+ R, k8 Qforeskin back and forth. ; t9 K( p- Q* G4 N' G+ d. C
8 b  B' x+ ^2 e# G; h
"Look at each other's cocks," Miss Thomas commanded She9 q) E, j% v, |& M$ E+ B
noticed both red faced boys staring off into space, not
- I2 s$ Q' V: h& z$ g. Wmeeting each other's eyes or looking at the other boy's cock.6 O+ ]) H# J- \$ t

2 j4 s" u$ [" E" wThe boys continued stroking.  Andy and Christopher were  V. j$ M& t' i8 \
almost forgotten as everyone watched the two older boys
4 h1 R( J% W& w* X, ?3 Thumiliating themselves. Almost forgotten but not quite.- l, \+ I' s- w% v* q
Christopher was looking along with everyone else when he felt
7 \4 e1 y9 K& g& p. Y5 ]# ka finger up his ass. Little Kelly smiled at him as she( P& ]# p- V1 J
fingered his asshole while watching the other boys. "I like9 @+ ~, _# }/ t( V* j; L. \/ O9 n, z
your tushy," she giggled.
* ]% {: G3 j! H1 N9 d" G; m2 R. F( ]0 e7 D5 d6 `9 I
To compound their embarrassment Mrs. Maikowski had gotten the
  R2 }2 F3 R4 A5 v) A9 i; j1 Scamera from the front desk and was busy shooting pictures of/ E  ?5 z: E# _* j* h
the two boys.
9 k$ t0 N, x! l! `  a, U
* \1 s( y4 P+ I1 y1 x0 |Josh's ass was moving in and out and his breathing was1 o2 z/ X5 j/ a7 p( q4 @6 l' Y5 u0 m1 {
noticeably heavier as despite the awful embarrassment he was
  |1 n% P" ^2 ?/ h  |( l: ifeeling, he responded to the hand job. Michael's cock was5 F0 V- A, J& V+ j( v9 I9 h% ^
dripping pre-cum and soon his ass was wiggling as if it had a
7 O# l8 m# x2 k3 f4 J( Qmind of its own. His breathing quickened as well. A few more
2 a8 `8 W, h2 _: v, Istrokes on the cock as Josh played with his balls and Michael. M5 O  b4 l5 e; c& B% `
stiffened and arched his back. He gasped and shot a load of
5 \/ I) d6 x6 @/ q6 B/ zcum all over Josh's chest.
/ o: E4 G1 R, Q% L, a' Q9 D2 o8 i( H) K% ^  x1 k) W
"Don't stop," Miss Thomas warned Michael. "Josh hasn't cum
1 [- ~4 t' v# s% tyet." . O) C/ D- r; V) v& [- }) I& s

% B' A; m6 m3 R7 Z; Y3 l: ]) ^2 G+ ~Despite his humiliation and with a load of Michael's cum
! p7 [+ }1 U8 s$ k2 Gdripping down his chest Josh soon was on his tiptoes gasping& n0 F5 i$ T/ O& R* t' Z
and moaning as he shot his own wad and hit Michael on the
( i3 `! \3 @5 C4 D9 \% Swrists. , F, H* h' f; r$ M" ^8 U2 Z

$ K8 m1 C, u' kCaitlin handed both boys their underpants and told them to) `& d9 Q2 f  R  P7 N
wipe up the cum.
) ?) K; H' d; Y2 l+ [1 y5 ^0 L, n. L8 c4 E, X4 m4 M9 O% R
The two twelve year olds stood in front of the women, heads  @) g0 R4 u9 a3 f* ]8 b
bowed as their breathing returned to normal. Both boys were6 q! J# O, C* C- ?- q
sobbing, Tears rolling down their cheeks. 2 S# _! H0 S  t3 k( O

5 P5 s. B0 x9 {0 l9 x" K: j; W"You wanted someone to play with your cock," Mrs. Connolly! s$ A" N& z3 ~- ^1 E
told Michael. "Well you got your wish." She knelt in front of
+ ?" E/ V1 @9 l5 T( A" {, c0 r. Yhim and felt his balls, Then skinned back his foreskin and0 g1 p8 ~2 U  p
examined his cock closely. 'From now on the girls will be( c& u+ M4 \0 E; t
allowed to examine you and play with your cock. You are to( o# w8 |) V- @6 c% h- A! h* U
stand with your hands behind your head when they tell you. _. X5 k$ `+ G* @' y4 r( ?: R
they want to play with it. It is not for your enjoyment but
' W: T# O3 e! T; _8 F8 c4 R! tfor them to enjoy. If you cum while they're examining you,) A- |; d& b  f% \, J0 r" d9 j: W
You'll be spanked. That's your punishment for all the wiseass1 M* g% `# t) W1 b0 g7 @/ d7 ?. ~
remarks you made before. Do you understand?"' ]! S, L! L+ e% I- o1 W8 D
: \0 }5 o9 P: b
Michael nodded. This time he kept his mouth shut., D0 N  d1 I; U) T

, a$ \: d5 F! n% z# L! w0 ^The two boys were positioned in front of the screen as Mrs.! @. I; h* A: l* a! S1 H1 u
Maikowski continued taking their pictures. Michael went
$ n- I  @7 X. {$ I/ lfirst. His cock had responded to Mrs. Connolly's exam and was/ _  o9 h4 V- h7 d9 j# f
fully erect as the guard took full frontal shots. Then
$ |: Y) V* F  H- Y' K9 Y- WJennifer told him to turn around and face the screen. "Spread
' E- Y2 o4 k! e# i2 Hyour legs apart and bend over," She ordered.  Too frightened7 l0 Z* l' G# @2 U7 }& m
to disobey Michael did as he was told., N2 s& Z, k, B  s! j0 q

0 G  V' y& j! m1 ~2 i( A0 m" r"Now pull your cheeks apart and show the camera your
& x3 h" u- S( E" k) G% P+ i2 |asshole," She giggled.
. N% H. _  }6 G. K4 r. d* j, e( h+ [$ V$ w. I
Michael went pale. This was so humiliating he felt sick with( N3 Q" X& y7 i9 y% r! j: W
shame. The hot feeling in his ass cheeks from the paddling1 Z: x" S8 K2 N0 W4 j
that he had received made up his mind for him. He wanted no& ?# x& r( j) U# X% V0 `4 D& O
part of the paddle or the deputy's big hands. He pulled his- @+ v7 P% x0 s7 Q9 W
buttocks apart exposing his asshole to the camera.# Q/ ?* x* f* \0 M. y. a; x1 }3 Z6 K
. x2 ]) j1 c9 J6 N$ h1 |
Mrs. Maikowski snapped away. The girls posed with him, two on
7 i/ a/ }# F  G$ L/ P+ beach side and she took that picture. Each girl then posed+ B. I! U6 `1 [* T! K) n) {
separately with him as the thirty-six shot roll was finished.
$ L2 v$ k9 E# ~+ U; l$ r5 f
  ?; E% h7 \# q& M0 t/ mJosh was next. Lori took his glasses off his face. "You have% A9 \6 W. f+ l% e1 c% X
beautiful eyes," She told him. "I'll give them back to you' X6 ^" @, m3 L# w$ _" e8 ^
after the photo shoot."0 y& x7 ]5 r9 X) v
6 b( |7 g. [( m4 R( Q3 d2 u
Mrs. Maikowski reloaded the camera and Josh held the sign) K" ]* U4 r* a8 m5 l3 b
with his name on it as she took the standard mug shot. Then
1 J4 b0 r( w+ V7 Yseveral more shots of his naked cock were taken before the+ c5 l# W8 \) O( L) P: L+ g: {
girls joined him. Each girl posed with their hands cradling
+ f: H" M, y) b/ D: ]- ], b% rhis balls and cock as Mrs. Maikowski snapped away." n6 ~/ j5 x9 c* N( c; @& s
4 T$ v  u" d: ~
Josh was sobbing with shame as he was forced to pose for the
, z; ?& l( T4 m  T( ^camera. He was bent over and Close-us of his ass were taken,
  M& d, V8 j5 [7 L) Z+ V0 cThen the girls got into the picture pulling his cheeks apart
7 l  d3 t) H4 xas the roll of film was used up.
( B& i  Y9 ^: T+ h# A$ \- @+ I5 B* p9 m( r" P2 d
Finally the ordeal was over. "Josh you'll be in the dorm with6 c# c' a" r: Q/ J6 Y% b$ f% G
the rest of the boys until Monday when the doctor gives you3 S: l- P2 \. U
your physical, Mrs. Connolly told the two new boys. "Michael,$ d6 q3 c2 Z+ ?4 Y# d5 y6 ^
your big mouth got you into trouble with me and you've earned! ~0 _& Q, ~( `7 A( @$ [0 h
the solitary room. You'll be served your meals there and stay
7 F7 Y4 z, j  x& v2 g" r$ Nin the room until Monday."
6 f) G& ^% Q  c: s
  Y  s( C' ^0 d) P# y4 ]2 ZShe turned to Miss Thomas. "Put the cock harness on him and! J/ s  J* v; y- J$ s. Y
take him to his room. Both of you boys put on the flip-flops
- d" n2 n) [, {8 @+ Gand hats. That will be your uniform like the rest of the* k5 e4 p$ L2 u8 x! E% S: p
boys. You're not to wear anything else while you're at this
, ~! k" I$ ?! h0 {& |school."$ e/ m( c8 W$ h: ^7 K

% R6 p, B6 u8 D0 T! _& c5 o! pMiss Thomas adjusted the harness around Michael's cock and8 a. l5 }/ t9 B. c  h* H
balls as he stood red faced with his hands behind his back.
9 D6 b  r/ z) \" Q: H6 h# Z/ \* J+ x4 X4 ]' L
She snapped the leash onto it and led Michael down the hall.
& z' B2 H% Q' y/ l"Meet us in the dorm," Mrs. Connolly called after Miss
! x  N" m  n7 EThomas. "Its time Andy and Chris learned what their0 ~. ^& w$ P+ N' N% b  T
punishment is for trying to escape. Ricky and Josh can watch
3 [8 Q! l/ X7 n1 Z6 v$ [and learn as well.") q( E7 Y. ?. ^& a' s
5 U0 Y# }5 G* ^& P2 \
The two deputies had to leave. "You're gonna miss a good
& ^* P, M( j3 G+ l4 ^) MShow," Mrs. Connolly told them as they turned to go. "I5 X1 @1 e0 W$ I' {% x( Y, s
hadn't planned on doing this until all the students were here  [1 Z6 v9 J1 C( ?7 p
but I think its time we showed these boys we mean business."4 v/ y+ s+ u! U% D* f/ }" r2 ^% {

, {- _: k' Q; F7 i"We'll probably be back next week with one of the other
) ^' K5 Z% K% ?) aboys," Deputy Tancredi said. "Maybe you'll show us then."
3 F, y5 R1 F3 `" D0 t
# l7 H% h% G9 f0 CLori Paulson led the three boys to the dorm followed by the
# ]! l4 F% g0 t( Lgirls and Mrs. Connolly and Mrs. Maikowski.; V4 w5 B4 d" _. z
: ], A/ J! Q% G* W
Ricky was lying on the bed when he heard the key in the door.- p! h3 S0 B7 s8 r, n; Z8 s
He hopped out of bed and put his hat and flip-flops on. Mrs.
. [8 R# V' H/ G" v' s  _3 }Connolly walked in first followed by the others. "How's your
/ \0 g+ M/ F/ Q' Z2 pballs?" She asked the blonde boy. "Did the numbness wear off% Q; }, Z$ S/ e# P+ {
0 D8 E  O, T5 e3 ?. \
4 O/ X; \1 n) k! v9 l"Yes Ma'am Ricky nodded.
9 p7 X  h* l0 L; S  a# l# J
9 P! K* {& g: |7 n"Good. Lets see how the remote works on you," She said
) u3 q6 O/ x' [0 G0 ?pressing number three. Ricky felt like he'd been kicked in
' T  [6 a! m: w& C% i5 Bthe balls. As the searing pain hit him, He fell to the floor
" G: I, w# F' L$ k: H- x8 {holding his groin and screamed.
% v% b+ v: |0 H1 }
  l  e# V: K% q"That's for your little end run this morning," Mrs. Connolly
  w" t% f4 f( Q& u' csaid. "I know everything that goes on here, Now stand up and
/ o# z  x, y& q1 D% P) \6 M! Swatch we're about to punish your two friends. While we wait( d: Z. }, y4 a. Q1 I6 q% U
for Miss Thomas allow me to introduce you to your new3 `/ A7 Q  C2 @  [4 k  o6 J; c
roommate," She pointed. "The pretty boy here is Josh. Be a
! I4 w: A9 V: p+ x( Wgood boy and shake his cock." She turned to Josh. "In this, Q; j; i3 ?$ Y
school the boys don't shake hands, they shake dicks. Josh9 q% l: v9 M; c
this is Ricky. Shake his cock. Watch out for the stitches on. [0 ?9 ^( e+ ^' K3 c
his scrotum."
$ h, z" o" [. ?: ^- A% r0 e+ s# g
The four Connolly girls giggled as the two boys, faces: E+ l+ p0 A6 d5 j0 Q
ablaze with humiliation were forced to pull each other's7 @# @* Z) S( e, X  `+ x, q
dicks. They shouted suggestions as the two boys faced each
6 g; d! |- X, E* [other and did as they were ordered.3 S4 }4 Q% R! [7 I1 S* h5 ?
7 i; V$ u$ C& u* v) P/ g
Miss Thomas and Michael were at the room Ricky had vacated.
1 [; f# ?/ Y' F1 VShe led him in by the leash. "Put your hands back on that. B: p" F* q5 f, \7 M+ N
head boy so I can unhook your harness. You must be a real
( l5 c8 c4 }# h3 S1 r( V- P/ [* ^threat if she's gonna keep you in here till Monday. Too bad4 ?9 E( d! w8 o' I4 U' [7 z
you're gonna miss the punishment. You can learn from watching
/ |3 C7 }% P/ ^2 S$ j( dthose two poor fools." 7 O) H2 {  {4 J( c0 R, d6 h( E
1 P, M/ y* t& I$ f7 L
It was one on one so Michael took a shot as she fondled his! U; M& Q/ o, F
cock while she removed the harness. "Ooh 9 Y. J3 R6 o* F# h9 S2 }+ \$ v( k
Mommy your hands feel so good on my peenjo." He said closing
  T3 }/ W# U" t1 p5 T" H! [6 s+ o! Yhis eyes and wiggling his hips. + T7 J5 X; F) u! j/ d
: P1 R% x7 ~9 y& F9 Y1 @
Miss Thomas Calmly cupped Michael's balls in her big hand and) Q7 @. M- _# F$ ^  E# o; T0 m
squeezed. He whitened as pain lanced through him. "Don't you
+ |7 X; v- U5 i& H. never talk to me that way boy," She lectured him as she
+ I  {- z3 ^; @( i$ Iincreased the pressure on his testicles. Michael was on his
  A' t0 x$ g( s7 Yknees moaning before she let go. " I ain't your Mommy and you+ M" d  I/ o7 a9 B& y  h
had better learn respect. You and me ain't gonna get along
8 ]# R- S" a4 {8 mand you know you're gonna be the one that loses.  When the/ v( h: C* T9 Z3 P: s' `" i
doctor gets through with you I don't think you'll be such a
9 G: Z+ [+ z' Ewise ass. Now get into that shower and wash that cum off./ p1 ^/ f* L9 a" y# r0 J/ h
I'll bring you dinner later."+ v* p8 D) [/ [
; q( p9 h# o+ @; r
She locked him in and walked down the hall to the dorm.6 g& s& T9 p) Q. _" H' S

) s& d) t; q$ N  K2 ^Mrs. Connolly looked up from watching Ricky and Josh2 t& f( k7 a9 t, \9 g) |% {( |4 @
masturbate each other as she entered. "Good you're just in
2 k* ~/ ^% F4 M7 m4 F* a( Atime."  
0 L" ~) }  Q: H" M" f$ Y: Q
5 ?0 L/ E4 N: ]/ `; Z6 e( t$ w6 _" GThe girls were seated on one of the beds. Mrs. Maikowski and
& h+ \9 w' p8 r" mLori were on another bed. Miss Thomas Joined them as Mrs.
1 ^* _6 ?) Y2 C! Z/ qConnolly spoke to the four naked boys standing in front of
/ m3 X3 i5 d1 Xher.
# Q2 l. N& V; N- s" x1 y$ d4 M' m: V( v0 V% E, W  O  w7 h3 z
"What should your punishment be?"  She asked Andy and
% g& P- h, k+ D. p# J8 C5 H- x1 kChristopher. "Trying to escape is a major offense. I could: P/ k. G9 P4 f2 |7 S' R; ?
have you spanked but you'd only try again some other time.
- B9 ~, w* s' O- jLets see now, What should I do to you?" 0 V$ Q8 U# w: @

+ d  ^2 _) F! Q% _  HThe two brothers were standing at attention. Christopher was; [( e- R$ [, I+ w' `
sobbing quietly. Both boys were shaking.
% k2 X$ H9 |% l. y* A4 v1 e! N7 D  p: c# W
"Ricky you and Josh are not going to be punished but I want) R  d$ r& b, B7 n
you to witness this so you'll know better if the thought ever2 n% l. s+ Q' X+ a7 A6 g8 H* `
occurs to you." She looked at Christie and Kelly. "You two
5 B( N$ j4 L2 h( D$ p0 uwere there and they pushed you down and tried to escape so
1 j: P; v+ v8 M3 Z' w4 A! {we'll let you decide the punishment."0 @* F% P3 x+ O3 Q+ Z
& l! L6 F' p3 x- L) h& h( q8 i
Kelly spoke up," I'd like to see them suck each other's" ^9 G* F' b- O( F' k" d
dickies, Mommy."
$ R7 F4 V. T! o; o& j9 o: a6 J, N; i0 L0 |, |, p1 W% E. o
"Well I was hoping to save that for when all the boys were
7 `" h; r# `6 [) o  T; `here but that's not a bad idea. Christie do you agree?"
+ |: R7 G0 D4 v
9 a8 D9 w9 J3 P% V; D% n+ t: E"Yeah mom," the other girl smiled. "I'd like to see that/ I. N3 ]/ O) ~' c$ k2 `' s9 _
also. It would be so way cool."  N( d7 I& z+ D" g! J# f" J8 H, M' B
% c& F, ]7 T) ]
Andy looked stricken. He couldn't believe what he was
' I5 {/ G. U( x) G- {hearing. Both boys stood open mouthed in shock as Mrs.% [/ l5 t: [# ]; |
Connolly looked at them.
' }% P3 W" D4 e, o7 q# V. B7 L) X0 X9 K, _/ z/ B: C1 y- X
"You heard my daughters. Get on the bed, head to feet, facing9 s  |4 T5 Q0 y: E7 F. J
each other."2 F( E7 u. I( k8 A; s4 m  I7 H4 P
  }/ P0 u1 F1 y
"You can't mean that," Andy protested. "He's my brother. I
% d( @" Q/ [. i% ecan't suck his dick."7 s0 R, T4 a8 G7 z* M8 x

( P# i8 G% h1 YChristopher was bawling. "P P Pleeeze he stammered, "Don't/ {' b) {4 r7 {" `1 Y' o" U
make me do this." 5 F6 i# m/ q9 A5 [2 A: V7 W

" K9 V; d$ J; C5 \4 U  \Mrs. Connolly took out her remote. "This is your last chance
* l7 ?: B0 u% C5 F* K& u4 |1 ?, ~to avoid some pain.  Get on the bed and lay down on your$ E0 F. ?( {5 l/ v" n! w% T
sides head to toe."
% Z, [0 |$ _" B# _* g
; M6 ?+ W1 ~+ hAndy took Chris's hand and led him to the bed. Both boys were1 ^& s! }8 Y# I  V) X0 D. n
sobbing as they lay down. Andy's head towards the top of the
' ~6 Z0 S% n& T7 _+ w3 zbed and Chris's towards the foot. They turned onto their
4 o* T. K( h9 Y  Z  ?sides. "Scrunch down so your heads are near each other's
0 ^. J4 e; I& W) p8 wcocks," Mrs. Connolly ordered. "I don't want you sucking each
1 J# H1 [# u& y( ^3 eother's toes."5 d  f) i' \8 X

  i" k. o4 P2 O4 D  L. x  rChris moved down. Both boys were facing each other's cocks,
; `, m  ]8 J$ ?- ?3 x" X7 N! r$ btheir mouths just inches away. Neither boy made a move.
' ~$ \! n, F  }! Q8 S1 t
. b5 e2 @6 H( g' Z4 C( l7 X: {"You can start by kissing each other's balls," Miss Thomas+ v# w' {$ \4 A0 o; P# g8 P
said. "That's real brotherly love." ( @% x: I; L6 \6 @6 E( C, o

/ B# Z0 W2 l( W9 s, D- A3 y& L8 IThe girls surrounded the bed as Andy cupped Christopher's
: |. y7 y7 k! v: iballsack in his hand and kissed it. Tears were running down7 o- f9 h/ a/ H: ]' m$ d  b2 Z
their cheeks. Christopher then kissed Andy's scrotum. "Good
% M( f5 d+ H4 j% R1 ]now lick each other's balls. Pop them in your mouths,"
$ {7 n9 u; U5 K% X. _! v, G! @Jennifer instructed as she knelt down for a better look.! a/ n: Z8 W5 u  C
. o7 C$ ^+ O5 f8 ?. }, f. D. E
Andy's tongue flicked out and wet his brother's balls., }$ D0 X4 X' T
Christopher followed his lead. The boys licked up and down.' x" M8 V& n1 M
Andy took his brother's little balls in his mouth and sucked
! ~' A4 J5 A# ]  {5 ]# f2 gon them. The girls watched in awe as the boy's tongues5 M8 j& b& u5 i5 \8 T
flicked and licked, Their mouths exploring each other's balls
, o7 W$ b, r: l* R
# s2 e3 J) h$ E  c, G/ b# g7 L1 s"All right, That's enough with the balls," Mrs. Maikowski
3 L; T  q/ d" |2 h0 Ladded her two cents. "Pop those cocks in your mouth and suck
- Y! `9 e/ ?8 \, S9 u5 s' J5 zuntil you both cum."
+ {- k5 m( H7 R( g# k' Q$ a& N1 E- m
Andy was first. He stroked Christopher's cock with his hand! k  w- {7 N6 Q' u" M" K  r
and placed the cockhead in his mouth. The little boy's cock
- G4 M; D9 a, @- n/ jfit in easily. It was already stiff from the ball licking.
3 `+ Y) e# q, G/ kAndy moved his head back and forth swallowing the entire; u8 s% r) x0 @9 ]/ b. j8 |
length of his brother's small prick.
: M! U5 B. Y5 J. r3 {: h9 d
# l' s! h6 U, Z. f1 sThe girls watched fascinated. Lori Paulson leaned over and) E, U; f6 B2 A" ^: e/ U- [& z# G) q
watched as both boys tongued then opened their mouths and
% D. Z' |2 l+ X: z3 B2 Q- D: adrew the other's cock in. "Play with his balls," She
$ ~4 T) X2 |& r) rinstructed Christopher. The little boy cupped his brother's: }* b" T# \0 ?
balls and put his lips on Andy's cock at the same time.
! U0 E+ T- H6 k4 s1 I' r) Y+ S9 v2 M( I2 r  f0 X4 o+ G
Andy's larger cock was hard from the foreplay and Chris could  C8 ~3 d0 e; I4 T  Y' ?- \
only take the first inch or so into his little mouth. His
" d& W; t! n( [8 u$ k$ A) [teeth grazed the older boy's cockhead. Andy shivered as he* q2 N5 F' i8 [+ x
felt the teeth on the delicate skin. "Chris, open wider," he' ?, V, s* E/ y
gasped between sucks." M) M5 y. ?6 g* I% T1 @" [

$ n* e1 j, p) O6 d9 V5 VBoth boy's heads were moving and so were their bodies as they6 O! q- n( Q- K) M
worked towards a climax. Their hands fondled and kneaded8 H0 q  A3 Q8 Q7 k) R' L# m  t( `
their balls. Despite the embarrassment and humiliation each
% E! t# g6 r" afelt, the blowjobs were causing them to wiggle and move. \& c  U' a$ i& G. l
faster and faster. As he sucked his brother's cock
, F8 j  W0 P( S% ?. iChristopher found he could take more and more into his mouth
$ ~! u: K7 q5 C7 _8 a2 vand soon he was able to take Andy's whole cock in if he
# l, y. t! y; ~' ^% brelaxed his jaws.# C" a) m. E: W; X

8 @8 m# }, U8 g% d" hAndy stiffened as he felt himself coming. He opened his mouth' H) y9 W" ]0 L' L" w( h1 ^3 P* ?
and cried out. "Arrghh" as he came. Christopher's cock popped
: I; }2 V" H1 x6 }+ ^out. Jennifer reached over Andy and placed it back in the
# H1 {' t6 a5 z6 Y  k2 O/ _7 ?. `8 u4 oolder boy's mouth. Neither boy was mature enough to create
. G4 o( V5 @0 e: J  B7 W  L7 W% y8 ]sperm.  Christopher soon dry came as well, his little body' L; |( E7 r  E4 U+ j! {5 U
stiffening and his back arching as he groaned with release.- U7 T. I) Y( n) Y* |! E! g

( e3 t8 O# g, o4 h; x+ j) Z2 XThe two brothers lay still. Their faces were red with
) g* d7 ?8 \& C0 J8 V& Hhumiliation. Their cocks were shrinking back as they lost
9 |3 C7 Z. f, h7 q  g" u& _their hard-ons. : w6 Y$ d! p$ ?# t! r1 c, o1 ~( o
) H, b9 g5 ?8 U: x8 \6 x
"Wow, That was awesome mom. It was worth waiting for,"
8 \1 K+ K% v) Z# C% x- Z! oJennifer said. The other girls all agreed.9 m& q$ W7 G. P1 ^- }5 ^) g9 {

' w$ i5 d7 v" v! p2 H, `6 ~"That big one in solitary should be made to suck some cock.
! Y$ S; A1 i8 U5 v0 I" e, }- \That'll take him down a peg or two," Miss Thomas said.1 O/ {3 Y2 r- w) |) N

- ^* L) k& p$ F4 Q; t  ^"The next time you try to escape or misbehave I'll make you/ V5 \: N9 C2 W% Q& W
suck everyone's cocks," Mrs. Connolly announced. "We'll be  N; Z3 F8 T$ `" d
back at suppertime to collect you four for dinner. I suggest9 m. [# K: z# T" _
you spend the next hour or so getting to know each other6 Y- Q: P) z; ]! u4 {
better. I have a feeling your cocks are gonna be in each
" u! u/ p  o+ {other's mouths an awful lot in the next few months."* Q% Y# l4 Y5 \% J) P/ N

. e$ g0 d+ w5 \The guards and girls left, Locking the door behind them. Andy% ]1 |  [; m! f  W' v, d- e! S
stood up. He couldn't look at Ricky or Josh. "I am so
0 V" J9 R2 K' iashamed. I wish I had the guts to tell them to go fuck+ }* L3 Y# B0 l
themselves," He said crying. "The device hurts so much I had
  g$ t  P* r3 `, Sto do as they ordered."1 j5 d- }! x  n, m- [+ K

7 U6 i' ^3 t1 D! w5 P: W, a"If I could get hold of one of their chips and examine it I
) N- d; r/ K, \$ C! F) |" Bmay be able to disable them," Josh volunteered.
/ _3 g7 N: g6 `: X. z0 x1 Q' F6 x% I4 [. v( z
"The only ones around are the ones in our balls," Andy said
$ L7 @$ [6 I' R1 U+ I4 ?still sniffling. "And Monday morning you'll have one of your  l- u; e* N; p$ l. S# f; p" |
very own. I doubt if you can do anything, but if you want to
: o: r% V. D1 u$ j; T5 n, \try do it on your own device."
, j6 S# @% W' d4 ?, s4 T0 G1 x6 a7 M6 K
He sat down on the bed and put his arms around Christopher5 @8 S) `, z; L
who was sobbing pitifully. His little body was shaking and2 Q0 z5 s: }. A; j
his head was down in the pillow. "It'll be all right Chris.
; c7 P1 H0 U( s* T) `; u3 r$ lWe can take anything those bitches dish out. I promise you
4 H- x0 A9 p- _' b2 c- R' Esomeday we'll get them back for this."# \5 y0 }. N6 j

, l2 N3 q0 d, U) y1 q) h" _( |( {1 s" }3 r
Chapter four
+ [: q3 J' A) a6 tThe end.GRANDVIEW SCHOOL FOR BOYS 5# A$ G3 D5 r. k2 S0 P
The Farm) U- n7 U' _" y! w. h) X8 s0 f% M

( M. u& ?8 Y( W* u9 C8 B$ h' G& Acopyright 2000 By Mozzy 24+ k3 j/ C2 o3 k' e0 ^
all rights reserved
* t  |+ I9 Q. X9 \8 B* W% U1 ~( O% ?
! e/ Z' z9 A; O3 E+ ^3 s) g8 ^7 T
4 J( l  d6 u$ y6 Z5 {
, X) a/ h6 C& ^; h: T" F' u
/ J( A' H0 g9 f8 xFor most of the people in the town of Grandview Sunday was a
, t; c9 e  ~9 _! Eday of rest. A day to linger over coffee and read the paper.
' T2 t$ D. H  ANot so for the five "Students" and the staff of the Grandview
$ J9 N* s; y% t0 }1 |School for Boys.
/ \( a/ d) ?4 A
5 o5 \3 S2 s- OThe sun was barely up when Reveille was held on the four- c! _  u! j" a& w$ C
young boys sleeping in the dorm and the lone boy in the
4 {- @+ j" j" @$ w. A7 Psolitary cell.# f' ]8 ^" G. p( y* Z! p3 o5 X3 d

6 T5 r3 I" _$ ]6 wIt had been a fitful night for Andy Micelli and his brother* q" |7 g* R' ~% i
Chris. After a failed escape attempt the two boys had been# c0 N* o" e" k- v- F' a: `
punished by being made to suck each other's cocks while the
! j$ o0 f3 Y. P2 Q' l4 Q4 xfour Connolly girls, the guards and Mrs. Connolly watched and4 h- ~2 _. j5 a# O
laughed. They even had the other boys watch. Even worse was* f9 p# k+ a' w, S) L: \, R
the threat from the warden that this was only the beginning.
" M! c, i3 J( Y9 |  q5 ]% {! H& N& w+ w! W5 g  C' T: _6 j2 ~+ J2 ~9 q( P
Caitlin and Christie woke the four naked boys up by turning; m- m5 ]6 X' ]* P, c
on the lights and shouting "Wake up, you have ten minutes to0 B: s* E% ~( D$ q- j0 i1 \$ ~
shower and fall in for ass and cock inspection."
1 s- z6 j- g% [+ f" N2 ^* S  B% @0 M3 J$ Z% G* G
Andy, Ricky, Chris and Josh stumbled out of bed and ran into
" }/ G9 }5 h; g) mthe shower room. The water was strong and hot and Andy
% e" }) N2 J) k2 V6 N) zscrubbed his body trying to erase the shame of the last: i* T; I; K. M
evening from his mind. Christopher stood alongside his
3 ?" @1 L4 O. P- {: ]0 a% Zbrother in the shower room and Andy reminded him, "Make sure
/ \7 M) h+ q: S/ j9 ^% M1 o& uyou wash your ass real clean, they're gonna check us out," as; m+ q. p/ R  L" P
the girls yelled for them to hurry up or they'd miss
, B) @  _% d# H- q! C" U0 i$ D: d* Wbreakfast.0 C( c3 d+ E+ `5 \# b

" @! x& f3 v# U, x% A: y0 B5 _" QThe two blonde girls were waiting, sitting on an unmade bed; B& D, ^6 s4 s! o) X
when the boys came out still wet. All four boys had brushed
6 R! H) s( s+ utheir teeth and combed their hair. They were made to line up,
9 @4 i0 F3 D& `. M; R3 t& h3 E: Phands behind their heads in front of the two girls.' D# B3 p9 J2 |* A0 `. o5 \6 p

# s9 @7 I8 s  ]Caitlin looked at each boy, "I don't know Christie," She1 b# W) g% e7 L9 j* ?1 i
smirked, " Four pretty little cocks and not a hard on amongst/ C+ z  s- u5 d* i
them. I think that's showing us disrespect. Lets start over,! C4 C/ E* j1 N( B4 a0 ]
Ricky you and Chris play with each other and Andy you and0 s3 ^  b  ^% G( B+ b7 x0 n5 B
Josh do the same. You have two minutes to get those cocks. J5 \& d/ }& X- _; j4 y) K
nice and hard for us."; z; ]; y+ p1 A2 S) z

6 B) {" X# {) [! Z9 f5 Z, P! AThe boys reddened in shame as they did as they were told.
. E/ S5 A+ t8 p$ }4 LJosh didn't have the control device installed in his scrotum
. g- U4 r  ]) d' f7 j$ Fyet but went along, afraid he'd be spanked again if he  l# X: V3 V0 R% d
5 G% I+ _- n/ f0 I& ^8 X
9 S1 {; I1 Y9 b' |+ HRicky and Christopher cupped each others balls and stroked; J. ?; ^* b0 a, z. ^, r
each other's cocks to firmness. Andy warily pulled Josh's
7 F2 P/ Y. V" N; |! ilarger cock hoping the older boy wouldn't cum on him. Josh$ D5 b( I* [/ S/ ]/ U' n: I1 ?6 n7 L
still ashamed, avoided Andy's eyes as he pulled and kneaded
+ g" Z. }  K3 N- Y/ k. jthe dark haired boy's genitals. The girls looked on2 r5 g7 V3 R  A+ U4 Q! w
$ Y8 N3 ^, ?4 Q0 U$ X% p2 f
- |7 R& j2 E/ l+ C; {% D- I% h"All right" Christie said after a few minutes," That's good,
# j- ]2 _9 D( D2 Q# L# F' m5 Fnow turn around and face us again and lets see those stiff
5 B1 Q9 @8 U9 D  ^& N, hlittle cocks."5 M$ k1 A8 g& y  H* D! P% N/ ~, H

# G$ T/ U) D! {& q- S7 \' jThe boys assumed the position again; hands behind their heads
% z' L% _7 @' C; rand the two girls examined each cock. "You show real  u0 c2 e4 T! Y, J& ?
potential, new guy," Caitlin informed Josh as she fondled his
/ l( M- x3 F( Y2 }4 R9 lballs and rubbed his cock. Christie was carefully examining- D; j4 n5 o) y  E
Ricky with her left hand while fondling and kneading Andy's
% ~8 ?% r+ g0 _8 u. z/ _: ~balls with her right hand.
9 Z$ q0 \% W' |  {5 H8 g8 H: D6 c. b9 R; L
The girls satisfied themselves that everything was in order
6 ~: x% b, r9 i# Bfrontal wise. "Lets see your asses now," Caitlin said. "Turn
1 g1 [* o- a. c( waround and bend over and spread yourselves apart."* p8 b8 r" H# I) i+ ^  ]

/ g% t1 C/ N$ pThe four humiliated boys got into position and Caitlin and5 a; `4 z! \( D; {' C% L
Christie knelt and examined each boy's asshole.  "Looks nice
/ ]! I2 E, T& t" F- e# S+ ^, Yand clean" Christie announced, pushing her index finger into
/ @- L- Q9 z' r+ x( y2 WChristopher as he yelped and jumped forward.
, r- e* D6 _3 _
) W% k- j, P; Y$ zCaitlin pushed past Josh's puckered sphincter muscle and
# N- Q: x8 H* E& U) Awiggled her finger in him. "These boys learn fast," she! o3 M1 a, u* W2 E6 V1 _: @4 d
smiled at her little sister. "You've got a nice asshole," she& ?# G  Y! q, T( v) `5 p2 U: B$ |( A4 \
told the blushing boy as she removed her finger. "I'm gonna+ x6 x9 J: u7 |' n
love watching you getting it in the ass."1 l& w- `6 p) S) C0 _

2 j6 d# u' `, u$ b. x4 d, x0 T" FChristie moved behind Ricky and inserted her finger up his6 S  Y8 V5 W1 L0 [4 H( E  T( |
behind. Caitlin knelt behind Andy. She reached under him and* n% R4 a0 z: l1 W
cupped his balls. "You got me and my sisters in trouble7 `( ^$ z1 `/ @- i
yesterday," she said squeezing his nuts. "If you ever try to7 T+ [+ D6 e8 q, a
escape again you'll have to do more than suck your brothers
2 ^+ R( r: J' P$ f" ]: bcock as punishment."  She let go of Andy's balls and roughly
; C% C- N7 @7 f$ A* n% ^- oshoved her finger in his ass causing him to cry out. "I# W" c& U0 n: H; z& A0 [
wonder if I could get two fingers up here?" She thought
! V# p( s9 i  l: ?3 Ealoud. Pushing her index finger to the side she squeezed her
/ y2 m; r& f5 c) @" sother finger in as Andy cried out in pain. Caitlin showed no# o+ ?; d: J! z6 V" m" W
mercy and as the young boy remained bent over she wiggled) \' W% j, q1 A+ f) q( d
both fingers in his stretched to the limit asshole.
5 }- R. [* C  `, I$ T* o& j
9 d8 k! \  m4 X( J6 qThe girls satisfied themselves that the boys were clean.' Z/ }' a; R  c7 l
Caitlin ordered them to play with each other's cocks to keep3 B' |1 p% ~7 F3 J6 T: h# X2 M/ s
them hard. The girls marched the four boys to the school
" E. s6 f7 J! slunchroom in their flip-flops.
  P! W" h0 [1 M
1 y" M% z4 d5 f; R8 R, s+ AMeanwhile Michael had his own troubles. At the same time
) c) H/ V3 C8 N( u0 {3 f! iCaitlin and Christie were waking their four young victims,
2 L3 `0 r. A6 DMrs. Connolly and Miss Thomas along with Jennifer and little: A1 `( |  c- I2 D, \
Kelly held reveille on the sleeping boy.* j2 D" b" w# D1 X  j
- y, i7 L( ?; }! N& Z" s
"Up and at em' sweetmeat," Miss Thomas yelled as she unlocked
' A  J( R3 W) e& S; b9 b- ]! Jthe door and turned on the lights. Michael jumped out of bed,
, f0 K% w; W; S% Y: s  J9 `a confused look on his face as he tried to remember where he3 V! y2 H# y) ^. [+ z" r0 z! w. ?7 I
was. 4 Y3 J9 N. Y/ s" _4 T, |- u0 c

: U, p7 ?# i! D; @9 R5 I2 p2 XThe two girls giggled as Michael wiped sleep from his eyes.
! p2 K4 G( o: {8 q- M" @His cock was semi-hard partly the result of a dream he'd been
' y8 @2 X$ s- Q8 |. \6 W+ h2 lhaving and partly because he had to piss.
% d% I; c5 @6 m4 c' ^& H" p3 h1 r- B" p3 f2 q
"Stand at attention," Mrs. Connolly ordered. "I see your cock. H7 K" [$ n/ |4 `* ^# i
is already at attention," She added smiling., ]* C$ m, ]$ t/ l
7 B( a4 L3 N2 O% N! u. e* a
Moving in front of Michael she cupped his balls and examined
+ X: Q3 I1 a. c/ e. @them. Michael started to smile," Yo Mommy," That was as far
3 x# n- C. |! nas he got as Mrs. Connolly squeezed his balls in a grip of2 W1 N2 L, K3 L. C
iron. The husky boy fell down grabbing for his nuts and let
# C: T9 ]1 s0 u( h! p; t  q+ I$ eout a shriek. Mrs. Connolly let go and watched him fall. "The
) Q, \% n4 M* b6 W2 e; z" G7 x) H7 \next time I hear a wise crack out of your mouth I'll rip them5 K! e4 [  P7 q. U5 p- H3 \& e
off," She warned the sobbing boy. $ a0 F* |2 J4 W0 ~3 b

7 h( G* }! {; L( x9 p' pMrs. Thomas prodded Michael with her foot. "On your feet boy,2 u7 r; ~( J2 R1 {% u0 Q$ U" B7 }
you ain't hurt that bad yet."
  f* ?& J8 e/ o2 b6 P. A# Z5 M' m8 @- e$ g: E( |7 Q
Michael slowly stood up. Tears were pouring out of his eyes.: T& E% w0 K" t" s/ d4 d! ?
Those same eyes now were showing fear as he looked at His
# l' `; ]; p' V# A. q* j% |tormenters.
8 }( Z8 F5 @' r8 k
1 @& H5 G8 @0 ^# z" r6 h"Put your hands behind your head and stand still," Mrs.
4 k, b3 L4 B" VConnolly ordered. "I want Kelly to examine your cock. She's7 h( o7 ?9 F, ~8 W1 f' }6 V
going to lead you by your dick to the lunchroom for breakfast; M4 I: m0 c1 h( i4 J
and I want her to acquaint herself with it.
( f/ H2 t' u7 N9 u3 d. u) k4 f4 K" q1 J
Michael stood at attention, hands behind his head as the
' h: Z: @2 F( c( ~8 C1 m% Ceight-year-old girl wrapped her little hands around his cock.% Q& Q, X$ A! l. q, G9 @% H' H! o
Slowly she peeled the foreskin of his uncut dick back to; b6 k# _/ M1 }* w: |
reveal his cock head. Then she ran her fingernails lightly
( }' {- m/ l, uover his pee hole causing him to shiver. 1 \* A6 M' [: z$ p# J5 |
/ A7 ^! @0 c' _. g9 K
"I think he has to pee Kelly," Jennifer said. "Why don't you) \/ h# J  ~8 M& f/ e2 L/ O  @
lead him to the toilet and lets watch him pee."  @6 X: u  {/ r9 C" T$ Y
# _6 ~. F+ T. a
"Goody that sounds like fun," Kelly giggled. Pulling Michael
* d( b: ^* G. S) Y3 Uby his cock she led the parade into the bathroom. "I can't% z" Y7 s1 m! z9 I
piss with all of you watching me," Michael complained. 7 D, h$ k" ]: w/ i9 X& P

4 b# V6 `! H( |. e3 {3 ^"Either you pee now or I'll make you hold it until after1 B- A( Q/ I- i8 E* P$ A' \% j/ z
breakfast," Mrs. Connolly threatened.3 S" U# J; A' v. ~, c4 u$ w8 x/ Z  R
. R* W1 Y' a0 g' J9 M
Michael looked uncomfortable. For the first time since he had, j/ W( Z5 f& ~' l# w; N. o2 S
arrived at the school, He was blushing. Kelly held his cock,
- n' ]6 ]) r$ ^pointing it at the toilet. "I can hold my own cock," He
$ S; M; ?3 p" z/ _! Zwhined. 1 P4 }9 L$ U6 O
% j, d2 A! \, W; Y1 {5 e+ D5 @
"I don't recall giving you a choice. Keep those hands behind7 m8 g1 j/ b* v4 o' K
your head," Mrs. Connolly said. "Looks like the red from your
# G, A7 W; j/ S& b4 W- H  ~2 v) _; ]spanking is fading a little," She smiled looking at his ass.
) v+ }2 t" `) c; Q8 `5 d+ J"Maybe we should redden you up a bit before breakfast." 0 x7 ~& ~6 F, _- z( g) L

' L5 B% G6 E- Y# S+ J5 k" ~, Q"Kelly was yanking on Michael's cock "Come on pee She urged."* l" p/ f% n. H3 E0 T6 Q# ~9 A( b
Michael tried and succeeded. First a drop then a stream as
' E1 i+ L, z6 Q* y2 x0 e, BKelly held his cock aiming it carefully at the toilet. This
$ O9 I5 a9 \5 V6 N* Y7 dwasn't turning out the way Michael wanted it to. He had
$ g! G- G! _( @3 h: [" ]bragged to Josh on the trip up here in the deputy's car that: }  Y/ y* [, T) U3 Z
he was going to make it with all the chicks in the school.
$ ~% Z+ n9 i6 N8 r( r4 `Now he was standing naked with a little girl holding his cock
4 T, E; F; ]/ ]/ Eas he was forced to pee in front of two of these same girls
* |7 e9 g6 {+ Y8 \  ]7 ?1 {% Jand their mother. 5 k9 m. U) j9 y5 J2 t" ~3 p7 b
1 \: v. K9 b9 o
"You have five minutes to shower," Mrs. Connolly told him as
- ?. i$ [% j6 T& ?( @& K) hhe finished peeing. "Then get out here so my daughters can
; M& j* h- |2 e: a9 tcheck your asshole."
' }3 E( H$ {4 x' O) h5 g/ ]
5 X3 _  Q0 e  Q7 zHumiliated, Michael retreated into the shower as the four
$ ~" d. j: R+ \* j5 R; N. Z  Xfemales sat down on the bed to wait. "You don't have to be; y0 {5 I% D# v6 H) J" M
too gentle when you examine his asshole. Use two fingers if+ ^, Q' a  z" ~, V/ z! t! W3 X
you can" Mrs. Connolly instructed Jennifer. "He needs to be9 C+ O, O* X8 G4 o5 j
shown who's the boss. He's still a wise ass."" ~& ^7 l3 g- v  n* a
5 y7 T% ]8 j) M  U0 M5 ?( a) s
Michael took advantage of having the bathroom to himself and
7 j- E$ r% T+ M7 Ihurriedly emptied his bowels. Then hopped into the shower. As/ S5 n$ c7 _7 k
he soaped his body he thought about how this was rapidly
8 O  p: ~" Z1 a, T0 A9 i2 `) C  T$ jturning into a nightmare. These people were stone mean. He* O+ R1 c0 R2 E1 u$ T: C
was a leader in the barrio, now even a little eight-year-old
3 C2 ~, x3 K$ K: r" Tgirl was leading him around by the cock. It was embarrassing.
1 `  H1 e2 b" rHe was glad Ramon and the gang weren't around to see him.0 u4 |/ V; A& w0 s. W1 z3 m

( F" [- {  M6 O* B$ h/ JJennifer banged on the door. "Hurry up or you'll miss, u- z5 D% [+ A7 c. N: }# W
breakfast." Michael carefully soaped up his asshole and cock6 V" E0 l7 z- q5 s' e: b
and balls. He didn't want to flunk inspection. That big0 `) t( e4 Z: q$ c
guard, Miss Thomas could really spank. 1 \+ y6 P3 r9 n+ d  \0 Y  _1 Z/ S

5 z: R- M( Y& U# t3 u4 QGetting out of the shower, He quickly brushed his teeth with, L# K, j* L; u$ g
the toothpaste and brush issued to him. Then ran a comb
4 X2 g! c) i# \1 R7 v$ M$ B% ythrough his hair. Still wet he padded out to where the four' z$ |: f3 z2 m4 R; ?
ladies awaited.
- T- F6 g. S  f" |& F; X$ \1 A5 o$ o( u+ f! F- _/ ?
"You're late boy," Miss Thomas informed him looking at her: i, f! j) w% g1 |$ i
watch. "We said five minutes. You took seven. Get yourself/ t+ K* \9 I& [1 ]( u
over my lap you've just earned ten spanks on your wet ass."
$ z, z' ^: P2 }: e; E2 V+ P. l( @6 F3 }( q3 d7 p- b  u
"I'm sorry," Michael said. "Please don't spank me anymore. My
+ K" {  f" u9 x+ M% _- uass is still sore from yesterday."
$ m+ }2 b# w+ z8 Z+ e$ r8 Q% N1 Y% L
0 A6 V3 X, c- d  [& rMiss Thomas grabbed the naked boy by the cock and yanked him
+ m6 N( x" Y% B& \8 h; t6 iover her lap. "Not such a big smartass anymore are you?" She
- ~. B8 ~- R! Dswatted his wet ass cheeks with her bare hand.
0 z  h7 k- R$ f8 y% S: [5 x
' X% d: P7 O: s0 D: ?/ Q0 \# zMichael jumped, "Owwww, that hurts," he yelled then started7 ~& b+ X2 u5 _6 Y7 D* L
sobbing and wiggling as she followed with nine more hard5 z7 z" l+ K2 }# T8 A
spanks with her bare hands.
' f$ I, S4 \% X/ }# n& W. H  K7 `, P, f  t% G
"You ain't hurt boy, I barely tapped you" she said releasing: E/ C6 Z- v' s8 v0 ?4 @
him. "Now stand up."3 B4 H5 A8 E' G# Y. h3 O
8 A+ `1 m0 Z  f, n. b+ Z( l
Michael stood in front of the four females, head down sobbing
8 X) S, h- I+ B- c& m% g  ?6 R+ Aas he rubbed his sore ass. "Turn around, bend over and spread
& E/ i( H, J# `. u2 g" y- jyour cheeks," Mrs. Connolly ordered.4 ~& u) X+ n% y* ?; j) m  y6 @
4 H' g+ ]% B" ~+ _9 v/ \2 O' w; o
Michael blushed red and obeyed. He didn't want any more of
$ C" u( G! i3 ~' h5 M3 YMiss Thomas' big callused hands.& Y; i1 `4 c% [# v! }* r) h
7 Y1 ^7 [6 e! d- j8 l) ]8 D6 V/ h' e
Jennifer and Kelly knelt behind the embarrassed boy and
5 M: H! V1 O3 ylooked up his rectum. Jennifer went first. Her finger roughly
1 h: ?0 x6 d0 j& `5 O" s# U9 Spushed past his puckered asshole and into his rectum. Michael
$ R3 ?6 t) W9 m' {. k4 D# Fgrunted in pain as Jennifer wiggled her finger in him, Then0 c& W; K0 [9 g+ I8 u2 _3 K  z9 ?
yelped as she shoved another finger in next to the first.7 u3 B5 y8 i% @* q. G3 V5 v: _, x/ K

% _% x4 J0 E/ J$ f& `  q"Try for three," Mrs. Connolly instructed. "He may as well
6 I9 j5 e& g# B9 dget used to having things shoved up his ass." Jennifer slid& i3 v1 _  P' i$ z4 F( t' P0 O, y
her third finger up causing Michael to yell in pain. She
2 {& V, j" U- U0 g! m3 r2 wwiggled all three fingers in him forcing his asshole to
  s! J3 }$ o- P9 ostretch painfully. Michael was yelling each time she moved/ A3 w$ W& Z0 z, K: O: h* c) H
her fingers. "Shut up boy or I'll shove my fingers in there,
+ v. ]- Q; K2 l* z& yand they're a lot bigger than Jennifer's, " Miss Thomas
# C2 `+ Q$ ?/ Bthreatened
; J4 x+ Q. }$ [% j1 c% K ) c: v! W! V4 L4 c" }& F2 h* M
Finally Jennifer removed her fingers and Michael sighed in
! c8 v  U0 s# p% g9 ~1 f1 j; Y/ Srelief only to gasp again as Kelly shoved three fingers of3 g. \4 `% k' x% y4 T' [! b3 u
her own up his tortured asshole.0 T. U+ P, F! u

/ M: p0 f4 e: i: y5 m# C0 FThe anal exam continued for another minute, then the$ j6 ?4 ]  D9 p5 r
humiliated boy was allowed to straighten up. Mrs. Connolly$ r, ~; D9 R7 w5 T8 q6 ^6 `
put his hat on his head and he slipped his feet into the' h) c: i) D/ I8 y/ }& k5 u
flip-flops. After Miss Thomas placed the harness around his5 I6 d5 d* {6 n5 ?3 Z/ \, z6 }/ e
cock and balls, Kelly led him by the leash to the lunchroom
/ ?9 Q# E6 m) w6 D' ewith the others following.  ^. N$ U  D+ Q/ z: k- w( n- w

$ v! R3 d* B, ^( y/ BThat very moment Christie and Caitlin were leading the other
( I3 C6 k9 ~5 o* Pfour boys into the lunchroom as well. Mrs. Connolly smiled as% j/ }1 R9 P& f) J. G
she noticed the boy's hardons. "Very good my dears," She
9 ?9 i0 `7 i7 v' b0 _0 Ecomplimented her two middle daughters. "They're on the way to
9 f  \6 n. Y6 w4 Y+ C; y" M& z- [/ tbeing trained already. After breakfast why don't you take the$ j2 K6 j) P) E2 [* I+ k+ B$ @& _
four of them out to the farm and start them on their chores." ~2 P! \8 \5 H5 X
This one is still too wild to let out. We'll wait for the
, S  r) o6 t8 v; z( V/ ?  Idoctor before he we let him on the farm."
5 U% T1 Q+ J) f# d
5 k8 o, ]# q0 W2 @. SMrs. Maikowski was smoking a cigarette and having a cup of
2 B3 f9 }9 C. e9 R! O' Vcoffee with Mrs. Mandel when the five boys were led in.2 a6 ^$ u: e$ j

6 |3 e  E8 V4 ["That's the two new boys I told you about," Mrs. Maikowski$ G0 o) j; f+ |" p7 F5 W* E
said to the cook. "The Mexican kid is Michael and the one7 L2 }& F8 r. T& O' r: {" _
with the glasses is Josh.", A, d" a9 I; |1 i
2 f/ ]3 W9 Z$ d7 _
Mrs. Mandel looked the two new boys up and down. "Michael and/ I* o! P& n+ |6 e" K/ x( H
Josh huh? I see you ain't been cut kid," she said to Michael.
8 o1 |7 Y5 e2 `7 C$ c4 Y& M1 S"I got me a meat cleaver in the kitchen that could do the8 c% x1 a( q8 w6 Q6 _  u1 u: ]
trick," she cackled taking the harness in her thick hands and
5 U% ~, h+ E- [" u: M' Epulling Michael towards her. "Put your hands behind your head6 {3 C- C: r' J/ g+ N
and let old Annie get a look at that big cock of yours," She
, Q9 J; }& {! O) |0 T& S# wordered.8 R' A; g7 V- z& f5 h6 V3 P5 i

/ I" X( U% A3 f# W9 AMr. Connolly took a cup of coffee and watched as Mrs. Mandel5 g/ F4 I4 V! v4 J
removed the harness and examined Michael's thick cock. She- U' e2 k# H/ W% U) l/ w
peeled back his foreskin and examined his cock head. "Better( D; \1 K# b, @0 `' a5 r  {* o
watch out he's a cummer and he likes having his cock looked
1 b  {, B7 }% l+ e0 vat and played with," Miss Thomas warned.& M" g% e+ D% D; x; \2 @0 ~
" D% P: g7 W2 n6 l+ H
The truth be told Michael wasn't enjoying his latest hand job
: J5 P8 Z& r" u# `0 n0 a) eone bit. It was one thing to have a cute girl explore your
1 L. i2 _1 ]" f) zbody but this fat old lady and her meaty hands were. A. q% H! Z7 |+ L; }) `& }9 @
embarrassing him.6 c, z6 w. ]5 q8 N! M' b3 X

3 G7 l! u6 X. r$ W1 sIf Mrs. Mandel noticed Michael's embarrassment at all it: E6 ?2 M" ~$ @! |# P' p
wouldn't have bothered her. She cupped his large scrotum in
* t# Q0 a, S8 {' _. ^5 h& j$ L+ Zher hand and examined it closely. Then stroked his cock until1 t5 ~3 e  v7 O/ B
it was standing straight out. Dropping Michael's genitals she5 X( F; e6 ~& q& Y0 N( L
beckoned Josh over.   "You a cummer also?" she asked the
7 d$ p/ ]$ L, a3 \- _embarrassed boy as she wrapped her hand around his balls and. ^, ]7 A% u. G  {! Q( X4 Q
kneaded them.
# M3 l1 \. b6 |- b  \5 N0 N
3 A( e! b; Q, a( \9 ]"Yyyess," Josh stammered. He watched her hands as she
' r, V- i. `& M/ y' S% K- Zexamined his long skinny cock. Mrs. Mandel liked handling
2 W' j  W  [9 kcocks and soon the humiliated youngster's was at full/ g+ @4 _2 a) T! @. E
attention. Moving away she said to both boys, "Annie likes to4 n6 j: H, [  m( m# p5 n
watch boys play with each other."& Y9 {8 L" Z1 u$ _2 V

' ^, H% k! r$ T$ p' X"Do it or we'll never get any breakfast," Mrs. Connolly" E: `; F; M2 K- t& p
ordered. 5 x  m: p$ |# t6 |

* D' Z8 |# l( n, QJosh faced Michael. "I'm sorry," he murmured as he took the
  g6 J9 R* B9 Wother boy's cock in his hand and started to stroke it.
& }: [8 @8 ~7 Q6 s
5 y- b; k5 a- x* U# N9 g+ ~. B% RMichael hesitated just long enough to see Miss Thomas glare
; x2 v- I& G0 u( d& r2 A# }at him. Then he took Josh's cock in his hand and ran his palm; f' F; X3 Q  S5 P0 K- b' ?
up and down the length of it.# l0 P. z2 Z3 \2 U& c; N# X
8 Y( r- ]/ ^+ C! a
Annie cackled like a witch as she watched both boys stroke
% h, a$ |0 ]5 l# N5 h  qand pull on each other's hardons. "Play with the balls too,"/ x& \) i( Y4 G1 Z4 d
she ordered. Josh, using his other hand, cupped and kneaded
% n1 c# ?0 L( ~) A( [, SMichael's balls. Michael copied him and soon both boys were7 i4 R" ]6 E  K1 i8 m7 ~9 j" \
wheezing and gasping as they neared their climax'.& W% F7 s$ J) n& r( x* W8 {
% A+ z2 R" j6 D9 ^9 {1 O
Michael came first. The combination of his ass exam at the! @7 V8 W/ d8 W* D/ T- G/ Q
hands of the Connolly sisters and Annie's hand job had gotten8 o/ [' J! [2 h$ _
him ready despite his acute embarrassment. He arched his back* l+ }( M  w* U5 |6 r' t% T$ c
and closed his eyes, gasping as he spurted cum on Josh's0 K% k9 t- C. G4 T8 w0 v. k$ q
hands and the floor of the lunchroom.
; U# j- F, B6 Y5 H- A; |
; v1 k9 \  ?6 R. kJosh came shortly after. He stiffened and stood on tiptoes as, [2 N" l- k5 V+ K6 m' I
his cock let go. He gasped and clenched his teeth as he came.
: G+ `7 s6 k/ R; F/ X4 ]% c3 IMichael sidestepped and the spurt of cum missed him and hit
9 T' r. Z4 y4 X  Z  V$ nthe floor.
: ]6 x( a3 p9 e( a$ W3 K. M/ [/ f6 C
2 G9 I) b/ |8 h" J9 r5 e5 {"Are you satisfied by this little show, Mrs. Mandel?" Mrs.: I1 Q- o: h# t  L+ g' t8 J0 _0 n
Connolly asked. "Perhaps now we can have some breakfast. My
( p9 z! |7 r1 w4 A; v0 o: S2 Dgirls have a busy day ahead of them."
4 Y2 s  ~. P; G7 C& s  Y2 s7 O" ?" L- \
The cook grinned, "I have some nice oatmeal on the stove. I
2 U9 r, \& b7 I. N8 {should have those two cream in it. They sure had plenty to go
3 W, }/ {2 G' W- t& {around." She walked off chuckling to herself at her little* V' Z: S. V& I: g. H5 X
joke.' F( ^$ U) z4 F' \0 H+ v
9 S9 o" z1 K5 ?6 ^
Mrs. Maikowski got some paper towels and the boys were put to
' s7 |% g0 m# W3 l6 }6 [) W" ]work cleaning the cum from the floor.
/ X/ a2 u6 @6 Z: R. k
! ]1 \9 M' F' s7 m1 b2 pAfter breakfast Mrs. Connolly spoke to her daughters. "Lori- Z1 t+ d  Z& E# S! b3 C
will meet you out back at noon. I'm going to let you have
2 X. m. I( K' j; u5 X5 z2 D) KJosh on your work detail also.   He doesn't have the device( M) Y% ]( C8 `
yet but I don't think he'll run. Have them clean the chicken
0 f' d6 j6 ^+ j1 ~coops and the barn, Water the stock and clean the stalls. 5 @" ]0 q9 i% J/ S+ P9 ^' i% |
Jennifer, Change your clothing. Don't wear those white. r# f" A. x1 Z
sneakers, You'll get shit all over them and they're hard to
# b0 ^5 [5 W, A. g: _3 Uclean."
) S+ d7 Q* V  I1 c  b3 X9 ~9 ~
1 b2 m4 e& F( {3 @* P9 y) n* {; ^The four girls set out with Josh, Andy, Christopher and! k  N% G# b4 u
Ricky. They were going to lock the boys up so they could
+ {: A% B3 u8 k: q- O3 kchange into farm clothes, then collect them and march them8 ^5 P$ ?- f# _) t5 y) N& R) M
$ _/ L; Y; u( L, C1 C
3 m. n2 r% n9 }2 n( ?Mrs. Connolly instructed Mrs. Maikowski. "Miss Thomas has the3 M7 b0 t* P/ W! D- X
rest of the day off and I have a meeting in town with the
- ~: c# z/ ^7 @7 U5 pchief of police. We're gonna get one of the local boys as our
4 q; b( |* b  O, a3 h" p8 Vsixth student. I'll be back later this evening, You're in  E7 N  l  y$ w
charge till then. Lock Michael up and keep an eye on the
, @/ b6 R, _# \. v; Zgirls. I trust them but an extra pair of eyes is always5 N, T2 O- ~# R# Y
good."& u  F2 D0 x' @6 Z) M7 a, q
: A7 S. R6 I- Y. j$ P9 }
Mrs. Maikowski nodded. She put the harness back on Michael's' ^% X" P( ]8 B$ x- Y
cock and balls and led him down the hall with Mrs. Mandel
# u) P/ P/ R! T: uwalking behind, admiring his recently spanked, red boy's ass.
7 J+ ]1 K  n5 ^The two women led Michael into his room and the guard removed
. {; F* N- d6 e1 Qthe harness. ; A, i, i( a# f1 e! {
( ^0 o' ]! B( E2 w
"Place your hands on your head and let me check your cock,"
2 ^' q' A& g$ x/ A/ p) t% R( Gshe ordered. As she tugged and pulled at his dick Michael
( }5 ^* `/ \+ h6 p3 ^felt his face reddening. The old woman examined his cock and
, f, o- O5 H+ ~' l  B. \balls carefully. She pulled his foreskin back and checked his1 t' r) X& R1 g# ^
cock head. Then kneaded and caressed his balls She finished3 |, z6 C4 w4 m8 f5 Z9 `
playing with his genitals and Mrs. Mandel took over. 4 [$ B7 w: A/ i$ J

- n& R& g/ x! n& u( \By now despite his humiliation Michael had a raging hard on.1 a" L6 c9 ]1 ^& E
Mrs. Maikowski ordered the youngster to bend over and pull( H1 N8 e! G. C5 B# p
his cheeks apart. As the guard plunged her index finger in
8 V" U$ v' c" y# XMichael's tender asshole, The old cook pulled and squeezed
5 V" n9 O! }" P* shis dick. "Ay caramba," Michael thought. "Don't these old
  d+ u1 b6 V% B. L" D1 D$ Q( ~ladies ever get tired of molesting boys?"
- z; ~. Z" j) A  ^; o+ ]3 e: U0 o# ^0 t' C/ k* K3 [9 v
Michael was breathing heavy as he neared a climax. The; [7 i; U  \9 |0 r' m5 p: ~
combination of the ass reaming and the hand job was too much
' O  c- c8 r# Y+ S( J, Q) ]for him. Despite his embarrassment he stiffened and arched& \; }5 C' x! E4 W
his back as he came, barely missing Ann Mandel's dress as she
! u% ]+ T. c8 j. M4 A( z( S9 x' B- |knelt in front of him.
! j6 }9 p  L, o' \, {) V# U
/ o/ M& j8 s# e( a" lMrs. Maikowski pulled her finger from Michael's ass. He stood% f# i, {$ ~- l' B6 O/ j
head bowed as his strength returned and thought about trying
% a' G  |: p& _( V: k% l% Tto over power the two women and making a break for it.  E5 p: g$ W8 l/ h
"Thinking of escaping boy?" The guard chuckled. "Don't even4 b6 w: w2 [/ |( k# A
think about it. I could chop you down and slice you up in two  u7 J7 h3 r6 c$ h
seconds. I teach karate in town two days a week."
; \$ a* _! m# k! j0 R; @* D, z- Y' r9 w% m2 s( |: W, U0 l
Finished with him she told him to go into the bathroom and
; p0 `5 F5 I( f7 G" mwash the cum from his cock. "Get your towel and wipe all this# t' R( Z' A. k
cum up from the floor after you clean yourself up, Then get
# ^+ R# S1 h2 j. ~0 X+ `5 r# o0 \+ |some rest," She advised. "Tomorrow you're gonna get your4 w' q9 \) B; n1 \+ E
physical from the doc then work the farm with the rest of the
, ]8 `8 x( d, x, Lboys and its no picnic." The two women left locking the door
0 S0 R4 H- t8 S! i- L+ Gbehind them.3 i5 s7 C. s9 i; C9 o

# D1 p+ W) ~, {% o. E% }7 MWhile Michael's cock and ass were getting their workout the
1 p% d4 P4 B+ g) B  G, `$ sfour other boys were locked in the dorm waiting for the
& K" l- H# m/ Z) n3 Ysisters to fetch them for their chores. They wasted no time
- m$ O: r0 n' B# ~3 `and each boy used the toilet. Although they were now used to
7 t( i7 v" k$ Nbeing naked in front of each other and there were three
2 @( b- J- R! e+ Q, q' Q4 A9 i5 J; htoilets in the bathroom each boy waited for the other to
3 j' Q0 e# d* Gfinish.
# X7 U) b5 U% i: g# ]3 V" g0 u
2 M0 \8 I9 X/ K+ x- l) c5 T, [! cJosh was last and as he cleaned himself and flushed the girls5 V3 j5 _9 Q2 t5 f
opened the door and walked in. Jennifer and Caitlin were
" k* t' G- G) Y1 }& Z; e. zwearing Shorts and T shirts. Their budding little breasts
3 V( }& u# }; w+ p9 L3 {pushed at the material of the tops. Clearly they weren't
4 |' A% r# V6 |+ n- [  qwearing bras. Both girls were wearing Boots.   [- Q" A, @! Z8 {- ~

& m5 Z0 ?  T4 ZChristie was in dungarees and a T shirt. She was barefoot." Y) w$ a3 D6 W4 D  w; D
Kelly had a pink short and top outfit on. Her feet were also) z/ F/ J& z$ M/ X" ?7 P
bare.4 I! S$ d( W9 |# m+ h, |/ Y! Z
5 W2 Z+ U6 y/ e" Q
Josh was staring at Jennifer's boobs in the thin T shirt.
& @* q8 c- Y' C' `* }+ `4 mBeing totally naked he couldn't hide his cock as it hardened.
: y6 S- J. i. B/ U) ]+ F' uJennifer was hot looking and she knew it.
$ q- @: S$ r8 }( Z) ?$ I  B) ]
  p( n5 ]2 o1 c( \5 t% e& YCaitlin glanced at Josh's cock as and noticed it was growing.
/ M" j2 X  O# r9 j% _, Q"Nerd boy is getting off on your Elly May Clampett clothing,"
% w8 h/ g& W6 e' ^4 z6 o5 ^2 ~She chuckled.
! Y. P( M; K( f5 ?9 m. u+ k1 s2 Z
' v4 B* W$ X2 s" ]  aJennifer deliberately walked in front of josh and cocked her
% J& z* F5 s, b% P' x* f+ Rhips. "Like what you see?" she asked.
% |2 b( N7 h. f9 {4 [4 U! J2 W9 q8 ~# s) b% _* K
Josh reddened " I, I, I," He stammered taken aback. 4 n; T# h$ R9 n/ ~! @, E/ F

0 w8 v2 i+ i, h5 i. f" ?- I" `Jennifer looked down at the naked boy's cock. She knelt and! ]4 _( j8 c6 _
examined it. "We can't have you working on the farm with a
) B! K4 {. ?8 ]* T8 u* uhard on now can we?" she smiled as she pulled and stroked his
8 S. }3 E! }3 v9 a; chard on.
9 y3 X$ |' w# K6 g. @
8 t5 W2 B! K- I, Y5 t8 b* kShe stood up releasing Josh's stiff cock. "Do I turn you" g0 L/ U  I; k- t
other boy's on also?" She smiled, striking a provocative
# G3 P9 \" u* g  R. p+ F& rpose.
4 a: T. ~( A$ Z! @
8 L. h- v6 n4 S1 A- Z! CRicky grinned, "You sure do You are one foxy girl," he said+ z0 @9 p3 s7 ]2 b5 v- S
looking her up and down. Jennifer frowned and reached into
/ o: ?" @) _8 W' l. Bher holster and pulled out her remote control. She pressed
3 C4 X) r6 n$ c/ E5 I- i6 Z6 nthe button and Ricky fell on the floor like he was shot. He6 g* ]$ K/ N6 e& }4 c
screamed as the pain lanced through his balls.8 d4 }5 i  V, J3 R
1 B" ~! e; [8 i; b' M2 V
"You're not supposed to get turned on," she yelled. 'You'll
9 C5 P5 V" P- l7 Q  z5 l. Kdo as we say and keep your remarks to yourself. Now get your
4 e, x, [& T& f7 E0 h! qsorry ass over here," She ordered." Ricky slowly stood up and; I. A$ x0 O" }+ G% W5 t) l/ z: @
joined Josh in front of Jennifer.   
/ y: i7 Z) n4 W+ C" @; |6 r- U& `( V7 z, H- q6 E  g
"Down on your knees in front of me," She ordered the two
4 l% M( b6 G1 Y* \. h% D5 @boys. As the boys knelt, Jennifer beckoned Christie and Kelly
% e( N& }! w% j" A1 C2 l5 uover. "Their feet are dirty from walking barefoot," she told8 @9 K; r& ~- z; ]! u0 F
the boys. "I want you to lick them clean."6 {8 \9 `- C0 n

/ N' R$ X% R# X/ P5 P$ {The two little girls stood in front of the boys giggling.  l6 M  m8 e8 Y3 M$ p/ Y
Christie wiggled her toes. " Do it or we'll zap you again,"
! {; V6 N! M1 ^! ~She threatened Ricky as he hesitated. 7 r9 R4 q: Y! d3 e6 B

( s5 O4 W+ X( o& P. B4 kJosh didn't have the device in his testicles so Caitlin knelt- F' B  k7 ]1 g! e
alongside him and cupped his balls in her hand. "If you don't
- ?0 x- ~  F5 W9 x- o7 ^% v, F3 `lick Kelly's feet," She threatened, "I'll crush your balls."8 p6 K! m1 ]" p% @2 e2 g; d; x# b7 n
3 Z# t4 S- k0 M6 U9 K/ K! u0 w
Ricky sobbed and bent his head. His tongue flicked out and
" U0 D7 I2 q0 glicked Christie's Big toe. "Ooh goodie," she giggled. "It) Z1 M5 }4 u% \
feels good." Both boys soon were licking the little girl's8 p1 h6 A) k/ I4 f. q
toes as the older girls and Andy and Christopher watched.# j5 p8 W$ n3 L( L8 l* X! I$ ^
"Lift her foot and lick the bottom," Jennifer told Ricky.
# H+ y" K' ?$ k  l) H"You too nerd," she added and Josh did the same thing to
: Q" [# a8 f' o, L. fKelly's little foot.& e5 b  W9 q- s$ Q
7 q5 G5 Q$ B7 M2 o; |+ X3 I
"Don't think you're getting off Scot free, cocksuckers."
) y! q) D  z% C6 ?$ TCaitlin told Andy and Chris. "We enjoyed your little show
; S1 G1 M; C2 `last night so much that after the chores are done we might/ n: P2 K% z$ T6 L: S6 c; i& A1 k
make you do it again."
# l4 p. i5 A; B0 g* z" J, i4 U) l5 L  l6 P( S! e5 v
After checking that the little sisters had their feet cleaned
  s3 U6 E0 v- X3 w8 n( X$ iproperly, Jennifer, and the girls led the four humbled boys# L7 w$ q% H. w5 g
out to the farm.4 B. ]. [5 l$ n# |" v2 I/ I

& I1 T& B: K) n* m! N) U"This is the chicken coop," Caitlin showed Ricky and
: R9 o; `: q- f" K/ k* KChristopher "Sweep it out and get all the chicken shit in a
7 t+ x" X9 f" @pile. Then gather some clean straw and put it on the floor.4 w3 s* e1 z( }, o5 y& {0 ~) V
Fill the water trough and then report to me for more work.
2 o' f* K7 \1 }Christie, you watch them. They wont try anything but keep
* ?  Z& A# ~; l2 }; ~; R- Eyour remote handy."
7 w. E0 w& X% T; i% f
+ Z7 Y7 ]+ ]+ @3 ^1 K+ ]She stalked away as the boys bent to the smelly work.
& r! Y$ j# j2 H+ v( _5 c" Z+ f) K5 z3 D4 j5 U; v: G. @+ q' h
Jennifer and Kelly were in the barn with Andy and Josh. "
' M3 s' o! g. wThis is Greta and her calf Marla, " Jennifer explained
! _: ~: X7 n1 k+ E9 q! P' \3 Bpointing to a black and white cow and her young calf in the
6 L% H# o6 {" n7 nfirst stall. "Christie is getting Marla ready for the Four-H1 l& S& A1 a; W/ q- O* E) J
show in the valley next month. She's taking care of her and9 R" P: G& g, H) b
feeding and grooming her. We have five more milk cows grazing  d2 V% o; q8 x$ D
in the pasture out back. I bring them in the evening and we
$ m0 b3 N: I1 a( \9 A1 E7 {milk them in the morning."/ ^( D4 ~0 D, y2 P% K

# w& ~2 J9 ?1 T/ Z  j"This is my horse Blaze," she said pointing to a chestnut
& ?6 a. k' w! u0 W! W7 x% Ihorse in the other stall. "He's a gelding, which means we cut
+ \( p3 C1 Q/ d& L# j& }) Coff his balls. If I keep turning you on," She said to Josh,* H+ ^% Z0 ?- t- t0 B. `5 A- O
"We may have to geld you."
+ v: j  X1 g9 Y* z- w* r; Z! ]+ L/ F- t' u9 ]( ?2 L
The boys were put to work cleaning and raking the floors.
# t  {  d4 I" F' G9 n; G# S& z$ X* ZCaitlin joined the other girls. "I left Christie watching4 I7 h9 J4 s: {3 [9 C
Ricky and Christopher," She told Her older sister.
5 P* u( L8 |5 J; t4 \2 u! c' N1 w9 _# k" J. G5 b
Jennifer frowned "I'd better see how she's doing, she's only, G( C  T- r+ i% G6 l! d  @5 D
ten." She hurried off. The two boys picked up the pitchforks# O9 f& F, k) N8 ?
to clean out the stalls. Caitlin drew her remote control.1 C9 R2 t' n  v7 J/ A3 i4 x
"They shouldn't be allowed to use those pitchforks," she. o* A- U+ s& Y
thought."  \  b* A* J' E6 O: |* D$ Q! \
9 |. E& _5 C% t1 q
The thought occurred to Andy too but he remembered the
( ^' ~4 o+ g4 w) C- s" I1 K2 y2 oelectronic fence and besides he couldn't leave Chris behind.% S" U/ E6 f/ u, C* h& x9 W" D
Both boys were sweating as they cleaned the stalls and spread/ R: ^: M7 u; n/ Z
fresh hay on the floor. Andy pushed the wheelbarrow full of
6 r& F1 P( h! w# _  L( Tmanure outside.
! ^1 i' U; O5 Q8 M, l1 _6 X0 ?5 e
, ?7 Y$ V- ~+ a& {6 ]1 J) XLori Paulson walked past him into the barn. She smiled at the
; w0 J) o3 w- }/ [! asight of the sweaty naked boy pushing the wheelbarrow. "He'll9 k5 B2 h- D1 _% s( B4 l3 H' w/ [
have to stay in the shower more than five minutes tonight,"
2 o8 K" y) R; w5 rShe thought. "Hi Caitlin. How ya doing?"  Lori greeted the; Z# y/ ~9 E/ B& e; P
Thirteen-year-old blonde girl.
" z4 t, k  P, w. H3 a& c
6 W( Z( V8 j" C3 cThey were watching Andy wheel back the wagon when Kelly3 w9 G7 a0 e+ k/ j4 Y/ m- u) h
started giggling. At the same time Josh shrieked. He had
3 [) K& ]  ]+ K  P- R, g& @gotten too close to the stall with the cows and the calf
9 R* C, {+ h0 V' NMarla was nuzzling his bare cock.  The boy froze in fright as9 d. k. N( B( R) N
the calf started sucking on his dick. "Help me," he squeaked.# u! ^# K; ]5 ~* `6 q  [
Lori and Caitlin cracked up. They knew the calf was harmless. * S0 t7 i6 m/ J* [* H

8 r4 E9 a5 |3 K6 h4 L9 M"Stay very still," Caitlin giggled.  "She's liable to bite7 O# b0 s4 ^& I+ W9 e
your cock off."  Josh froze. The calf seemed to like the& J8 C4 Q# S# v/ m) r. v! d" K1 d
salty taste of the young boy's cock and was licking and
  f5 [5 L7 h6 b: \" Y/ R' Snuzzling it like it was her mother's tit. + i. K, ?- d2 G2 @3 \& E0 J" C
6 w$ O( h9 c4 O. H  s: ~4 r1 w9 ^& v
Despite his fear Josh's dick responded and to his horror it  s5 M, k7 G! q- ~  U
was getting hard. His body was betraying him. There was* H0 J. q. M* n, p7 C5 i% a
nothing he could do as his penis stiffened under the calf's
. o" {2 e1 G" B: h: Xtongue. Josh's breathing quickened . [2 e$ F9 v$ N# L( U7 U
He neared climax. His ass cheeks clenched and he closed his( h0 }1 j0 I- a; X
eyes. Finally it was too much and he groaned and came in the
1 J+ h8 q( \9 j& J9 |7 \% Scalf's mouth. Marla just kept on licking. Caitlin and Kelly2 {4 e% X. e- ~# O$ K; i7 p% e
were laughing so hard tears were in their eyes.
4 a; }. L& f5 L% f7 H  ?# m$ x1 ^8 x# w
Andy felt bad for josh and grabbed his arm pulling him away
3 Z* W, V1 T0 \; ^( Ffrom the calf. "She's just a silly cow and can't hurt you,"
. i/ R6 u: }- rhe explained.
: J; _) S* y" S3 r% p  X: R4 k+ Q7 `( M& Z& o0 M
"Well Josh, looks like you have a girlfriend," Lori Paulson6 ^' [9 ?6 m% S2 }( f) r: _1 d7 _9 p5 e
teased. "Is this your first blow job?"
) \, o% E4 d% i& h( e) C# D! e& x+ }0 }6 o3 Y$ _6 O3 L) j; y3 z
Josh reddened in shame. "What else could go wrong?"
) A$ N$ P" Q! s$ {+ N7 d0 V; k9 {. O
Their chores done, Jennifer and Christie led Christopher and! Q! l5 g+ J# Q/ |
Ricky to the barn to join the others. Caitlin tried to keep. Y8 t! u: w1 N' Y, A( n# H; m" G
from laughing as she related the story of the bovine blow job5 v; [) V3 O& u  t$ C3 W1 V: b
to her sisters. Soon all four Connolly girls were laughing' A3 R( n' P+ m6 M# k$ H  S
and pointing to poor Josh's shriveled cock.
8 A/ ~. a9 s  M3 w& D8 D8 b$ ]3 g+ k0 |
The rest of the afternoon was spent with the girls watching
1 k" E7 R- \2 @' |  W! s/ `as the boy's weeded the corn crop and tended the school7 a% F+ Q  R$ m/ W
garden. The boys had to bend over as they worked amongst the/ D+ x" V) }# G* N% B
low plants and all five females enjoyed watching them. Ricky$ o2 Z+ U, [$ l5 `
and josh were fair skinned and were getting sun burned and+ F# _  T1 F# M# `" x
Lori decided to call it a day.
% W7 D! B) v! V9 A; A) K
7 U8 u1 {* Q0 i! M9 _The girls gathered the weary nude workforce and led them back
- l! ?# }! P+ z0 }0 k  X0 pto the school building. Each boy had to wash his feet and6 \# v7 _  \; K  o- W3 C/ D
flip flops under the hose by the back door to get the4 k1 G' c0 M( ]4 i# A3 w$ a7 M
barnyard dirt off. Christie and Kelly washed their bare feet
% k& c' Z* b! x7 V1 @  `/ \( ?as well. . The other girls kicked off their boots and carried2 [% u& J2 `4 ]9 o$ r% C
them into the building. "We're not going to make you lick
7 s0 ~, |5 u: j3 btheir feet this time," Jennifer told the boys. But I want
& t0 E$ s) d6 P; v' G( Ythese boots cleaned right now. She pointed to hers, Lori's
4 W1 I0 j# l: l; q  ]and Caitlin's boots. She handed the boys some rags that look
. I; j% i: W* hsuspiciously like Michael's shirt and neckerchief and black
  n' p, M$ W4 G! _# P+ j' F: kshoe polish. Lori supervised and the girls watched as the. j+ `1 \7 {& c# u
boys went to work. Soon three pair of leather boots was, l7 k7 L/ J, u4 C6 U  Z
gleaming side by side on the floor.
% N! O1 M5 z" L, S- _* R/ d1 I6 o9 R: G# f2 E1 p* J% a, T. i" w, a
Back in the dorm at last, The boys showered, luxuriating in
4 ~: ~( m' ]* X: g; c# ^* Z7 Xthe hot water as it worked its magic on their sore, tired
& I1 \) p; {) V4 Dbodies.  They scrubbed the barnyard filth off, paying
5 R5 A3 k5 W3 F5 t# yparticular attention to their genitals and asses. They knew
" i% M8 \5 `9 e+ _( P# Bby now that when the girls came for them these parts were2 y; L1 s' q- a: z. u
sure to be checked carefully.
# x0 R, Y6 Z. {. x! C; V7 L7 E6 x6 C: i, v
It was four o'clock when the girls, freshly showered and
# ^# p- w6 R- [+ {2 \back in their uniforms opened the door to the dorm. With them7 ]& Z* s( F1 o
were Mrs. Maikowski and Mrs. Mandel.
% R5 q* i+ v( ?0 [, t( S3 i, l) Z( L( |
"You did good today and being its too soon for dinner and. L9 E' |4 ~* Q9 {
Mrs. Connolly's not back from town, We've decided to play a( U0 }2 A  R4 v2 {2 `* \  h1 N
little ball game," Lori announced.
7 M" t# d9 }5 j* r1 P. q' H0 ]
: ^* V8 L$ ^4 s" F- p) ~"You're just lucky Mama won't let us make you suck each
( L1 Q8 h8 |0 ?  Eother's dicks unless she's here," Kelly sulked.
7 S4 A6 d! T% H3 R1 N7 ?- M4 `) g5 F$ {# D
"All right boys I want you to stand in a circle and each boy0 d6 H* W# A' t  C; I3 J4 ?- H
plays with the cock of the boy to his left." Lori instructed.7 S3 t8 k. c: q' e9 G
When you're nice and hard, You're to lie down on the beds,6 P) p5 ?, v/ O% z' s/ b- f  e6 p! a
two to a bed." 9 M* l1 _6 [7 z
$ s6 m7 m$ c. [5 H
The boys didn't look very happy but weren't in any position
% R9 n) m* d3 X2 m' U) P3 l! G0 eto dispute. Andy found himself taking Ricky's cock in his6 z$ i0 M6 C' I2 i6 F' q
hand. Ricky took Josh's cock and Josh had to bend down
% I( r! {# G8 ]; m7 v' @- t3 O' w/ Hslightly to grab Chris's little pecker. Chris once again% p* _$ m1 W) q7 r
found himself holding his older brother's dick.
) Q5 R5 w+ ~6 K& r2 |2 s9 v& W0 T) [
The boys were getting used to masterbating each other and
- |$ p5 ~5 e# U; `8 xsoon there were four little cocks standing stiff and proud+ v' s* I( D+ F
for the girls to inspect. And inspect they did. Then each boy
" y/ m: t; _$ Hwas placed on his side on the beds facing each other cock to
6 B8 P7 E3 |1 R5 F+ e  ~) C4 ccock and balls to balls.0 k/ R9 G- Y! v4 A+ K4 V: p2 \

" K  f: T6 l( r( v, h$ i"All right move in close so your cocks and balls are
3 d/ B1 v1 b+ R' a2 ^* N5 G) rtouching." Lori instructed. The boys were embarrassed.  Andy
" [$ |, ^+ h6 m$ H' U- Vwas blushing, bright red. Christopher was starting to cry.  Q1 k; i! R& S* ^+ W. D. w
Ricky tried to hold his emotions back but his red face and8 t& }# d- x7 g
eyes betrayed him. Josh had his eyes closed and was sobbing+ y4 O. Z' @- Y! E+ A& g3 R
quietly.4 m0 B; n0 ]7 _+ b0 X& F+ B" a

. z$ Q' I* b# x9 p7 fMrs. Maikowski bent over the two boys and pushed Andy closer
. I# q: e- o4 P7 L3 ]3 Xto Josh until their faces were inches away and their cocks
- p# G5 D9 W$ A# F0 T9 V. Cand balls were rubbing together. "Put your hands on each( [" B% T( i6 S6 @: w. }$ t* m3 w0 x
other's asses and grab hold," The old lady instructed.
- J/ i/ Y: A  q1 [$ y% k
8 l5 O+ G* y% u% H6 c- M6 {/ ~+ JChristie and Mrs. Mandel knelt alongside Ricky and4 G& g& q0 W( L1 z! q
Christopher and had them doing the same thing.  "This is just
0 T0 w. h  D5 q6 L5 T: g% Klike fucking a girl," the old lady cackled. She slapped Ricky
0 _4 z! Z$ H: E/ o; N; `on his bare ass. "Get moving skinny." She ordered. "Annie" p8 Y/ u. |0 o
wants to see some cock action."
* p6 N$ `5 V9 l' K  y7 G1 J+ V% [8 c$ E
The sisters and the guards watched as each boy moved his ass,; }) G: L3 R5 G$ r5 m
rubbing his cock against the other's. Their hardons slapped- B8 Y8 A6 v+ L; C# ~
against each other as they moved faster and faster. They
5 u5 Y1 o5 e1 R. ~0 H/ k6 kneeded no more prodding. They held each other close and the
) J8 R4 X+ K0 d2 K2 Xfriction on their bare cocks and balls brought them nearer
2 ?8 A4 V8 [+ \. l2 x" u+ Z% Aand nearer to orgasm. Josh was first. His long skinny cock
5 I3 b. n$ c1 }7 I% Rlet go with a wad of cum that caught Andy square on his
6 |4 n; N, W( U5 [/ g7 F) @3 u9 Ustomach.  Andy barely noticed as he pulled Josh's ass closer.; {# N, g0 s% P' @  g- c( r
Their cocks were pushing against each other length to length.4 M3 c. c# T& a5 z+ z, O, b4 o6 u* [
The younger boy arched his back and let out a squeal as he
0 `3 ?8 Y& X0 ?4 g/ pcame moments after josh.' o0 _: f( Q) X4 ?2 o

/ O: h4 A2 L: H. Y" R( pRicky and Christopher both came within a minute of each9 p- o7 @, r7 u& J; T. y  m; ^
other. Their balls and cocks were red from the friction0 u6 }3 k2 o7 K/ a
created by rubbing them together. Ricky's hands were buried; M# d; ^9 O% r$ [9 T8 i
in Christopher's ass crack as he held the smaller boy: n5 D  g7 |  @7 @
tightly. Then with a whoosh as he exhaled, he stiffened his
* o5 h! O5 G7 A8 _5 k: R2 v8 Vbody and Came. Chris did the same.) I5 W( H- s( y7 t* E

5 N# U9 m( k3 W, }9 S  _$ _"That's what we call a "Ball Game" in this school," Jennifer/ V! A! d/ Q! G0 K2 K. ]
laughed, as the four boys lay still on the beds, too tired to5 ^) s" ^9 Q" y8 }8 N% h  S
move. All four boys were sobbing lightly. Their faces glowed
: e, E; k5 N$ |1 l/ L7 }" C$ n3 wred from exertion and shame.   T  P9 G5 }2 x' ^; H

4 w: a" o) u, r3 H" J+ I; o2 CThe boys were allowed to clean up. Andy had cum all over him
% ^. H4 y$ ~% G) {$ [% e  w" L  nand had to shower again. He hurriedly washed the cum off his
$ t$ s, o$ Y$ T0 T! Kbody and joined the other boys. The four girls weren't
; c5 @# q: a4 Z% Rfinished with their hapless victims. As the guards and the, T8 a" i$ Y# o+ b& x
old cook looked on, the girls had the boys assume position; x7 C0 a2 D- j" p6 X) }7 `2 D
two. They were bent over with legs spread wide and hands
" m& ?9 S# X/ a: f! `4 Q& aholding their ass cheeks wide open. # ^% s2 g) E  b3 f+ W* s
" R# m* E3 j! H) T1 a+ K6 W
Each girl took one of the boys. Kelly rammed her little& _+ b7 c3 Y" K& A* u1 O. Z' j9 U* \
finger up Josh's asshole and wiggled it around. Andy drew1 C: z9 n: `' l1 f
Jennifer who shoved past his puckered pink muscle with her
' A" i2 f5 F+ j! H2 b$ ^" x" T3 kmiddle finger. Ricky gasped as Caitlin shoved two fingers
  }. L5 d) P3 K/ K$ J7 @* Sinto him. She wiggled them around as he squealed in pain.; S3 e) Y" w& F
Christie was eagerly reaming Christopher out. She pulled her* e) o( U4 P6 j8 k8 m
finger in and out several times causing him to cry out in
6 _: O' _9 n/ Q7 o5 Vpain each time she pushed her finger back in his little boy's
/ x- e8 ~- o9 uasshole.  
1 P% W: M6 j7 a/ ?( X/ J0 l
  I, h/ ^$ x4 u8 O! ]& YThe girls finally tired of exploring the four boy's sore! D' r- Y* O7 A6 J( x- i
rectums. They allowed the boys to straighten up. Then with
0 F: O& ?" `  a4 I5 i% lflip-flops and hats on they were led down the hall to dinner.8 z# z3 M/ _4 |
# p) r' V; g+ s, u- u' R
Mrs. Maikowski peeled off to fetch Michael as the girl led# T2 O6 y4 Z4 V. i
the boys into the dining room behind Ann Mandel.
9 `* g. b7 d* @: |2 C6 E& p
, e; u9 @( B$ jThe cook had a large pot of stew simmering and had the boys* p6 _1 ]; X1 x. v6 O
serve the girls before they were allowed to sit down to eat.7 k( {! W) n3 e# l
The stew was excellent and everybody was digging in when Mrs.. H( ^. y; I1 Q, o, A/ q& @
Maikowski led Michael in by the leash attached to the harness
  {$ ]1 Z4 l* b% N2 u/ q- D7 Raround his cock and balls.! V  l( x- w' D' [$ R
# e" `- G2 `4 ]; F/ u8 O' Y
Michael was rubbing his arm. "He tried to jump me," The guard
1 _, j, [9 j' rexplained. "I told him I taught karate but he wouldn't
# B1 I3 o9 n- u4 `9 qlisten." She picked up a plate and handed it to Michael.
1 c% u* _, C: P; R1 g- d0 c"When Mrs. Connolly gets back you're gonna get punished for
" M9 L1 c" ^( v. V& V  etrying to beat me up, kid.  I'd eat all I can if I were you.
9 Q3 L- z  N, }$ r- B. T) w* _1 eYou're gonna need your strength.5 k# w! C6 U7 z: y3 q7 @% |

) O! R3 a- e# g+ x7 M4 d0 o2 Z4 SMichael walked over to the table where the other boys sat.( i. ~1 e& g) i8 V7 `" h- n
His leash dangled down from the harness still clamped around
7 z7 D3 e! L( [: F8 B6 X/ fhis cock and testicles. He sat down with the other boys. They5 G. G; K7 F: ~, u& B/ g' z
could see he was crying as he rubbed his arm. "She really8 Y$ y' R" B6 [, A1 |# M4 S
hurt you didn't she," Andy asked kindly.0 _; m6 B$ A7 ?8 H  ?
3 o2 i- M! `+ ?& U. q2 L  V% v. ]
"Shut up you little Fuckhead. I ain't forgetting you and your9 Y- W4 p. V# t/ ~, X$ P
brother and what you did to me the day I was brought in,"" K6 Q. w% f; {* K4 L! v' ?
Michael snarled.) w. U  B5 z  l, r1 }1 ]- X
" c1 ]6 ~0 m+ C
Andy looked Michael in the eyes. " I had no choice. They have
( |- I1 P( w1 i. d$ N5 Ethis device implanted in my balls. If I disobey they can hurt
9 V. w  i# h# w& T/ E/ K- r( ]me, so I do what they say and so will you after you get your
- k$ ^* I/ |$ d/ mdevice. We should stick together but if you want a piece of
, N: n- y0 ?( x* w5 Fme later on, I ain't going anywhere."
$ J/ G. q+ S/ J& o4 j' z7 ^0 d# S0 Y0 }1 E6 S' |9 ~
"You tried to escape," Christopher said gravely. "They're
1 V7 w. w- m# R( V7 T8 v* Sgonna make you suck a dickie."
: p6 j6 ~  o' M- u4 g+ m
- v# A2 W+ |: f"I ain't sucking nobody's cock. I'd rather die," Michael
9 X2 i0 W% A: \6 Wvowed.
) |7 n/ X6 g/ b7 i. F: N+ Q9 X% Y- Y, \- v- h
Mrs. Maikowski was getting seconds on the stew when Mrs.
$ V# s# }- p  N- CConnolly walked in. "Save some of that stew for me she1 F* c, }  `9 p# W) r$ B0 `
smiled. After helping herself she sat down with her daughters2 [9 `0 o! n7 C! L! W; w
and the two guards. "Hi mommy," Kelly greeted her. We had a
# h! H5 @5 A/ j* cgood day. It was so fun," the eight-year-old prattled. "Marla, A3 x. B2 I0 g% i# |0 o$ c7 w
sucked Josh's cock."/ h% m( T5 q% M" G

$ ~0 J7 w6 ~( `7 Q. o- b; D"What?" Mrs. Connolly laughed. "Cows don't give blow jobs. "" _! L- y& }( U- @4 e

$ Q) h/ ?& m3 [; _% {"Its true Mom," Jennifer told her. "The calf was licking his" @, C. ]$ K! D6 n- t
cock so hard He came. I think it was the sweat on his balls.
* O  u6 t- u; M$ b# v$ tWhatever it was, Josh was so scared I thought he was gonna  `$ z6 T3 @7 \% u
faint." The women and girls all laughed as Jennifer related+ w) t8 V1 Y# l  q+ p( s* d
the story.8 M3 F+ y, V3 E5 ^( C8 r

5 b' k9 Y1 H) ]' z"After we came in from the farm, We made the boys rub their' s# d2 R+ R: P1 e
cocks together until they came," Christie reported.6 k: ]3 y9 D' O  S+ E; u/ {
( ?1 P* d" i" F
"Good. I guess their training is progressing," Mrs. Connolly0 T" `1 O( v" k: X6 S/ E8 x
said between bites of food. "How about Michael?"" `! f, X3 X3 q" V. Q/ r" _

; b3 @  P: K$ r1 J* h& {"He tried to jump Mrs. Maikowski when she went to get him for
" ?- Z* V( q% `4 T, x6 gdinner," Lori told her.
; u0 L( j" f4 x9 U0 e+ l' x5 f# s. U! n; o+ h5 V; o% r: f4 @0 {9 h5 m
"I gave him a side kick. It got him on the arm. He'll be sore: t1 z+ E! P, i1 f" n" l
for a few days." Mrs. Maikowski told her.0 n$ N7 ?1 R/ P/ q

; q. C0 x+ W! ~( g$ R4 B+ I"Are you gonna make him suck a dick, mom?" Caitlin asked.
5 l* ?- x$ \2 i, E
9 L2 u( |) W- @: x"I have a feeling we could spank him until his ass fell off# V9 ~. B. e5 G1 ]
and he wouldn't suck a cock." Mrs. Connolly shook her head.
* {: ^0 ]& y' j( J7 u"After the device is planted tomorrow he'll get his just' Y% v% {9 G3 u, \0 ]7 Z
reward. By the end of the week you'd be surprised as to what
( z2 K# G# K2 ]those boys will have learned to do to each other. For now I
1 e: X0 T) h; F  L2 ythink we'll just have a spank-a-thon after dinner with0 B8 y: R8 _6 k
Michael's ass as the main attraction."2 w; d) g9 |& ?& F; I

3 D* {4 K& P$ HShe turned to Christie. "What do you know about a boy in your
, s6 Y* ~, s4 q6 kclass named Kevin DiPalma?"1 ~4 F% c* d4 n0 J* W& g
4 C" ]: M* [, z; O2 ?
"Wow, He's like the coolest boy in the fifth grade." 6 ^, k! {6 M* K0 X
Christie said excitedly. "He lives with his aunt. I think his. g: m+ f* \6 ]4 c# t
parents are divorced and his Mom has a drinking problem so
: w' \) |5 [/ k- e/ whis aunt is watching him. Why are you asking about him, Mom?"# V. Z$ ?  w7 D) B

3 m1 J8 `9 {$ l: }& N0 D, U5 F+ K7 M"He was caught with marijuana on Friday night and the chief/ B& B) K9 p2 Y7 e
of police in town thinks this school will do him some good.
5 s$ w2 {5 B: ~% _His aunt agreed. She's got her hands full with him. She's
' g$ ]+ U$ I: X! ?bringing him up here tomorrow.$ _" V4 S1 c) E* S
9 o# _+ K! b. v9 M" z6 q
"But Mom he's my friend," Christie protested. "How can I
5 A7 E# c7 h2 O7 @, o0 N# t/ L3 Qtreat him like the other boys?": |: k( g6 B* J8 _
$ m! y; W! v4 l! E/ U
"Christie, He's got to be treated just like all the other
9 }" y9 S) C$ l9 `" ]- Aboys and you especially have got to help train him. He only7 G5 C1 r( ~* ~' m+ J  R3 a# I- n
gets one chance. If he gets caught again, its regular reform
. N& {: k# B/ m! V) W$ Uschool and then jail. Now can I count on you?" 7 p. k" r0 ^' x' l: i: {- V$ q
' C3 X; l. O! o1 i
"Yes Mom," The little blonde girl nodded.
4 S( P# t0 @/ S3 ^0 f$ g 3 u1 S: W0 M$ Y' U6 @; j- y
Mrs. Connolly patted her on the back. "Good girl. Tomorrow. @. f) }: _* d. Y
you four can stay home from school. We'll take Josh and
# P% v4 T) f' [1 J- s# U- EMichael to see the doctor and I'll have his aunt bring Kevin) H# i. x2 o( e" K+ [0 x1 U( ]
here at noon."
3 r* |7 e& w% m2 R, Q( M. Q. d- q2 o/ r* r. N  Y/ O/ [: s/ F
"Besides, squirt you'll get to see another naked boy's cock,"3 p3 U* f+ R& A" K; k3 Z* ^
Caitlin added laughing.+ Q; s7 w: P1 K) ~

' h* H) }2 W+ x6 i  WThe boys were finished eating and the women watched as Ann6 y# p6 i5 C/ w* L4 K- [- O
Mandel made them gather the dishes and wash and put them& _/ Q/ S; m2 K. `6 d$ m
away. Then with Mrs. Connolly leading Michael by the leash,* l& S0 J3 d, V# m2 p6 z
Mrs. Maikowski, Lori and the four Connolly girls marched all) I8 ~2 f& ]8 {6 a
five boys back to the dorm.% a1 x/ s/ j- z" D, f8 |
* O$ f+ H" b. r3 g: {4 N4 U
Mrs. Connolly and the girls sat down on the first bed while
1 m- v) e. ~- Q! E+ R" DLori and Mrs. Maikowski made the boys stand in front of them,
* w4 O* {; y# K2 M: thands behind their heads. "Take off Michael's harness," Mrs.! h3 p7 W: ^& @6 a( y, \
Connolly ordered.- |( q, h5 L+ A2 L% K; x" ]& Q' F
+ W$ a( s9 u& x& K$ i( U
Lori quickly removed the leather device freeing Michael's( B, ^3 Y2 S2 ]* Y2 s/ r. o3 B' I6 |
large cock and balls. : _9 C6 Z" U9 u( C
% J& t: h6 w+ m. Z, n1 T2 @
"Michael, I'm very disappointed in you," Mrs. Connolly said2 d; ^& V% v9 e& G+ H& c; M
gravely. "Ordinarily I'd have you suck someone's cock as5 ~4 I6 g( P* z+ e( P3 ^
punishment. But I have a feeling you'd take all the spanking% E, o0 g. e. G, ~4 {; l! g" v
I could give you and still not do it" 9 o$ J) |* v( a, D
1 Z- ^. }) m, u* D8 [
Michael nodded. "Damn straight. I ain't no cocksucker."- m" R* `3 w' _+ x1 ?5 V/ b/ c
. ]% n1 }* m9 M
She sighed. "So instead of forcing you to do that I'm gonna
+ O$ j' f+ J  l0 B8 I7 @2 lwait until tomorrow to come up with a suitable punishment.
' y& q* Q6 Z9 K4 ]+ V+ BTonight the rest of the boys get to watch every member of the' ~; b2 Q3 G& H# P/ Z2 r
staff spank you on your bare ass with the paddles. Lori would
5 g# X$ O; _$ m0 r' H' _you go down to my office and get them?"
3 ?8 B6 R) Z* x( V
- \" X  u. m' t: i. U; V3 YWhile they waited for the young guard to return Mrs. Connolly
; k6 J: B  t) `! J4 {& g6 g/ pand her daughters Inspected Michael's uncircumcised cock.0 i/ [4 h; R. T; @( U" x
Kelly peeled back his foreskin as the others looked on. Each$ g# @; W% _6 B. Q
girl cupped his balls and played with him. For the first time/ e) Z0 A3 |/ g/ D4 A" [
since he arrived Michael was getting his heart's desire as3 o! U1 V6 V$ R! q3 i0 a
four pretty girls examined his naked cock. But he wasn't
* m% X( k. e7 i/ f) z' genjoying it. His eyes lingered on the door waiting for Lori! w& |. V. V8 j# K- i7 R
Paulson and the dreaded paddles.4 r4 W3 R% T6 ?* P0 {# f5 I8 w

* Z7 W0 ^4 L- h6 _2 Z% I$ MHe didn't have long to wait. Caitlin was absorbed in4 D' D! e; P3 l8 W' G- R
examining his hard cock and balls when Lori came back with& `; i& L# O; }
the paddles.3 K5 b: Z0 k) k) S# X. g. s# M
0 b9 e% h: q9 C1 c$ _( U
Caitlin reluctantly released his hard on, "Later Dude," she
9 n9 }( y& n& y6 i- P. A+ i5 {grinned. ) V. r7 }- I5 E0 n. e
7 P/ C, M: q& Y& j7 l8 ]
The hapless boy was placed over Mrs. Connolly's lap and the
8 C# K& A* R6 wpaddle was put to use by the muscular Warden. She knew how to
' O8 c! O* ^9 l% I: J3 [use it. Each whack hit his ass in another spot. The stinging
" p; q. {7 |- x8 W+ u+ {pain in his ass grew to an ache, then a burn as she continued# y( a3 p# t! ^6 N: H; K* o: I
whacking him.
# F3 ]- \' j1 M$ \7 {  s2 g8 H( R* W; n5 g9 {( |+ t
Michael thought he couldn't take any more as he screamed and
1 S1 [; j. }3 @- G  Hbegged for mercy. Still the paddle rained blow after blow on( v$ P9 f1 C6 j% r
his tortured ass. Then to his relief, Mrs. Connolly released
' Z, Q6 p* u1 p8 @2 jhim and he started to dance as he rubbed his aching ass,
; }1 D( {4 ~8 o9 T; \hopping up and down.
) N# [1 f. u6 P# s
8 a* f2 }! @6 i% e8 QHe was interrupted as Mrs. Maikowski grabbed him and pulled
6 R$ V' a' ?, E: This aching body over her lap. Again the paddle rained blow& K! N! {& S% t
after blow on his poor sore butt. The older guard showed no3 M7 D+ I% w( |$ j4 t
mercy. Michael howled and screamed and begged. The paddle. o5 g8 I( m' E
kept coming. He couldn't believe how his ass burned. ' ]$ e5 l! N3 ?; J+ c9 |6 D9 V
  A* }: N0 l' I: g% E, i. T
Then it was over. But no! Lori was next and again the paddle
( w" q, }5 D$ Z* @4 d) R, o0 flanded, burning beyond belief. His ass was turning purple as
9 Y. ^& q. X) N! z0 N9 Ythe strong arms of the young guard rained spank after painful# z# b# J2 l8 _
spank on his tortured naked ass flesh.7 z2 [8 v) Y- ?/ }

3 F- b; P2 B+ \4 S% TThe other four boys watched in awe. Surely they were killing: N$ E7 T6 }+ @9 h& L
him. Jennifer was next, Then Caitlin. Michael was howling
  r. _8 l0 n2 V6 ylike a banshee. Now Christie had the paddle and then Kelly.
, t( {) K) }4 uAll told he was given one hundred forty spanks. When he was: v+ F- Z( @6 a# @! G& r; v
finally released his ass was glowing bright red and purple.: |8 g: h( N5 n- k
The naked boy hopped around rubbing his behind for ten full9 N, ?8 a; n- e: k
minutes. 5 t. n+ p! V. ]/ p
$ b: l( i' L  g0 K* B! W- X% F
Mrs. Maikowski waited until the boy wore himself out then$ V  k1 R7 E% X5 V6 s* q: c
placed the harness back on his genitals and led him back to
, I" R# S3 f- P* |solitary.
% I) P0 X( s( Z& ?  Q, H* R2 I( e% b- r( M' F
Mrs. Connolly faced the other four boys. "Any escape attempt
) I* t6 E! ]% \- xwill be met with this kind of discipline. Tomorrow morning,& J2 N, e, m8 G& d, R
Michael will have the device installed and so will Josh. Then
5 Q% g" H3 T& ]/ _+ L  C5 fhe'll be suitably punished again tomorrow night. We're
, Q6 F( I$ S% @. R+ B, }getting a new boy tomorrow and one on Tuesday. Your teachers% ^+ a8 V$ W9 }" B
will be here next Monday to meet you and start school. Until7 F* V$ z& K" j
then you'll work on the farm. Are there any questions?" % B; W% Y: m/ r: O1 e
; @) N$ M' n. N* A7 ]% W' ]: K+ ~
The boys were too cowed to speak. "Good then get some sleep.# ]8 L1 p" z2 g" W6 I
Tomorrow is a busy day."
! O' x3 ~0 u0 X, N2 W. b+ q0 Q9 H( K3 X$ Z2 h1 k2 w$ m
She turned to walk out with the girls following. "Nighty- M. r+ }9 l- p# |" B
night," Kelly giggled as she followed her sisters,& n" L9 \2 m1 m, J4 b$ w
Slamming the door behind her.
5 Q4 |4 x3 H" ~; d1 f9 V0 `( {
& k( L' u6 e, K"Were really fucked aren't we?" Ricky asked Andy. 9 W6 G2 L$ {" x- |* Y3 f
/ P: \2 \" ^' Q: w
"I have a feeling this is only the beginning," Andy answered; H2 O  v6 B: [# w' P( y6 |" a
2 \1 p/ k; `6 Q0 g, o- e7 f- Z- [- [+ k) p) V* G
Chapter five the end3 a: P! `6 @0 y6 H: B; Z$ L" L
0 K" p1 v# x5 y/ n7 AKevin5 j$ b3 _+ D4 h6 m: u$ ~$ c+ [

; E/ J; G. H2 h4 g' {6 Kcopyright 2000 By Mozzy 24
& L4 w; t% q( Sall rights reserved
8 |9 A) R4 g$ `+ h8 \' \
3 T/ E3 V/ Z5 {- r+ i7 ^! [0 Z% \5 s" D% ^3 D- \& U3 Q, f9 E# T

; C* ^- K! A/ D; }8 J
6 B2 N/ z& r  T$ {4 w0 x2 U. S& VSunday night seemed to stretch forever for Josh. He couldn't9 j( ~7 H! l: C7 B
sleep. They were going to take him to the doctor on Monday.
, w6 Y3 \/ ^& E9 OGod only knows what fiendish things they were going to do to
1 J# \: ?3 r( x# `' o9 Nhim. Andy and Christopher had tried to calm him down9 ^7 }/ A/ P$ O
: [* d7 @+ a) ?% ?. Q! I3 @  o1 h+ L/ i  M
The Doctor is not so bad," Andy reassured him. "She's really
5 W; }' e- D0 e8 l  y& I- a! mpretty gentle. She'll examine you but first the nurse does
! k& O$ L, }" J5 Gstuff. Her name is Randi and she's beautiful. She'll grease
0 z) i8 q8 j% M! {up your ass and take your temperature. They make you piss in
% W5 @) P, p- b; ?, Y9 {' aa bottle and take some blood. The doctor checks your ass and3 Y8 d% l! d5 J0 e8 r1 r0 d0 p* y
cock and balls but you should be used to that."
. c9 @, e! U5 P; \& e/ Z; o8 ]2 d& c8 o. V5 l4 B
"What about the microchip?" Josh asked. "Don't they cut your
& F8 b7 t( U1 V9 Pball sack?"
' G1 u7 D1 w2 d# J0 u& H1 ]
! u2 R4 S7 }4 `) ~# f6 i9 J"Its no big deal," Christopher said bravely forgetting how: y0 q& E3 @, A, r, ^7 e
he cried and carried on when they did it to him. "Its almost: Y2 ^1 C  O! w& B4 j
healed already."7 S8 G+ ^" p% M7 t
% G$ ^' a* @3 M4 r* u
"The Doctor makes a very small cut and puts the chip in. She
/ d. _! K) {) Q6 `& N0 q# `' {gives you a shot first and you don't feel a thing. It takes
# V: s+ o% O4 Y6 k$ O$ a- B: y9 Habout four hours before the shot wears off and you feel your$ i, y1 h% b) T& O0 _7 m: U
balls. She closes the cut with two stitches."
' b1 x7 A3 ^9 D) Z* j0 n- U
4 s7 W3 ~2 d9 M/ j# ?"I'm still worried," Josh confessed. "What if she slips and8 G/ [+ R* n3 ?8 I5 I3 v: @# T
cuts something I need?" , n5 `/ W% I0 M; W8 ]3 x

( M5 l0 g/ O8 {: Y0 M"Do you want to see my stitches?" Andy asked. "Its really) ~! U6 w. E) G5 C. q- p% J$ M! ~
! [$ e' p  r; b: f4 i' P- t# U* p
$ B8 B" s9 z6 V"I guess so," Josh said blushing. "I'll try not to touch3 l* f& r3 O1 Q% F4 Z8 o5 c" s
your balls"
: e! R7 S. R9 N4 z+ m' @: |" z2 L' d5 h3 h# V# J
"You were playing with my balls and cock a few hours ago,"( k  `1 B3 o8 f& |4 d" h  U. b" Y
Andy reminded him laughing.5 n% b( e* r# T, U0 m! M

" b0 n. [$ j% }0 r# D  l4 j; i! I"I had no choice then. They made me do it. But I'm not gay,"
# K5 Q9 d6 r8 ^5 Q/ u, XJosh said.
3 V" ^- U' i2 [; d- F$ G0 |  p2 p% o" W, f
"I'm no either," Andy said. He bent over so his balls
( E* `4 W  s# \$ kdangled beneath him and Josh knelt behind him. " I can't see
/ s! e- M2 y' K+ g! pany stitches," he said. "Your balls don't come down far
3 U9 q3 N) ~: k2 U  J7 @enough."
, U7 i' @1 f; K" q. }1 b, u3 n! E5 Z1 d/ W' M7 z" q
Ricky was lying in his own bed listening. "Oh for God's
& Y, W! O; {  E# J: M. ^: Q: j' ?) Bsake," He said and got Up. "Here, get a good look." He bent+ f; L) w' p+ p, t' z5 \0 C
over in front of Josh. His stitches were not yet absorbed* ^3 d; f; ?/ V0 l$ W" c, j
but the little cut was barely visible. "Go ahead, touch it,"7 d+ k: h9 s! x( Q- b& ?
He told Josh. Josh nodded and reached under the slim blonde
4 F3 ~' a7 [1 l1 D) aboy. He grazed the wound with his fingers. "It's a very' [, ]# [  x  P
small cut," he agreed.
" N7 A) `- _) z% D- S8 @2 ^& m$ t$ E: R, P; D1 C/ ^. r, ?
"Satisfied?" Ricky asked, straightening up. 1 i1 J$ B7 O) K7 d- K
, |5 V" k9 y/ r1 F) i
"I guess so," Josh said. That should have been the end of it
3 c% {( }$ ]. mbut Josh slept very little. He was still tossing and turning# n' t, H, B0 ~/ G& m
as dawn poked through the barred windows of the dorm. + f5 P% U2 `5 U8 \

0 `" Y' {1 l0 A& Y! aIn the solitary room down the hall, Michael also had trouble
: y$ G+ n1 T) |" f0 x" N# Qsleeping. His insomnia had a different cause. His ass was
( z; W# w1 t8 n. V3 u4 {killing him. The terrific pounding the women and girls had
* [8 v2 @1 r& _6 Xgiven him had his buttocks throbbing. Michael sought relief
# ~& Z( A! ]# b, Vin the bathroom and had taken about a dozen cold showers' l) l9 z+ ?- C/ [8 u7 ]
during the night.  His entire evening consisted of sleeping* p" \9 _  R  A) {. H* w! n" |; ~4 J9 x2 E
then jolting awake as he rolled over onto his back. By dawn
  k( Q$ r- u. zthe swelling had gone down and all that was left was a very: N: |* U% [8 z2 p0 g9 V& s
red behind.3 ~; \8 ]' i' [0 C' _+ V( F% ^. x

8 Q1 @0 `( k; ]% z7 O" z"At least I'll be clean for the doctor, "He thought! v* `' V6 ^, ?& E
chuckling to himself.- W7 U% S; V$ Y* ]) L5 e+ K7 `

' p. w) _7 `1 @& h. s" z' MThe long night finally ended for Josh.  The boys had
: Q" P+ W" S+ P/ Gfinished showering and were combing their hair and brushing5 X' M: D; t# q/ c* f, G+ R
their teeth when Mrs. Maikowski and Miss Thomas came for
% M2 J6 P+ w& |! l! _  D$ N9 @8 L" tthem.
1 p  _2 F" _: w  m4 Q* a- b& i- G8 C
This was a little bit of a surprise for the boys. Usually: g( t/ q" w- \- B
the Connolly girls roused them up. Miss Thomas ordered the
( j1 Y& i; r/ h  y- |5 K, s. x- Q/ xfour boys to line up for inspection, "Hands behind heads."
, V% A2 Y) G; n9 H! s  sThe two guards went down the line stroking bare cocks and# i) U6 E+ t; A, z- x! U
balls, then turned the boys around and inspected their
  X" s9 {, V4 ^* C1 Vassholes, poking thick fingers in and wiggling them around
: E8 H" J# J) h# fas the boy's squealed in pain.8 P  g! ]: _% m
6 _3 _, J: ?% e* u" u
"If you're wondering where the girls are," Miss Thomas. l4 u" \. v0 e- q. y
explained. "Mrs. Connolly has a special inspection planned2 n  s" d; f2 E0 \; @9 B
for Michael before he sees the Doc."
6 p: \) v# x' N. }# I. d  p1 }5 b4 y& E8 m
Michael was in the shower for the thirteenth time, letting
) q8 L' a* u( A$ @5 nthe water sooth his still sore buttocks when Mrs. Connolly,
  n9 f  ^3 O2 f% BHer four daughters and Lori Paulson walked into his room. He
( t: P  b4 n6 F8 P$ \came out and saw the six females sitting on the bed, waiting
, `, f1 S. A0 c  rfor him.
7 g" A$ u3 V) b" b3 Y6 x2 @
& N+ d1 v, C2 U. n"We wanted you to look like the little boy that you are, for
% y; ^0 A4 R, H1 ]the doctor," Mrs. Connolly explained. "Little boys don't
$ x: b5 j1 O  s6 r3 d' A  nhave hair on their asses or their cocks and balls. " She% {9 L) q  P) d( W" p- V
took out a tube of Nair hair remover.
( Q  h) g- F% y: W
/ g/ K9 B( Z2 i- Q"Put your hands on your head so I can smear this goop on,"% j& ^, Q. o3 O7 W  Z( M: b
she ordered the shocked boy. 5 X7 ^: `  `6 J1 t# C
( g4 ~2 o, r" n) @
Michael shook his head. "Please don't do this to me," He0 v2 f; P2 [0 m: o% I
begged.  "It just started growing a few months ago."& Q2 U: b3 J- |) f4 m& s' x8 O
- y- T% h- i) g) q) x9 A5 h
"I guess that spanking yesterday has worn off."* k! O4 ]* [" y  z
+ s. F* s2 j. q" b) r
"No please, don't spank me," Michael pleaded. "I'll do what. n3 l8 C/ n8 w  A+ f+ D( F; K8 A
you want." He placed his hands behind his head and moved in1 _: A! `+ n5 o
front of her.
  l7 r7 C& ^5 }2 u2 c: [
' V1 v5 @8 [5 y- zMrs. Connolly smiled "That's better, Caitlin would you lift/ v. R2 b2 U+ n/ e$ j' V
his cock up so I can cover his balls with this stuff?"  She
$ Y4 T6 O. X* n' @1 Z6 basked.
  h9 x* C7 x2 g& G$ R1 h
! M9 A8 A3 x0 u5 w8 PThe pretty blonde nodded, "Sure Mom." Michael found himself
3 i- O! K2 o* Irealizing his fondest dream. One of the older girls was
1 }2 Y1 n0 D: d* R" Sactually playing with his cock. Before he could react, Mrs.
* h/ d7 H9 K9 [Connolly spread the foul smelling pink liquid all over his
  j3 e. s7 K. q2 rballs. He gasped and sucked in his breath as it stung his
; K. V# q8 p( A7 ^8 E. J4 l% T) ltender ball sack.
) y, v; }, \+ F9 t. q2 _' a" K
6 O4 N5 m  u! j5 T* ECaitlin dropped his cock after giving it a squeeze. Mrs.
  K: e* ]# j/ R. d, I$ j( w1 {$ G4 C, gConnolly rubbed another dab on the rest of his pubic area
+ B# z# @! m3 ^9 M& u0 zand ordered him to turn around.
9 E) W! L, {, o5 I0 e# N
; K6 q) j7 o4 W. C: H7 FChristie asked, "Can I check inside him before you put that
$ U1 o# z, w8 Q/ [* nstuff on?"
' _3 Y8 L+ i/ t) D3 u
& n1 ^0 S' w' Y, t( GHer Mom nodded. "You might as well get some practice, You're
- i9 |! I( l5 i, o* ]going to inspect Kevin today." , U* n- |- ~; f& k' F& ~
% m& o1 {3 L6 t$ U" f! G  E& T
Michael bent over without being told to and pulled his, p+ K+ c/ ~- [
cheeks apart for Christie. His face was as red as his ass.
" m' ]: Q# c; |: A$ _
' z: L" r0 B2 k* u5 x1 k"Boy we sure did a job training you," Jennifer whistled in% Z0 [# U& S. A- x8 K& V
appreciation as she watched her younger sister prepare to8 U3 D$ n; n. d) J0 ?
ream his gaping asshole. Christie rammed her finger all the
! T& U7 m* D3 J% U: L# [% `: g9 Jway up to her knuckle, causing Michael to jump. She wiggled
/ T, N5 l$ P8 O; sher finger around and then pushed her index finger in as
0 o6 f( H- o" _2 N& b, Kwell. Michael's large hole easily took both fingers.
/ p# k( D9 K, F9 X! {6 hChristie prepared to shove her third one in when her Mother
$ ?" o  Q' F4 Z, s2 U( Vinterrupted.( M3 K6 z3 x: L# V& ^
2 w9 k. N8 L9 a& Y$ `+ G6 N5 {
"Let me finish up, We're late for breakfast and I want to/ t$ G- M$ g) c8 Y* o- z
get him and Josh to the doctors so we can be on time when1 O" y( g3 x. {; H
Kevin's Aunt Ann Marie brings him."! h# d" W' n2 |+ ?0 P; ?! [1 A
7 ~% {! ^- h( u
She smeared the Cream on Michael's beet red ass and he cried
( ^( x8 G% ^3 G% {"Oww," as she rubbed it into the tender skin.
' ?1 ]$ N3 c: u' S+ }2 A# C5 {  m
& K) \" J! k5 j4 _) ?( b, f2 AAfter five more minutes to let the cream do its stuff1 T6 v9 I$ U3 X, _" v3 ~6 F1 r% d
Michael was made to shower once more to wash the Nair and" ]3 h# e2 X2 i! V/ a& f
hair off. 6 w2 ?; Y: E0 Y8 n- L7 U

4 h7 l& ]7 ?: @He came out of the bathroom blushing. His pubic area and ass
: D2 s3 F$ j3 r% S# ]were as bald as little Christopher's was., p! `, d+ M0 k6 ]; t+ f

: C1 c" L" W3 `7 `' x. vKelly looked at Michael's now smooth cock and balls. "Wow
* y0 _: i/ r4 C& {- k% RMommy," She giggled. "He looks like a little boy now."
) ?& Y' T0 F9 E; ~" a# P" Z& z
7 P# G* e3 X- j: ]# \/ }9 c( N"He is a little boy," Mrs. Connolly answered. "He just9 p6 [/ @' o7 I7 c0 {
thought he was a man."% U, R2 ^. [- n( N
3 T5 |3 l' A' }0 p. C1 T
The other girls and Lori just covered their mouths and+ H; ~7 N9 F2 e. `3 O& c
giggled at Michael's hairless crotch.
7 ^! c/ @% c& ]* f; B
& P9 y$ A( Z+ |* Q0 O* PMrs. Connolly quickly buckled the harness on his cock and
( r) \& y* r3 O0 W, |balls and with his flip-flops slapping the floor Michael was( I$ b: J' f6 e; t/ D2 {$ h" i
led to breakfast by Kelly with the rest of the family and1 ?; r& t* Z& E$ J
Lori following.
$ s# o& H# O( K( \
; ]' N) {' }$ l9 k+ P! V( X/ OThe other boys were already seated having been inspected by$ f% o, Q9 Y. g5 c/ O
Ann Mandel, when Michael was led in. All four boys looked
8 H# }5 |  J4 p6 e0 Oand did a double take when they noticed Michael's bald lower
- r  _( Y& u9 Dbody. Mrs. Maikowski and Miss Thomas covered their mouths to" v+ D/ j3 O4 n5 R; H
hide their laughter.: F  Y1 F4 q& r; i: @

( a' p# a8 v! V. s% M$ d/ w; tMrs. Mandel wasn't that tactful. She came out of the kitchen1 I/ E/ E& [5 m7 H) ^
with coffee for the two guards and noticed Michael. Kelly1 _( j  R* H1 |/ T/ {) v
had removed the harness and the humiliated boy had to stand, ]2 |: N2 |+ x# i4 z. g1 ]
in front of everyone, his nude pubic area on full display. - c' l; e( O& [$ x' k

# O' W; ~: k+ H8 U  q"Well lookee here," the old cook jeered. "You look like a
) E3 V; \4 m+ ibaby now. Does he have to wear diapers to go along with that: ], Q* e2 y& M* t- j
bald cock?"
2 V0 M. t1 o+ W
; I6 |) n  l/ z# A4 v# hThe guards and the Connolly family cracked up. Even the four
4 q$ Q! M' S. Qother boys had to cover their mouths to hide the grins on
% J$ |7 t8 p, ]! qtheir faces.
$ v, Z5 o6 h0 {: t) R* ^+ l( X1 g  f, M
Michael sat down with the other boys. He looked at Andy.5 B9 z4 a2 g6 \- X. w
"Well if you've got something to say, Get it off your- H' C4 I" m  ^
chest," He challenged.
6 T, t% I. R! ]: C" J6 \! `7 L6 m. L
Andy spooned oatmeal into his mouth. "Looks like you got it
3 L" @7 s1 f1 |& X# u* Noff your chest and every place else," He answered back
3 s0 O" J" M& U4 G0 Clooking down at Michael's cock. 9 F" `/ A( l1 U4 L! o5 c1 ^. a
8 M3 n( k& G  B& Z) F5 ?  D2 ~
Breakfast over, the guards gathered the boys.  "No farm work
0 W5 l4 T$ j# Z* K- G* w! k0 lthis morning," Mrs. Connolly informed the girls. "I want
& V8 m& L3 }. W% S2 B+ R3 ~Andy, Ricky and Christopher clean and presentable for when! S9 B3 j0 n$ i1 ~: B5 @
Kevin's Aunt Annmarie brings him here. The three of them8 b$ M8 L' V) U/ z* W# X4 N
will be in the receiving room waiting to greet them with
; }# Y+ W' w8 z, Q  Vcocks hard like they were when the deputies brought in Josh
1 T+ B8 R( w* s  a$ _; f2 yand Michael. So everyone goes to the Doctors office with us.. P5 }7 x2 e. r: r! Q# ^. L
Ricky needs to have his stitches checked anyhow."
( Q( t6 h0 _% b- N% x" v& R
, D8 {& g8 m2 v9 `Michael was strapped into the cock harness by Lori Paulson# l  C( c+ z* m6 D: G
who led him by the leash to the Doctor's office. The four, R7 ]4 C+ \4 i+ M  H$ q
other boys' flip- flopped their way down the hall behind
& G! x; o7 w( k( E; @8 \& tthem. The Connolly girls, The two older guards and Mrs.
5 D# q& k0 O6 UConnolly followed them.9 Q( n$ x" @7 X- A5 t+ a& }

' y$ c. F0 X$ MMrs. Connolly opened the door. "Come on in," Nurse Randi" H1 e& f+ Z, M
greeted her. "The doctor is all ready for your newest
* w6 J3 n  O: ]/ x+ E; ~5 ystudents."
: e1 Z: e+ N) i. `1 a3 R+ Q  e/ M6 {
Mrs. Connolly led the way into the office followed by Lori3 N$ M4 }+ ]" G9 C  g
tugging on the leash with Michael in tow. The other boys" b: o* ]2 U* r
followed. ) R! m  q6 p# C& Y/ N
5 t9 d$ C- ~: ]
"Stand over there by the wall and lets get a look at you,"( [: l( Y5 h9 s& ^
Randi told all five boys. "Would you remove the harness from
0 ^7 c6 c- O2 |' Z1 R7 `that boy?" She asked Lori.
5 E$ t+ j: `# t# ?7 s  |9 X& ^5 u0 R
The girls and the other guards piled in as Lori unhooked the
& D" x& ~! c" N" Zharness exposing Michael's ample cock and balls. Miss Thomas
" L; C' F# ~9 ]2 cordered the boys to place their hands behind their heads.* V7 Q: d" @6 V7 V$ D
# Z' v  p7 }0 K
Randi looked appreciatively at the two new boys. "They're
# d3 y3 _' P- k% a) w$ o% @: Q7 Wquite big in the penis area," she said to Mrs. Connolly,
# H  C- A4 a4 `causing Josh to blush bright red and Michael to grin.% ?& C& L% o+ }, v" z0 J- `+ |
' [* C1 \# U0 u% t- I# g8 N
"Of course I just came back from the state prison where I
& X" s. T$ Q6 G( C2 |helped the doctor Examine about twenty naked men with really. a* O) Z+ s0 G1 @0 v: j+ h
big cocks." She laughed. "I never knew how many different2 M* ?; V) t3 M( O
size cocks and balls there were. The men were just as
9 O3 N4 i, ]* l  c3 ~embarrassed as the boys when I greased up their asses and3 z7 ]- U7 H2 ^% L8 o* w( ]
the doctor examined them."
+ y' f' }" w/ F+ J  }- [( g6 d  d! c! l9 s# V: x
She stepped in Front of the five boys. "Hi," she said to( K8 N4 l) w8 p+ V+ {$ I. X
Andy and Christopher. "How's my two favorite little boys?"1 Z8 j6 p3 C9 t, Q! p' [
She squeezed Christopher's cock causing the little boy to' i+ K3 m9 i7 f6 P! o
blush furiously with pleasure. His cock hardened as she  ]! g. a& y$ T; y8 M
stroked it. Then she moved on to Andy and stroked his little
9 E0 M( ^( J  Rcock and cupped his balls in her hand.- @$ J! e; _0 U+ V! m

( O' ^5 f2 ?+ y4 YThe Micelli brothers now had raging hard-ons. The nurse
' H0 @8 T* \9 z9 emoved on to Ricky. She cupped his balls and cock, examining
6 O- M" ?$ {1 H  |$ }them. "Your little pecker is just so cute," she told him.
/ M; \, K+ m8 }1 hRicky smiled and his cock joined the other two at full mast.
$ i( [# n% d0 t/ l; [/ d# `& T
% o1 R5 n$ T/ s$ H  e6 H5 WRandi turned her attention to Josh. "What's your name?" She5 F0 i" ?; R2 m) V
asked the embarrassed boy, Looking at his long slim dick and
$ J1 e5 n# Z& `& ]% c* J# H; v+ a3 Alarge ball sack.
" P1 t5 H8 Z$ `; O* [/ H
6 E3 E( d- h* z6 D; Z" I& g"J, J, Josh Ma'am," he managed to stammer.
8 A3 J) d5 l; L, m! ^4 c7 }5 s; B# J4 n$ k' l* L
"Well "J, J, Josh," you have a lovely cock and I know the
- E6 z5 [7 e8 w6 Z' h! X( Gdoctor will enjoy examining it."
" m. D5 N# `7 {+ q0 Q# S- x1 X. ?: S
Michael was last. Randi looked at his big hairless cock and
. L: f! a! D* t' }7 I0 oballs and smiled. "Not bad, an uncut one. I saw lots of, E% M0 \0 l) n7 K4 n7 \
uncircumcised ones at the prison Saturday. Most of them were
: L. K1 ?% |4 i5 J$ }% sbigger than this one but not as cute," She told the guards.! V$ p: s- w2 Q' f/ h/ U
"Do you want me to play with it?" she teased. Michael
# Q7 K7 l/ V2 _* f9 K, |nodded, Licking his lips.
0 F2 _: d; m4 S: A1 S- k+ Y
0 O' a3 ~  z$ _"I'd like to," Randi said looking his cock up and down. "But
. X" n- ^2 D& r" X( o0 b) Z4 Hthe doctor doesn't like it if I do before she has a chance
/ W' B" B3 T& k4 kto play with it herself. Tell you what though, I need to% j* F9 t3 [/ K
prepare both you boys so the doctor can do a rectal exam.9 Q% F9 o* g' V" Y5 L
While I'm at it I'll take your temperatures. Would you and
3 o% h6 h' X6 P) {8 G2 |8 f  v2 NJosh bend over and spread open your cheeks for me? I'll
/ I2 q& D- g' bgrease you up and insert the thermometers."1 w/ J( M0 r; R: f! f

/ Q3 o! ~% J+ S" z' u) o6 @Michael didn't seem too happy with that and Josh blushed
/ l. [" Y9 A% c5 ~" `furiously. The four Connolly girls giggled. "Do it," Mrs.3 s# S5 u! c, T# P
Connolly ordered when the two boys hesitated.$ \) W$ w2 _/ J, r$ H, w7 j

& a( C: [8 O( \* u5 ?8 K) LRandi led the two boys to the desk and had them bend over.
9 k2 \+ P$ `, w" G/ Z; \She pulled a pair of surgical gloves on over her pretty
" h) p  G" y  }4 t5 _! Hhands and got a tube of KY jelly from the medicine cabinet." G- F. J) h  [0 ~% n6 U' ^9 n
Michael and Josh were holding their ass cheeks open as she
) a* z8 e! R/ P4 ^& ~/ N4 S! M4 Bknelt behind them. She gazed into their wide-open rectums
8 j- I# U+ B( n+ l- {& ?- jand squeezed a glob of the clear jelly on her left index* w" V6 z/ V# h# |1 t! y* J
/ r+ q3 S  `! Z" Y) ^1 V
% Q5 s- w: M$ L& @Josh was first. She pushed against his puckered muscle and
2 }+ z  v9 z; T8 t! Qher greased up finger penetrated easily. She wiggled her
3 O2 _7 ^- m+ }$ E) S, Yfinger around and pulled it out. Then squeezing more jelly" D& R1 G, b/ \1 V* E: e/ f
on her other hand she pushed her right index finger into
; _) r6 l- R9 MMichael's larger asshole. "My, my," she commented as her
3 F/ [& k. g7 E: c& [! _1 p; Qfinger was swallowed up. You are bigger in every way, aren't
& d9 {8 t% u: F( ?( L+ f, l7 Eyou?" Michael reddened. "You must have been a bad boy, your
9 R' M4 `% ]  _: Zbuttocks are so red." She noticed as she wiggled her finger
7 C1 w! K* Z1 }/ k1 h5 iaround inside him.
# `- A) ^/ e; P3 C+ c8 ]
& x4 ?4 @% B+ o4 |0 L6 w. WAfter inspecting their assholes she pushed the thermometers+ s% t" n8 K! f
into the still bent over boys. The girls had retrieved the
1 G2 G& y6 A& O7 iother three boys and were playing with their hard-ons as: y) `4 [6 Q9 Y/ ^( `( H
they watched the nurse humiliate Michael and Josh./ u6 j! i1 _3 s% e% V% p/ k
: |# K$ J' J% b3 b7 f
Randi finally removed the thermometers and allowed the boys
6 O3 P, W: i7 _& c# Uto straighten up. Michael's cock was now standing straight,
8 q. H* r3 t/ m- l( c- WThe head peeking out from his uncircumcised foreskin. "Did$ p8 {  g( [& B/ C0 ?$ ^) h
that excite you?" Randi giggled. "You are such a horny0 u. ?8 y/ e9 f8 V) Z' ~
little devil." She gave his balls a squeeze.0 N& e; L2 f2 |/ Q9 T% h

( E- x( P; q+ u' @0 ^' `; V4 b"I need a urine sample from you," She told both boys,2 ]( f9 g- U$ p+ t. y* W
handing them two plastic jars. "When you finish screw the
5 }3 z/ u% h: P( tcaps on and hand them to me." She stood watching as the boys
- [7 T3 y0 P6 J, d$ [: d- Tstood with the jars in their hands. "What are you waiting
% v, A) V  ]- lfor?" ' r0 Q& O7 k- {
; O3 j; h7 y* c; D9 `3 U1 f% @
"Where's the bathroom Ma'am?" Josh asked puzzled. 8 J+ e7 n, Y, p9 w& H
2 e& U7 P" h5 S! ?7 c, @" {, u7 ^! a
"Why do all you boys ask that?"  Randi said impatiently. ; L* p' i& ^/ R% A9 L
"You are both naked and everybody in this room has played
; r4 C! T, m$ `# Cwith your cocks and had fingers up your assholes. What makes0 e8 ?$ @; i$ }( G/ i
you so embarrassed to pee in front of us?"
0 P5 _7 _0 X. _; x. D2 l( k. B1 M: }. v
Michael put his cock into the wide mouth of the jar. His
9 I8 b3 E3 B3 D4 Sface was red with shame. Josh was sobbing as he followed  J8 k' O4 Z# q2 A2 p- ~2 a0 p; K
suit. It took a few minutes but both boys managed to fill& t2 H, z8 l" t2 g9 b( q" U; C$ l
the jars.   `. z# v; b% J; H

! H$ J' Y8 ^# `! R9 c9 {. B"Good, " Randi complimented. Now get up on the scale," She
7 `2 j' j* C, Bordered. Michael was weighed first then Josh. Randi wrote in- C$ [2 e- {4 N3 q# K/ R% v* l$ e
their charts and measured their height. She was finishing up
8 v9 ?* e; i: f7 k) ~  w5 Kwhen the inner door opened and the doctor came out. ) |$ s! @7 f9 E/ q- ?$ e5 F
9 y7 o" S4 \7 _- p& a7 Y( ^( {
"Good morning Doctor," Mrs. Connolly greeted. "I have two: v# C5 h7 S2 ]
more for your skilled hands to examine."
+ B. F. j) J, N7 A  o" u
9 F" U5 G# K% u5 B. b% z"So I see," The doctor said looking Josh and Michael up and
$ W$ F$ K+ y5 W+ `  R' i! z9 Rdown. "I'll get to them in a moment.  If your daughters will
* Z/ m8 ]1 Z+ T1 g+ Zrelease Ricky I'd like to check his testicles to make sure) Q5 c- C0 k: w; i, Y! b
the incision is healing properly."3 D& ^7 w) V0 B# ?1 S; W

) T6 ~) |5 s* l# M: fCaitlin had Ricky by the balls. The young blonde boy was
. y) h/ i3 X. r$ a7 jstanding against the wall; hands behind his head and about, @; ?" o$ Z8 K2 g9 V$ F
two seconds away from cumming as Caitlin rubbed his small
0 D9 g& x. z% G+ ^' F5 qslim cock and kneaded his balls. He stiffened and gasped as
: H' ^! [. I3 ]7 U; vhe came. As usual it was a dry cum. He sheepishly walked
9 @' U# B. \& R. ]: cover to the doctor, His cock shrinking back to softness as7 g' ?  Y4 ^8 z0 I2 t# L
he walked. 8 n/ \% T5 d' c& w0 e0 B9 q" e

1 r) b9 w- H4 F3 i"Please go into the exam room, Ricky and climb up on the
0 R  [$ G* D5 N  y7 Y+ M2 btable," The doctor ordered. Ricky walked past her into the* z) y8 C/ j& o8 G
other room. The doctor beckoned to Randi. "Bring the new  ~2 F# f. o9 R6 N+ w7 Z
boys in. The room will be too crowded so I suggest Mrs.
  ^3 m/ w9 w- z! @! l5 ]: sMaikowski and Miss Paulson stay in the outer room with Andy
9 z  d$ U9 h1 Z+ Q& W. Oand Christopher. The rest of you can come into my examining
- g6 e1 ~3 S9 C6 i* Y( X2 p' broom if you promise to be quiet."+ L3 H7 j$ W0 c; p8 r+ G0 N4 s, e

: `' ?2 g2 a4 B( g/ S3 M" `The two guards looked disappointed. Everyone wanted to see, ]- \4 t1 @. ]* X0 X: h' E
Michael get the device implanted.  The girls trooped in and9 q4 p. D8 U1 s5 ~! X! @( S) ^- M6 H
Mrs. Connolly shut the door. 8 y' b- `& D  ~" Z' D  R% ^
  ~# |1 }, ?; A9 W) f4 B/ m
Ricky had kicked off his flip-flops and was lying on his( I; q  _6 G# S/ c
back, on the table with his feet in the stirrups. The doctor
3 ^7 A; o1 k3 U3 Fpulled on her surgical gloves and bent over the boy.
) c/ o4 F; ]+ s8 I2 G" y# B- w+ o- ?  `% S+ w# K. F  P+ b
She lifted his cock up and examined his balls. "Excellent
7 m' F( w/ k# e, Hyou heal fast," she told the blushing child. "You can get up: T/ [2 y$ k' K# f# |% H
now and stand over with the girls."
9 e! y4 {. \5 `+ K* \9 D% B' m% h6 B
# M9 E! `3 w! O: H; g' _& yHer attention turned to the two older boys. Josh looked at) k( O3 H' ]% D
her with fear in his eyes. Michael had a half grin on his8 M  w5 E8 a, U) K  {* I
face. "Lets see if we can wipe that grin off your face," the
. e) p, s- _- K' A2 A9 ndoctor told him. "Come over here Michael and lets get! e! |9 d0 d0 J: s, t& d
- t3 ?6 U/ G2 i0 U5 u
% M7 u1 q; z) x+ c2 bMichael looked defiantly at the Doctor for a few seconds
- X& ?1 C, N9 s# [- _! u% S+ h. Vuntil Miss Thomas swatted him on the ass. "Get over there+ b! d+ {9 E4 ?+ s! U
boy," She ordered. Be quick about it or last nights spanking" z7 M2 G3 n0 h6 Z  l* @# S! b
will seem like love pats."
! Z/ C' s$ l5 @5 B! H7 f" P
% X4 t* |7 t- S0 T: OMichael stood in front of the doctor. She sat down on her
6 U% Q9 c3 ]2 m/ ~, I; y9 \. Echair her face inches away from his cock. She cupped his6 p, J* |' y- e( k7 t- O! Q; L
large scrotum and examined his balls. Michael's cock rapidly
' X, I- j) L( k0 Khardened as she continued kneading his balls. "Cough," she
3 q9 c# ?# {- W: P& J( ?ordered, her grip tightening as she checked him for a$ R# m- ~) v7 F
hernia. Then she moved on to his cock, skinning back his4 z- @! y- q: I  u* h' Z
foreskin and examined the cock head. % M! ~) V7 H. l) ]$ B  ~
0 q/ \6 z3 P/ O
"Who shaved his pubic area?" She asked laughing. "You did a; Q; r; I1 [' z* k1 {$ U6 E
nice job. It feels as soft as a baby's ass."% n( U( _2 i4 g/ z+ R6 J3 |

# V  B3 r% Q# d. E4 B"I figured it would be cleaner for when you planted the
. ]$ E- d; k# D! P: P( m3 ~2 Ichip," Mrs. Connolly said. "We naired him this morning. Even! E; U2 t3 ^% e
did his ass.": O# g8 M6 q( }6 R% k+ b" w
  n8 l0 ~2 B  T4 v9 Y2 M
The doctor ran her fingers inside his foreskin. "Nice and
) R, x  I/ K& v$ U; U0 Z7 Mclean.  I can circumcise him if you want," She said. "It, F4 ?' T: u0 H8 ]( [0 ~1 u
would keep him cleaner but he'd be out of action for a few
8 \, P5 n" o& O/ p0 y  xweeks."+ J$ L; {' R" s8 o" K* W/ Z& g
1 }2 d5 J! b7 p! F; u' M1 p+ z
I'll have to think about it," Mrs. Connolly said. Michael  I1 ?" v& L1 X3 v" u
turned white at the thought.
! c* R; C8 I$ B( G( T5 ~: x
' x/ y- Q! c" a; j. @"By the way Doctor, I'd stand back if you plan to continue; o8 `5 |: ~, q/ J5 I1 m
playing with his cock," Miss Thomas said. "That boys a
4 {8 r! F  [8 Lcummer.": l* q, [8 `# o- d7 S  ]7 E5 E
3 b' N& S3 P5 w. n$ Y
"I want him to cum and lose the erection but not quite yet,"
4 l! p# f- g* k* [/ o$ RThe doctor said. "Thanks for the warning I'll be careful.
* J. g" W3 U9 A" _. Z$ L& qShe released Michael's cock and ordered him to turn around.; b2 M5 g6 K8 d
"Bend over and open yourself up wide for me so I can see0 @$ I0 `/ d. n; ]+ m
into your rectum," she ordered. Michael blushed but did as5 g7 K% c1 S" f8 a. b
he was told. The doctor peered into his behind. "My you have. e+ g0 _) ~/ L. B- r# R6 n
a nice big asshole. I shouldn't have any trouble when I
3 m9 Z0 Z( P7 |& M; x" Fexamine you," She said. Then she shoved her finger into his
0 ~% g8 C' E' @* N9 Oasshole. It slid in easily having been greased up by Randi."
) R; K. m. m( S, F$ h) u
+ j7 ?$ K: ~0 }/ ~"This may feel uncomfortable Michael I'm going to examine  j. c4 F: w4 X7 n
your prostate, " She told him as her finger pushed further.
; h0 b; f. B, ^; o% U) s2 _Michael grunted then yelped as she found his gland.  "Nice3 l2 j( _5 B+ u' t, e& z# ]- _
size prostate. He must really pump out sperm," She told her
7 B9 V: a- q$ N* P0 Jaudience. 5 E; p0 f4 w) C' p9 _: Y

8 o; Q; h* A" x& z) y$ ~/ R4 S"Randi would you get me the Scope?" She asked. The pretty( m5 G+ D+ _! k) ^$ R# n# }' x
nurse handed the instrument to the doctor. "Stay in this1 A: F: k9 q& l0 `" j
position Michael just pull your cheeks open a bit wider,"0 B. D& ]/ a7 B- ~+ a
She ordered as she removed her finger. I'm going to stick
5 k( r' }& J' g+ Vsomething else in you. It will help me see into your: J# k& x- L  S6 [6 ?9 C
rectum."+ i% c) z, s) t0 g; d  K( f
  Q. b, N/ @  _1 \$ j
She inserted the sigmoidoscope and pushed it slowly into
; o, S# @% M1 TMichael's gaping asshole. He grunted as the pressure  u  ~7 W: v, M  s
increased. Deeper and deeper into his rectum, the instrument4 p$ m  X) B: _
intruded as Michael stood perfectly still gritting his teeth
. S4 g$ x1 Q8 K: [# {6 `) oand holding himself open. The doctor smiled. "Everything
* }- T/ p$ D$ vlooks good." She removed the scope and told the boy to stand
+ m& Q# F, p8 ~9 x& d. Y) B; _up.  
, S' v) |  e3 S" _3 V/ A$ g2 U/ o1 c
"I'll let Randi take your pulse and blood pressure while I
0 e3 @6 M  z! E, @give Josh his physical." * r3 Q( R# _0 f( D, e

# u; ^6 \4 ?5 [- F- v- J4 VRandi sat Michael down in a chair and the doctor beckoned to
5 P# u2 k# r3 B; ?# ~5 S' f+ AJosh.8 |1 t8 z! n. \& T# V, J; x# Q4 I; }

. ~( W0 i9 w* f/ |5 A3 ^Outside in the waiting room Mrs. Maikowski was sulking. "I
8 e$ N9 R" `8 e8 n( Cwanted to watch that Mexican wise ass get his nuts sliced,") J# P8 q; t: |( U
She grumbled to Lori Paulson. "Miss Thomas gets to have all
% V0 m: d) c2 U2 r& C  _% Ethe fun." She looked at Andy and Christopher. "I need some" V. e8 S' m- h2 p) R3 {4 r) o
entertainment. You," she pointed at Christopher. "Get down
$ I0 y4 }) O; i8 T3 Ron your knees in front of your brother." 4 m3 X+ J( m8 y

1 w) g! E: P/ r3 p/ RChristopher started crying; he knew what was coming. "Leave; c( p. U* h5 Y3 Y& B/ ]: Q- P
him alone," Andy said. "I'll do what you want, just leave my. b! l% `2 O1 U7 D* q5 u4 C" H% `& s
brother alone."$ s% f" o0 g+ W) b# O5 f
% [' ~" `0 W2 y- e& J0 O1 ~
"O.k. You little punk you can take his place." The guard6 z+ Q, M' G. ~( d( i+ t
nodded. "Get on your knees in front of him."
) |: Z% S6 A3 ^8 J1 }* w* I; }# N6 [+ c: f* D
Andy sank to his knees in front of his little brother. "Take$ B( \- ~! l6 q" M
his cock in your hand and rub it a bit to get it hard," Mrs.8 J$ I, _0 n' G+ k
Maikowski ordered. "Play with his balls." 4 t0 c) q3 G5 l% u
/ R' D& w4 [2 g. B
Both boys were crying but Andy did as he was ordered.5 O% ?% [$ \& w1 _' C5 ~
Chris's little cock grew in his hands. "Now kiss his cock- T& h$ R6 T/ l5 x0 r8 F" b
head and balls," The old guard cackled. Both guards watched
( E4 h9 j& P) V, e2 q! X: J7 [( h) jas Andy kissed and fondled Chris's little genitals. 9 c9 s/ B8 u1 ?

' B. W4 R2 `6 u4 M' M2 s( J5 |"All right; you wanted to be a hero, Now you can suck him
7 n, I7 N% H7 loff. Put his dick in your mouth and lets see how good a blow+ P* r8 a- N) C7 Z, r  r# y
job you can give him. It better be good," She warned.
/ G4 ]! |4 I' w4 E! f
0 q# g: d8 o& Q4 ?! QEven with a hard-on, Christopher's cock was little. Andy's. u; z& k0 a" S+ y$ s
mouth easily encircled it. The little boy stood with his3 ~3 q0 o% `2 o. ^  T7 ~" `4 k
eyes closed and head thrown back as Andy sucked on his dick." Z" I& f- Y! S& D* s/ D2 ?0 d( |
He held Andy's head, his fingers in his hair. Andy moved his; U+ m! L1 w; s+ K1 j2 l4 ?4 V
head in and out. His tongue was licking the tip of
( e6 V& a* v" c& F1 U% U, A' wChristopher's dick as he sucked the shaft into his mouth.
$ L8 }8 d% d/ n0 Q6 w: E2 B7 H# C' \# K
Lori Paulson felt pity for the two brothers. She also was
* g$ H4 Z3 Y- n2 t! T7 M' y2 Lafraid of the older guard. In the end her fear won out and( ^0 m# l) J" r( d3 L  l. g
she let matters lie. After all she was only a part timer and0 A# P' @5 T* w$ a9 o2 o! z3 d) V
all the other people didn't seem to care.
6 n. I' a0 z7 Z. `9 {. N6 r/ T& j' P( |
Christopher stiffened his body. He let out a squeal as
6 q! I# w2 }/ }3 e, v7 dAndy's mouth and tongue brought him to climax.8 B3 C; ~0 a# j

- w: O7 c- [/ LThe old guard laughed. "It nice to see that these boys are
/ L7 K; G' d5 u4 |/ hlearning their place," she said to Lori, Ignoring the look
! }2 k; ]% u1 K' b6 dof disapproval from the younger guard.
1 ^4 V; K6 z# }- |  R2 c7 g, P0 v: Z; J+ H" i
Both boys were crying. Mrs. Maikowski told them to knock it# u$ A3 ?- R* {' J, \$ f
off and sit down. She picked up a magazine and ignored them.
: \# N+ u% n' v0 V9 v+ ILori Paulson smiled at Andy and told the boys to read a
. N1 `; T" t" E+ Bmagazine and wait for the others to finish up.
) B9 j; R1 q2 `( x
5 r0 ^3 k0 @3 W$ ]2 ?+ ~6 c8 ^' fBack inside the doctor was examining josh. She was again
4 L5 T5 ~$ |% N% X1 h! |sitting with her face inches away as she explored Josh's5 d9 V# y' {* H! |6 M) ?
slim cock. It was quite hard, standing straight out. She
* [; X; K; h3 R, K" |: olightly ran her nails over his cock head teasing the velvet
1 I0 U( {& M! O' y# Jflesh. Josh shivered. The Doctor cupped his balls weighing1 U) O' b* z% T& K2 o/ E; `: s( i
them, in the palm of her hand. She felt each ball
9 ^' r+ o! k( L+ O9 yseparately, Then she tightened her grip around them slightly
5 s2 O0 x8 a5 _- {  Q  Aand told him to turn his head and cough.
" X1 G+ K, t5 |6 T
! ]: D1 S. u6 J5 `7 i"Good, your penis and testicles check out fine." She told
" M8 I) g( t+ a  D# q# pthe trembling youngster. "You have a slightly longer penis
+ Z) ~7 n! d2 K% M! I1 U" l* Nthan most twelve year olds and I guess from the size of your
, e& @* D: ?* M3 l$ D# K# btesticles you've been manufacturing sperm for several) X0 ]$ A6 g. T/ w7 z( y
months, Right?"' Q. w; {' \2 B/ W8 }) B' K

+ S" c. y% `- B"Yes Ma'am," Josh said in a low voice. Tears ran from his
2 N0 t5 g& G9 Feyes as he stood trembling. He knew what was coming up next.
& d: D# ^: @2 m, g! Q& F! Z8 W# V4 b# ~7 r( A
"All right Josh I want you to turn around and spread* _9 r7 k7 C; x/ n  y. s
yourself open for me like Michael did," The Doctor told him.( @& \- M# C0 y# i6 n5 M/ l" ~" g7 f
"Can you do that?"+ j  d: i5 x8 I4 y" }0 Q

, y( e' L; P  D" }( [. VJosh gulped. He had seen the sigmoidoscope being rammed up
9 E% k! F  f9 U5 z% p" b* N( rMichael. "Y,yess ma'am," he stammered. He turned around and% {5 M& g$ h9 v( w! v
bent over, Legs spread apart. Reaching back he pulled his, m/ x! ^# `0 b/ L
cheeks as wide as they would go giving everyone a glimpse of
8 j. Z* |  C6 u, N& ehis pink puckered ass muscle. His balls hung down beneath
: D9 M- a) D# ], v# Bhim.
, o- n5 c8 p: N6 L& v8 k' Q2 ]* k1 i1 X' F# ?) n; V$ x
The doctor pushed her finger in up to the knuckle. It went6 A% I6 J5 o/ j* S
into his greased up hole easily. The tears were rolling down0 L% C% Z. r# k( J* i. Z
Josh's Cheek onto the floor. His trembling increased as the* o1 |' g4 I. I5 c9 }( y
doctor wiggled her finger in him. "I'm going to examine your
* e8 K, M' |- S  ?* M! Qprostate. It may feel a bit uncomfortable, but its
: H5 g; h* B* `6 M: P) Q# Jnecessary."5 q+ _1 t! T% P  {6 M
% R( g! L- M: u) D
Josh jumped forward and moaned as she found her target.  H3 \6 s" c9 w5 A
"Good, Its nice and normal." She withdrew her finger. Randi
3 ^9 o# A7 S' `) ]. Ghanded the scope to her and she pushed it in. Josh's asshole
$ m; {- ?0 Y; b* `. g9 tresisted briefly but the instrument went past it and into- a- Y9 }, l1 K; j9 `9 b5 O* y" _
his rectum.
6 z9 U" [: H4 y# e- K, ~/ T8 V" s7 \9 q/ P) y7 e, d
It seemed like hours but only took a few moments. The doctor+ l( ]6 c: |4 I2 K
removed the scope and patted Josh's ass. "You can stand up,"
6 N( Z* B0 ]8 S* E8 [she told the sobbing youngster.. h/ i( e/ r! ?5 q% N: t

  n# [: M: J* B* D: @Randi had finished Checking Michael's blood pressure and
0 k( u1 X1 i9 e/ gpulse. She jotted the stats. down in his chart. "Check7 M; a# K& p. u9 H. H! N/ @+ z$ d
Josh's pulse and pressure. I'll check Michael's heart," the
3 v4 |+ ?! Z7 J# |+ C6 F& Kdoctor told her nurse. Michael stood as the doctor checked7 U' o) o% \- Z/ Z0 m$ u" E6 E
his breathing and Heart with the stethoscope. "Good," she% j: [9 g4 U& @3 M* |! C, W: T' j
said.  "Now stand on the chair without your flip-flops.  I
. w! Y4 q: V0 awant to check your feet."9 v8 A$ A0 F9 b7 b1 O% O6 t# D

$ `: S5 U2 `# C( o* d2 {2 I0 W3 u2 aBarefoot, Michael climbed on the chair. The doctor checked* o8 M  N, B) X# ]2 L% n8 ]. g
between each of his pudgy toes. "I usually do this when I. L2 H( o$ k" o. q5 ?2 [
think kids are trying to hide drug use. They inject drugs
! B' P6 h  n: [6 i# y; \2 \/ _& Bbetween their toes and nobody would think to check. You see
" e* }& D1 P5 x6 s7 o2 ~  D; A+ othis a lot in prison. I've caught several men who've taken- x* ?$ `$ l& b, e5 {
drugs this way," The doctor explained to Mrs. Connolly.2 i4 R8 J5 z" ~! _& B
& Q& [% {! B, ^! P0 s( V. h/ _  J
After Michael, Josh climbed on the chair and she checked( n% M/ {' q. O- `: R
between his long slender toes as well. Then letting him down% n7 o, j" w$ _$ s
from the chair she examined his breathing and heart. $ D0 f( v( y! a5 J% F5 Y
: |  s8 u% }7 X# X) `
"One more thing she told the boys. "I need a blood sample.  l+ H3 g/ J4 T4 U1 w) _  @
She quickly drew blood from each boy as Randi swabbed his: f& p9 V+ F& n, i
arm with alcohol.
& V( ?/ z% D( F4 b% s+ H' F) p0 F0 S3 c- c9 t$ H, ]: [+ E; l
"All finished," She announced. "Both of you are perfectly
) \( E/ u1 P: [; c* Xhealthy." 0 E4 \; \7 p0 h) _

& f( r5 `; F4 {4 rBoth boys were healthy and both boys had raging hard-ons
* B" Q5 Z/ A( {1 G9 t4 z  c0 {' Hfrom all the touching and penetrating done to them by Doctor: F9 q. S4 X: |( G$ F% J; i! T
Brenner and Nurse Randi. "Oh dear this just won't do," The
! P8 e1 @: j9 {8 c" {% N/ \doctor shook her head as she looked at the two naked boys in
0 @* s5 j$ }; Lfront of her. "We have to get rid of those erections."+ t1 B# n% P0 C5 m8 v- V

8 y+ B8 Q( @3 Z) C# T) F  f- @"I know exactly how we're gonna do it," Miss Thomas said.
% y, ^* W4 A' z8 V3 t& m"Show the doctor just how much you like each other." Josh8 O  H) U( @2 M* d; b3 J
take Michael's cock in your hand and Michael you take
0 T1 F) z3 |, i& A3 g7 _7 gJosh's. The fastest way to get rid of a hard-on is a good
2 ]- T/ H, M3 u7 W. vhand job. Get started."
/ h( T: J  y0 X* H8 e8 R8 B3 [
4 p5 I. v  C0 S" c8 T9 XBoth boys blushed beet red. Not only would they have to play
7 M" M! b  o0 D. g. Hwith each other's cocks, they'd have to do it in front of
% f  C! O5 T4 F  c: c; sthe beautiful nurse. So once again Michael found himself/ n& _% a! d- c4 l
getting a hand job but not from the people he wanted to# s: q1 R* L* E: f$ o# E- H& p' l1 g3 Z
fondle his cock.  : R& H# S/ `, Y# d5 C% r# k
9 H# H$ L" W1 n, n0 Y8 u2 Y* H* t
Josh started things off. His hand encircled Michael's prick.( {- ~) l6 a4 i1 S
He moved the foreskin back exposing Michael's cock head.9 R0 H5 C( p7 ^
Then using his other hand he cupped Michael's large scrotum.
8 C$ C* \3 @7 N; T; x2 |6 tMichael reached his hand over and held Josh's prick. His, I2 k$ s) _4 ]* w$ E1 u- N) t. H
finger tickled Josh's cock head as he tugged and pulled on, I: [) q5 }0 \5 D1 p: {! a! I$ ]9 }
the slender dick. ( n* `: x: X" V
9 I! b# l1 z; L1 I, f/ A0 x$ u
The girls watched quietly except for Kelly who was giggling6 m  Z* }9 `3 f$ n
as she watched them fondle each other. Both boys had their
7 t! S5 B9 y: [0 W! aeyes closed as they pulled and stroked each other to a4 i/ ^; D! c, J/ M% y" N
climax. Josh was moaning and Michael's deeper voice joined
, J# v3 v5 n8 u. A' c) B# Nin. The doctor interrupted long enough to hand each boy a8 I  S6 R4 S3 l/ T
plastic urine jar. "Cum in this. I don't want sperm all over8 F2 ~6 l+ j. V; ?
my floor."
; v/ Y/ Q6 ]# `7 r
( b8 G" c6 m( W, L  W+ a4 oJosh came first. He took a deep breath and stiffened. He) t( j# v/ x5 I6 v
placed the mouth of the jar in front of his cock and shot a
# q- R' u6 F8 f3 ]. |. c- [) Istream of cum into it getting some on his fingers. He was
% P* {6 Y/ M& V3 nstill pulling Michael's cock as he relaxed his rigid body+ w/ f/ I% b) O7 T4 m
after shooting. Michael followed close behind. He arched his
: H4 P, ~- T# s! Uback, Then let out a groan and his cock let loose with a
  Y7 N( m5 L- f& `- j3 Uspurt of cum into the jar he held. Both boys had cum on
* Y8 R0 w/ k3 G" ~0 xtheir hands but most of the white stuff went into the jars.* ~7 `% l& o- S. ^2 A" \6 B
* r- q3 h4 a, d+ R8 [; o/ Y! W/ |
Randi took the jars from the boys and handed them wet paper. F: W6 Q1 t+ g, C
towels to wipe their hands. "Clean the cum off your penises
7 A$ U/ M3 X7 ~. Jalso," she told them.* I% z/ j) x2 V/ K2 H2 H: B
: h# E  P. U( [1 i$ j4 X' G7 G
The doctor filled a syringe and turned to the two tired' Z! U; U, J  x2 z
boys.  "Who's going to be first to get on the table for the
! Y/ s9 t- }$ {& I! x( Zimplant?" She asked Mrs. Connolly.# Z; H1 E- E% ^- d

* @" f% U7 [0 v0 }"Why not save the big mouth for last?" Mrs. Connolly said." x9 `5 O4 k& l  K6 k
"Let the tension build up. Do Josh first."
3 a# r: }4 ]) @8 C) w& w
, @; s7 [$ G7 f/ VJosh's face fell and a new round of tears started. "Please
7 n4 d$ h9 e. ydon't do this. I'll do whatever you want. Please don't cut+ n* u: O, l2 Q0 G  R4 _
my balls."
2 E2 g* I: l6 b) u" U8 z' g& a" f, F
"Get up on that table boy," Miss Thomas ordered. "Everybody
' [9 L. W2 D0 `  U" _  _gets the device." She grabbed his arm and tugged him over to
2 P9 w) n9 n2 L3 W4 c( Kwhere the Doctor and nurse waited. 1 P' u" W% ?# h, t

2 w# ?" M: ^) M$ |  ^+ r. l  aMichael watched nervously as Miss Thomas practically lifted) L& \8 x  o6 _6 m
the crying boy onto the table. Josh was really bawling now.
! G4 l4 C; ?5 X  I" v! H9 B& tMiss Thomas held him down as the nurse put his feet in the
" h0 F+ H$ O' d/ B" r7 Ystirrups, opening his legs and putting his scrotum in easy
) d9 E0 l4 L1 s6 Ureach of the doctor. Josh was arching his back and screaming
# e! n2 c. j1 P& V! B8 L4 |4 ~1 b: C"Nooo"as he fought against Miss Thomas's muscular arms.
: }' \) ]8 o3 o
/ S$ f- k; r. W"Josh if you don't stay still, I'm liable to slip with my( q2 D$ Q' \; A% \& `
scalpel and really cut your balls off," The Doctor warned.
" F; D; E1 B4 |" ^. F4 Z: I6 _" i3 V"You can live with no balls but your life wouldn't be too4 w) Y' W( y: Z  M( }. b
, T# n/ l0 c, e
8 n' }/ N' P8 T6 EThat quieted him down. He lay on the table, gripping the
! ~4 n" V6 c6 ^  N" ?* Msides tightly as Randi lifted his limp cock out of the way.( b4 F6 ?5 }# S+ s
She swabbed his entire groin with alcohol and nodded to the. j1 C- V, K5 G, h  x! q
Doctor. Dr. Brenner injected his scrotum with her syringe.
* e" R( H. ~0 v) K# f9 @. g: KJosh had his eyes closed as the needle plunged in. He jumped5 E$ v9 J# @8 H2 I5 |7 t
slightly then relaxed as his mid section went numb. Randi. g" V6 d8 e& q( O6 ^1 z
tugged at his cock. "Do you feel me squeezing your Penis?"
6 }& `1 ]. k9 K/ Oshe asked. Josh shook his head.
9 A  p, m" A9 b- B3 v# p6 s, a8 j, Q9 L, T+ P5 e
The doctor picked up the scalpel with her right hand and
3 F, s# T2 [# W4 i' k( F3 ?lifted his balls up. She made a small incision on the back$ J; v+ e3 ]' }1 b1 n
of his scrotum. It bled very little. Randi handed her the
$ H5 @0 v. a2 F  h/ y5 E8 H" R; sforceps with the microchip and took her scalpel. It was very- c! _5 T' Z  P4 Z" B# x
still in the room. Josh was sobbing quietly and the only
. K1 n* Y1 {5 v& ?other sound was Kelly's nervous giggle as the four girls and
; u+ X1 ]* ?. g' [8 H5 {3 Dthe guards watched.4 u) H, d5 A1 ^

/ p% J* {5 n" Z7 {* p' G5 O& gThe doctor implanted the tiny chip and sewed the incision up
' O0 U' f7 X5 |with two stitches. Randi leaned over and applied a Band-Aid.
' q( h$ O  e$ H; Z! W"You're all done Josh," She said. Did you feel anything?") F! C5 W& X" N% x/ f% R
3 w4 W1 q& P3 N  z: n/ D$ x6 D) M
"No," He sobbed. "My whole cock is numb." He stood up on
3 j) F) p" w9 z: Cshaky legs. Jennifer got up and let him sit down in her# E8 H% _' y7 d9 v" k
chair. Kelly was staring at his cock as if she couldn't
, }  H) Q6 L. Ibelieve it. She touched the tip with her finger. "Don't you
8 \5 K7 k$ w8 v, _feel this?" She asked.9 \( b3 X2 Z' T

8 j7 b$ O- C0 E4 Z% E, JJosh shook his head sadly. "It'll wear off in a few hours,"
6 t2 v" H( e$ F/ xChristie said. "All the boys had numb balls after the
5 [" X4 k, H6 uoperation."  @& g9 ]8 c2 T$ R0 A, p

# s) D4 U5 x! O9 e* S0 S5 Y! vDr. Brenner beckoned to Michael. "You're next my friend,"
$ O0 A- b8 H2 y4 ZShe informed the naked boy.
  u  G/ K' |1 }4 U3 U4 |3 q
8 R+ X) A! L0 |0 R; I"You're not touching me anymore." He shouted. "You've stuck0 q% i3 v/ H3 u/ ^; m4 k7 ]
fingers up my ass and made me do things I'd never do on the% F" _- E* t# H1 t7 {5 M% q. R
outside but this is the last time. Miguel Sanchez ain't no: [/ C$ X. U' v6 d! e! a1 Q
fucken' pussy. You want a piece of me, you come and get it."/ `( q. q7 O  u; {7 Y

& J  a% ]. K+ w; i# Q& w/ pMiss Thomas stood up. "I been waiting for this," She
# k: n7 z+ p4 I9 A+ s  P" Qsneered. "Tough guy, You're about to get so twisted you'll
3 V$ t7 Z$ r6 x$ F8 obe kissing your own ass."- ]# F0 F  C0 }- D
/ Z# Z! j3 y% u( J+ J4 H" B9 N5 ]
Jennifer interrupted. "Let me have him Mom," She begged. "He
/ U$ X: a/ f" breally needs to learn who's boss here."
# a+ _) y4 D9 G
' `! Z+ e! {* B7 u) H" bMrs. Connolly looked at her oldest daughter. Jennifer stood
+ ?7 c+ t' |  r, `; m' |* babout five foot four and weighed 110 pounds. There was no
) X1 N( ?' Z1 \! ~fat on her body. She was a couple of inches taller than
" C# Z5 {- k/ ?Michael and several years older. Best of all she had a black8 W  ?( S& w5 q) c* Y& k" L5 K
belt in Tai Kwan do. Mrs. Connolly nodded. "Let Jennifer
7 n( r. @. U  m2 Lhave him, Paula, The girls are gonna do most of the training
9 o; |' V. J- E4 [2 yin the future. We might as well establish that they're3 d$ P) [* R2 f& Y/ Y
capable."  Z# h1 ~' {6 R3 z

- d8 E7 P8 A* v" YShe patted Jennifer on the back. "Take off your shoes,
8 n! ^; c6 I: D7 D, E/ ?Honey. I don't want you messing his face up with your0 D. k. S  G+ M* Y1 A) x$ j
# L4 l. V4 Q1 I+ B
2 |/ q- u4 z1 |2 J+ Y) ~, TJennifer kicked off her white keds. She wasn't wearing socks
9 F$ P4 ?+ o2 B9 w: U/ r5 C  [and stood barefoot to face Michael. He kicked off his clumsy
' k, C6 ?% O) V/ v- d) Eflip-flops and went into a karate stance. "Mommy you're
8 C/ T( A- p6 U0 ^! Labout to get your pretty ass kicked," He grinned.
3 Q7 u1 b8 z: E# b1 w  ^+ Q
7 R) q/ G# X' F) {& e7 w4 b( PWhat happened next wiped the grin off Michael's face.$ U, b! \8 i3 G& q- X* G0 l; F
Jennifer leapt into the air and landed her left heel on his; n/ W1 F0 B3 |* Q2 g4 P
chest sending him flying backward.
% M; s1 s+ `4 M2 @/ q$ n2 M$ j* _& D% ?. w1 P5 r5 Z- l1 E; q
He got to his feet and moved in cautiously. The doctor and
& H8 a% D: D5 s: w, ^: T. R4 Enurse moved out of the way as Michael circled in a crouch.2 B/ r2 P1 j! ]5 [: l' y. J
He jumped forward and swung a karate chop aimed at
8 @) ]0 o! ^! E- ]5 S8 rJennifer's neck. Quick as a cat she moved to the side and
' ^( q$ C3 s0 f" R: c" Wthe blow missed her. Michael was off balance and fell
9 \4 b* r2 u' _5 }: mforward. Jennifer gave him a reverse kick as he lunged by.
% P8 ~' H8 g( Y% @: [) t" kHer bare foot landed on his sore ass. Again the naked boy
% j7 l# E/ O: b4 n2 X9 N( g% Zwent down.( ~0 [! {" P* n

/ d/ m" n( D. W# U; GMichael got up again. This time he was more deliberate.  M4 t: a4 K$ n+ H
Jennifer stood in front of him, Her arms at her side.
# W  R2 |0 q6 O# t, b. ~0 I/ _Michael swung. She tilted her head and his hand missed.
" T6 `0 |% C& Z7 F( B$ c% gGrabbing his arm she twisted her body and kicked him in his7 j( b+ X* s' t; I  E
knee. Again he went down. Michael was breathing heavy as he
" {% k; p; n3 {, Hstood for the fourth time.
5 \/ b; @, E3 d2 e4 N  i: [# D& F/ A$ Y7 W8 Q
"Stay still, Damn it," He cursed as she circled him,
1 n. F+ d/ ^1 R5 }" Bbouncing lightly on her feet. ) j! l) Y: q; T

. p# Q- E6 z$ ?1 y& z6 P"Come on Michael," She taunted. "You keep bragging about how
* f% T0 u3 g+ \1 v- Ntough you are. Are you going to let a girl kick your ass?".6 l# R/ E: U1 C  q1 h

. z% f5 n0 R( G! _Michael put his head down and charged. Waiting till the last! @2 O% i9 o5 B8 k( p
second Jennifer turned her body sideways and the stocky boy4 X/ ^3 O0 d. t, o" a
missed again and crashed into Ricky. They went down, a, ]2 P- b" x3 R# H( u- |
tangle of naked arms and legs. Jennifer grabbed Michael by
6 s% _; e! s% ]; Y# x2 Hhis hair and yanked him up. She slapped his face and grabbed! k! k+ t# @; I0 y4 H1 W  y" P8 m
his balls. Tightening her hand she pulled him over to the
6 `% E2 X& N& K7 h. Mtable. "Get up on that table right now," she ordered. "Next" Q& v% p  `  g7 g2 G4 [
time I won't be so gentle."
9 L6 y3 u1 Q4 @2 D/ w! J6 [0 v+ S& S$ {2 F$ R/ A
Beaten, Michael climbed up on the table. His face was red
# ~* U, _8 r" W4 ofrom exertion and humiliation. He was sobbing, The tears# N- N' o; p$ R- b
rolling down his cheeks as Randi put his feet in the
1 P7 M" A7 d; k  j6 P5 e+ Nstirrups. Jennifer stood to the side to watch the operation
0 l: F8 G- y) oclose up. She wasn't even breathing hard.
% ]/ O( L; }, e1 Z: ^5 e' R5 G8 ?
The operation was over in a few minutes. Randi lifted5 w  z6 V4 O& q6 w4 r6 E# i5 s0 x
Michael's limp cock up and swabbed his groin area with
) [/ Y. N/ z2 w0 ?alcohol. She held his dick out of the way as the doctor; ?! H+ t: ^  L" c6 w4 Z1 F5 w
injected the anesthetic. The doctor lifted his large ball
5 V7 c3 p5 k) W6 C9 x% xsack up and made the incision in the back. She quickly/ X' x% C9 n1 d. O! t& A
inserted the microchip and sewed him up.
7 n3 w8 D; E( p* k9 S- K) H) h6 S
Randi put a Band-Aid on the small cut and helped him off the
6 n5 J( K5 C; Q3 F. T( T: Ctable. 5 f6 u3 p" \1 J$ ?
5 q, g% w9 ~/ M0 L' L, x9 i
"You two boys can rest this afternoon," Mrs. Connolly told- d: r& V$ \; ]
Josh and Michael. "Don't get too comfortable. You've got
5 {( k" p  E- @/ P6 Tsome punishment due. Josh you acted like a little crybaby/ }( l0 k+ k. y5 V1 v( E" v
and you're gonna be spanked later for it. Michael you've8 i% M) R9 g1 X  W$ G' p% l
already been punished by getting your ass handed to you by a
8 l& L; [  d" M' u. o' K* c( Wgirl. But you're also due for other discipline for your! e/ X' k$ R/ T7 M# q! {
outburst and for your behavior the last two days. We'll be
0 n, W* P" [$ q& M* P9 k: Hin to see you after the anesthetic wears off."
, ^- f  W1 b5 H6 Y' c
  Q8 b0 `7 r' K. o" g. Z She turned to Miss Thomas. "Take them back to the dorm,
, i) h7 p- ~, O7 X7 l4 ]Then meet us in receiving. Kevin and his aunt are due in1 x( O, D8 R( c% V. M# M8 w
about a half an hour. Lets all be there to greet our newest
+ j% ~6 G7 B$ y8 L3 t# _5 fstudent and make him feel at home."
0 l( |- X/ S8 _: \2 f1 d4 H
4 N) {9 y9 o8 W2 }5 q/ s5 jMiss Thomas nodded. "Come on you two. Take your numb nuts
* T" i& g$ D  s: vand follow me." She laughed at her little joke and opened
( Q1 g$ I; K% Z; ]. bthe door. / s6 N% R0 ~, Y& Q
. G9 N9 x! x1 e
Jennifer said, "Just one moment." She was still barefoot.; R7 ~7 G/ M2 U& P* R
She beckoned to Michael. "You owe me something," She1 j5 n" U* }& J% ~6 `8 T  a
informed the very unhappy boy. "Kneel down in front of me
0 K9 w, \; Y% |- band tell me I'm your Queen."
' Z! n2 K/ S" R4 D8 e' \9 l! ^5 r- M! n
Michael almost said no. He saw the look in Jennifer's eyes
! |3 y8 w- G0 q, N3 n4 w7 V. M3 wand knelt. "You're my Queen," He mumbled.
  B# e& F. \: L. ?% Z+ W/ ?0 @2 k% h/ Q3 f8 b) @4 \9 s3 W7 d# E( A
"Good now take my foot and lick between each of my toes."
) q- Z$ W# z1 J) x' h) l
! q2 \; S5 U# t+ I1 ~Michael shook his head. "I can't," He croaked. "Please don't
# B/ V# t& b: W2 O1 N; Tmake me."& r+ p; A  p, l: }) X8 p9 a

0 Q+ N1 e; B# h( L: B2 ?  F"Do it or I'll kick your ass again and this time I won't# t# b( J1 v% j8 k, f% m% ?
hold back," She threatened.
2 ^# w+ A" G1 v$ f1 W+ x; i( i5 `  G& ~) X3 Z  M
Michael sobbed and picked up her left foot. He was red with
) A6 \5 g# A, t, y! Z4 R# ^: trage but helpless and he knew it. Jennifer had pretty feet
3 O  ^) B* F3 m* \2 T9 b; z$ Ewith long graceful toes and if this was foreplay, Michael4 \& X5 }) ^& L  I4 E$ N
might have enjoyed it. But he was a naked prisoner who just
5 `- Y7 h  j4 I  chad his ass beaten by this girl and couldn't feel anything8 c( e7 l; R3 i
in his genitals anyway.  9 w' T, c5 N! p, I1 t- c7 o

8 N. S. y, J" m" N# q* nHis tongue flicked out and as the other girls watched
. |# J- H( O5 ?" A: ggiggling and making comments he licked between each toe.
) q0 k+ F( t7 ]  x2 FThen took the other foot in his hand and repeated the
# X' T' n0 E5 Y0 sprocess. He was openly bawling as he finished and was
0 C+ ~$ M: W, U* G+ z* t2 lallowed to stand up. % z2 B3 C! p# [# S
. a4 L8 N0 D2 T% U- M9 ~1 K
The two forlorn nude boys followed Miss Thomas out the door
3 \; h6 z; `% S  e) a9 Dpast Andy and Christopher and the two guards and down the' ?7 D- v( t' T; ?8 N/ T
hall. Michael averted his eyes so the two boys didn't see
+ I* W1 s% I; G% `$ F9 qhim crying.
- a+ _( x# ]- j6 ~3 f* N7 P- ~
  @2 A# C0 B) i" a5 V% L2 g+ A" S) {  g"Thank you again Doctor, "Mrs. Connolly said following the! q- m; v+ g( C- r
boys out. "Sorry for the little fight but at least nothing, r. u8 l/ j& g; S2 t
got broken. I'll have another patient for you tomorrow.
0 H+ J- V# B# p  j1 nPlease schedule to be here in the morning."
* n: A! c7 B- _" C3 C4 v0 y: e& t
4 d$ A2 t- [' b* n' vMiss Maikowski and Miss Paulson stood up as the family2 [; N3 x; u$ j" S9 p* l
trooped out of the examining room into the waiting room. 7 `9 B2 |$ q3 m; B
/ `0 J6 s: o: a% b- }( Q
"Sorry we took so long," Mrs. Connolly apologized. "Michael
8 b2 K* n* z: ^  Bgave us a little trouble but Jennifer took care of it."- T$ Q% x/ r* \; m  u# j; E5 f# s

$ G8 H5 y( ?* d" m"She kicked his ass all over the place," Caitlin informed9 g) W2 l8 R7 ?
the two guards."
. {* {: R. o$ ^4 P" \" ?0 A
$ k( s7 N: C. K3 P" O7 D"We managed to keep ourselves busy," Mrs. Maikowski cackled,
7 \, x' o2 e% b+ _2 Olooking at Andy and Chris.$ _0 J6 }% x6 T2 T8 }: K) ?
. W- [' {/ d. l8 ]" r+ B
The entire group moved down to the reception room to prepare- Z. D/ n0 j: r1 \, J: h
for Kevin and his aunt.+ ~# _- e, l8 Z3 n

2 P2 {+ X1 Y5 `9 R6 P/ \6 mAt the reception room Ricky, Andy and Chris were ordered to
1 O2 M3 q  f+ i, G* \+ @6 Cgo into receiving and stand against the wall so Kevin and# g1 u: Y- u) t' G: N9 M: J( D" Z
his aunt would see them when they walked in. "Make sure your8 u) P4 L+ A. B$ f1 t
cocks are hard and put your hands behind your heads. When
2 [: x0 i" A6 T& D! l, }they walk in you're to greet them by saying, "Welcome to) h1 A! u0 i/ v9 U" U
Grandview school. Is that clear?" Mrs. Connolly said.
- B6 x$ W6 w- _4 T! o8 W1 d4 _* x; _/ {! e5 _* A
"Yes Ma'am," all three boys said as they went into the room
, }: Q0 Z5 e% X0 ?where days ago they had been stripped and humiliated for the5 M! a4 z" d% D9 ?6 D- b
first time.  g- x. Y' l6 o* M% K2 t' L

6 G( V( d% C" X9 m. i. H+ KThe girls stayed out to see Kevin when he arrived and the7 m( V: k( E2 ^- r) d( }3 u
three boys were unsupervised. There was no where to go.0 K, P' n- l! Z" s9 s, i

5 y4 v4 K* a& y1 R+ ?: T5 ?Ricky told Andy and Chris about the fight. "Jennifer kicked
0 Q) P( h1 s' j. j) [$ ^% Y% LMichael's ass. He couldn't land one punch. She was awesome,"* `+ R$ x+ y, c0 W* g
The little blonde boy said with admiration in his voice.
6 Z" {; x: Y. ]7 s8 k% `& U! P"Then afterwards he had to lick her feet and tell her she/ B  v6 r. j+ l% {9 P: u' |
was his queen.", {5 R& r6 P2 m  T- s( m' [
7 G- G. m% j) ^% ~2 r" v
"Mrs. Maikowski made me suck Chris off in the waiting room
% q& ?7 W, t6 ^# F& |while you guys were in there," Andy said. "I hate that mean& R" }" I( n- C6 n. F8 K  j; C
old bitch. I hate all of them."
$ W& i* t2 {0 n7 y7 b  G8 i8 R2 W
"We better get hard or they'll spank us," Christopher said.$ ]. B  T: F, `& y
"Do you want me to play with your peenie Andy?"4 q' t  E9 H: F/ i$ d
6 ]& T. e& x+ X6 |
Andy looked embarrassed. "No Chris, They make us do stuff to" l$ _* C( s( B
each other and we can't say no cause they'll hurt us. When
: s) r  F) k* j. B5 @4 G3 r4 Ywe're alone we shouldn't touch each other's things. We'll
! K9 g, G/ H1 ~/ L* K# ^% Hjust rub our own dicks okay?"
0 e6 Q/ J$ }  }) g. ?; c, ?" x* C
The three boys stood against the wall and rubbed and fondled6 q1 m- Y1 G7 ^. s( h, T
their own cocks. They stared straight ahead not looking at  V0 L# S- P8 o/ a+ w, K0 d
each other. It was embarrassing enough to have to do it in% q- t3 u( Q9 s- z: {
front of the girls.' P- g, b0 D, H5 E# L% V0 l
) F4 m8 U( x7 k& B! Q
In the meantime Miss Thomas had led Michael and Josh to the9 p4 b% P( z8 @4 P
dorm. "You really are stupid boy," She told Michael. "Do you
5 g) l# |" H# P0 q+ e9 t1 Breally think you're gonna get away with anything?  Wise Up, w6 F# S- R$ x
and play by the rules." + N6 N5 }0 J* [

1 p! O7 q* b8 X' \2 `, A! \Michael didn't say anything. His cock and balls were still
% V/ z. p6 r& B2 Hnumb. His knee hurt where Jennifer had kicked him. His ass6 J9 z3 o+ g3 O7 ^, L! a& n$ y
was sore. He definitely wasn't having a good day. He had no
& s, q: C7 |0 H' Z: H$ Away of knowing how much worse it was going to get. : m3 n' x& v: _+ D( f
! L5 |1 o* @/ j' K5 ~
"Get some rest. The numbness will wear off in a few hours.7 Z9 T  J2 {$ o1 C; O
You have to skip lunch. It'll make you nauseous. We'll come5 P* A- ~" U& {* x" X/ s% S  s0 ^
to get you for dinner." Miss Thomas left locking the door6 S. O$ l3 R( G$ V$ [8 C( ^. X7 G
behind her. She was on her way to meet the others when the
9 }1 d/ a3 d& {  {$ d. ffront bell rang.
+ S3 E8 @8 I# e+ A" m1 s: @3 d. f* S$ @- ^
She opened the door and stood aside as The chief of police% X" V! m6 b: s9 r
and a tall pretty woman, walked in with a slight, good
. h; h$ [7 Y, _looking, ten year old boy with reddish brown hair.
- o9 d* T  _, a8 P) u" `* z# w. F4 J7 M- o8 I
"Hi Paula," Chief Crane greeted her. "How have you been?"2 t7 `2 B' b" _+ r, Z

  K9 c' l/ q  F' g5 R) _' DThe chief had been her boss when she was on the police force
( z' `3 c# E, s( ybefore transferring to the school. He was fully aware of the; s6 T& c" Z. m8 ^% P. p, T' ]
training regimen of the school and approved one hundred
. i0 b) p/ L" f  H& Upercent. A friend of the State governor, He was there to' c1 }6 c9 q: K4 k
report on the progress of the school and set up a visit from2 x8 ?" N/ \. W% E! P) J5 [6 `
the governor in the near future. Nearing retirement age he4 ?  ~. T1 g) Y, J; G1 V5 ~. ?
was hoping to get a job at the school as dean of girls when
% {* v0 a/ a3 R2 t5 Sthe school went co-ed.
6 a' ]( _$ |) d1 u8 u6 W+ \! k) t9 G! B; M# i5 h& j
"This is Ann Marie Parish and her nephew Kevin." The Chief6 H* q8 H' u' n
made the introductions. "Paula is the head guard at the$ N8 H% H' j4 {
school and a good friend."7 _5 B% o9 \6 N9 D* e
6 T  u! h+ c9 B- w* g7 J( U+ V# i6 L
"I'm pleased to meet you Miss Thomas. My nephew is in a bit
9 Y7 y+ ~# L) t7 ~6 c/ ~of trouble and I agreed with the chief that this school
, @5 v+ j8 Y( Z( c8 k1 hmight help him straighten out."
) i# l% @1 V. }$ d8 c. Z& {0 ?: U" j- H& J9 {3 [
The two women shook hands. Miss Thomas took a good look at
3 f' U9 u9 V1 ]+ V' \Kevin. Unlike most people with red hair he didn't have
- s$ \! b' @, F5 a2 R+ Jfreckles and white skin. He was olive complexioned with big- G2 q/ @& h2 w9 q6 }; ]
brown eyes. Quite a good looking boy she thought.  "Hi: A8 e  d7 L2 s2 i6 R
Kevin," Miss Thomas said. "Welcome to Grandview school. You
4 [7 {" A$ W9 T% d3 khave a friend who lives here. Christie is waiting to see
  D( }  g6 ], i8 I6 Y3 C3 kyou.": U! }) n, b( v0 G4 B* N  o8 d& Q
/ l1 W' o! g$ V  p/ {! J$ k, X( \
At the mention of Christie's name Kevin's face lit up.
/ s% ~! @6 |4 `! @8 A  b"Christie is here. Great. Maybe she'll believe me that I'm* `( Y* a8 f& {" Y$ D
not selling marijuana."* H* r0 S* X8 S7 K& Z, I
2 g8 M& Q* _+ \
"He keeps saying that he was only holding it for another boy
7 {' A  T  i8 Obut he wouldn't tell me the other boy's name," His aunt
+ y! h- f. H7 n8 _9 t! Oexplained shaking her head. "I only agreed to watch him for) G) w2 g0 i; g4 O- }9 ^
a little while and it's been two years. I'm not good at! `& `- v: S' ~2 S
raising kids. Maybe this is what he needs."
" Z4 H6 r( r/ t, R1 @- c$ r
; C# R1 a- J9 _1 M% L/ C% ?( IThey were walking down the hall to the reception room. "Did
: T7 a' l/ ~& [, X1 z+ m! u+ athe chief explain about how we discipline the boys?" Miss# y; ^2 |1 Q, v1 ]8 o
Thomas asked.; H; h' ^8 F. j5 V+ h
6 N3 v! ], J# g8 H8 }, I; \
"I met with your Mrs. Connolly in town yesterday and all she
  W- g0 D( y; G  Z$ [4 ~1 Rtold me was to have Kevin shower and be presentable when I
4 a( j" A# R8 O! ^* A8 vbrought him here. I've heard rumors about the school but
- l3 X9 N/ \6 m. _& \" p- v/ P& O" ythat's all."% ?  T* C, `7 [0 Z- a( ~7 w1 q

4 r4 b2 P- ?# @' f& i9 C0 _; c) ?5 ^7 ^They reached the reception room and Miss Thomas led them in. ) Z) Y" e; b- {! P; t6 _

( L4 N8 w. Y! Y/ }"Chief, How are you?" Mrs. Connolly greeted the elderly5 \4 ?% T2 E) ]$ w+ f- I2 i
policeman. "This is such a surprise. Welcome."
2 A' g6 D. }& B0 l; \" s; j; g4 i1 U6 ~* p& ^6 H3 X
"Hi Jean. I came up to see how you've been doing. What do& o: ?4 x' _6 D* \* X! ~
you have, five boys now?"
. S6 Q5 L# D3 M: @
- i+ K( s: F0 h& \1 J1 j. \1 P. u"Actually, We have six with Kevin." Mrs. Connolly said.
+ a; t5 K6 z6 D* ~- w% {4 `"Hello Miss Parish its good to see you again. This must be8 _; f% r. \* S8 e2 v
Kevin." She smiled at the red haired boy.& t, a' V, M" _3 }

4 A' O' L6 L( D4 N9 s+ d"Hello," Kevin mumbled. Then he saw Christie. "Hi Christie,"1 U* ]$ ^6 y+ }
he smiled shyly. "I'm so glad to see you. I guess I'm going
0 r; ~4 ]7 }8 a# Vto be living here with you."
/ ^! U: j1 K. J  g: W
+ D6 {, r# b1 Z! Z* }. L' d' O  I5 fChristie felt bad about what was waiting for the boy. For6 @* x" t3 V, T
the first time since the school started she didn't want to
0 N. T+ R$ }6 jstrip and humiliate someone. "Hi Kevin," She smiled sadly.
$ Y+ |4 J3 P+ @% G" A- @! {2 G( `"Why did you have that marijuana on you. You're such a
) T# b2 J3 P8 q6 O% W6 O, B+ g* Gjerk."1 o9 a- T# V) w, d
' b$ C/ Q* N" J4 j$ m) d  X( _
"You know me, I don't use drugs," He protested. "I was
& H+ G  b8 m# b3 h) ~holding it for someone. You have to believe me."
8 H! {; n* {1 m
: `9 g: k7 ?; O, U" j2 k"Tell them who you were holding it for, please Kevin."$ x9 w/ }$ g0 A
Christie begged.# b( H" q* u" f% c' j9 X! M
8 Y6 t. l  }3 u9 y& U
"I can't. He'll kill me and I promised I wouldn't"
+ \1 o) U% c! u. x' Z* \$ k) u7 y
5 v# P4 x. f2 D  u& t"Don't say I didn't warn you," Christie shook her head. "You
& }- V8 q: W1 U+ m: P. nknow my sisters don't you?"
* I( a7 o0 B5 j+ S8 f( |6 z4 S/ R4 |  D7 ?9 y
"Hi Jennifer, Caitlin, Kelly," Kevin greeted.
- L- [( y6 X4 W) w3 v0 x5 c$ Q  J( e. C; L+ L0 N  d
The three other girls were standing to the side looking
, V: G8 ^; S1 O+ LKevin over. Kelly was giggling. Jennifer and Caitlin were" E* W" k1 Y( W9 y  G& |" r  |- B
whispering to each other. "Bet you his cock is smaller than
# D2 L1 m9 ^" k- {Christopher's and uncircumcised," Caitlin whispered.
5 m, Y: y5 A7 `% x8 A# N. F! c# t- _, S" k0 Q2 E3 o/ {" M# v
"Bet it is too circumcised."  Jennifer said. "Five dollars."4 v3 w6 m+ Z; g4 E

, ^& z* O. |" Z"You're on," Caitlin said.
  a( }2 Z& r1 V" e1 d* Y) I8 [7 u3 d, p( q3 C+ w
"Well lets get started. I need you to go into the receiving: x4 p$ x; G" ]# Y4 k; d
room to be processed, Kevin." Mrs. Connolly said. "Christie
; i4 a- _" M6 e' s1 q, ywill be in charge of your indoctrination." ; @/ m' X# k- X

, S1 r% [6 p% N0 }6 OMiss Thomas and Lori Paulson led the way. As they walked
- K; C- R$ `% Iinto the room the three naked boys straightened up and put  {% n5 S. k/ d# t' l) j
their hands behind their heads. Their three little cocks
6 ?0 `1 T5 O3 [0 V; O1 `6 Ijutted forward proudly. They had done a good job getting
6 K2 r8 x; a7 thard.
% ?, H/ S9 B  k' N! A. x& O0 ]; `/ O, T: H7 w4 d7 H
Christie was next leading an unsuspecting Kevin followed by" G8 s9 c( I- L# G$ c
his Aunt and the chief. Mrs. Maikowski and Mrs. Connolly: d7 a. M# ]/ e$ @  \. w
were right behind, then the three other girls.) a: A- ~/ v& c  e' U) P

1 d2 m) Q: S4 N/ GAs soon as the boys saw Kevin and his aunt they sang out
! D8 o1 r, ~3 E4 f* Etogether, "Welcome to Grandview school"
3 B" X$ `: Y. e6 k' A# Q7 y% R$ y
. k% s6 l. y4 W! @, ?- l5 NKevin stopped dead in his tracks. His mouth popped open in
5 d: s6 j! u2 L4 b6 M' m7 Gshock. His aunt looked straight at the naked boys. "My god6 ~; j/ }; Y& j9 O4 J: G
the rumors are true," She marveled. The chief just looked0 d3 K$ z; \7 z4 _8 |+ |' |9 p1 A
and grinned.# O( m9 {+ P  `2 B# ~# d3 [8 ]
  X8 e! e* s$ x7 O( X: v  {
"Christie those guys are naked," Kevin said in a squeaky7 H; G# R! w! s. D+ q: `
voice. "They're naked," he repeated shocked to see three/ }: G# U; u! C$ Y3 g3 O
nude boys with erect cocks.
6 G& P9 _' v" y* a$ @$ i. N! J! y. U( v. `5 X+ }6 w
"Why don't you have a seat?" Mrs. Connolly invited the chief
: w% F  N- h2 R) |& Land Ann Marie. The three guards sat down as well and the9 X( {' Y/ ~& x
three other Connolly girls joined them. Kevin just stared at
- g  r4 V5 i2 _) fthe boys., G* {$ @! ~2 l& w- H8 V- B: {

% S" j7 x8 J! `& \4 ]"These are three of our students," Mrs. Connolly informed
7 }4 f: j, h3 O4 \Aunt Ann Marie. "Would you like to examine them?"
$ h( z$ m+ K+ H" S0 o1 q  I: G& ]* p* x' D, `
The tall dark haired woman nodded. Mrs. Connolly beckoned
' q  |9 r6 S# B) ]0 Sthe three boys over. "Stand next to her and keep your hands  d* T5 N( I/ @6 C- F% ]+ ]7 H+ r
on your heads," she ordered."- C9 b  z# O. S. g# P

5 D# o2 z1 f# R, }6 V1 X$ L0 Z4 I) BThe three naked boys stood by her side blushing beet red as
# }3 K" H4 n6 P  }3 E( ^Kevin's aunt explored each cock and pair of balls. She
2 @) W. z0 d/ t6 r8 Q: [  D. M% Vcupped Ricky's balls first, rubbing his cock. Then examined
; H2 U8 x( a# L  ^" `$ oAndy's dick minutely before moving on to Chris's tiny
- y+ D1 W# _6 L* D$ o9 J( d9 w( m/ C9 Mpecker. The old chief looked on smiling.  Satisfied her
9 [' V) q# Z8 tguests were comfortable Mrs. Connolly joined Kevin and
! r2 |& R; m& M* v! eChristie who had remained standing.4 Y9 y: n5 S& w6 M; F
5 ~, H% l: K' f  j* \! a9 @
"Do you see that box on the table?" She asked the red haired
" w) E4 C3 S3 r) g7 I6 i5 zboy. Kevin nodded, speechless. He was starting to get$ M3 L1 i* G0 Q9 ?
scared.  X3 d3 _7 G' q) `3 a2 ]$ L

+ b+ g* I7 Y" O2 g( c2 }5 a"I want you to take off all your clothing and put them in
; F& h, v% e  B) b( U! N, \' ]that box. Your aunt will take them home. Your uniform is9 R. }$ k- \- f# C1 l- T  w
those flip-flops and that hat. That's all you'll wear during0 v) C- d2 E, G
your stay as a student here. Christie will help you get
7 P9 |0 ^; x$ G; W  e/ |% S! tundressed. Now hurry up we haven't got all day"
4 Q( M8 Z9 K* u0 D6 b+ T2 [7 q' V, x- V' c
Kevin looked like a deer trapped in headlights. He was
3 I  K) z/ C( tfrozen. "Kevin take your shirt off," Christie ordered.' p! F- {! O( J8 q' [" \% M% u# o
2 h( c5 w. X, o
"Please Christie you can't mean it," He begged." I'm your
  M/ i/ l& C! q8 D1 I; l& `friend. We're in the same class in school."
" E/ j4 f1 N% u( y
$ n% A- t( g# c% b"No Kevin you're in this school now. And I'm a guard. Now' ~! a0 d. C0 N$ ]  R. Q" K4 ?  j
you better get naked or my Mom will have the guards strip6 r. V& Q/ t2 N" b
you anyway."
  ]4 d, F  X5 ]3 Q- r
( o; }7 d7 I$ l# f( AKevin looked over at his aunt. She was busy pulling Ricky's0 b* n2 k6 z& h" k: N
cock, The little blonde boy was on his tiptoes, His eyes
, x, `6 j1 l" L; S. a5 Nclosed as she jerked him to a climax. "Do as you're told
& z  H8 S* t' T3 o0 s6 zKevin," His aunt said. "You're just like your mother. She
2 G* ^* }0 b7 B" P" K4 X) ^drinks and you're following in her footsteps with drugs."
7 Q( ~# K7 n, N0 m. M8 k+ q' Q# q& [5 S9 @6 }/ [
The little red haired boy started crying. He unbuttoned his  D+ @2 p9 ~- ]# b  W
shirt and slowly pulled it off. Christie took it and threw, O0 O, ]6 R1 e
it in the cardboard box.: ^! o7 p6 Q, ~& `0 L) a

7 ]' B& G' S/ h5 y* G0 W"Now your shoes and socks," She ordered.
2 y2 P3 m8 J" R2 a6 v
: c7 N# i+ `7 l$ tKevin sat down on the bench and untied his shoelaces. He- H# b0 `: }& S# T- y3 n- ~! v
handed his sneakers to Christie who threw them in the box.
! ?, B% d( l3 HHe peeled his socks off and they followed his shoes in the& C0 i  o" Q4 g* m) B% d6 W
box./ D5 d7 o% i$ @5 e* O4 o

# O. i3 V' b* r"You better stand up and take your pants off now Kevin," The
4 c5 j: Q  e8 F, v' h: Apretty blonde girl said. " Please don't cry, It won't do you
. U4 a" f9 I% |4 oany good."
$ A  [4 b4 ], z; d
0 {2 f3 F" f8 x! n; PKevin was shaking as he loosened his belt. His aunt was
/ s& ?) ^* D1 w5 L1 a  \4 swatching closely. "He's so shy, He won't even let me see him
' k1 C1 n" Z4 \( e! vin his underwear at home," She told the chief as she watched
# `7 u- }8 [0 r% E" {" X' mher nephew being forced to strip while she pulled Andy's% b# ~) t# y+ K5 G
cock and fingered his asshole.4 y" n7 Z( R* Q8 w( X8 \

. _3 n) _2 J* x# l( cKevin dropped his pants and stepped out of them. Christie5 L& G  j- p* ?% o5 g, y$ E: R2 F# Z
picked them up and put them in the box. His face was red
9 }# _1 K( j9 Ewith shame as he stood in front of everybody in just his+ u: B: K2 L; U
white briefs.
8 `* p/ V. x0 i
$ \& p3 Y8 ^7 a"Pull them down Christie," Caitlin yelled. "I've got five
( E& ]9 a9 n5 |6 Tbucks on whether his cock is circumcised or not."
- F9 C% I. `+ F9 c- @# G
+ O1 n) N* p1 O/ S0 ]"Please put your hands on your head Kevin." Christie0 ]$ V* F. {+ m5 P( f
ordered. "I have to pull your underpants down now."# i3 O/ q+ ]/ O% f' z

5 M* }# o( R" q"Please don't do this to me Christie," Kevin pleaded.
/ O: Z  `) a/ X9 j& C, ]* q1 {9 T"You're my friend."   G% b+ X# F- O: T) t6 _& x

1 F" h3 F4 e' P/ w4 v+ c6 R"I'm sorry, now put your hands on your head or they'll just0 Q% g. @: b7 \! Z
strip you by force."
4 W  G" m  `0 U+ g( U! I8 f5 O$ [1 ^7 \! L! X0 m2 U* s7 c
Kevin did as he was ordered His hands went up to his head.
. ^4 z# R) \; `" j; c# o) zHe shut his eyes as he felt her hands in the waistband of7 z5 b- r) j/ o2 [1 b9 v- Z9 n5 C
his briefs. He was trembling.- b) O" N$ ^/ {* g  t$ c

5 a! j6 @( e- [/ p$ b; uChristie looked down at his briefs. She could see the tent
9 K0 Q+ U: Y) }1 Iin his underwear where his cock was. She took a deep breath* K" C1 q$ x0 j$ l
and yanked them down. "Step out of them," She ordered the7 Q" }$ Y2 [- D) h9 I  |( |
sobbing boy. She got her first look at her friend's naked3 N$ c  _) R: g* I: [
cock. "Not bad," She thought. Caitlin lost the bet on two5 F6 O( l4 ]. B. w! `
counts. Kevin's cock was circumcised and was bigger than0 {: i5 G$ |5 ]4 c' ]& C6 ^* }
Andy's. It was bigger than Ricky's was also and wasn't even
4 j! a9 D2 f% zhard yet.$ v6 {0 l  ^5 p" M6 f5 R

7 J. G' ?, |( x" m3 T% RShe threw his underpants into the box. + M, C+ t5 D7 G$ |8 l
1 ^8 H/ C- t3 [; W6 j" A1 z
"I have to examine you," She told him. "Keep your hands on6 _/ x4 h" d( [4 E9 Y* H2 e. G
your head."  {" ]$ M4 F9 ^8 g; W! j

9 t1 o# S! u$ x6 i" H+ ]& T; N: [" HKevin was crying as Christie took his cock in her hand. She9 T  {6 c) l$ y0 \5 G6 W
pushed the foreskin back and checked the cock head, running
7 N" E5 E" s( }( ?8 h5 Nher finger around his pee hole. Kevin was sobbing and. J  m9 i; R5 U# P; K
trembling as he stood naked and humiliated in front of all
6 @. N5 L8 u) L' Bthese people. 0 }& R2 B) H- H7 S. _5 M6 W6 X

& `  K* c+ a# @/ x$ m' OChristie knelt in front of him to get a better look. She' g+ H- M; _2 l
cupped his small ball sack in her hands, kneading his two3 C2 a8 B8 ?: q! E! u1 R* Q% p
6 h* ?8 C- R: _, U2 Y  i3 C, C9 D" R+ r9 w( f
The three other Connolly sisters came over to see for
7 k) n: e- O5 x' Fthemselves. "Pay up turkey breath," Jennifer told Caitlin.. y! I- Y* Q) Z" A8 n& ]
"I win." Kelly walked around behind the embarrassed boy.# `! |1 R4 C, K, A
"He's got a really cute tush," She giggled.
! c0 a$ }) W/ G' y% ^1 n1 E8 f3 n) [% f) r! _( t# u4 R4 j
Each girl handled Kevin's genitals as he stood hands on
2 I( u7 c- V+ Z- E$ F9 Rhead. Despite his acute humiliation his cock grew. It was, N5 O$ ^$ u: G
quite large with a hard-on. He was at least an inch bigger* ?5 K! n/ Q! H- d$ J( I
than Andy who was a year older and about a half inch larger8 y1 t$ [0 w" u# F
than Ricky was. His cock was also slightly thicker. Like the. p" U2 n1 w0 [% \7 _. Z6 W
other boys he was hairless.
7 s- p4 [; H1 H( J1 P, D; `
9 D( x1 \0 S4 g/ y$ p! z$ U' x"I wonder if he has sperm yet," Jennifer mused. "Lets find, n9 L6 n2 n% c# a; N* t
out." Caitlin joined her older sister. Jennifer was stroking+ v" X& R1 @  H
Kevin's cock while Caitlin played with his balls. Christie
, j9 @/ r, W. E4 R5 K" h( cwatched as her sisters masturbated her friend. Kelly stood7 E# P, H" I$ n" v( \$ j
behind him stroking his ass. ' g- r7 b8 ^$ v$ m! j4 F  {) F8 h

- @6 J6 h( Q$ l$ U3 G9 w2 JKevin's breathing quickened as the three girls attacked his1 v) c! r, ?8 j4 _
cock and ass. His eyes were still closed. Suddenly he- t) J: }5 E. M
stiffened his body. "Oh my god," he whispered as he rose up
+ E  F. S$ S4 H' _$ b- ~7 h2 hon his toes and came. It was a dry cum. 3 e% p0 V0 [1 M' s
! {* w% h; Y2 L9 F0 w: l0 t
His aunt was finished with the three naked boys and now
( I. |7 T  k( X( N; Rwalked over to her nephew along with Mrs. Connolly.
/ m( _* t/ y. V( `7 B: y2 \2 d( ?3 c
"Go ahead," Mrs. Connolly invited. "Check his cock out."$ t" L+ G, H  c! y% G- S! O2 d4 w2 ?
1 ?$ T% C7 C7 U0 _6 u
Kevin blushed even redder as his aunt knelt in front of him
6 p" l& |% C. [, k3 Z$ Jand examined her nephew's cock. "He's my sister's son but I
( s9 _$ N! T* ]+ d) T3 K, v6 k, Hthink he inherited his fathers cock," She said as she
9 {6 K/ i( a% ?- r; V  D4 @stroked and fondled it. Despite himself Kevin's cock started" j) F) e/ C* j  x$ [
to harden again.0 J9 |* p" l# q6 [
2 R5 ^/ ^' n: A$ b: I/ u) B0 G
Mrs. Connolly watched with interest as Ann Marie cupped
& j0 \0 R7 P6 p5 W/ }Kevin's balls in one hand and stroked his cock with the
% R* J$ E6 X  ~( k8 `+ vother. The little boy was breathing heavy his dick at full6 v; Y1 e9 i, \' U6 F  m+ `
mast in his aunt's hand.
. s7 d- m. R, ~9 j& [) ]0 V, Z* {# K$ z8 Y; A
Without warning he stiffened and moaned as he came for the, D* f/ n; Y$ L& f
second time in 15 minutes.  S( t" c+ Q5 i- ^7 H

# R& w2 `9 E& i9 T$ s2 q1 u2 @"I think we should give Kevin's cock a rest," Mrs. Connolly9 o0 w- U( z' C
told the girls. "I'd like to have him strip searched now.9 Q8 S# }0 J! X& N4 u
Christie will you get him into position?"; L5 g4 q2 M2 ~$ H& X
# f0 D8 c  ~. B
"Yes Mom," Christie said. "Kevin please come with me." She, f1 Y8 ^. z! J( e7 e* `
led him over to the table. "Climb up and stay on your hands
% F  A) B. z# D. r% Aand knees. Face the wall with your ass towards us. We have
! o9 s! C* S; h4 w& k4 t) @to check inside you," She ordered.# j: Z3 e4 t0 [7 T7 P# p: Y- U
2 e3 P! a" x# l4 Q) @9 f
"Please no Christie," he protested. "Don't look up my ass."
$ u/ K- y2 l  t. a4 z0 I8 o/ W* B
+ Z% Y) d2 d" d: S& uMiss Thomas spoke up. "Get up on that table boy. I ain't
1 X& G8 ]9 Y1 K! k% J; hyour friend so don't you dare say no." She slapped his bare
9 \1 ^( K5 {" T) x; P7 ^# y0 Qass.
' D  o! c; q2 ]' h' C/ |$ D5 b
6 G) R* f' i4 o* C2 OKevin was bawling as he climbed on the table and faced the! ]! h. [4 ^5 L$ k" G; U
wall on his hands and knees. Miss Thomas positioned him so
7 p4 Q* n' S% \3 z$ G, v3 h4 heveryone could see up his pink asshole. She opened his legs
- b( F* O' _& p0 l5 ywide.  Jennifer and Caitlin each grabbed a cheek and pulled( ?* u( M- j7 S8 G1 R
his ass apart. His balls hung down below him. Caitlin! i' g+ K$ W& l( b
reached under him and played with them. "You cost me five
- b! P& ?" @5 f& e+ v/ n4 ^dollars," She chuckled. "I might as well get my money's
" N4 |8 E+ y& s, q2 w( @6 Z4 J+ Bworth."
9 K8 {6 {9 W; |( h- p+ H  ~' a( ?! h1 }* I) L' M7 S
"Would you like to perform the strip search Chief?" Mrs.
+ ?. A. B- d/ w6 {Connolly asked. The old man looked at Miss Thomas and& h) E4 p4 B+ J/ T; j3 ~) G: X# ?6 m
grinned. "Just like old times. Sure I'll be glad to search! ~& m+ M# @, N+ y* m4 h
him."  4 w# r$ A; w  r$ H

0 Z  g: g* ?% q# l: J7 GMiss Thomas handed the chief a pair of rubber surgical
# E0 W8 }  z1 `7 y% T6 t1 _5 ^8 Hgloves and handed another pair to Kevin's aunt. "We
* @* L* S3 I1 D3 ]' kencourage family to participate. By the time he gets out of
: H; l  K' i; M  b$ R0 `) s- M0 |this room today, everybody will have fingered his ass."
# k+ d/ H. G! n- q& d4 o/ y
. s, a$ T5 t" g7 I- k/ @The Chief pulled the gloves over his gnarled hands. "Do you
- X+ H; b" W+ y4 J7 \lubricate?"
+ e' N4 A9 @$ j0 e( M6 ~
, q. Z4 \) M5 k$ i% h+ b"Not ordinarily. If you push in slowly you don't need to,", U! l, S$ _% Z% q8 k; N1 V
Mrs. Maikowski informed him.
8 Q0 |8 H" Y* M" w# p3 K1 i7 L: r; A9 Z) ]+ q2 U, [
The policeman pushed his middle finger against Kevin's small
5 U+ i9 G2 S- h5 [' Lpink Sphincter muscle. Kevin howled as it slowly went into
0 n% k( W: E" y+ Lhis rectum. Miss Thomas held him down. The finger went in up
# N* d" L1 m5 |; S: g, ~to the knuckle as the boy continued to scream, "You're
: e3 O2 B) a. h! u& T# rhurting me."2 K9 _) W4 \1 u  b" K; G2 h' U6 i7 `
- h- l3 @; ~# N- t1 [/ S
The Chief wiggled his finger around. "Feels clean," He said.* v) I- W1 q8 R
There's nothing up here except my finger."
& r" m& g3 }6 P" v8 s. a4 ?+ I9 E
* a0 H6 \, r/ GHe removed his hand and Ann Marie inserted her index finger% E+ M# w% G9 L" v$ k3 Y
in her nephew's puckered asshole. After the chief's large  i" @3 G0 G7 {$ }& V7 i! l# ?
thick finger her slender one went in easily. "I'm sorry; R1 l& f& y, O! [. ~) L
Kevin," she said. "But its your own fault. Maybe now you'll
/ o- I3 e  n0 c1 e* O  Atell us whose drugs we caught you with." : ]9 T: q5 F7 J5 c& n
: j+ J2 o# E3 {$ w  K4 a6 \2 U
The girls were next. "Christie you have the honor of being5 r6 q; n  i; Q5 _' H+ ~
the first in our family to finger Kevin's cute little: S# }6 K3 z' U
asshole," Her mom announced.
) @% k' P6 W/ I: w: {
3 _; @. Q. O* U# PChristie looked into her friends behind. The puckered muscle
3 ]0 R) a6 L# m/ ~' r" W& jwas loosened up and her small digit went in easily. Kevin's
  L0 R# r8 j6 U9 y( I$ {+ Abody was shaking as he sobbed with pain and humiliation.
: v5 n! }9 H6 B) f* FChristie wiggled her finger around then withdrew and Kelly
$ ~0 w/ Y- {& l- Fpushed in.  Christie relieved Caitlin and pulled Kevin's* t% K# Q4 b4 c+ N
cheek apart as her older sister replaced Kelly at the rear" l/ O" ^7 r# \  E" V' _
entrance. Then Jennifer went into his sore little ass. Each
4 [5 N3 t. @" O1 Z; gtime someone penetrated Kevin he'd yelp or moan.
/ {& K; X3 n6 B) T, Q1 |* S0 Y1 Y5 P" D
"I think that's enough for now," Mrs. Connolly said. "Get
% R& |% _$ h/ T2 N# r) P/ V& ]down Kevin and put your Flip-flops and hat on."$ u( f& _9 h: B5 e; J
& j4 d6 |2 j, i& h8 h( D
The forlorn little boy stood in front of everyone head down." k. x, b5 U( J7 E( P
Mrs. Connolly lifted his chin. "Look at me Kevin. This is
: Z' u% J7 [5 E, F1 m& Ejust an example of what's waiting for you. The girls are
% D" M$ r5 q( v6 hgoing to be in charge. You are to obey them no matter what.
1 _; w' ^9 v- O6 K4 y+ F9 V# {6 UEvery time you are told to. you will bend over and spread
8 }- V$ X7 c1 Cyour ass apart. If they tell you to play with someone else's
) c/ r, l% d- g5 Lcock you will do it. Is that clear?"
8 P7 X( D5 a" }! j
9 u  j& x7 @) z6 _5 J# nKevin nodded. "Good Ricky come over here, " Mrs. Connolly
! W1 @1 ]+ r; ]" m! A8 eordered. Ricky had come once already thanks to Aunt Ann$ `" |' C: K; ?7 O1 q8 |" h
Marie and an expert hand job. Now he sported a new hard-on+ K) o5 O0 h9 F" f, d( o  H& t
and Mrs. Connolly noticed. "Kevin take Ricky's cock in your5 ~4 }9 {0 h: t% ~
hand and stroke it." She ordered.6 f1 F( c4 A/ P9 ~* b: W. E( ]
  ~; v" u- Q! z3 B+ K1 ?
Kevin started bawling and shook his head. "I can't do it.; [( V2 Q, [+ Z- r# k0 k, E
Please Aunt Ann Marie I'll be good. Take me home," He
' x4 N# g1 L; O1 r+ ~, }begged. His Aunt merely shook her head. "You had your- M, |6 m) V1 a& J  z0 m
chance. I'm sorry, She said."
$ j) u" Q% e8 ^4 N- I5 Q4 y  f- @3 a7 m' o
"You've just earned ten spanks," Mrs. Connolly informed him.: w5 ~- o/ o% ]$ Y/ v
"Each time you disobey an order from any of the staff, you
5 k6 l' J# S. V, K! M7 Xearn spanks. Ordinarily I'd wait for tonight but I have
; N4 G! j; `/ |7 Rother things planned." She sat down. "Come over to me, a& O  Q# |: F# y
* |' L- W  v; \# J
; a( Q8 Y% i7 g" \Trembling, the little boy approached. "Get over my lap," She+ C# h* z( ^  b2 v, _( v
ordered. Kevin was miserable. He had no choice. He7 @& B: L( e; U4 B3 U( U8 [
positioned himself face down on her lap. Mrs. Connolly put
- m, z% M; y, ?4 }/ Yhis cock between her legs and placing one hand on the small
4 k5 q' f6 m- u$ @0 @6 N. I4 C- Wof his back smacked him barehanded on his ass.
& Q) g. u: {6 @! r2 u7 |( p1 ~% h6 `# p, F. l, _# n) j, V6 w  A. _. a. G
Kevin jumped like he had been shot. Mrs. Connolly was just: f% R: v- j1 T3 q1 [3 n# K" y, f
warming up. The little red haired boy was howling in pain by& y, F  }' Z: z4 B2 A1 b
the third spank. He kicked his feet and tried to get off.
! v8 D' h4 q6 b$ \/ J0 YMrs. Connolly was too strong. "You've just earned ten more6 O: \' J. m# t8 Y  N1 I
with that move," She told him. Her hands were a blur as they
  |; r* b/ E' B: J  |2 rturned Kevin's ass pink, then red.
6 j, T- J$ Z$ k9 G+ X, Z6 f$ z1 L* b
After the twenty spanks the naked little boy was allowed to
9 N8 p8 c) h, A: aget up. He danced around the floor rubbing his sore behind8 L- Q3 d0 E. S0 e, B& R4 T
and crying piteously.8 I; r. |# M) n: |/ {; w) a

9 V7 n) A) g" m"Now stand in front of Ricky and take his cock in your
( q  l; W" L; {$ g( Nhands," Mrs. Connolly ordered.5 r6 q+ G* R& r  e( Z1 l
! k: B( \0 i. A. F. K
This time there was no hesitation. Kevin's thumb and
# f+ z  C' C; l: j3 F) ~" lforefingers encircled the slim boy's cock. Mrs. Connolly# X  M/ t- _8 J' l% `
nodded, "Good, And Ricky how about you doing the same for
' \* Q8 F+ g4 @8 `: cKevin?"
5 p  W4 V/ u  L; x8 N# ]( n
2 c/ O5 i1 p! S( QRicky knew what he had to do. He took the new boy's cock in( f& N+ `* s- T/ Y# k6 R8 d- Q
his hand and stroked it. His hand explored the length of it, i% @7 L9 f) n! Y* R, S2 w) R9 E
as he moved the foreskin back and forth. Kevin copied him
" w' A4 ^& a; T& l/ h1 }and the two boys stood toe to toe rubbing and stroking each
; U3 Q& S1 F/ [: |2 F' Eother. Ricky's cock was already hard and now Kevin's grew as; C- b0 r) L: \- o8 ]
well soon surpassing Ricky's in size and thickness.
( o) V' w+ o: L. D! w$ M; k8 }4 h& z+ l- v0 m
The boys had a rhythm going. Mrs. Connolly proudly told the
, f$ I  R2 n1 o# YChief. "Ricky's been here a few days and already knows what
6 B  ~$ ]9 L: N8 L& ]8 wwe expect from him. You should have seen him when the county
) e7 Z6 G( F( R9 H) m: f# ysheriff's deputies brought him here."
/ r2 y! B9 E& e, g1 ?7 w# h# H! h
6 m# m$ f, U/ B. RRicky was the first to cum. He let out a moan as Kevin's8 C) D; h* i+ i+ Y% f
thumb rubbed across his velvet cock head. Lifting on his
7 W2 N& o' g7 a( H: ztoes he stiffened then shivered. His hands continued pulling- L) I) M2 W5 \: Q4 Q6 [
Kevin's cock and soon Kevin felt himself ready to join
7 s" i; R+ H  i# {- Y# `$ BRicky. He arched his back and trembled, then his body  R$ e: d+ E) b/ ~! A% L' M- x3 V" l
relaxed as he climaxed.
( w4 \) v$ R7 ~4 X: X  J
5 k- u* I& O, eThe two boys were panting from the exertion. Mrs. Connolly
6 e3 {: y+ Z( ?* gtold the chief. "We're gonna take Kevin to be photographed( O$ m3 b$ S! ?2 {2 r
and fingerprinted. Then we'll have some lunch and you can; t( I, c; t0 t* f
meet the other two boys. Will you join us?"7 y5 O) g9 o  w6 y' G
0 x8 P+ Q: p8 }1 D3 D4 L
I'd like to," The Chief said, "But I only came up here to
0 A: S# y  K% M2 K) j& J7 {# }check you out for the Governor. She's very anxious that you, |( @! `/ o! d# T! L
succeed. She plans on visiting in a few weeks to see how the3 F( @3 O) q4 X2 H' q
boy's training is going. I have to get back to town." He
- k" r9 X* j3 f1 Tsnapped his fingers. "I have an idea. Why don't you give me
- @/ T! T$ U: f/ u8 d# Ba set of those pictures? I could use them to show the kids
- @8 `% {. p* ]1 X8 c0 S5 ewhat happens when you're caught with drugs."
  p( p, N+ J- L, R# Q& K' H' ^, K/ X) G9 Y7 V' q7 H
"I'll do just that," Mrs. Connolly said. "I have the photo+ j1 N& Y/ L: d' V& w/ z
lab in town process them. I'll tell them to make you an
9 W' t. j; e$ O. a, u* s. q/ cextra set. You can pick them up on Wednesday." She Turned to
4 p$ O2 l  O/ [; z- w) l$ KKevin's aunt. How about you? Can you stay while we
5 D% K7 k  F, J& uphotograph and fingerprint Kevin?  Our cook is off for the: k8 D4 S$ z! Q
afternoon and evening but I'll have the guards prepare a
" W! N0 {, m9 d& U% ^( O" gnice lunch afterwards."  e4 G0 c% B1 o4 A# h: @0 k

9 ]4 E# o3 a1 u2 n' W5 B"I really have to leave too," Kevin's aunt said. "I'd really* b' o$ K/ k8 b) H5 W/ f9 y" B
like to see the other boys. I guess I'll have to come up on0 v( w' `* Y# |2 v+ m% {) F
visiting day and see them." She turned to Kevin. "I hope
" n2 X. O( L3 J/ `; U) a, Pyou'll learn to be a good boy here Kevin. I'll be up to see4 `) V( [3 _7 u0 V1 I# v
you in a few weeks. Now give your Aunt a kiss good-bye." She
8 e7 m+ K! n. S2 d4 Z( ipresented her cheek. Kevin was sobbing as he kissed her.& |3 r/ x; @" P7 S0 j: t+ `2 K0 L
"Don't cry," She said squeezing his balls gently. "Its for
* A" h0 Y5 G5 Jyour own good." She gave his cock a good-bye tug and walked
: E; i$ i- h' m( j0 n( Adown the hall with the police chief.; E" i( B! S2 k- t/ ?
# c- c; ]! l5 S0 A8 ~7 L
"Is the camera ready?" Mrs. Connolly asked. Mrs. Maikowski
% u' x( ?* W  [2 J( N5 F6 lnodded. Kevin was led out to the reception room with the
: [  d" H" W) J9 @1 }9 ^  U& _7 A/ Yother boys. The white screen was in place.
- X( S7 B, L8 G# g6 N# E# q. n$ P7 ^! N0 w; G: @' G
"Stand over there and hold this sign with your name in front( Q2 X7 Z& K/ d9 {3 j  G
of your chest," Miss Thomas told the naked boy. Kevin stood
  B1 L5 ^0 v5 ]& \+ j! h2 ^+ uin front of the screen.
" b: G# L4 o( p. m) P
7 r/ `, k7 F# q& b5 c"Your cock looks a little small. Why don't you play with
1 q) M4 `2 L, r2 pyourself so it gets hard?" Mrs. Connolly suggested.
. k9 {2 P" v% ]& ~  G
# z5 M& U* ]5 O' c- D. AKevin turned red. The girls were all watching as he took his/ B+ {" z' Q# A8 X
cock in his hand and rubbed it. It was humiliating to have
" i, Y* ~: I/ tto pull his prick like that. Maybe more so than when they: n! X8 v( S/ j% ~
examined it. Humiliating or not, his pecker grew until it. K% C2 m3 t+ G8 o
was standing tall and proud, exposing his dangling balls.
. v. B( ?/ i( }* n
2 ^, ?  r& B; {9 l4 ?5 w. e/ q"That's much better," Mrs. Maikowski said snapping away. She/ x1 Y. i) \7 B$ @! q8 Z+ d2 U
took three frontal and two side shots. Then Mrs. Connolly
  i( |2 s' b# H4 P! N9 _suggested Christie pose with him. The little blonde girl' H/ G. l$ b, m
stood alongside him and held his cock pretending to examine
, L5 |, z- @) D9 p/ B+ q; uit for the first time. Caitlin was next. She knelt to the, `# k$ n4 P5 P7 H
side and cradled his balls and dick being careful not to
% x  K% F/ W3 Iobscure it for the camera. Then Kelly got into the picture. Y- n2 g; T! r6 P( g, H
standing on the other side looking on as Caitlin fondled his
+ D6 |+ Z# ?. j# A0 Zerect penis. $ A* p3 Z  b: U! [
! D( _. W* h4 T  ?0 v
"How about some shots with the boys, Mom?" Jennifer3 C" P1 W% d/ e* E
# e8 T8 U' T: y6 j3 |, t/ i5 ^9 _" c" r' ]- }0 y0 x9 o4 v
"Good idea. Kevin you take Andy's cock in your hand and Andy/ K# K' ?) b- ?( u6 E% ]3 D- W
you hold his. That's good," She complimented as the boys
9 C+ k9 k9 p  V9 `held each other's dicks for the camera. "Christopher kneel
( y( m. B* ^* lon the right of both boys looking at their cocks. Ricky, you
  d% s* ~4 E1 e8 Z+ {; A9 ^) Xget on the other side.", U- J5 E  ]9 w: g  c3 l

. ?8 S6 [! B5 b; tThe boys were posed for several shots including a group8 b/ W! {" c5 ]6 d/ n3 |
grope where each boy held the other's cock. Afterwards Kevin
. {+ X" Y/ M- rhad to stand alone facing the wall. Mrs. Maikowski
5 b& w# |0 c% ~. T" d9 {6 p% u0 R8 ^instructed him. "Spread your legs apart and bend over. Pull
+ T" q/ D$ j0 V( Gopen your cheeks and let me get some ass shots."+ w! U  m2 L; R: o
3 S# L7 u" o4 P2 F) P1 h% c
Each girl then posed with the sobbing boy, looking up his
2 `) \9 }) Z/ @0 B0 O* [! [ass as he stood pulling his cheeks apart. With the last shot+ B, H- U3 _% ?8 \
in the camera the boys made a pyramid with Ricky and Andy on4 }* z, s2 w6 a
their hands and knees and Kevin on top with one knee on each
$ M, W3 |3 X' i+ v! Kof their backs and legs spread wide apart.2 U4 J. T3 `- w% V

1 ]; Q8 w. z! z+ S9 t9 N"That's it. Lets get some lunch," Mrs. Connolly suggested.
9 d5 F5 b/ P: F) H4 T6 cThe humiliation wasn't over for Kevin. It was his turn for4 \7 f$ k0 x# ~& y) L5 ?7 C
the cock and ball harness. Kelly led him down the hall by5 X- o; n. e2 D# V
the leash, the other boys flip-flopping behind. * E1 n' i+ O% h* y/ f
& `) N( a' K/ g, ?
The boys were pressed into service making sandwiches and
# d1 C1 D9 F' wserving the girls and the women drinks. While the women sat; G! b  ?. s' x; C
at one table the boys were allowed to eat. Sitting at a( r$ s/ x' U7 p; _) d% K% [. I
separate table gave them a chance to get to know Kevin. 4 u7 b' `0 e/ P+ p& {/ P

# ]! H' U, h  R9 t0 Q  a" A"Do they really keep you naked all the time?" He asked8 Y8 D" V1 B% J
* a6 F- f9 X! M) Z, l% ]9 L) f) p+ l6 i- o0 G4 l8 g9 P
The blonde youngster nodded. "Yep and usually they stick
5 ~& C$ A" a8 J( N- u& Q: Ltheir fingers up our asses around ten times a day."! B  Y+ U7 T  j- N
, c$ [7 c1 {8 s# f
Chris chimed in, "They make us play with each other and make$ R+ t4 D6 Z2 E6 q! N/ p
Andy and me suck each other's dicks. I hate that."  He  W% A( q3 `7 d' X! Z8 t! c. K, ?
looked like he was about to cry.+ G- k; C1 E% {& B( _# V: b9 g

, M8 M: x* r; ]) A"You pal Christie is a little bitch," Andy told him. "She
) i) X3 i4 U/ B+ }9 g9 T$ h! f: sgets off on all this shit just like the others."6 s( Z" f6 Y& i* g- s  j

1 `7 M  u& a1 G' R8 @4 h) ~, ^"I never realized," Kevin said. "We used to eat lunch9 K) r& Z: n- G6 L
together at school. I thought she was nice."
+ j4 q( ^% @' Y( O
9 z1 v9 g3 M3 E  t2 rThe boys filled him in about the device and told him about6 b- ?* n4 M& ?9 _& s6 C  b) V
Josh and Michael back in the dorm. "They're recuperating
9 m" \- Y! ~0 ^! l  jfrom the implant." Ricky said. "Tomorrow you'll get yours
4 e( X7 J" P% w. B% s+ n  |! L% a( Xput in. Then they'll be able to make you do anything they
" G$ W& |$ K7 f1 _want."
& R* ?6 e+ ^& k% Y7 a/ c: A) k3 Z% a8 A5 j; _/ ^2 z2 @7 b) n
"They already can do that," Andy sneered. "One spanking and
6 ]! L/ a% f; \' F4 t% ^, Ehe was ready to spread his cheeks."
: D" `4 B: r  L( H- A) z3 W2 y% [: O' Y+ h2 C
Kevin blushed red. "I was afraid. It was a shock walking in  H9 i% u# k! P9 n, c
and seeing you three naked. I didn't think I had much choice2 q8 }- |& w& O* @. i/ W
so I did what Christie asked."
. B0 X# k5 d$ k) w" W3 o) i2 ~- q, N4 y8 W# Y" i6 C( D+ M4 m
Mrs. Connolly looked at her watch. "Its getting late. Lets
2 ?/ I; s$ v& }4 l- qput them back in the dorm for awhile. I need to call the) o' A1 N) f3 g8 U! m- c
teachers in town and make arrangements for school for those
) O( b$ |/ q9 D' W' uboys."
9 O8 H; Z  m; B  ^
# O6 K1 i9 f0 w"Who's gonna be their teachers Mom?" Christie asked.
8 [/ D. n$ M% B. X# ~' X$ ?+ s( L, b7 G# K8 g
"I hired Elizabeth Fanelli, She was thrown out of the high! ^8 Z. q, b) d' g% o" D6 t" H/ |
school last year and needed a job. She'll teach history and
& q2 d' k; _+ g( P9 Gmath. And I'm thinking of hiring a teacher from your school,
4 R0 W0 v  j3 f. DChristie. What do you think of ) h4 f0 Y$ ^" H* @1 g3 `# D5 n+ V8 E2 t
Stephanie Walton?"2 A' m) O: Y. V$ f
% \% I' f$ T- `% v& v( n1 o, e2 H
"Miss Walton is the gym teacher Mom." Kelly said. "She don't/ [8 q5 E9 C) b' a
like boys. She's always sending them to detention." 4 r* R( `; f, q; A* [) C

) Y3 l- Q! J5 N/ n"Miss Fanelli was a real bitch, Mom," Caitlin said. "They
8 @" o% w9 k+ @( pcaught her spanking students." She stopped and thought about
% C- k& @, ~% y1 l( vit, Then she smiled "She should fit in here perfectly."4 ^) H" w' J3 d' U
4 q  \. q1 [# ^3 ?( K
"Exactly, Mrs. Connolly smiled. "The boys won't get away7 i  ?& p- N1 a  ]' z5 ^
with much with those two. I think I'll have them up on
8 h4 ^$ j* g  @3 l1 x1 oWednesday to meet their new students. She stood up. "I need
+ K. A* v) ]4 ]5 H. {( _! qto make those calls and I want to think of how I'm gonna
' t; a4 ]+ ?# P0 tpunish Michael now that he's got the chip in his scrotum."
1 B* L$ I$ ~: l9 a3 Y6 n
5 w- F6 ]4 \6 {4 b6 LJennifer Caitlin and Lori took the boys back to the dorm.  K, `! x& w0 V  Q* B3 w
The younger girls went out to play for awhile. Mrs.- A( M. r+ r2 n& b" y
Maikowski and Miss Thomas stayed behind in the lunchroom to
' N5 H+ l2 p3 n- w+ X2 j8 ~( Rrelax. It had been a long day. # h3 j( _- J' l0 v# l1 ^& Q3 b

  d4 [, R' @, `& G8 g7 wCaitlin had put the harness back on Kevin's balls and cock7 `5 G  {- C2 I( Q! w. ]" `
and led him by the leash. The other boys walked behind them.4 D  J7 p9 y+ `" ^, `8 R
Jennifer followed, watching the boys from the rear. Lori got$ V( C" L7 U0 h1 H7 u6 L
Kevin a towel, and the toiletries the other boys had also
" \$ J% b* E: `8 bbeen issued. "This is all you'll need," She said. "There's
9 p# p6 H2 z3 X9 ^other stuff in the medicine cabinet."2 C1 H7 f. O. o
- U% _* V3 H9 Q2 O
Josh was sound asleep when the girls opened the door.8 s" h# W! c5 F  ]4 B) m/ ?) A
Michael was lying on his bed, His cock at half-mast. "I see
8 H7 W$ F' ]9 J7 `1 r# bthe anesthetic has worn off," Jennifer said. Were you
5 ?; v. ?" q, i' e& `( dplaying with it when we came in?"/ K+ E+ P5 t& w" B- k5 L, `

! U8 {& ?7 i7 DMichael looked at her and grinned, "Yeah I was thinking
# y" H  ~- e, g% T- ^) e- v5 Cabout you, Momma and it got hard." He barely got the; o$ N+ f) ?( J. P! q! m% M' G
sentence out when Caitlin pulled out her remote and pressed7 S! c3 c, o: b
#4. The grin faded from Michael's face and he screamed and, W- c( ~: `4 p0 c: X2 m8 D% |% c
clutched his balls, curling up in a fetal position., `0 v" z5 i4 r& v# }

7 T7 M+ e6 R! x& @"I guess it works," Jennifer grinned at her sister. Caitlin1 k- }* n! M! \+ o" O
wasn't smiling. "Whenever you call us Momma or Mommy or
" B0 D9 d3 E& W1 tanything like that I'm gonna zap you. We're the bosses, not
; |" m+ F: Y1 m4 jyou. Do you get that Michael?"( u. J- H/ G7 c' i- Z1 \% a
" k4 M. M. v" \2 o0 U, ~& P: O
Michael, tears in his eyes could only nod.
+ j. ^, F# p. ]. S1 o$ G2 T" Y! }# M6 G! A' `
"We'll be back for all of you later. I suggest you use your
2 W. m! g3 a' v$ @5 ofree time to shower and get ready for the evenings
* G2 `/ u1 D- a' ]entertainment," Jennifer advised as the two girls walked
; \7 u) F: c1 Vout.
! r6 Q  B: G' W$ U- L3 n3 H# B" G( C" ^4 Q$ ]8 y+ o. u; V2 M
Josh stood up. Michael's screams had awakened him from a
: W6 l% c+ ?. u' Odream where he was Bill Gates. "What did she mean evenings$ v1 R, z! j9 d. n" ]" X
entertainment?" He asked.
/ i$ b( Z* c. v3 I) K# p! K5 x4 c- O1 o# \- E
"They're gonna be back to spank us and make us do yucky  N( b) `& @# e0 u5 E- p
stuff," Christopher said sniffling.
: i* V5 _$ s$ O
; Y% W5 \$ Y) z( g" l4 g3 IAndy introduced Kevin to Josh and Michael. Josh smiled and
! |# Z3 \3 q2 G/ P/ a3 yshook his hand.- k. x9 ?4 Q" F: [7 U3 O  {

0 t9 p6 Z6 W/ x1 ^. o/ R) l4 A6 T/ m"I see they've caught another pretty baby," Michael said. " {6 i" W" U- U( r& ~
What you in for?"1 n* D1 B+ z; }) b
& G8 }; _9 s; P  t5 k) v. Z
"They caught me with marijuana in school and accused me of0 e9 u* s5 i% v3 v( u
trying to sell it. I was holding it for another boy. I swear
9 o! K2 L) i) K  {I wasn't gonna sell it."
: ?$ X/ b5 O$ D! m5 G/ v0 H/ `6 G- \; x! C
"He was a friend of Christie and you should have seen how5 ~1 k7 f0 Y) `* ^# z5 i7 j3 S
she treated him." Andy said bitterly.+ F$ w* ?- V' |7 K9 [
- A4 [+ g& F/ I1 {
The boys talked a few more minutes. Christopher went into
* }: F) J) ~# v; kthe bathroom. After a moment Michael got up and followed! t4 ~6 B/ Y. f7 H6 D( i
him. / K/ K% r; |: b: V' @+ {
1 e2 J3 K( \/ g
Chris was taking a leak. He finished and turned around to. K; b8 O8 E! [* N
see Michael staring at him.$ w9 u% Z+ _- T2 ?- f: u! }
4 J! ?' A/ h1 R& @( G7 y1 n
"What?" He said. 9 i6 g# p5 j) I  ^
* a: P9 C; q  W! D4 @  j
Michael smiled evilly. "I hear you and your maricon brother
- k& m% j7 s2 ygive each other blow jobs. How bout you give me one, little
( O* i5 s( C6 d( Cboy? I owe you two something for the first day I was here.
# x3 k& h9 o, l3 t; W3 MAll this playing with my balls is getting me horny so I6 u7 C3 ?: q! G' M6 J- e3 _) I
think I'll let you blow me then I'll fuck your little boy" g0 u( r7 [/ t3 v4 E$ F1 g
ass and we'll call it even"
9 `/ `  d9 e8 [. s0 f9 T/ C' A+ F+ \
Michael grabbed the smaller boy and forced him down on his
. j7 J) E" G6 a: bknees. Chris shrieked as loud as he could. The next thing0 s# A, }) m. y- t- Z* b% s/ z
Michael knew, He was falling as Andy threw himself at the4 b- x& Y' G* V3 \* \3 o
back of his legs. Both boys went down in a tangle of naked, R% e& U% d% F% Q4 s2 N
bodies. Andy threw a punch that landed on Michael's8 w/ g; T9 Y  P, x! Q! b9 Q
+ E/ Y1 p5 H5 j' v
- }8 }" q6 L+ e) F' iMichael was bigger and stronger and soon had Andy pinned He
' d4 U2 \2 F; B% e# r  [+ m- @sat on the younger boy's chest. "You been asking for it and
% S- ^, t: ?3 B/ |9 k% V2 m  Know you're gonna get it you little faggot. When I finish
& m$ X4 _0 q  b4 t& jwith you, You'll know who rules in here," He grinned.8 U; v9 ^# Y: a1 Q

4 |$ H: T$ [; R+ CAndy arched his body trying to throw Michael off his chest." N( `! C; c$ m. F
That earned him a slap in the face. Then Ricky stepped in.
$ a: t7 q$ a$ n8 A4 }1 V6 r8 {" VHe grabbed Michael in a headlock and twisted. This earned
. Y4 H( Z7 r* k3 o# m5 d3 {+ Z* d. Dhim a punch in the stomach. He held on increasing the
8 J3 U# }4 K3 E: g( k" `$ E1 p' zpressure on Michael. Andy pushed up and threw the older boy4 X* q: {- {6 O5 ]+ F
1 A' |: w9 R% N3 G3 G; J
7 {, B, [+ z" z* k) GThen lightening in the form of a shooting pain in their9 Z9 k5 c, `* {* K  ]
groins stopped the fight. All three boys screamed and fell
" C( n& A8 T4 J1 F! i) P% |1 kclutching their balls. Mrs. Connolly and the girls were in% W7 C$ M6 ^1 ]: ^# O- P
the doorway remotes in their hands. The three guards were8 U+ Q/ c/ _9 Y0 Q9 l8 v
also there.* }7 @8 E; S5 |* S; M5 n
% S3 Z4 t9 `- ^5 p" F, D2 I1 Q$ {
"What's going on in here?" Mrs. Connolly boomed.4 {% @" }' J+ K. N8 G

% G. l( f& `2 K6 I6 E3 Z"He tried to get me to suck his peenie," Christopher pointed! `7 m( r" T$ W$ j2 \5 J( @
at Michael. "Then he was gonna fuck me in my ass."
$ w/ s- M6 _! y) U1 T# _) Q
+ s! M& C1 P; R! U. `. h"Is that true?" Miss Thomas asked Michael who was still
  H: F; F% v/ J) ]# d/ |clutching his balls.
+ h! e* w% \- N. K/ |, ~3 c. w
& i+ x* p4 }( i  z$ P, x+ B"He shook his head. "No ma'am he's crazy. I just came in. M6 I6 F/ Y4 E; [$ Z: K6 _4 z1 p) Q
here to take a leak and he started screaming."
" Y: Q- @$ u2 o& m9 `, p+ |9 H4 W, R
$ o5 n' r* f. P" R+ N* ^3 A, G9 e"That's a lie," Andy said slowly getting to his feet. "I
  S: s( V1 D9 R, ?heard Chris scream and when I came in Michael had Chris on
& g) A  _+ ]  O. shis knees in front of him."
7 g; l. v7 ~$ g
  r2 u/ q  Y' x6 [6 M5 l"That's enough Mrs. Connolly interupted. "Everybody out of
( e0 s! {# `- {the bathroom."# s. k. u+ G( b- x# B6 Y

0 d/ I/ i; V. k; `$ N2 RMiss Thomas lined all six boys up. The girls sat on a bed
0 A% o' ~/ {; f' U0 J2 Zwatching. "Not only is fighting not allowed but Michael,6 E( x4 w7 R7 S5 O) m( i9 \" e: B
ever since you came here you've been nothing but trouble."% {0 Y% d3 d" u& T* `% D
Mrs. Connolly said addressing the six naked boys but looking
  @  S+ L( G+ o- Gat Michael. "You tried to get Chris to suck your cock and* Y5 U/ N! a# ?! N- Y  a) N
you were gonna fuck him in the ass. Not only that but you
4 ~* R# s- k; t& x2 Ylied to us and that's intolerable. I was trying to think of6 ~) A4 Q# C0 t" A+ Z& @; @
a suitable punishment for all the other stunts you pulled.
4 F" h8 Q- K( j1 x: bNow I know what your punishment is. Fist you're gonna suck
. U  a3 o$ d+ G" ~- ~' ?7 {Chris's cock then I'll pick one of the boys to fuck you in6 c0 x# D+ z7 |
the ass. Lets see how you like it." 8 J0 x% ^, k( z- ~/ ^1 M% v7 |( k
3 u* f* S1 [# L$ @' h8 l. J6 i
"Noo!!"  Michael screamed. "I won't do it. You can't make+ ]3 k* M8 l) j: a" _
me."# i7 S: U0 G5 F1 d5 h
) [) q. R5 @6 L- O/ S) a( [3 D, }
"Sure I can," She laughed pressing the remote. Michael went9 T- ~; k8 ?) E$ h
down like he was hit with a bat. He lay on the floor holding
; ^# v" O' l7 b  _* j% F4 ihis nuts moaning.
) B. U& I/ ^7 }1 U- D
( O' i4 C; i5 N3 y4 m"Now will you suck his cock?" Michael stubbornly shook his
) S- m0 K( O4 E; q& n. thead. Again she pressed the remote. "I can keep this up all. a! [3 _) s; _. r9 ?! e1 N( m
day," She reminded him.
1 ]  A/ K) S) J4 T' F
5 h) v; @/ h% V* k, a$ a% BThere were tears in his eyes as he lay in a fetal position.
) J& f* F# |5 U7 N) r1 l& d: i/ D/ WHe nodded "Please no more. I'll do what you want" He said# H$ ^$ B* e# m# z7 |- G. E7 a
. p7 k7 G0 m! y# V! r$ v: T# S5 ]$ d: v# x& T
"Good, now get up on your feet," She ordered.0 h: f+ Q/ ?& |, o

- O; X6 C" ?9 V/ V% h"I'm beginning part two of your training," She informed the
: O0 n  k+ `2 }/ ]8 l% L+ }+ rother boys. "The girls will be taking over more and more.1 n. `# x! `" F
You will listen and do everything they tell you to do.4 c8 ~1 L- f' O' U8 r8 I4 {% H  u
Punishment will be swift if you disobey. Each of you will& n7 X' O, T2 G/ ?* c! {* `
learn to suck cocks and do other things the girls tell you. Q+ ~3 F/ H2 s1 z2 Z
to do. Michael is the first but not the last to get his ass8 X0 O" X" P: a, y6 v
fucked. In three or four weeks time you will have learned to
$ [: g! j' C" m* qobey instantly. I want you to be able to put in a show for2 `- e- [# @" V
the governor when she comes to visit. We'll start with
! u  k' `( K2 L( {: G& G+ nMichael and Christopher right now."
9 o1 Q: y" {- X" n  e3 L0 `# o
6 S2 D0 x9 I0 v+ V: f# w' n& x* DChristopher stood in front of Michael. Jennifer was put in
. e* d8 n" S* {5 D( g3 m: r2 lcharge as the guards and Miss Connolly sat on one of the) A* `' j3 s# h* T" O
bed. The boys were told to stand with their hands behind4 o9 X7 l/ ?# o" Z
their heads and watch and learn.
5 Z; J4 s3 X  J# Z) f% y- k
1 v7 G3 M# ~8 M- ]$ ]+ }( _"All right Jennifer you can get started now," Mrs. Connolly* r, G' A' I6 F1 y8 O& @
told her. Michael was standing on wobbly legs. Jennifer3 p+ ]$ d, G" Y# Z1 @1 k
pushed down on his shoulder. "Kneel in front of
- n  u9 c! N* @# {7 S- GChristopher," she ordered. Michael knelt on one leg. "No you
; j+ Z! H6 x# W! E" [+ `idiot get on your knees."
. q" x1 }" ?& d* T0 |% }5 t
  n/ l: p3 F( E! s* pHe did as he was told tears running down both cheeks. "Good
1 u9 X! T7 \# g# snow take his cock in your hands."
' y% F3 k! Q' w. M
4 r6 ~% f3 B+ r Michael grabbed Chris's cock. "Ow, that hurts," The little
3 @$ R+ P8 p$ B  F) _; z1 o& O: {3 Oboy yelled.9 \! Z- x. @$ U* _! S6 l1 j. y1 f" v
; |* J0 H$ ^! l# M
"One more stunt like that and you're getting zapped again,"4 s  p, ?* V, g# R/ h7 q
Jennifer warned. "Now rub his cock gently." Michael massaged7 n" o( r1 Y7 n! \0 y( S# @* A
the little boy's dick and it slowly got hard. "Good now cup* o  m+ [7 n) F: h: {, g: [
his balls in your hand and kiss the head of his cock, " She
  m! i# P! @9 Bordered. With a sob the twelve-year old bent over and kissed+ K' S- h4 {/ e4 }/ A2 b
Chris's cock head.
+ C1 ]2 }5 [5 M6 z# W4 q5 r/ E
# f. X2 [" y( J, i( L) B4 G2 ["Ok Michael now kiss his balls. Be gentle or else" Michael0 _  x! t% V: f3 C8 B1 g2 r
put his lips on the little scrotum in front of him and0 H' h3 P) K7 e6 M! N. W
kissed each ball.
6 k/ O7 A4 Z& p( i4 N, m2 c. t7 d3 w) I- Q1 K& n
"Open your mouth and take his cock in. Move your head back
6 P; C$ x) [+ W) d; v* g7 Qand forth," Jennifer instructed. Michael was crying like a! }, y% A) r: Y: H9 f
baby as he sucked Chris's cock in front of the entire room.
" ~7 u9 k& e' C& x$ S& X9 T"I want you to lick his cock head while you suck him," She
6 f( [- J& |" x! \# c8 utold him. "Chris you be sure and tell me if he hurts you."
- K9 T8 o' m) j
" k, {& m- s: N' _  fChris barely heard. This was the second time he was getting
! [0 N# r# j, y8 E8 ]1 x* Z, ^$ \# da blowjob and he was enjoying this one a lot. He held
& D4 [4 v/ p$ M7 BMichael's head. His hips moved as he got nearer and nearer$ q( w5 {$ V9 h% Y, e5 e
to a climax. Michael was playing with his little balls as he
+ j& W5 H# V- E! `0 W$ H3 ^sucked his cock. "Mmmm," it was really good. ( [' z6 w& D) R. S

. j+ u5 \2 F2 b( ?With a gasp Chris stiffened his body and came. Michael got1 g1 O* j% v* v' k9 b$ e
off lucky. The little boy was still a dry cummer.
) f: p) M+ s3 X+ v* ~
$ _# V: T# G$ j+ z* t+ b) X* uChris pulled his cock from Michael's mouth. "All right Chris
, V, g' B$ Q" Y; {join the other boys. Andy will you come here?" Jennifer
' B4 z5 t5 u2 Ssaid. "I think Andy should be the first boy to ass fuck
- y9 y( y' _) ]7 pMichael, Mom."
. n8 v. O6 i; `9 O* D$ B
# u% J; r* Y+ f1 @"I think you're right. He should be rewarded for defending7 f7 T8 X# k) F# D  u
his brother," Mrs. Connolly agreed. "Proceed Jennifer."* h2 t8 d: e( ~8 w+ G
* Q- N% `) t4 ^4 G8 i; ^. w
"Michael stand up and bend over," Jennifer ordered. "Andy/ t2 j& v' X( s2 L, b6 Y
you stand behind him." She looked at Andy's small cock.& S8 x' `5 X- G' p& ?4 e5 o
"This will never do, You need a hard-on. She took his cock% S# J- b! ]0 o" U  |
in her hands and rubbed it fondling his balls at the same7 r7 ~# B4 k* y( k6 p4 x$ B
time. Andy swiftly grew. His dick went from droopy to. a* f2 ?1 s% K' S- |7 S' @0 t
flagpole in one minute. "My you are a horny little devil,"% ^1 c, @: ^2 N
Jennifer chuckled.
0 h" h: J0 q; i) l
; l  v  c& X0 k( `! \9 _"Caitlin go help your sister," Mrs. Connolly instructed. The* Z! i- C9 J* s) m9 T2 n
two girls positioned Michael. He now was standing with his
' y3 A4 v' s" mlegs wide apart and his hands pulling open his chubby
) F8 }! P8 f; a! @5 Ucheeks, exposing his brown asshole to everyone in the room." |; s) P9 J- F
Andy would have to stand on tiptoes to get his cock in.
7 ?- T( h5 V# Y7 Y  o! G, L+ TCaitlin pushed her forefinger into Michael's asshole. He. a2 M4 j& G; [# ~
grunted as it pushed past his sphincter muscle. She wiggled7 m* E* X( S9 N" N& Q6 p
it around. "That should open you up. Andy's cock isn't much& U) f( E8 G6 U3 s2 C$ j; ]3 m
wider," She giggled.2 T" l+ }+ u6 z

% U) S4 D6 {2 S. M  |Jennifer took Andy's cock and pulled him forward. She7 \1 G, S$ N8 a' J5 M. S2 ^2 N/ i
positioned it in between Michael's cheeks. "Hold on to his
6 Z) a" N; C3 Hhips and thrust forward," she ordered. 9 l3 ~3 p- F% V8 e+ x3 D3 c* B
1 ~" ^4 G  @7 ?6 j: K
"I can do it myself," Andy said and pushed into Michael's& U8 H4 ~& l% t  o$ P; Z+ ~! k" V4 E$ I! r
asshole. The other girls and the guards gathered around and
7 w7 G) o/ @8 D- O& ^' n! v0 awatched as Michael lost his "Cherry." He was sobbing with3 e/ v! g4 Q$ o8 B: h
the humiliation of being fucked. Andy felt embarrassed also4 A; z1 i2 C1 ?) q3 V$ J. q. H# H
but decided he'd rather be the fucker than the fuckee. His
& t/ X- X; g  ^2 ~/ t2 I: }: ~cock was rubbing against Michael's tight asshole. The) X1 X+ y/ j' c" h+ Q, ]. m
friction and the tightness soon had him near a climax.  
/ A' H1 w* {5 G* `
- q4 T! L. q7 t8 i  |Michael was not moving but it didn't matter. It was over in- B/ p# G9 `; n; d0 L( a7 e
a matter of seconds. Andy arched his back and gasped as he3 R# m8 w/ k6 ^
came. He stepped back and withdrew his cock.
9 M. p' C& R; w; ^( F6 V' [! n3 R( r5 ~& c, G
Mrs. Connolly addressed the boys. "Let this be a lesson to+ d2 b7 Y; \4 h4 D# e
you all. Sexual activity will not be tolerated unless its
3 h7 v: K8 N" Q* g7 [# ~supervised and ordered by the staff. Bullying will not be
* X# Q3 N- a* L9 I# y9 p& Yallowed either."  She turned to go. "I suggest you both take" Z( l$ i0 w( V0 L
showers," She told Andy and Michael. I'll send the girls to
  `7 y+ i# r( F$ dget you for dinner later. This doesn't mean no spankings; \9 p: q3 p- m0 O* j2 k+ [6 a
tonight. This punishment was for Michael's behavior in here./ k0 Y) Q9 a; k7 l. [/ u
Spankings are for misbehaving all day.". H1 I$ }% U; |  p
5 Z; ~) g' ~1 C% ~
The staff followed her out and the boys were alone. "I'm
" f$ ^0 g! G4 ]' rsorry Michael," Andy told the sobbing boy. "But don't you
( T' x" \% S* b. Q: bever try to hurt my brother again."  Ricky came over and sat
1 L3 f5 f5 O5 Y. i! u( Ynext to Michael. "We're all in this together bro. Its us5 P+ `  L/ y* p6 d  E4 ^. {( a
against them and they're winning. We can't afford to fight: ]  _$ [# r  e) A  O# K
with each other." He held out his hand. Michael looked at
. E1 X2 V% Q2 k: x/ V  y, y8 `. Rthe blonde little boy for a moment then shook his hand. Andy. [4 U! ]* B" t5 u+ L% _9 w8 ~! S# ^8 e
held his out and they shook as well.% q2 T# @- B0 j9 h
' S$ \* Q8 @/ o
"Boy this is a madhouse." Kevin muttered to Josh.
6 I8 Q: Y& c& M, ~6 c
! q* E* ?  I% `: J: U"Its going to get worse," Josh said sadly.
+ G/ d# e' g, K! W: a; J  [1 D
% Y5 ~3 I  Y  \  H. i0 |0 LCHAPTER SIX THE END
/ m" \  B0 q- \2 \1 Z, f; G+ PThe Grandview School For Boys 7
( g% n! z9 ~7 ~1 UThe Training Continues
5 o$ ?' p" M1 X3 c6 d) D4 _& F5 w9 c
4 q% p# I( V/ z) j9 B9 y" J9 wcopyright 2000 By Mozzy 24
( n8 ~  [& T* t# p4 i) pall rights reserved
" [5 U9 ^/ j$ K* e% P; M# S9 b: _, P4 J

0 {5 x3 R4 Y: C( n: v  T" F
, Q) T' `8 p, p# R3 Q& `9 Y- P
3 v3 m  m1 |+ |4 o% M* M" K5 z  ]/ V8 X% Y8 l

; \8 i& E" I  s9 ?3 v  Z9 UFive boys had the device planted in their scrotums before
9 Q3 ]+ d: W1 R4 Zhim and all were alive and well. At least physically well,0 Y. i& Y, O0 I% I7 Z+ f( r
Their mental state was up in the air. I mean if you were
5 r9 _$ c2 ]* F& Sforced to walk around stark naked and do horrible things# D4 ~0 a0 ?2 h1 V& r
just because some girl wanted you to, How would you feel?
6 U. p5 W9 z+ T+ G: V# w* ~/ @: k! T
Kevin thought about this as he stood waiting to be inspected+ d9 Q0 \; P# \& m( Q/ Z3 v
by the girls and the guards. The Staff had come to get them
, N; z1 U, Q' R2 b  M3 [( Zfor dinner and had all the boys' stand at attention while" c2 V; d! M% j  K# s
Mrs. Connolly and the girls checked their cocks and
9 L7 b) k1 h( k2 ~- m& fassholes. Kevin was set upon by the little eight-year-old
9 {5 Y( |! D- x: N3 }sadist Kelly. She rammed her fingers into his defenseless3 K* K( x* b7 h/ k$ S8 e6 O
asshole. He almost screamed in pain as she pushed two pudgy) O4 |5 B. {8 S( C
little girl digits past his stretched sphincter muscle. She, C9 N9 B7 G. Y; [6 S. C
wiggled them around for what felt like hours before removing7 C9 E6 j8 z' A
9 v; r; E4 ^  M# i6 N! v  I, G
6 `4 g: s' w& f. @' C* N! z$ cIt was only six hours ago, that he had arrived at the: p) ?5 a0 _7 J
school. He was stripped and humiliated by Mrs. Connolly and# U- [6 G; F' Y& b
her four daughters, One of whom was his friend. Worse they
% w; @) j' z4 E: @$ c& d7 `did it in front of his aunt and the Chief of police. Hell# r8 K# h( K5 E* i+ n! g# W
his aunt even participated and he could still feel the thick
, q9 T+ E% X1 O* ?4 e! q1 Vfinger of the police chief who strip-searched him. He was+ F- N. `  Y" }0 J
put into the dorm with the rest of the boys. Then he was" F( M* t" ?0 u8 |8 l& p& w
made to watch as, Michael, one of the boys was forced to1 ?# _  o' P; a2 x+ ?1 W
suck another boy's cock. Afterward as the girls watched& K6 R$ B; n7 ^: |% f0 `% C# c
giggling, Michael was made to bend over and another boy was' u  N/ U5 n& E( X" h  W! x
forced to fuck him in the ass.  U  l" f& \, G3 a2 A! T. j- k
# P3 P5 }1 p2 e; [2 r
Now the terror continued. After the humiliating ass and cock+ t5 y1 f$ v+ S" u- m
inspection the boys had been marched to the lunchroom in8 i1 A4 ]/ c3 L: F) T7 \
their clumsy flip flop shower shoes. The cook was off for
! L- j( w; I  b9 W  P/ Bthe rest of the day and Kevin was glad that he was spared
* V9 c" z& r. H% U3 nthe pleasure of meeting "Evil Annie" as the boys had named
4 R$ G% r/ ?: Y, g  Ther. Andy had filled him in about who were the worst and who# q, p7 s0 O7 r; G+ X, h8 u
were the best among the staff while they munched their
  M8 q. ^* `2 E- ssandwiches. Then it was back to the dorm where they awaited& q5 F1 C  Z" d3 F# X% _! K9 t
the evening's entertainment.0 Y! M2 F! P! |" C* O8 N: g2 k; l

9 E% u7 X8 U( k! w6 T$ Z8 BThe boys didn't have long to wait. The girls and Mrs.3 U1 z. ^5 c) c( g" f/ t
Connolly entered with Miss Thomas, Lori Paulson and Mrs.
8 L# }6 {% q( }9 IMaikowski. Mrs. Connolly informed them, "You are now ready
  p: Q3 A& u  ~0 F! h) p5 ?for the next step in your training. I am hiring two teachers
$ m! b; O! v9 dwho have many years of experience in disciplining children., G/ o* J0 g8 ^6 c: V) F, k
Kevin you might know them. Miss Elizabeth Fanilli and Miss  v  H+ z  a" k# t6 G6 c" w
Stephanie Walton."
8 r& Y. V) E! L6 f0 E; J
+ D* t; M7 O! p* [8 GKevin felt like someone punched him in the heart. "Oh no not) v1 L7 s5 {8 b6 r& z
Queen Elizabeth," he thought. "She's the meanest bitch on, j5 e% U) Q6 f! t3 z, E- X
the face of the earth. Miss Walton wasn't much better. She
6 f2 r# T! Q  H1 f# \hated boys." ' ^7 a) j. ]; [6 k2 ^! Y
* A. h6 g9 ~: ?7 |) [
Mrs. Connolly continued. "During dinner we decided that it! J# l% o2 D7 \8 T8 i; \1 ?
would be nice if you all learned how to suck each other's% I5 B  q( q6 _7 P
cocks. We've paired you up. Josh being that you and Michael
& c; z) W1 K3 v- P7 M( a4 fare our cummers I think its appropriate that you start it5 j( L/ [7 o& A
off."2 P1 Y) e4 ~! S% e. O

; W; C  D  Y$ E' Q2 V$ c3 i8 aMichael had been very quiet after his beating by Jennifer.+ {" m9 u0 O0 ~  v# |
He took this latest slap in the face in stride. Josh looked# y% |" P2 D* \$ M( r  |1 B7 o
sick. "I, I, I, can't," He stammered. "Please don't make me6 W+ {* Y9 P3 G( T- H
do it," He cried pitifully.
! ?" ]5 c+ i- g9 o4 `- X: {. C! L3 ]; W9 Y2 I
His pleas fell on deaf ears. "Can I do it Mom," Caitlin
% n+ s6 N% K/ Q4 C7 iasked. Mrs. Connolly nodded. Caitlin took out her remote and
, L1 Q7 u0 i* ]* b9 |pressed button five. Josh screamed and fell to the floor) N: a7 [4 f  B2 I
clutching his balls. "Stop I'll do anything," He sobbed.0 c$ n6 C+ W+ h/ P" @; |# a% V
"Don't do that anymore, please."
1 U# }0 y' g/ m! L: K" T
# ?$ v6 [3 [6 @4 J"I'll tell you boys one more time," Mrs. Connolly said.' ]$ O! B* l3 }$ V
"This isn't a democracy. You'll do as we say or you'll get
6 I* o; E8 ~+ f$ v- D' N0 p. ^zapped. Is that clear?"/ F8 u( T" G2 V% a1 _

) B" g3 O. Z! v$ J/ W& Z7 z! T& ]All six boys nodded. "Good, I'm glad that's cleared up.  3 q5 X% E8 e3 I; S1 e
Michael get on the bed and lie down on your back."
" G$ z9 @7 m  K" h) w# n2 P$ j0 Y7 |  @( ^1 J2 G
Michael did as he was told. "Put your feet on either side of3 U# m9 e. a9 [+ a
the bed and raise your hips," She commanded.
7 z! b* y4 s4 N* q  j0 `1 {
" {% f' E8 k! F& @, yAs Michael arched up, Christie grabbed his limp cock and
) [% T( @3 E+ x2 U, l( O( |" R& Zmassaged it to its full hardness. She pushed his foreskin
1 D; N5 Q" j* D! p7 kback; A drop of pre cum glistened on his cock head.
$ G3 U! g( p+ m4 [1 d# X' ]# F$ \3 {% B: Z0 |/ p: |# w! J
"Climb on him Boy, and put your fool face on his cock and% c( g$ }( s! g) t$ G
dangle your cock in his face." Miss Thomas ordered Josh,. b# Q9 J! Q4 x
Helping him into the classic sixty-nine position.   G7 n+ b3 j+ }5 j
  t3 ^, _! s# @9 U2 W4 F- @
As the boys got into position Mrs. Maikowski reached under9 E7 i! R8 s2 N! u; O
Josh and rubbed his cock into full hardness. Josh was now
/ M& o, T9 r6 {' L& E* Wstraddling Michael, His mouth hovering over Michael's big- @6 n; B: s7 M* p2 P1 c- P' ^
cock. Josh's balls dangled under him, his cock brushing
! \- A% s' q+ m4 F+ ~Michael's lips and the Band-Aid on the small incision in his
" S& E: F" f; |- Q8 B* K" Cscrotum in full view.
  w8 b7 h' Y6 _- D3 D
$ S* G" k+ _6 }7 b6 r' R% P  X"Start sucking or do I have to zap you again?" Mrs. Connolly# [! W: e6 {2 S2 i* ^
threatened. The boys got started and the girls gathered on
5 s, ]# K' O" M  ]2 G7 `both sides of the bed to watch. Josh opened his mouth and3 ~. z- j/ F( x  q6 [4 A8 a
took the head of Michael's uncircumcised cock in. His cheeks
  t" m: z7 u5 K" v2 {puffed out, then in as he sucked on Michael's thick shaft.
0 |: G8 j: I6 O$ \; c% L) UTears fell on the other boy's abdomen as Josh's head moved
; s, T1 n  S% h7 l0 e6 Tback and forth. More and more of the thick hard on was being
8 m" N5 z# i# N  o* idrawn into Josh's sucking mouth.( Z! f0 \" u! Z' D( d1 k/ r3 l

6 f% C+ r, d# ]Michael had his head turned and Josh's long slim cock rested; O4 R  K" d( P# F3 H7 I
on his cheek. "Either take that cock into your mouth or I'll
2 y" b8 ~! Q* X# N$ a2 [# W9 T* Nsend a jolt through your balls. You have three seconds,"' v9 y2 j! U. {  M+ G
Mrs. Maikowski threatened. Michael took Josh's cock in his& n3 K* y& U! `) p* w3 t$ [" ]
hands and moved his mouth around it. "Excellent," Miss. P, g/ L7 R* X. r8 G
Thomas smiled. "Now open his ass and finger him." This was
8 ?: C# T$ h4 B& k3 y: ]easy to do as Josh was squatting on Michael's face. - K& O6 `2 U' ]+ l: e
! S1 i4 ~2 Y/ E0 g+ R- g  z% s( E
The other four boys watched as their older schoolmates sixty
" t6 y% t5 o/ r/ h0 j: d; K6 jnined each other. Their turn was coming.
7 h  ^4 P+ X  q1 Y' \) s
% W; }3 }3 N8 a5 j# k9 Q"You two get over on the next bed," Miss Paulson, getting
$ _* }- F+ ?4 h0 ?6 finto the swing of things ordered, pointing to Andy and/ Z* s9 ~6 ?% ~4 K+ L, |
Kevin. "You're next."
4 l6 W! D/ i; V7 r
1 M" R% S7 ~- W- f% G( EAndy knew quite well the awful pain he'd feel if he refused.
: E8 G2 u' d, q( VHe quickly sat on the bed. "Lie back with your ass on the8 A* y9 R7 [! c* A7 i( f6 {' w! U
edge and your feet on the floor," The young guard ordered.
- {  y4 `* \' U) e0 _Andy moved down until his ass was just on the bed and his
7 Z; _4 g8 H% F* @: I+ ?feet were resting on the floor. He was lying flat on his
: l2 `8 T# a! V$ `$ Q  c8 Y- nback. Lori nodded, "Good, now spread your legs apart so
+ g5 X% P& f: J/ [; A! }Kevin can kneel between them."
; B2 Y) m' n8 D2 k- Z; s
. ~4 u+ N7 H4 A; O2 W7 \1 uKevin shook his head and looked at Christie for help. She; b/ V  E$ j+ I* z% c8 Z( {. B' H# y
looked over at him from where she was watching the older9 |. w! U. g, I, A& p2 l
boys suck each other's large cocks. She walked over. "What
; O. n2 c& G8 u8 _! J, Kare you up to?" She asked.7 Z8 a" K6 Q, K+ N6 o
8 g5 b* M4 s0 u* b. T2 i7 t/ Q
"I thought I'd get these boys started," Lori answered.
  J$ p" I- k0 x# z0 SChristie looked at Kevin with pity in her eyes. Then looked5 X, Z) |7 R) [/ S* b
away. "I'll help you," She volunteered. What can I do?"7 i' t; K- `2 @! m
, @, ?; k, U2 A) N! [+ M
"Position Kevin between Andy's legs and make him rub Andy's! v6 r% j. ^+ d% G2 ]
cock until its hard." Lori instructed.
, m+ d% `, a4 y1 O4 J- e& Z* i  h9 R: y5 f
Kevin was still standing and until he had the device planted
" d$ k9 K, S1 Z3 u: WChristie had no real power over him. She decided to try& c+ \- o# n( I. {1 N
anyway. "Get down on your knees and in between his legs5 X1 r0 }/ W$ k9 ]! e' |
Kevin," She ordered. "Now."( r+ q+ y+ `% |+ @1 ~

2 v8 s2 \) M! v. _' `( w2 rTo her surprise Kevin started crying and slowly knelt
2 L  w$ |5 g5 ?# B5 Ybetween Andy's widespread legs. "Take his cock and balls and0 A" t- T9 [; S3 T/ I9 T
play with them until he's hard," She ordered.
. Y3 g7 Y- m6 d) f8 s4 |8 a2 e% }, Y. _% o" C
Kevin was sniffling and tears were falling down his cheeks.9 M7 q+ A9 o3 Y7 c, ^
Christie watched amazed as he cupped Andy's balls and
4 M1 U- W1 @7 N0 E) e! Ostroked his cock.& i: B8 D6 y8 m+ n7 X/ ~
! @" T  H4 A! x
On the other bed Josh's ass was pumping and Michael was
) B% K8 l1 @7 Z' earching his back. Their mouths moved in and out, their heads
- M' j% s; z$ c& {3 N& ebobbing as they sucked each other to climax. You could hear! h1 f- n* w  m0 b; N
them gasping as their movements got more frantic with each8 ~' E9 W4 d: o  U
suck.7 y& N- Y2 E" ]* X5 i1 }! @7 c
' C5 p, f3 f( N: `( i' T- ~
Lori pointed to Ricky. "Get up on that bed and Straddle- e; A# ]' F8 g- P# Q
Andy. Sit on his chest with your cock facing his mouth."
6 Q7 X% V) u  h2 Y; I$ R1 m% ?' ?Ricky climbed on and took position, his ass on Andy's chest4 S0 r! }0 d& o0 p/ o. p$ F$ N
and his knees splayed out on either side of Andy. 9 p; d4 j) n% h; [

- ^% G5 B/ C% `+ i"Get on that bed and stand facing Ricky so he can play with
- `* i0 G7 u8 e: r, y+ [; Wyour cock," Lori ordered Christopher. As Chris took his" q8 a" f+ E  A. A6 n( v+ \
position Kelly wandered over. "Oh goodie they can all suck! W9 V5 q, h& i2 S# V/ E7 V3 Q
each other now," She giggled." e/ j/ Z4 T6 d. w
0 C# s+ H! p- `
Andy's cock was stiff and standing straight out as Kevin7 T1 e1 p& X' p7 A  ~7 m: y1 I
continued pulling on it. "Stick his dick in your mouth
3 }  X5 K+ x- F. c; j5 oKevin," Christie told him, She stood behind him watching.
4 Y4 ]. h6 M, }/ qKevin choked back a sob and lowered his mouth over Andy's- w( S" E# P/ Z% G" ^; G
stiff joint.
  W2 B1 a- `) s1 I- P4 L( O' ^4 w  i$ i( _& p3 f
"All right now Andy share the pleasure." Lori commanded "Put2 F: X( ^1 [7 I0 e# n# i0 I
Ricky's cock in your mouth. Play with his balls as you suck
& D  x: p8 }% H" g$ ~+ Lhim." Ricky you suck on Christopher's cock. "" ]' B6 P+ x. U7 W3 T* r( ?, v
. Y% a+ j5 v, _; ?# G+ A# D
Andy moved his mouth around Ricky's slim dick and cupped the
  N- G8 R3 C/ N! p2 w1 T& X' iblonde youngster's balls. His hips were moving as Kevin's- ?' a7 c- |" }8 D- j
tongue brushed his pisshole. Kevin's lips maintained suction; Y( a6 v/ Q% g% E
on Andy's cock. Ricky moved his head slightly and took& a% Q* J& h8 x9 L* z- h4 ]9 w+ i
Christopher's tiny dick in his mouth. He was kneading the
  A& {- ?( K8 ]little boy's ballsack as he sucked. Every boy's mouth was
. Q/ x/ B: d! n3 I2 P: Pfull of cock except Christopher. Their bodies were moving in  h! D8 u. L; M; M
and out and up and down as the girls and guards watched the6 B( J: j  T8 [$ x
show.% g/ h9 }4 w) _# H) F( o
4 q/ o: k: U) e
Michael was first. He arched his back, his toes curling, He
! L# W) e% m8 Q& Xgroaned as he shot a wad of cum into Josh's mouth. Josh) f4 D. f7 p  n: ^, c- t9 G
gagged and tried to expel Michael's surging dick. Mrs.
1 Y9 s; ?; c, p; s: N) U4 MConnolly wasn't having any of that. "Keep it in your mouth! J! n: N5 X4 V
and swallow every drop," She ordered. "Keep sucking on6 D7 X) C2 X6 l; Z2 x! }, H
Josh's cock Michael," She ordered. "You're not finished( w  x# |9 Y- ?( z* w7 h2 M: m
until you swallow all his cum."
* H  a$ x1 r3 ~" I1 e
- ]0 T9 u  t5 ~1 W' mJosh was right behind Michael. His ass moved faster and- p6 e  |- w* ~' d* a
faster as he neared his climax.  His body stiffened, His ass
0 [/ Z1 D. z  ~; acheeks clenched, Then he relaxed and groaned as the cum shot
; R( N- n2 j4 z1 nout of his long slim cock into Michael's mouth.
7 [  g1 Z. F5 A$ t0 k
+ _& D' {4 \' g7 s1 B" @! ?"Drink it all down boys," Miss Thomas ordered. "Spill a drop
& ?, c$ ]% |+ \8 @& ton the linen and your ass will be spanked so hard you won't
5 y3 a9 W( [  g6 Q$ W7 Y6 @0 ~. Obe able to sit for a month."" i  ^& E8 N' J

5 K# U, B3 s: j) t) R+ HAs Michael and Josh licked each other's cocks clean, Mrs.' N, r* c! o: G; |
Connolly, Miss Thomas and Mrs. Maikowski walked over to the
1 n% A* a" R1 f. v$ iother bed where Things were heating up. Christopher was0 w) U# d  L* m) m' O/ ^: l! W
standing up holding Ricky's blonde head as Ricky's mouth was2 T* c1 A; R2 m" ~* I1 [# y- y' P
devouring the little boy's cock. Ricky was squatting over
# a4 X: k4 i& B, rAndy's mouth, His ass moving up and down as Andy licked and1 Q3 f# P; q' L, t
sucked his cock. Andy prone on the bed his feet over the# [/ e" a# Z+ F' a4 I1 `
edge was wiggling his hips and moaning as Kevin brought him$ w5 [) _( A" x0 M) P1 m; ^' a
closed to a climax.
9 W! s$ A9 l1 a' a* U3 H
5 z% ^3 e, x2 c$ d5 S; e" oLeft with the two older boys and their limp cocks Caitlin% q9 W+ U6 w$ F
and Jennifer made them turn over and get on all fours. The$ {4 A3 O) X* a8 N! o7 G  x2 [
girls were playing with their balls and fingering their: w8 A6 K8 l, }6 c9 N
assholes as they watched the other four boys finish each
% W9 T, c) Y3 L2 T5 x6 n2 Eother off.
$ m* {. q& k+ G3 c0 E1 c
; s# @- g6 X+ }' w: q% k1 NAndy came first. He arched up while wrapping his legs around
) P9 I, K3 H& Y9 s1 ~" KKevin's shoulders. With a groan muffled by Ricky's cock in% K" x* `3 S  q1 P
his mouth, he came. Ricky and Christopher were not far
6 t8 G* G/ Z. @behind. Ricky was holding Chris's ass tightly as his mouth
* G- R! h2 Y2 h4 _. Ypulled in and puffed out. His fingers explored the little
/ N7 g7 m3 A. T& S' B) Pboy's asshole. Chris couldn't take the two pronged assault
" {1 x' L0 m2 Z( u9 _and he stiffened and moaned as he came.
# M' _$ R1 W) y. J: |; G9 f1 v. O. T$ M/ X! h
Ricky arched his back popping Chris's cock out of his mouth.
5 f& u: g- b9 S% v- J5 _/ Z% G; RHe cried "Ahhhh," Then his body relaxed. He slumped over3 P5 D1 V& I: l* F4 R
Andy in exhaustion. All four boys were breathing heavy from
% z) P- E% H" ^" N* E1 M8 nthe exertion.9 P( Q# t) r) y. O" f' t$ c$ o
3 u) Z9 s5 m+ ~4 ^
Mrs. Connolly smiled at Miss Thomas. "They learn fast. From
* @5 r( F6 ?9 Qnow on we'll have these blow job lessons nightly after3 _& o# F9 }0 D( A  l
dinner. The governor will be here soon and I want them to be% P2 c3 e; K$ n% H8 `6 s9 a' M  q
able to entertain her and her friends."
0 E9 b6 D, ~5 K, }3 S( ]3 ?4 l% i3 |. ]* s( K
Christie took Kevin's hand and led him to a third bed.
. w0 b0 ?, g2 K3 N3 ["Kevin needs to get a blowjob Mama," She said. "He's the, @6 B" R$ d7 K. m$ J
only one who didn't get sucked."" L. M( r- x1 I( s+ _( }
2 |; [& @3 C$ S" J6 f; J. S
"Christopher you haven't sucked anyone's cock tonight. Get# ?  Z6 G, q6 a7 ~6 y2 C- _1 q' [
over there and do as Christie tells you," Mrs. Connolly
3 v. A3 i4 D1 `" M' k" vsaid.
5 O6 {& v+ C) h* _" }
. r+ [" x3 N. T% ^9 `, S( S% C$ EThe little boy started crying and Andy stood up. "I'll suck# V% ]/ N( X! i' r/ k# \
Kevin's cock. Leave Chris alone."
( ~' @" b* _/ P. a3 |: r# x* e4 Y$ i# y% Y" u- e2 x! ~
"He needs to learn just like the rest of you. He's already
" q3 Y9 y6 p% j# G  ~' }done you several times so what's the difference?" Miss$ ?, G& g4 I$ _& C
Thomas said.7 B' l6 U) }+ U' O2 `* W9 M5 I, p
, N8 u) }2 l- K, ?
Mrs. Connolly agreed. "You are never to interfere again. I
0 A; E7 M* k, _; X, d; Kdon't care if he's your brother or not. No more volunteering
7 w3 v3 U  P' |  p' w' P: X9 [in his place or you'll both be spanked. Do you understand?"
6 a) d% M+ x- h2 b0 e3 O/ Z- m2 @- z# c# S8 ?7 b- C6 |! Q4 L
Miserably Andy nodded. "Yes Ma'am."
" W/ \8 |9 T5 [/ u) c2 N! ]7 m$ a8 B7 I. A" K) S3 a
"Good now Kevin, lie down and open your legs. Chris you get* s+ W6 {9 p6 B9 A- p, ]  f' S
on the bed with him and get on your knees. Bend over and
1 Z: |- H- O% j3 c' |. D! msuck his cock, and as punishment for crying your brother is
  x/ l* _! X/ S2 Vgoing to finger fuck your asshole the entire time you're$ F# z0 l# S! Q2 r7 R; e! c
sucking Kevin.". Y( e$ {, z" K/ N, }6 \" _: f
: {. r, R  i7 C6 Q( P1 I6 W; y
Chris was really crying now as he bent over Kevin's large
% j( H. J0 l* d3 J' C, g/ Rcock. Kevin was bigger than Andy was and the little boy had
6 X7 z6 y/ F8 z0 t! {9 w' {to open his mouth wide to fit the thick shaft in.
3 W. I3 s6 I* h( y) S8 b: t: i/ k- n: W- `$ z
As his lips encircled Kevin Miss Thomas pushed Andy over,
3 I5 Y) ?6 v8 G4 \/ m! R8 Vand standing behind his brother he was forced to push his# l2 h2 g" p1 W% j$ [5 D
middle finger into the little boys asshole.
3 n3 A" c' _" m+ g9 r8 o6 b& v+ n( U6 @. s; E
Andy's finger forced its way into the tight little asshole.0 i/ Y* g5 Z- T' p' ^; ]
Chris cried out in pain then opened his legs wider to allow0 f4 S+ w" M; q6 q6 g. Z
his brother's finger inside. Christopher puffed out and
+ W0 Z# Q' E! a3 hsucked in taking Kevin's dick deeper into his mouth. Kevin2 z- b& w, |8 v
was arching his back and moaning as the little boy sucked9 L" V* [  m4 V
and tongued his hard cock expertly.
( B1 R1 J. x- U( `- \7 ^8 u* [2 d1 }+ A8 P! F
"We'll have to start the ass fucking sometime this week,"4 w; }# H% f: i. Y* N
Mrs. Connolly whispered to Miss Thomas. "Look how easily/ x! Y( C  ?6 d8 t+ w- ^5 R; ]1 |! Z5 _
Andy's finger went up the little guy's asshole."" n! z0 G& ]9 {$ p
) J1 H1 j. e- s0 x- \/ T
Kelly overheard her Mother. "Goodie. Can I pick who gets it7 X9 L" Y# d  \6 {
first, Mommy?"
6 o8 p2 J! j8 q$ L6 @1 r! b8 ^' r6 V
% f/ h- O! Y4 b: ?"Our little Mexican friend will be first," Mrs. Connolly- G# H, s+ s( T+ T2 u2 {( u
informed her youngest daughter. "He's already been ass
- ~! ?7 {- |$ H: {. g; d/ k: k; gfucked by Andy. He can show the other boys how to do it." As1 w, F2 ]! @" h7 b2 j1 J* R
a matter of fact I think Josh's cock will be a perfect fit."
0 u; i7 `+ j5 j% Y
% ~1 x  K: d, z* l6 e) Y8 YMiss Thomas nodded. " I think it's time their training
3 {6 I/ f8 a' x  v+ B, Nprogressed. Why don't we have three of them get it the first
. L0 |) r1 H2 p) b; snight and the other three the second. The girls will like7 A0 b! I8 i; k8 h. \, y8 p/ t, }
training them to do it also."    " S! W: X2 q6 t" }+ B

  Y+ i2 T) a5 u. N- g2 F, @Kevin didn't take long to cum. While Chris sucked his cock$ N7 w% Q& z) x, ^- ]# O; X4 x' a- @
Christie had knelt down and was playing with his balls.
8 o% l% E4 a9 \6 VCupping them in her little hands, She squeezed them gently
4 n  n) e  f' m% w- j0 {# zholding one then the other. Andy's finger continued moving
. u" x( Y& u4 `, l# _, b# ]; |in and out of his brother's pink little asshole.- I1 [1 W: m# }+ d

( b# I- t) n. P" H9 T( |! OKevin gasped as he stiffened, raising his hips. Then he' ?4 E2 T4 g) k
groaned as he came. Slowly he relaxed as his dick shrank
: ^  m; a$ V6 _) J1 Wback. His breathing slowed. Andy pulled his finger from# S* X2 n( p. w
Chris's ass and the little boy stood up sobbing piteously.
8 A1 s. ?1 P8 |1 n/ L0 \: f# k- f4 w
Mrs. Connolly moved away from the boys and sat down on
4 P# l) v0 S8 {5 A2 {& WAndy's bed. She reached into her large pocket book and took- [0 y9 ?. h1 v9 d/ a
out six paddles. She nodded to Miss Thomas., R  m+ g+ Y$ h+ b$ ]0 N
1 s$ Z  t0 R  \( I2 R( g# W$ y
Miss Thomas took one of the paddles and handed the others to2 B- ^8 w  E5 b) c
Mrs. Maikowski, Lori, Jennifer and Caitlin. The boy's had) g7 p- Q  }7 y
entertained them well. Now they were to be rewarded. Mrs.
; I' r, g. J" oConnolly beckoned to Michael. He saw the wooden paddle in
: L6 |' `+ i6 Iher Hand. "What did I do? I did as I was told," He cried.
3 j; @, G8 C6 f" _0 q& l"Why you want to paddle me?"
/ a/ r5 s* G" |* Z! S$ s* z2 S1 t& r9 p+ C5 H; S
"You didn't move fast enough," Was the answer. "Now get over
5 _! `& m2 p* ^0 U' ~" l. hmy knee or I'll zap your balls and then spank you anyway.". y. [5 Y, [* s" a' x4 C# s, k
+ t: N2 O6 x- H6 d  @1 q5 y
Crying, Michael walked over, His head down. The other guards
  j; k: T  _  l1 x/ G" `and Jennifer and Caitlin sat down.
) X* r' H$ O8 r; R- e; M0 k, Z4 N
! `  o; j* S$ vJennifer beckoned to Andy. He started crying as he realized
1 D; W7 ^" B) \" W7 P( q5 }8 k# bhis ass was gonna get spanked. The other boys weren't going7 a/ R8 \/ X( ~* X4 i. W
to escape. It was spank night. Caitlin took Josh by his
# E8 n( g4 }6 S+ ?0 V: J: w9 Alarge ballsack and pulled him over her lap.
( J; T1 A) o3 d' \$ B9 J% W; r8 p( Q9 ?4 ~9 }3 l8 y" k
Miss Thomas was positioning Ricky, Her hand reaching under
) p6 t5 p, Y" @3 `0 Jhim as he lay on her lap. She held him by the cock as she9 a; }' O, m0 G& w4 b: R
raised the paddle. 4 y+ ]2 U' w6 U
# J  A4 G. s* e+ e0 H* U+ f6 C5 S- J
Lori didn't want Kevin to feel left out and soon he was over
( I& a% J$ u  `8 _her lap, his feet on the floor on one side and his hands on. U" O( f6 x( A  W. _
the other.
, {. |) N5 [+ c( \9 ]7 I! S/ U0 [8 V/ D6 Y" J5 _, v% v. h7 ]5 w' Q& }: z1 ~
That left poor little Chris in the clutches of Mrs.
8 N- i; H' y7 k4 U+ cMaikowski.
9 i) ~( L1 M! d
" {3 I# X; v0 c5 `# \7 oAs if on cue all six paddles raised. As Christie and Kelly: c5 [2 P7 L; V& v. q4 h
watched giggling the pounding started. Six bare asses were( z4 O; V  c; {
whacked by six wooden paddles. Twelve bare feet were kicking
. o5 P5 E' r% N5 @& T5 das the pounding continued. Six mouths opened and as their; l/ L+ c4 W; `, w5 ], g
asses reddened the boys started howling and screaming.6 x0 {- i  ?) O) ?  S$ b4 {# }0 ?- l
Thirty times the wooden paddles descended on their tender
* x( t6 z% T# _3 J: {- \: @/ C! ltargets. The boys were all bawling their eyes out. ' Y; F: U4 ~, Q2 b. V( b0 i7 }) L- ^
/ i) r: W% v# z4 n3 y
Finally all six boys were released to dance and rub their: Y7 Y2 h* ]  V* u) D1 b# Q
crimson asses. They hopped around, their cocks swaying to0 @+ Z; }/ J$ k% G, v, z: ^% F
and fro and up and down. They put on quite a show. Kelly and- w# h2 C# B! @, X2 q
Christie were laughing so hard tears ran down their pretty( H# u: \3 J( U; b9 @+ o- J
faces.3 Y4 X: @' d% a

1 _  j7 d, U7 l5 w8 rMrs. Connolly waited till they were exhausted. "Get into the* E" g6 R. F- K3 g3 _
showers and be in bed in fifteen minutes or I'll let the, P% P: F& o, p5 t3 Q, E
girls repeat the punishment. Tomorrow Kevin goes to the
: i0 ~; R) Q4 T5 u. u8 `+ d1 J9 ?( Ndoctor and the rest of you work the farm."
1 g$ `  K5 J( m! s; {, I
2 N4 y9 d, [; J/ \6 e4 qShe stalked out followed by her entourage. Silently the boys. I! ?; m' \1 u7 m! W2 M" `) }
went into the bathroom to shower. Michael watched Kevin as1 t0 W' ^" D' H1 {3 `- t5 }
the younger boy stood at the toilet peeing. "You sucked
4 N# `/ r- d7 VAndy's cock when they ordered you to. You didn't have to. We
* d- J& [* S" D7 C; A- ]have this thing in our balls and they can really hurt us if- l4 L- B4 h# G1 }9 t9 h2 m
we don't obey. You don't, So why'd you give in?"  # R, r- x0 r; t( w+ n
0 f+ h7 j+ _/ k, t: R3 w
Kevin shrugged as he shook the last drop from his dick. "I
3 C4 }" |, L: `/ s0 [$ ~! j/ iwas scared. I figured I'd get spanked if I didn't."& \6 {! N3 j) B% t

# q6 B9 `) a+ z7 v4 _6 w6 Y8 ^"They spank you anyway," Ricky chimed in. "Those bitches are' s* v# {. _: b# E
pure mean. Every one of them."0 s* B" {1 ~7 f4 X( \
) V  c* O3 H, P& m
The boys showered, paying extra attention to their cocks and' `- V1 H$ B4 w5 K' j$ p
asses. Then exhausted they fell into bed and were asleep in7 S4 _7 A6 T- D' J; I
minutes. Kevin was the last to fall asleep. He worried about
: j- n2 q, U& B9 |% j' N. \0 xthe doctor visit tomorrow.# U" r% U' Z: R& B! A

0 Z1 I  o6 ]2 V; G/ `5 CThe lights went on at six o'clock and the boys stumbled into
7 P% ]4 `' ]1 m$ _the bathroom. All modesty was gone. They had seen up each
2 w' J$ `4 ?- r' iother's assholes and sucked each other's cocks. Each boy sat; H* [) R- t* c. V0 @+ D
on the bowl and did what he had to do. Then into the# k+ J# b' r) ?. ]
showers. They had learned well. It wouldn't do to have
1 u: K  c/ E- K" }9 C' |someone looking up your ass and finding filth. That would7 b$ f6 r+ I6 v. ]7 D
earn a severe spanking.8 F( F" l- F. z$ [" N
2 b! L) m0 }3 n
The boys finished up by brushing their teeth and combing
! H' |/ f* ~" Y( {" B/ Ntheir hair. Just in time. "Here they come," Ricky warned as
. k, n4 v+ y3 o  |* t8 K+ Ithe key rattled in the door. Miss Thomas led the way( t& _! P6 W, i& q1 A" ]
carrying a cardboard box. Mrs. Connolly and the girls/ i  g" Q1 E4 {" |$ c
followed her. Mrs. Maikowski and Lori Paulson brought up the4 U" o; r/ X% W  x0 R! v1 @
rear. % d# N& B& i! e0 N# U* ~% a
8 G/ i* [/ Q6 q* ^6 r) n
"Line up at attention, hands behind your heads," the guard
  n4 Q6 ?% J7 kordered putting the box on Andy's bed.
$ F& e9 S6 e5 }% F( k- J8 i" g6 ^- A2 M$ j
The girls were in their school clothing. "At least they; ]5 p5 u- Q2 ?2 e6 {$ C
wouldn't be around to torture us today," Josh thought. He
+ p% K/ V" K7 R; L- {8 z" I# Vwas wrong. 6 r, t* L% {4 X1 ^3 K% Z+ w6 S+ K

1 b4 ~8 c4 j! }$ e/ y"Before the girls go to school I wanted them to see this,") {9 ]$ t* O. P* ~
Mrs. Connolly explained sitting in front of Michael and7 L/ Q2 R" P# B5 D; f6 \3 j
examining his cock. Each girl took a boy and stroked their
. W. m% f0 H# n. _1 Gcocks until they were hard. Kelly stroked Kevin's cock8 {" X# |+ X( ^' h& G
skinning back his foreskin. "You're gonna love getting your
5 F6 G) L+ G  A  ~7 t" B% a9 @balls cut off today," She teased. 4 t9 o6 F2 a  |7 M/ P: O

+ f6 k6 J$ O: C8 |Caitlin pulled Andy's cock until it stood straight out.
+ O) [9 T) B) Z3 b' `- I, Z! sJennifer was caressing Josh's large ballsack and rubbing his- b1 _; c: j1 }; T* C$ c! e! O
cock while Christie Had Ricky standing on his tiptoes, eyes
0 g' V8 ~1 D3 p! iclosed as his cock stiffened under her little hands. Lori
3 H/ }: u5 q! `, ~Paulson had Christopher's little cock and balls in one hand.
6 T1 D5 |/ c6 N- m6 O7 H/ ?The little boy was hard as a rock as she kneaded his balls. - q4 l  A' _* s' X- o

4 O5 j3 B; C1 |& \' q9 p% zWhen all six boys were hard and standing straight out, Miss5 T" _0 N! G) b$ f5 k
Thomas opened the box and took out five cock shaped objects
% F0 n, j- |7 U/ g( Q+ swith nylon straps attached. "Listen up," She addressed the" n' B* t* t% `# ^% `
boys. "These are butt plugs. Each one of you is gonna get to
3 }- H, z* _5 {# n- v9 Q6 gwear one all day today. This will stretch out your sorry
4 q( x% F3 @2 l9 Q$ ^, Aassholes.
/ g' a# S5 T5 W; [) x"Kevin gets a free ride this morning cause he has an
' j, T8 Z! S9 y3 L! |3 Lappointment with the doctor. The rest of you get one of
, M! J  B$ K0 N6 c2 Q% Rthese inserted into your assholes. Tonight when we take them3 h& o4 q  J2 v  a+ t
out you will have stretched out assholes. This will make it
9 M. Y  Z4 f/ l+ f7 g8 zeasier for the boys who are selected to get ass fucked.
! n% I0 l1 ?. m$ X# lThere are different sizes.  Each is approximately the size
# u/ M; ~$ ~2 n2 G& k; j/ B/ B$ jof one of your hard little cocks." & X$ D& ^1 N, |
/ L% q( p8 x8 j7 Q, t# |" U
She stood in front of Michael. "Turn around and spread
  b6 j" e. o  b8 [yourself apart." Michael looked like he was going to say no
9 w" ?6 [( ^5 \and her hand went to the remote in her belt. He quickly7 Y4 m( o  h% W
turned around and red faced, bent over and pulled his cheeks
- l$ q( H5 t# d) e9 Xapart.% g7 l- ~6 z8 a  q6 t
. R, T6 B- I7 H8 H' L
"Insert the Josh size one," Mrs.Maikowski suggested. The big
3 Y8 V' T. q! y) y0 l# L/ O! cguard nodded. She took the second largest black plug and
  C; b5 T7 P5 y% T) H, kdabbed some Vaseline on it. Then pushed it up and into3 V7 X( K: s5 m5 n
Michael's brown asshole. Michael grunted as the hard rubber% D6 R6 j9 J1 y0 R0 E
stretched him open. Tears sprang into his eyes.3 c, P; K+ K0 o$ A5 Y

7 U! w' A7 z2 ~' e# S- aJennifer tied the nylon belt around his waist, securing the
3 e) y4 Z5 ?. l) h2 g+ e0 e8 u6 g+ Kbutt plug tightly. Michael was crying "My ass hurts so bad." U% f) q' f& ]" {9 a0 @/ i
Please take it out."
; A0 a5 g: Z5 j- G1 L0 `( H( v  y+ s5 e" T
Jennifer laughed, "No way big mouth. It stays in and if you) _. o5 R: e! `; q0 H$ u$ g
try to take it out I'll personally shove a larger one up( U& G. ]0 S% q0 K" ?
9 L  Q8 y( t* `% C& j; |) u
9 L" w% h0 B+ {* F Miss Thomas moved in front of Josh. He looked at the large" U8 c$ }5 h3 C# y
penis shaped object in her hands. "Please don't," He cried
8 g/ b( D  B% E, e9 X7 lweakly.; j" y$ o1 w* {0 X( g

' ~6 i1 v7 k: G4 p"Just bend over boy," She ordered. "Don't make me zap your
8 m6 y* a$ j3 a, Mballs." The other boys watched as Josh bent over and pulled! Q) l7 m. e5 Z
his cheeks apart revealing his pink asshole. All hard-ons  K- i" n4 k, E8 c
were gone. It didn't matter. Mrs. Connolly and Miss Thomas7 X4 {, N$ d! q6 p
had seen what they wanted. Each boy was to have a butt plug  B' n! N& z/ q
about the size of the cock that would be plunged into his; `  S2 B8 V0 V
assholes later.4 ^' M; R. P, `* b6 W
2 Z9 z" o& g. }, s& n& K/ L
Josh screamed in pain as Miss Thomas rammed the Michael size! W% R: _' \# C9 }* {/ Z
Butt plug into his ass. He could barely straighten up as
. u/ }, Z; H& E: U9 MCaitlin tightened the strap around his waist.; z9 ~2 Y% A+ S
3 u+ Q8 B3 {( U$ x0 M
Now it was Andy's turn. "Let me shove it in," Christie
5 L! T' y. B. I/ F& E5 c5 G) @: S% `volunteered eagerly. Mrs. Connolly nodded, pleased that her
8 k5 x/ E5 h& \  b; @girls were getting involved in the training of these wayward
: y0 x; e4 G0 V8 u& B* s+ iboys.
, F# `9 w% v) r! L4 g/ R( u2 y( U6 f  B7 d( f
Andy was crying as he bent over, pulling himself apart to
# r; a# y6 q4 Q3 c$ Ogive the young girl an unobstructed view of his naked
6 `- R8 l) w9 j* c) X2 I$ lasshole.
2 R) A. f! j5 C# v( S1 I
6 a7 ]; ?8 N, S  R8 {! gChristie smeared Vaseline on the plug and pushed it into6 _# A+ J2 w8 }- I0 S9 Z) }5 U4 q
Andy's rectum. He shrieked as it painfully pushed past his
; [& R7 T4 }# f2 z/ _puckered muscle. Andy could barely straighten up, the plug
! p- l' ~( i) C* J0 t% }was pushing into his rectum with such pressure. Christie  f' j- W1 {# ]
reached around Andy's waist and secured the strap. Then she
/ U0 R; t' C( D! erubbed his cock and squeezed his balls as he stood in front
2 E% ]+ L! i" |! H6 B: E2 _of her crying., X/ ?( T0 C% B
% t' k6 T- X7 C5 [  R0 J- e
Christopher was shaking as Mrs. Maikowski beckoned him over.6 m5 S  z# c' O8 Y1 b
"Please don't," he begged. The older woman grabbed him and2 Y5 R/ i4 f5 `' ~: q- ]
pulled him over her lap. Lying face down Christopher was an
& u/ R  d/ h" \' p/ neasy target for Kelly who spread his cheeks apart. Then as5 O1 ?$ I. h  ?% `
the older guard held the kicking crying boy down. Kelly5 h) }8 [* t/ ^. P0 H, ]4 }
shoved the greased up butt plug into his little pink
0 A& l, T5 j& ]9 v" M0 hasshole. Christopher shrieked in pain as Mrs. Maikowski
" K. T/ [; j# r0 Y- J, `9 @straightened him up so Kelly could secure the strap.
, c4 b( a. M' V" q
. P+ s% f" A. H4 WAndy watched as his little brother's small asshole was: C8 B3 c* \8 o/ E+ p2 B
violated. There was nothing he could do.' O3 ~2 ~8 J( W! m# Y0 v7 ~: b

2 H. l! _1 x; W# f" ARicky was last. Lori Paulson took him by the arm and bent/ K, x, Q, J; I. m7 q9 {2 l# a  h
him over. "Pull yourself apart for me," She ordered. Ricky) k! T9 u4 X0 d  ?9 N6 Q7 j
had no choice. His face reddened as he revealed his asshole3 o. C2 z" O+ e3 }1 u' l0 X9 {8 `
to the young guard. Jennifer knelt behind him as Lori3 ~* [4 [9 m% k: Z+ s6 U) i7 {7 R
greased the butt plug up. Jennifer pushed it against his2 n- u. L. D  |! u5 f2 C# T
pink sphincter muscle and slid it in. Ricky gasped as she
' T" z% X; w% `4 n7 a: ]2 |' _shoved it forward, widening his narrow hole. Tears poured, e1 G7 \' [. V/ A
down his face. The strap was tightened and now all five boys5 a5 Q: N8 {5 G
had butt plugs pushing into their assholes as they flip-, l2 S  r7 o( p( O4 A" u
flopped down the hall to breakfast. Tears pouring from their
% P! ^  d. }% j0 V2 ]eyes with each step.! v5 J7 ?; o& P& H0 x( P

9 z2 t0 [+ x% }Kevin was now the only boy without a Butt plug. He was going. U% S; ?. }4 ~4 Y3 ]
to the doctor and she needed to check his asshole out.$ ^. Q' Z  q! `" R2 n) l

0 k" g, {4 |6 jFirst things first. Evil Annie was looking forward to the
% ]/ P$ d* G, |4 g1 T, Enew boy. She boys had barely entered the lunchroom when Mrs.
8 f4 C- j8 ]# s6 V% _+ ^Mandel came out from the kitchen. Her eyes lit up as she! z# U# v7 {( u" c0 n  T
took in the five forlorn boys. "Butt plugs eh?"  She9 F/ C$ \6 G( v3 I% u
cackled. "Gonna stretch their assholes I reckon."
4 E3 n1 F" R% n4 w7 E
8 c  C) }; a, R$ B"We're gonna make them fuck each other in the ass tonight."
/ I; c0 X7 [# ?3 I( |/ kKelly volunteered cheerfully.
  I  `( e) N  Q% }( x# b' `; |1 y1 T5 \  ~* |' E0 I( A6 z
"I'm gonna make sure I'm there," Annie cackled. "Nothing6 b2 x2 q% p9 c4 N9 C
like watching boys dicking each other's assholes to brighten
8 g, y% ~. J! ^( d9 `% I( D  t/ c. s! C# vyour day." Her eyes fell on Kevin. "New meat Huh? Come here
+ `# f& L5 s3 T* A' q; Sboy and let Annie check you out."
, H" O  n! ?+ [4 |# l1 {/ ~1 s; N, L# K6 _; W. D4 }7 u  X
Jennifer pushed Kevin forward. The old cook licked her lips% M- z& W8 r1 o  \+ a( L1 ]
as she took his cock in her hands. She pulled up a chair and& f5 Y& n4 p: O6 U8 k3 P
sat in front of him. "Not bad," she said stroking his large
. i' E! D6 L0 r- Y7 T! y$ H! J+ v) B6 qcock into semi hardness. "How old?" She asked. 8 I6 Z+ [4 \  d6 s
. H) [6 {4 H; G" m6 A( e
"He's only ten. Nice size cock for a little guy" Mrs.
- R2 I3 k( y) l/ \. Z: TConnolly said as the cook cupped his balls, feeling one then
# C0 E; p, h4 t5 U* _, D( Ythe other.
8 h2 O1 t; P3 ~0 i: K7 z
5 P5 e, s& Q3 m. I9 j' {! sAnnie bent closer to get a better look. "Large cock, little
& O! _; _, [5 J8 L, R7 ]/ i% L! N& E! Wballs. I guess they come in all shapes and sizes. ! X1 V' x$ N8 P2 C% L/ E' a5 |1 [
Get up on the table and kneel so I can get a look at your. E0 W0 ^7 D1 i: C9 m/ E: p) |/ i* Y
little asshole," She commanded the red haired boy., r! d( x% X- F  ^5 N. l4 \1 A
# I* v' j; E+ @. G2 ?  [, }
Kevin turned beet red. As the newest boy in school he was% q) B9 \* B* a( o* D$ R+ x
still shocked by what these women were capable of.
, i) w: a/ k: f( u8 N9 {
* g2 C+ X) J- d, s! z" cHe reluctantly obeyed. Climbing on the table, he knelt
2 e9 [( _" {0 ^facing away from the old cook. She pushed his head down and
$ z# c' l2 P) {+ G! b: ]prodded his knees apart. Then reaching over She pulled his* N$ c4 V9 O% s6 _8 f3 I7 f9 Z
ass cheeks open and inspected his small pink asshole.+ h# V: w9 Y& [% o, B1 m2 Y

/ t/ j3 w8 O! k3 N) OKevin jumped and yelled, "Ouch that hurts," as a thick
/ @2 E& s, q6 d. u* u, A8 p4 M, p0 ugnarled finger pushed past his puckered muscle and into his
0 h9 _8 o  ~2 v) s) O3 Qrectum. The old lady twisted and wiggled her finger causing
. o  n5 ?+ i. R3 w; s9 \7 n6 k. `the boy to cry out in pain as she examined him internally.9 j. W, h& @5 ^) p: p  J6 g

9 @) B+ Z& K) s- HThen after she was satisfied she pulled her finger out and
7 y. U+ |0 ^  g! S- |1 R% ]announced, "Nice little asshole. Someone's gonna enjoy6 c, w3 ?& b* k$ ?
fucking that one. Guess I'll get breakfast started."
8 w, U/ A) q6 E5 F0 n3 A. O/ P; y6 Y! ]
"Wash your hands first," Mrs. Connolly said. "You just had
- ]" I4 ?8 M4 d1 T5 Iyour finger up someone's ass."
/ ^/ O! I+ q. U" @" U6 A- s
8 v+ v3 O. N; ZThe six miserable boys sat at a table waiting for breakfast.0 ]% ^' G( ?+ q" o
The5 boys with the butt plugs wiggled around on the hard
+ m; ?" }3 N* m* S- l& @( R, Pchairs trying to find a position where they wouldn't feel9 U( Q7 }* B5 R( l4 r
them pushing into their tender assholes. "My tushy really3 z: o& w8 |  ^/ ~3 p
hurts Andy," Chris cried.0 t8 D/ {: ^# x8 t8 P
, I" ?; T. K3 c% a1 ?9 @5 F
"I know Chris, try to sit sideways a little. You won't feel
) Y/ m; B& o8 Q$ e. n9 Qthe butt plug so bad." Andy consoled his little brother
% j! p( |) B$ W0 k6 M" o( x"I'm sick of his whining," Michael snarled. "We all got
5 _" _9 l4 `% R. o2 qthese things stuck up our asses and no one else is
: ~3 |+ D( w" M3 y+ }; kcomplaining."
2 Y  X; W+ T7 |% d8 M4 L, W) y; @+ A/ Y) m( W1 z6 `  X$ R
"He's only a little boy," Andy said. "You got something to
) r+ @6 z* C3 v! N9 v( esay you say it to me. Leave my brother alone."7 a5 i( |" j" B9 G  h, r  M' T. X. k
1 M3 R8 @; o$ T- \
Michael pushed back the chair and stood. "You want a piece( I8 t" g8 g  Q* G7 v- ]
of me Micelli? You got it." He pushed the smaller boy in the$ J6 M% y* l. b/ K; k+ ^
chest. Andy cocked his fist and was about to slug Michael
2 R2 J; [: R4 b# ?, Wwhen he sensed another presence.
3 Q* ^# [$ e' m7 H8 K* b  G  {4 |# k  b6 r: c
Mrs. Connolly had been watching. She came over. "You two
6 s) |+ D* q9 o$ sneed to make love not war. Get up on the table. Both of
8 V" [3 k- j/ _3 ^( b0 I9 Cyou."
& m3 t+ x+ ^1 \
# Q- u' L" V/ ?& E0 N) ]The two boys climbed up on the table. Tears came to their! S0 [6 T# L) Q/ m. m$ E: b/ W
eyes. The girls and the guards gathered around. Evil Annie8 C$ B1 ~' J2 Z2 T* N* n
came out from the kitchen to watch./ T* p$ R# ]# G1 u" p$ y
# P* [3 N& I/ R' R, F! u  K) |* Z
"Lie down on your back," she instructed Michael. "Andy,
" }9 A. _1 X7 j/ {# k$ Tstraddle him in the sixty nine position."
9 \: O: C& i/ i/ x4 ^
) [: S% E, d4 j"I ain't gonna suck his cock, No way. " Michael shook his& s2 W+ G3 k$ B
head. Jennifer took out her remote and waved it in front of
1 K" x4 q4 Y6 ]. U+ Chim. A look of defeat came over his face. His shoulders
, T0 _8 P/ E" F# i- Qsagged. He lay down and opened his legs. 8 _/ O" _/ p4 K

( W& y) D. d7 t( `# _6 J"Please don't make me do this," Andy begged. "I was only
1 [9 j- o) d0 a0 Gdefending my brother."
- V9 ?; c+ E" r, X. V# @: a3 U8 Y2 G5 R# b
"Shut up and squat on his face. Each of you take the other's2 l( H* p% ]& C2 \# o8 y
cock in your hand and stroke it," She instructed as Andy  v- m0 I2 r: Q/ P
straddled Michael's face with his groin. His cock hovered
: l. a, y7 {7 M  t3 v$ gnear Michael's mouth. 8 K) g4 u0 X8 ]3 f- t* K

4 `2 v" q1 N$ o. ?+ Y# mBoth boys were pulling each other's cocks. "Good, now kiss
2 y  [: f' W7 C  Oeach other's balls." She commanded.
* a1 U# g! W! B' m: s9 c& R
3 I; f8 z, U/ b" z! Z/ V( Z) [6 A# \The girls and guards watched. "This is sure more fun than& W* N7 s1 u+ R8 K3 {# m
school, "Kelly giggled.
: N) n8 ^1 V3 m+ m& s" G2 k
% B1 P5 v- _$ M' s"Its early young lady. I'll make sure you're at school on
: T- m$ R5 J$ Q4 L8 {8 mtime." Her mother answered as the sobbing boys kissed each8 l$ E0 Q5 A0 H3 k9 t3 _' E
other's balls and caressed their rapidly hardening cocks.! X* j. D' M5 K* B
9 b* g" F, i! w8 t, Q6 c" `
Mrs. Connolly satisfied herself that each boy's cock was) B4 \5 G: f% b2 f' s
fully hard. She commanded the crying boys. "Put those. D. x) F; J/ R% U
peckers in your mouths and suck on them real good. Andy you
) ]  Y( B$ \+ }4 H8 m2 k* tbetter swallow every bit of Michael's cum or your ass will
0 T3 ~% h8 B1 v2 J7 b# \get more than a fucking tonight. And Michael being Andy
1 E; |/ c2 v6 idoesn't cum yet, You're gonna lick his ass out after someone
; v( e  x, N( x# F, t( J6 K' Bgets through fucking him tonight."
$ _% \4 [; E. ~  U, R
2 z' i: R1 ~) O) c( F4 fThe two boys were now sucking in and blowing out on each
  Z5 U2 b9 ?" L! `other's cocks as the whole lunchroom watched. Mrs. Mandel7 K% }4 F" K; h) b# E' S: B
was cackling as she watched. The eggs in the kitchen were
, B: v% a" I- q$ y: L" e  Fburning unattended.
" `* m6 E0 ~+ }: L; f0 F* A/ Y& A) @* P
The boy's heads were bobbing up and down as they blew on/ _) Q1 e& Y! U# b: t
each other. Despite his acute embarrassment Andy was
# R4 U8 h* h1 T) nclimbing closer and closer to a climax as Michael licked his
% t+ L0 c1 n/ K9 ^4 atender cock head while sucking on the shaft. Andy returned5 q/ K" m$ H. {. U/ ?- j: g+ Y4 W
the favor. He could feel the large, stiff cock in his mouth2 b5 M' f+ j1 d& R, _& F/ C
growing as it pulsed with a life of it's own under his. f9 O# v6 S% g0 G% }
, v5 j5 D! ]2 u2 P; e9 W( b# \* \/ S: X
Both boys were moving their bodies as they tried to shove
8 ~- A( C$ X: {, Q) Hmore and more cock into each other's mouths. Suddenly Andy# l0 ^) j, O) C- |* \. e
stiffened, "I' m cumming," he yelled as he arched his back.
1 \. v# h2 F! T. [+ j$ S1 m$ F2 l* {. j( t/ Q8 ]
"Me too," Michael yelled his body lurching upward as he shot
$ w1 }: S; ^0 r1 Qa thick wad of cum down Andy's throat.
8 U; g- I1 ]2 d1 h- C1 N0 P/ f7 Y. [5 c3 }% S5 c
Andy choked as the slippery liquid ran down the back of his
2 y# m$ z( h# f# T* u7 z# nmouth. He remembered Mrs. Connolly's threat and forced- w1 X; q7 r9 t2 t; z- Q
himself to swallow. Then it was all over and the boy's cocks
$ `- ^) f& m5 L) cstarted shrinking. Andy pulled out of Michael's mouth and
( ], E0 M& X9 C; B# v4 p* }rolled off the table. The girls were giggling as he turned7 A0 U9 ^5 A( _! i# Y+ J. s' V
beet red.
. f* t5 @  R1 l7 R$ r2 q# n. l) [% R( p* S; Y# g) M7 O! y
Michael followed. He climbed off the table, his head down,
- h2 K( l' X$ Z2 I  a$ Ktotally humiliated by the control these women had over him.
& q# t0 K; A; u1 d) j
# M% n, V7 {! ]Mrs. Mandel went into the kitchen to try to rescue+ {- ^, Y- b# J5 K& d% G
breakfast. She served the guards and the family first. The
6 f- e. T2 D3 r8 J0 {* g* aboys had to get their own. They sat at their separate table,
  t: ~( d. R3 c: u* Y/ pUnable to look each other in the eyes after the humiliation1 {# Q0 m% v6 J9 S8 W2 u
suffered by Andy and Michael.7 |! S7 n0 L4 B1 ~$ c

& X/ [+ t8 o" C( f  KFinally breakfast, such as it was, was over and Miss Thomas- y, k% i& }$ x1 d* L; Q# S
left to drive the four girls to school. Before leaving
( W# f& P3 x( |. G1 d% U4 d/ |Christie walked over to Kevin and stroked his cock. "See/ I& x8 v: L. z0 h& Q
ya," She smiled tweaking his cock head. Just last week the- f7 z/ E2 V- c2 G6 Z
two of them had sat during recess dangling their feet into; ~1 G. B9 V  ?
the creek behind school and sharing their lunches. Now he4 o8 Q5 m/ q0 A- s
was a naked prisoner in the school her Mother ran and she
8 z/ s8 p1 I5 \, Owas his guard.
) E1 N6 X' O+ u; `& {
- K9 n1 w4 C4 f- X3 J7 IMrs. Maikowski gathered Andy, Chris and Ricky and with Lori
1 V+ h$ t6 H' TPaulson marched them outside to work on the farm.
4 o4 ]. T0 F7 T) k* o0 m- I; e0 N' x( h6 b
Mrs. Connolly led Michael, Josh and Kevin to the Doctor's
6 y9 g# s! e% Z1 doffice. Michael and Josh were to have their stitches looked! T* }2 S; x3 [6 J2 T( Z9 ?/ b; F
at and Kevin was to get a physical and have the device
+ V$ V* j. F/ ^installed. Only one guard was needed and all she would have
/ ]  Y+ F! d6 lto do was press the remote.
0 ^0 G5 _/ }' J* v( g7 D
/ x  E) a( c0 IMrs. Connolly opened the door and led the boys in. Michael's
4 r2 }& Y: C6 w. g$ pface lit up as the beautiful nurse smiled at the boys.* }/ J. q8 r% G& a& G0 x. Z; p
$ T2 D! i( Q7 n4 b" f5 a- z
Kevin felt a wave of shame wash over him as the nurse looked
( t# i6 s3 x5 q$ |& j. T5 I' gat his nudity. He couldn't help it. His hands went down to# I- Q% A. D, u  i4 Q( A
cover his cock and balls. Mrs. Connolly noticed and smacked
4 w' ^7 l0 Q1 t" u" ?him on his bare ass. "Ten spanks with the paddle tonight,"* c- m7 P: R# D# b
She said. Now get those hands behind your head."5 _8 O2 k1 e5 g+ M: v, I
6 X% ~$ C- ]1 Y; ~) C
Nurse Randi smiled at Michael and Josh. "Nice to see you. w% A3 s$ z  W
again." She looked down at their cocks. " All of you. My, my: n; l/ u5 ~+ Z7 J
Look how handsome you look with those butt plugs up your/ [# p! W" s# d* z  ~
asses.") S) `2 w+ Q( A* J. M, k' _
) R8 ?1 B% q6 c1 U! x" t" I" |# [: c
"Tonight is the second phase of the boy's training. " Mrs.
: ^" {$ G; u; b; R" b, XConnolly explained. "Its all part of the school program. The
' K8 ^  z9 r4 F* o- q0 W/ f; vbutt plugs are to open em' up a little so a penis fits in
4 D' M6 e1 p6 S- ocomfortably."
1 B2 \( r$ g" V! e; T4 T" O+ y7 {" ]0 d9 V+ ]3 Q2 i
" I see. Still its nice to see your penises again even if
0 |  z& h8 i( Y6 a6 W& M% nyour asses are plugged boys," the nurse smiled.- ~! z- ^7 v9 M) b; D* j

) N8 {9 s* |- X$ _/ I0 V* ]  iJosh and Michael's cocks sprang to life despite the. E, ^. P" J9 N% R
discomfort they felt from the plugs, as the pretty nurse$ E$ y5 n3 @2 d% D( q; k: H
stared at them.
6 t9 ?# h6 \4 D
7 j. h( p/ D/ B& j$ r" S5 d( I/ dShe turned to Kevin. "My what a nice cock. Its so large for
4 a* N/ }! N7 n' wsuch a little boy." She sat down on her chair and beckoned
. `7 j1 a2 [/ ?# ^1 h: Ethe blushing auburn haired boy over. "Its just so cute," She( l6 C; r% L' L! A2 f
giggled. As Kevin stood blushing in front of her, his hands
2 k5 o- \- _2 S5 Abehind his head, Randi cupped his little balls in her hand% |; d" }& U" g
and played with them. She stroked his cock until it stood
2 B4 a1 }, B3 Z! s( V2 u5 x1 c* Qstraight out. Kevin had his eyes closed and was breathing5 e; m0 O/ j8 O% T6 S1 d
heavy as Randi skinned his foreskin back and ran her finger$ s+ g8 S$ e0 i: [
around his cock head.
" k4 U) H  w0 j
9 N1 K1 N6 p; [, v  L9 u5 [. z"The doctor will be a little late, " She explained. "I'm  h& ^4 Y& N; M& l" ^
going to complete the first part of the physical. She'll
$ z' t% _1 U. Ojust have to insert the device, I'll do the rest." She' q" H% M7 P. o* p, A5 R$ W
looked at Kevin's hard-on. "Oh dear look what I've done. I
" N# f, W8 ?' ?3 wguess I'm going to have to finish him off before the doctor
/ Q" A! w+ V9 _5 N) e$ ?. sarrives."9 S5 ~% H6 w3 V% u: ]* p

) ?0 J, g4 Y) I* G$ g- l0 @"There's no need. I've got a better way to make him cum,"
! \0 C& s9 F; b$ {8 s0 j) m" I: GMrs. Connolly said grinning evilly. "Lets go into the exam1 }. K, ^4 s% {* u
room."+ I3 B  m' K+ m1 n) A
3 K2 ?- H7 G' X: E
"Kevin, get on the exam table," she ordered the confused
' J2 x8 M" P. p# J& G- c& qboy. "And put your feet in those stirrups."
' N  q7 e& m9 M9 D/ G  @8 {3 O6 i  p- _* W
Kevin climbed on. He kicked off the flip-flops and placed
$ C. o' `! S5 e0 l6 w0 e& x& U6 qhis feet in the stirrups, opening himself wide. His cock. ]/ W! X% E1 p7 }, ~1 Z. I
jutted up. 8 }* u7 @* \! ]" u

7 M3 L9 H: y: }2 ?" F"Michael, Be a dear and show Randi how nicely you've learned
! \1 _0 x$ E& M( Nto suck cock."4 y) D5 }6 d. n- O8 e; H7 T
- E# S" P. q! b9 l+ {
Michael turned pale. "Please ma'am not in front of Randi.# R1 X6 Y4 K6 V7 m
Please," he begged./ \8 ]" U2 \  s

0 j3 R8 J- S% p8 V- c4 rMrs. Connolly pulled out her remote. "You just don't learn,
, Q0 b( E+ z: Z) y9 N, d# gDo you?"
- Y: G. J* s4 m0 [8 z% B
8 e. |1 O2 V& ~Michael screamed as the pain shot through his balls. He fell3 n: U: \: K# V8 M9 [; i6 n
on the floor holding his cock and balls. "No more. I'll do, B3 W5 `+ S- p, j5 D: k
it," He cried.$ }" I/ V5 ~- i/ p+ ~
1 V! M$ E4 f' }  S( f
Slowly, Holding his throbbing balls, Michael got to his6 |" x8 z% D0 k: u# E" J! ~
feet. He stood between Kevin's feet and lowered his head,. b9 b/ y9 j8 Z
blushing furiously as Randi watched giggling.
( o3 h+ E1 U( U5 G  t+ ^. B. h$ w
Opening his mouth wide he took the younger boy's cock into
* t. e; F7 S2 Phis mouth. "Play with his balls,"  Randi instructed standing
, W$ ]; K- N" @. Rto the side to get a better look.
6 h! Y  j* j1 s1 j
+ w7 @/ i3 d9 `- O+ s/ Q' ^* f& nAs his head bobbed up and down over Kevin's cock, Michael
: V5 b. E% T9 q1 q( Rtook the boy's small balls in his hand and kneaded them.
8 z  h9 k$ X7 H: aKevin's hips were moving furiously as Michael blew and9 x7 J" b0 R/ W1 v
sucked his stiff dick towards a climax.
) h5 {+ S5 `) C3 Z* Q1 S
! N. L/ m+ z; e8 _0 IRandi had never seen a boy blow another boy and she watched
: j8 {, _' l' C6 l; L/ Rfascinated as Kevin stiffened and grabbed Michael's head.
* q' B9 ^! N8 \$ _7 {0 [) f6 WThen he yelled as he came. Michael was lucky. If Kevin could: |9 b7 }& S; J: B
cum he would have shot a quart down the older boy's throat.
. m5 m* t- [) Z0 @  g! a; U5 M
. \3 e  R0 W+ I( Q8 n7 j2 S4 OMichael stood up. Tears were running down his cheeks as he
( o) f5 e2 `  W/ s- {4 Q- sslunk back to where Josh was standing. Josh's cock had- Q; H* {/ v. B7 w& N& }
shrunk as he watched Michael's humiliation in front of$ L, p0 _7 {( m  s7 e# Y) u
Randi. It could easily have been him.
( ^% _5 A: Z! a- U1 \4 E7 c
" D" Q4 _/ Y/ k# ^1 G2 }Randi got to work. "Stay on the table," she told Kevin.
0 ^5 i7 [2 U  m4 s( f"Arch your back so I can see your asshole." As Kevin arched* G5 [5 \1 {8 P8 k4 N
up, She pulled on her rubber gloves and greased up her index" D/ w7 n4 U5 ~/ u+ B
finger with KY jelly. She sat down and the foot of the exam
7 |" i# F  g- g0 w3 m( K5 W; ztable and opened the little boy's behind. "I'm going to: K# O& ], Q7 V$ s
grease you up so the doctor can examine your rectum. It'll
2 @3 G$ C6 {) e* J5 Qalso help me take your temperature." She gazed in at his& [4 j* E; a- p: C1 K2 [
pink asshole. "Very cute," She said patting his ass. Then+ ]! n; J6 B/ l% v& p! d$ {
she pushed her finger against his puckered muscle and into
2 ?) f4 G$ W# g, [up into him.- ]% r1 h3 P) H

: P; ~! @" V9 ?Randi's finger went in up to her knuckle. Although her
  Z# D1 H$ W% ]. z% b6 Jfinger was slim the little boy jumped and gasped as it- V1 N+ g) g. @$ e  ~
pushed into his tight little rectum.
; I; [. I2 f+ Q* G: H5 d& R. }& A; J5 v/ e, A
She wiggled it around as he clenched his fist against the
; U0 b6 G% I4 `+ O( o  x, Tpressure. Mrs. Connolly made a mental note to start him off
( r  H7 R" q# O: I2 |" I$ q" vwith Christopher's little cock.
$ y+ O) o3 d" H& P
% s+ w" ]; c" H6 W" @8 E! HRandi pulled her finger out and substituted a thermometer.
) ?0 [6 c: ?' y) A( v5 _She waited a few moments and pulled it out, wiped it with a
; ?0 R. K- |+ Q1 q6 w* Ytissue and wrote in his chart. "You can stand up now Kevin.   M% M3 Q) r0 `5 L$ n9 u* G
Please urinate in this bottle."
+ T' I" e3 w9 f4 S1 H+ e5 X. J+ y1 m. u% w* _) l
Kevin stood up and tried to pee. Everybody was watching him.
% F# E* G8 o- x3 L+ h; y; T"I can't pee if you watch me," he whimpered. Randi ran the5 b& s2 R" Y& h6 y2 Q$ N
water in the sink and Kevin closed his eyes. A trickle of
* E/ q6 m8 O# H0 v9 v' Burine went into the bottle.
) o# M1 `/ t, g8 p
) x8 o5 ~. x2 L) D" {"That's very good Kevin, now please get up on the chair" t2 m9 W/ F! `3 Z2 r. N
without your flip-flops so I can check your feet." Kevin6 p1 L8 m6 \2 v5 r
climbed on the chair and the nurse checked between each toe.
6 t, h1 i  @9 A( x9 {% x"I heard you were caught with marijuana, Kevin. I'm checking8 d1 U/ j) j8 T; I& {
you for hidden needle marks from other drugs," She- O, E! P& C( ?
explained. " G7 P$ @' i; A/ W% j' T9 \
# y# G8 @4 D( V7 ?9 C9 z
Randi checked between each of Kevin's little toes. Satisfied/ _, e9 c$ h4 d! p7 I0 B
that he was clean. She let him climb down. After taking his& \5 Q) W: _. Q9 C3 i! ?7 M  [
blood pressure and checking his heart, Randi sat the little
0 i7 ~! n: W- v  l- f# Eboy down and swabbed his arm. She drew a blood sample and1 F4 r' t8 ~. `8 ~6 \0 e
labeled it.
, E/ e: W' x3 H+ a
5 H' j6 J/ ?) D# A/ ^The doctor arrived just as Randi finished up. "I've done all. {' A# @6 H5 @2 V' d
the preliminary work doctor," Randi explained. "I've even
1 o* G& [" S/ v4 z( B9 M* D2 G  cchecked his feet like you showed me."$ ]6 A8 B+ p0 ]- h+ H
+ \$ q% V/ G" ^2 v
"Excellent work," the doctor smiled. "I see for once the
& @3 c, x! B% G2 q+ }" Upatient isn't hard. I knew you could do it Randi."9 r' J/ j7 K8 I

9 A9 I+ K$ ^: o" S7 {* ]8 SRandi winked at Mrs. Connolly. "Thank you doctor."0 M; _$ k! y) c3 e& ~/ A

4 K% S+ m( ~5 F8 AThe doctor beckoned to the downcast Michael. "Lets check
1 M1 \1 Y. G% J$ M3 `1 v+ Myour stitches first Michael. Please climb up on the table.
& T/ v  [$ c5 f0 s3 {) rYou look very cute in your butt plug," She smiled.
0 H! Q% u( G0 q6 f0 q8 f6 l! L4 A9 u* |# Q6 ]
Michael sat on the exam table. Doctor Brenner pushed him
/ E$ T2 f% X. B: mback and put his feet in the stirrups. Randi lifted his; p, X2 F& y7 \
large cock and the doctor examined the small incision on the( q  Z% C6 s4 |5 t2 n+ R# R1 w
back of his ball sack. "It looks fine she said squeezing his/ [7 M' b9 }9 l1 [* \& [, a
cock. "You can get down now."
/ M$ `8 c( J3 w" `' M4 y1 h7 p: H
Josh was next and Randi lifted his cock out of the way.9 h$ ^2 Z, v9 W1 U+ d9 a
Doctor Brenner gazed at his balls and pronounced the5 e; o" x$ L  p2 T
stitches fine. If she thought at all about the butt plugs
* f$ C' \$ m  v: A7 @" ishe kept it to herself.4 E, r4 @  e0 g5 G2 ]; P; H
/ N! F$ r8 P; T& S9 z8 _  z; V
She turned her attention to Kevin. "Is his ass greased up?"8 h" n/ O4 `/ s1 b
Randi nodded. "Please hold on to the table and face away9 l9 E# B- M  S( i% c. X% w
from me," She ordered the frightened boy. As Kevin turned) ~7 K9 ~$ |" a# m/ S% q6 Q, R
away she told him to "spread his legs wide and bend over."
) Z% t; I+ e% j3 J* b( t! H0 ?
/ y# F- o5 U2 m0 c"Please reach back and pull open your cheeks Kevin.". v% L/ m8 A: o. u* ^
Blushing furiously Kevin obeyed. The doctor Pulled on her4 W5 R! _$ @4 f7 r( |" G2 |% b
surgical gloves and pushed a finger into Kevin and again he( |" `( H2 P2 t7 z- t/ g
cried out. " I have to open you up so I can use the
' m2 L# P1 r7 @2 x: u: Zsigmoidoscope," She explained, moving her finger around in9 m3 _: z( C. w( [. }
his tight little asshole. Kevin was now crying loudly as the
, O3 e) [# `" Y+ L, f; C7 rdoctor probed for his prostate, He shrieked as her finger
3 }% O, x) r+ t* t" l/ Kfound it. "A small prostate," She dictated to the nurse., x* x3 s' z) \8 Q$ ~: s& ?: p
"Its going to be a year or two before he reaches puberty and
0 u% C: N0 D% x" T& amakes sperm." As the doctor removed her finger Kevin started
! n+ [' t# Z" }) d1 Bto relax, then he screamed as he felt the steel instrument4 ~; F/ U8 e+ N* f; s  ~' y
entering his rectum. A tremendous pressure built up in his: M) }5 a" L; J
bowel as she pushed it in deeper. "I have to shit," he
7 n' Q0 ~7 M8 `& Bcried.
. {4 x4 Y' U9 l
- k. N8 O  |% X"Just a few more minutes," she reassured him pushing still* ~! S$ n+ J$ V3 s. Y$ {
deeper. Finally she removed the instrument and he started
$ ~$ K: k) `5 b+ b1 ^4 Hbreathing again.
  \  F5 {- D/ D. m
4 V8 Z( C; e' h' O1 D6 H: Q+ e"Do you have to use the bathroom?"  She asked. He shook his
% v+ q( u' ?1 N9 vhead. "It just felt like it when you pushed that thing into: Y& d/ b+ r9 j* @* k
9 b% t7 R7 H- ^  }; U: R* F. v1 j9 r( m2 n2 o
Now let me see your penis," She said as he turned around.
( G# V1 p, ]* ~She sat down and had the boy stand in front of her. Cupping
; @, S4 M" B: d* V4 s7 Hhis balls in her hand she said to the nurse "His penis is
- e4 m/ j5 I9 r" r0 vfairly large but his testicles are still immature, Nice
# z7 x4 w, ?, Y- Wlittle dick though. He should grow bigger and have quite a3 ~0 ]& p0 l. Y; e, ]
cock by the time he's thirteen."
. e4 C5 L8 t- P; g% ]) d! ^0 c1 P9 T3 S' _- B/ v
Kevin blushed as the doctor skinned his circumcised foreskin
2 \+ k3 z* {" |" m* g6 ]! }back and examined the head of his prick. Then she grasped1 Z( s0 v* E; [
his balls and told him to cough.7 j, T" w) o' W% W- O) `) A
3 H. D& j: Y2 J7 Y
Satisfied that his balls and cock were in good working order
; S/ ~0 t+ d2 l. g5 Lthe doctor ordered the boy back on the exam table. "Put your
* I+ T3 Z3 D- L7 K% z7 J8 `feet into the stirrups please,"
; ~2 H9 ~! ~1 d9 p
- J# I! u/ G+ C8 ?/ ]Kevin knew what was coming and started to cry. "Please don't. S! e3 h, @' M$ c: G0 J3 v
cut my balls," He sobbed. Randi swabbed his cock and balls
9 z* Z6 s1 p9 O' |with a cotton ball and alcohol. "This won't hurt," She. a$ E( `( a& J; z: ]! u5 N: ~
promised. The doctor nodded and Randi lifted Kevin's cock2 {4 [, D# M4 A! c/ k/ N
out of the way. Holding his scrotum in one hand the doctor9 K/ N0 L+ ~9 m$ x6 \
injected it with the other. 4 I7 O  t" H% I6 X

" R; p/ J5 H# A3 E1 u/ aThe anesthetic went to work almost immediately. Kevin felt" y3 N. `& R- l6 \' N3 y& i
his balls and cock go numb. Randi held the boy's cock out of
- D* z1 j# K; ?: f% n. ~the way as the doctor bent over Kevin's balls. She made the
9 Z) ~: [6 P5 S4 i' B; y& fsmall incision and reached behind her for the forceps and
$ [5 O4 S. ?& a% c3 hthe microchip. Quickly inserting it she sewed him up with* c; t) S2 Y; Z* [- \7 O
two stitches and nodded to the nurse. Randi placed the Band-# x0 ~) y$ |  U
Aid on his cut and smiled, "You can get down now." 6 }8 m: P+ u7 h7 P

# W, \  D4 b' k( t0 NKevin stood on wobbly legs. "Just one moment," Mrs. Connolly
, [4 d. x9 I. _$ u- k9 R: I$ z6 C& Ginterrupted. She reached into her bag and removed a medium
4 \0 m- J1 ~9 y# N! N/ X# dsize butt plug. "Are you finished with his ass Doctor?" - s. N  C: [6 I+ {! @% `; a

/ ~- G7 y/ l4 r5 eThe doctor nodded. "He should rest for the remainder of the9 j8 {( j$ \$ ~1 ~( o  K
day," She cautioned.
+ u$ j$ o6 [2 _/ n9 l$ {* P+ r+ S2 H  ^& V
"Don't worry, This is for tonight. The boys are going to
. P& A- U2 l9 ]2 X% w9 Z& E* ~( tbegin phase two of their treatment. That's why these two,"
1 B! x4 u2 o- D2 J- nShe looked at Josh and Michael, "Are wearing their butt3 |3 \% o, Z1 T5 S7 y
plugs. Tonight some will get fucked in their asses and some  c% F3 j, z6 }5 |1 M
will do the fucking. I need their asses stretched so they
: ]. l: [) S) G. X$ h2 v: hdon't hurt each other."
# [/ Z1 |( d, J4 ?1 Q
- g, |1 r, \% x  t; VShe smiled. "Say, I have an idea. Why don't you two stick
  U3 J4 p1 r6 Q4 [' g; _around. The boys should put on quite a show."
7 X6 P5 l! q6 X; y. x$ X2 L9 v0 W8 N( m, ~; K
Randi nodded, "I'll stay. I'd love to see that." The doctor) U+ r2 r+ {/ Q6 {" N8 s
nodded too. "I can check their rectums afterwards to make
5 U1 A( ?/ u; v" Q3 b, Asure the don't hurt themselves."" J4 F$ k7 n4 p3 K+ K* m  {- q
" P5 l) R* O5 M* m' x1 e* v8 V6 z
Mrs. Connolly ordered Kevin to bend over and open himself' e9 C0 e: a- f& ]
up. As the boy bent over and pulled his cheeks apart Mrs.; p: `4 U& z; k1 a- z0 t9 k! r# i; Q
Connolly pushed the butt plug in causing Kevin to gasp and2 u9 G) e3 C8 L, W/ o$ h, l
jump forward. "Only the front part is numb," The doctor
* |$ k$ g  n' r* R9 h, Z. @" Jsaid.
* h8 ]! s4 r8 ?! l) k! X8 x& d/ j; c3 P. I) c9 V
Mrs. Connolly secured the straps around his waist as Kevin
! Y1 H  r7 N3 n6 h& Tpainfully straightened up. Then she beckoned to the two
6 M* X. V, i3 p9 y: A4 l+ ]7 rolder boys. "Follow me," she ordered. "We'll drop him off at6 [" X8 b$ T! \6 @4 F! B6 e7 g
the dorm room and you two will join the others on the farm.
* R+ e3 ]: T5 e+ Y1 _  }7 N5 \# ~: Q3 {7 V6 t! E1 m! O* z
Mrs. Connolly unlocked the dorm room and let Kevin in.5 _5 V- K& v; W& {& ^2 G
"We'll be back later. Keep that butt plug in. I can tell if
5 ]2 v$ u' f4 ~" t8 {4 @you remove it and believe me you don't want to take it out,"
$ P) Y5 ]7 K# F$ D: K! z  b4 o$ OShe warned. "You may not be able to do any fucking tonight+ p$ `8 Y9 ~3 H( n0 k0 ^
but your ass doesn't have stitches in it."! {9 D  l) N2 P7 M
* ]+ n" }! E3 c3 E
She beckoned to the two older boys and led them butt plugs,
* n" i0 C, K. g2 a1 O' h6 Eflip-flops and all out to the farm. 8 L6 F# U% S# f7 |: ~

, a3 l; M/ d$ j7 r- GMrs. Maikowski and Miss Paulson had the other boys working
" c( ^: F, J% Tat full speed. The stables were swept and fresh hay was put
9 n6 m/ K, J8 a1 minto the stalls. Andy and Christopher were gathering eggs in; h1 ?  d# u" u: B  e
the hen house. Lori was watching them, chewing on a bit of! V0 D8 n; S& d& G2 {0 L9 f! R: n
straw. Ricky was squatting in the vegetable patch pulling, ]$ \# {/ K* w( Y0 H' Z
weeds under the supervision of Mrs. Maikowski.
! Z" V  y  `' I( X
+ S" \# d; n- S1 f# E1 ?4 jMrs. Connolly led the two boys into the barn. "Go stand next2 E& B6 F, g8 m+ Y5 k1 x+ A, F4 @
to Marla's stall. I want to see for myself what all the fuss% j/ o/ [$ E. X2 o
is about with you and the calf," She said to josh. , |5 Z, n& R3 O4 x

* |3 @0 Q& g# wJosh looked like he was about to start crying. He knew
5 j  [7 l! M1 u$ R4 V+ Ebetter than to beg. He shook as he edged over to the stall
! h( `* E' n* g$ Q+ Y7 K" u# C0 g( bdoor. The calf looked up and snorted as the boy stood by the& P% o: n) {4 b! J. [. G& ^
stall door, trembling. Marla came over.2 l0 a' U; Z% V& ]) u6 q/ f" I! x
, Z, M, A1 b* l8 H4 r5 F6 {
"Turn towards her," Mrs. Connolly prompted. "Put your hands, B7 c2 x- i" N. a) }/ v- p
on the back of your head."0 [5 p: a& P6 k" T% C7 q
! N; C3 J6 E. g8 @5 @8 @6 j( _
Josh turned and the calf licked his balls. As the boy
: e4 ?+ m& p0 [0 `& [9 G, ustarted crying with fear and humiliation the calf licked and
0 s1 o7 u- n$ q" Bnuzzled Josh's cock and balls. Despite himself Josh's cock& y8 m+ I8 X" _) S- i/ N/ N
started growing and he was soon panting and moving as he got  f+ ^) Y. p" k2 x6 x! i/ W1 h
a bovine blowjob.
% a" f3 N( z3 h9 z# p; J0 y, E9 u+ A2 p  y+ P
Michael's eyes popped open as he watched Josh's ass moving
0 }% r0 i6 i5 C, x) e5 A7 Dback and forth. Josh's eyes were closed. Michael had missed
- h# I6 w: Y& O6 cJosh's first encounter with the calf and couldn't believe0 `; o9 _8 e- w' U3 d
his eyes. Mrs. Connolly was laughing so loud that Lori came
% _( c2 o) F4 K9 ]4 `rushing in to see what was wrong.2 v+ H/ {9 x5 s4 H5 B; q* w8 O

+ v( Y2 D) r( a0 n* dMrs. Connolly giggled to Lori," I think we need to add cock% I8 Q* `# \4 R' s" _
and ball licking to the boy's repertoire. We can call it
9 V6 A7 B# A0 Y) _5 [3 Ddoing the Marla."3 ?$ {& O4 A; F7 Z

, ]) t  |' }8 k4 xLori nodded, "Great idea." Why don't you use it tonight to
" d9 Z' D0 @) }" A( U1 Iget the boy's cocks hard."8 v& {2 S  {/ D* `% e
- M7 g$ m& I' C1 {9 D& W- |( J
Josh rose on his tiptoes and arched his back. He moaned as
$ U0 B4 h  U6 o1 E1 z  r2 jhe came in the cow's mouth and Marla licked it up like ice  e& J/ e1 W1 q! d. H0 v
) s6 f  ]& \7 G
6 J6 R& U  d+ o5 i. z# N8 b3 d$ SThe rest of the afternoon was spent with the boys weeding. f; v2 A5 O# \# D+ V( Q
the crops. It was hard work and Ricky was red from toiling
( H- m0 x+ j+ qnaked under the hot sun. The other boys were tanning. All
  \8 ^( q0 s% P; h' Ffive boys were sweating and filthy. - `$ h7 l9 w( R  W: o3 N

  x9 c( ~7 P; E+ j, w) p"When we get the governor's permission to increase" h8 o. o( s, N% ?& H9 r
enrollment to about forty boys and girls we can have them
' v% y# J2 C. L0 {! a2 z& l9 k8 {8 N7 {take over all the farm work. That will save on the salary we
7 |6 b" d; [& C! c; _: f6 x% tpay those guys from college who milk the cows and feed the
7 x) Z/ `6 y3 w& ]2 Ystock in the morning," Mrs. Connolly remarked as they
# X1 W* ~/ r3 b' |! }! Gmarched the sweating boys back to the main house.5 g% X( f6 i  r+ o4 j! ]# Z9 z& W

: J$ m7 h& L+ b& ]( d" gMrs. Mandel wrinkled her nose at them. She fed the boys a
& P) v5 c3 m% G; W, \( Bquick sandwich. "They smell like cow dung and sweat," She
$ @6 l0 f1 h. d; v# U5 f, Qcomplained. "You should have hosed them down before you let9 _4 W- r( n: S1 o0 V
them in the house."   f7 y) `* z6 D4 g* b

% K! p* V7 X3 ~* B' U9 _8 ]+ B"Don't worry we'll clean them up for the show tonight," Mrs.
. [/ U3 }. \, h; D7 xConnolly reassured her.   0 }0 s& I6 F) }; R  Z
While the boys and Mrs. Connolly and Lori were eating their" r* b+ |; v1 a6 z5 R/ s
late lunch, Miss Thomas and the girls returned from town.
0 M$ c! d5 ^! Q. @$ eChristie couldn't wait to tell her Mom the news. 3 B+ D. A# _$ {4 H3 r

3 K( h& G) V# n! n! q"The chief of police made the lab develop the pictures
6 w6 I. C% Q- ]8 v. Atoday. He showed everyone in school the pictures of Kevin* z. L( R* @3 D0 L; \' _" z, w' P
and the boys," She said excitedly." v- p5 R6 O3 E; q; J8 w7 u

1 C1 P* p% H: c. M" |( @. X' Y! K"All the girls want copies. Mary Tucker say's Kevin has a
; w" l$ J# Y1 q5 {* [really cute cock. The Chief came to our assembly and showed) t/ F/ W. r7 R: c! y3 g# P
us the slides he had made from the pictures. He told the
0 w# @6 P# P5 x/ Q) l6 Y8 `7 eboys that they could wind up here if they didn't watch their$ v5 a- d6 v! t- q1 L+ q
steps. You should have seen Jerry Wilcox's face, Mom. He
9 G# ~3 `" n& n( Qlooked sick. I bet he's the one who made Kevin hold the" f2 f/ ^+ b& D# w" x6 L! V
drugs. He's a really bad kid." She babbled excitedly* P1 C7 p4 w- `' {$ k- `; l' _

  ]7 K( q9 D  F2 Z" d1 D"Calm down Christie. Do you have any proof that he's dealing8 o* o& Q4 \% X' u6 v
or do you just dislike him?" Mrs. Connolly asked. ' o- B1 L" x3 y

2 @4 v3 B" }- f) H"Well Sandy Shelborne says he offered her a joint once but
8 m6 b# K4 v7 r  l3 V9 Nshe's such a fibber I don't know whether to believe her or
" b" t( I9 T4 [) ~/ _not." Christie said.
3 r7 ^% s( ]7 S& }% b& C$ k% t3 B/ H3 A4 H- X) _5 Q
"I'll ask the chief to look into it," Her mother said.
: F% C) m% u3 G7 {"He'll find out. This doesn't get Kevin off the hook. He was5 c! O9 g- b7 V; Z4 J3 O
caught with drugs and covered up for someone. That makes him
  ^; `& ~) B; o  N5 Rjust as guilty. But if he talks they may reduce his time/ A' H3 v1 U, {( _9 V* w' T
here a little."% I, X. \' f1 e7 }1 [

% s* f3 T8 t* M2 k, P1 u1 M9 w8 `Caitlin was standing near the boy's table. "Whoo, You guys2 c; X: G* x* ^) p. l
stink. I bet you'll be glad to shower.
1 {6 l4 S3 y+ r2 ]3 b! I$ ZShe turned to her mother. "Mom, Why don't you let them4 `! Y3 v/ n6 }; ~/ }% J
shower now. We can have the show before dinner. Everybody is
- ^& W9 ]; O: O4 S+ h) ghere."
* E5 ~. R0 Z, Y0 a2 R' W5 w1 m5 H9 \6 \) |6 H3 s% X3 X
"I'm gonna call the police chief and tip him off about that
& m7 F  {1 e6 n9 e# n4 P2 Ukid Christie thinks might be dealing drugs. Jennifer why$ J6 Q* t$ o6 U+ y' f
don't you and the girls take the boys to the dorm? Check
0 n# ?% g8 ~# n7 z; KKevin's cock. The anesthetic should have worn off by now.
/ O6 v& q0 Q; S4 c5 A9 eI'll join you in a moment.  Miss Thomas, will you get the
6 ?& L8 A( n; L: EDoctor and Nurse? We'll remove the butt plugs and let the
. q& h' j  ~7 I/ q! Oboys shit and shower. We can have the show in the dorm in6 Q- W0 W# l6 ^- S- x
about an hour." & |. l, F* ?: Q( w) k

( _/ a! D- t  m7 Z5 I  ?- _Everybody hurried off to finish their errands. The four( p3 T2 T7 }$ ~1 @5 I5 s+ s% d
girls and Lori led the boys back to the dorm. The forlorn/ R% G/ u! L$ U; B# e+ n0 d( ^
group of males made quite a sight. Sweaty, filthy, With butt
- R( U1 i7 y) S" e' A, W* splugs in their asses they shuffled head down behind Jennifer
6 x' g; S8 }7 D+ E8 Uand Caitlin.3 M0 s0 [9 O0 q; ?/ l. \
7 s3 u- Q9 z) F* c
At the dorm Kevin had been napping. He jumped up as the
: Y6 g5 Z' O7 s. t+ _2 egirls and boys trooped in. "Put your hands behind your
0 d! |& Y: [: H  N! T# i! thead," Jennifer ordered. "Kelly play with his cock. Lets see
$ Q+ ^" R. j+ q1 M$ Aif he can feel it."* S5 _2 P6 R! W( M( E& z8 y

: @& V3 g+ z- R8 ^" g7 {) ~; eKevin stood blushing as Kelly stroked his dick. It grew: C# j: {: ^+ P& ?4 [' H
rapidly in her little hands. She cradled his balls and ran1 o6 r+ ^: S3 O# C' p6 k7 j* D# _/ x
her thumb over his cock head. He shivered as the little girl
" c. r2 z- _  x- i0 M- uplayed with his genitals. "That's enough Munchkin," Her big4 o4 ]8 o* F. E0 {1 X- C  w% U' x/ s( O
sister interrupted. He's fine."
+ A7 x% x  S$ ~5 t7 |) W4 G2 w. f
8 P  e1 J+ d" \' }8 s# a5 OMrs. Connolly joined them with Mrs. Maikowski and the Annie
( t0 W" v& q7 S# k& D' R( Athe cook. "I spoke with the chief. He'll look into this kid: b! x. k+ v( l/ `4 Y- B) e3 e
Jerry. How's his cock?" She asked nodding at Kevin. / @% X  U# \( A9 C) J; h1 K. V

( h9 Z" n* u  W% G& ~! C4 Q"He's fine Mom. I let Kelly play with it and it got hard in# d; ]$ a4 U# w. \  c( g
a hurry." Jennifer reported.
1 ^6 h" p! l8 e$ S. d( ~3 h: C4 p% B& G
"Good, All right boys you get to have the butt plugs6 R9 Q! r) x4 z9 _
removed. Anyone who can't take a cock in their ass tonight
" P+ @& e7 V' R6 S* b& ^& x  j( a% E3 rgets to wear their plug tomorrow so I don't want to hear any, a/ `1 g4 |) q1 Y9 P4 V  N
complaints. Is that clear?" She asked. " ?: @! T5 n& a- Q$ g" W
6 W: I$ ]$ m. z" g" v; x
The boys all nodded. Anything to get those plugs out. Mrs.
( s# ^+ a- h  ?  E1 H( u5 mConnolly had them face the wall, hands on their heads and. g7 s: t$ ^) F7 E( S& E
Jennifer, Caitlin and Christie went down the line untying2 _+ y3 `- k! ]+ e( v. Y
the nylon belts and pulling the rubber devices from their7 M2 j. ^% h  X1 T" m
sore assholes.: p" y6 A( T* Y; I- |

+ Q  i! o; w" w# BThe boys heaved a collective sigh of relief as the plugs8 R" ?9 X. w2 _$ z5 |# \* N/ L1 T
were removed. The suction was great and each plug made a
& M% ?3 F4 X' W7 f/ y. _/ X' L. [plopping sound as it came out. Each boy was then instructed
3 U/ o: V' Q0 nto take their plug into the shower with them and clean it up
3 F4 @+ D, `; G( m5 xfor further use. They were dismissed by Mrs. Connolly who
8 N& b2 Y/ g! u, w" i4 Ptold them, "You have a half-hour to shit and shower. Be out
+ C* e( `# `1 y8 f1 t( T1 p8 ihere scrubbed clean with your plugs in your hands and be1 z. E1 D- i8 v3 e+ E
ready for an ass inspection."
- X) E8 s0 c, d2 Y" _1 X* n4 }9 C# D  p- \  f5 o8 P
The boys ran to get ready. Miss Maikowski and the girls6 |4 P3 R' Z) e- B: A1 t6 }
arranged the chairs so everybody could sit and watch the/ k. M; l) R/ n
further humiliation of the six boys.
+ r9 x/ l/ B( Y, [$ g5 ]' R& X, Q/ i# a9 n+ H0 |9 P( E
The doctor and Nurse Randi drifted in with Miss Thomas and( a) E" r( v' B4 b. W. r  O4 @% n( X
took a seat.
, B: V& L% f+ y' R2 t+ i
, b# \0 {8 r7 k"Will you help me check their assholes, Doctor?" Mrs.
* D, E4 Q# f9 y1 u: VConnolly asked. The doctor nodded. "I've seen men get an ass
$ `; c) U* M$ F' e* ]fucking in prison, but this is the first time I saw it
& ]! [4 m3 x, _' Jorganized as a social event," She laughed.6 i! k+ x2 }- l$ C
* M" o* g3 h; ~% R3 i, W+ F' ]
"Its part of their discipline and training. They will learn
$ |- j- P( Z2 S* Q5 lto instantly obey when they are told to do something by a$ n0 ~, ^, s. ]) P3 @
woman. I want them to be ready to put on a show for the
) q; L- G% [; P) b& X, qgovernor when she visits. If she likes what we've done" l# P# t+ \/ D+ b/ O+ G
she'll give me permission to increase the school's
+ Q/ e) y* T$ _" N$ L. Aenrollment."" `. e. L* f6 q6 _

( n" D: r- T# A0 Y: w' \1 kThe boys went to work cleaning themselves up. The shower
* z; J7 p9 ~' s  b# i7 xcould hold four boys and while some sat on the toilet the2 N# }5 ]9 b4 m
others showered and scrubbed their bodies. Andrew and5 ], v$ F6 z' ^6 a( A- b( n3 y
Christopher used the toilet and hopped into the shower.
5 j+ J/ l+ \) Y+ |4 m+ Q* h; a8 xAndrew made sure his little brother was clean. He washed the- M0 h. d; i# I
younger boy's back and checked his asshole. "I need to make- m* J2 s# j- I  ?
sure we're both clean, He told Chris. "They'll go easier on
& }3 b0 ^  ]3 R3 k; s8 Gus if we don't give them a reason to pick on us."
& J7 c7 X1 z2 C2 c) @3 K7 |7 E0 w* k' T! l
Ricky asked Josh to check him out and bent over. Michael
9 h5 p; a5 ]6 i) sstill was Michael. He pushed Kevin aside and hogged the1 Q# {% N4 K, r, X
shower, scrubbing his balls and cock. "I want it nice and
2 r! Y0 E2 E- A3 Yclean for when I ass fuck one of you," he snickered.
/ u9 H0 ^; Y! D  D% R/ i+ l' g* i0 p) N" ^
The women were giggling and talking when Miss Thomas stuck+ G- J7 |: Q8 }, L2 a( d6 t( m& @
her head into the bathroom and yelled, "The half-hour is up.& b7 C9 n( O* V9 W4 V6 v
Get those asses out here."; v8 t3 M5 Z3 n! L* b" d9 ]
6 q$ ~: Y2 i2 K* t2 }
The boys emerged transformed.  Their bodies fairly glowed;! d/ z8 x9 q/ j/ Q
they had scrubbed so much. Their hair was combed and they
4 |9 b7 ^/ S' u' h8 Bhad even cleaned their fingernails. They were lined up
( a5 R' _( P6 j: G2 Ufacing the women and girls. Mrs. Connolly nodded her; f! y& q; {0 D$ f9 A5 l0 Q
approval as she went from boy to boy and looked them over  L8 U* i5 y, f3 F9 _; ^4 ^" j
head to toe.- w9 U* r( e' K' D4 n; n2 D/ j

3 s% q) }* N) [The cock inspection took a few minutes. Each boy stood cock
) t9 q3 j- Y' _# Q+ ein hand, the foreskin peeled back as she knelt and checked$ `6 J: t; q. P, F
them. Kelly followed her mother giggling as she too$ R5 V; [: K: J% R7 q
inspected each cock. Then the boys were told to face the" Z1 _; E% H; ?8 [8 c" o, U) }
wall. The moment of truth had arrived. % u0 `0 ^+ o! V0 \3 z- P- @

- L2 o- z# G$ I* \- n5 `( d& T"Spread your legs apart and bend over," Miss Thomas7 l) B% d" u" H' n# T
instructed. As each red faced boy complied he was made to
6 P1 ]9 `. f0 {( S( T8 o9 ^5 Hpull his cheeks apart.2 {2 R$ K6 K1 {. s# ^
5 v% ~/ k; D. ^* Y1 y# v, N  l7 O
Six assholes winked at the audience. The Doctor and Randi
: Z& z0 D7 s& p0 Q" ^- r3 N- {. tchecked each one closely. "There is definitely some soreness7 M2 h( T; V! X( F1 Z
but I think they'll all be ok," the Doctor told Mrs.( b1 r9 R+ D/ k6 t
Connolly as she straightened up. "You should lubricate them
. O: ^5 u/ G/ Q( J: m% L! B& O. Ibefore allowing anal intercourse."
" \+ {/ j, u" l. i" _: N, F
) @9 g! N6 }# s4 I- m: nNow the selection process began. "Christie, you and Kelly: `( q, d) L4 t& U/ r! b3 i
can have the honor of picking the first boy to be fucked. "
' S3 }- O3 w$ d4 |Mrs. Connolly said to her two youngest daughters. "Check
% J( b( C) y" C: Q9 O8 M: M3 K" Oeach asshole and pick the appropriate size dick to go in."5 C3 o0 F4 D( N/ N

$ I) R% x) V' bChristie walked down behind the row of bent over boys. Kelly8 x, P, o* H2 d/ X: k' [
followed giggling. They stopped and checked each open ass.
# G2 |9 X9 P( I" m4 g5 u' D2 nThen the two girls whispered to each other. Kelly pushed her
8 f! S4 @# ^2 @2 Dfinger into Michael's gaping asshole. "Him, I want to see$ a2 p) G* B$ U" U* |2 {" c
Josh fuck Michael's ass." She said emphatically. Christie5 o% M; f- Z  P* @+ v' {
nodded her agreement.  j/ X$ j2 a1 L4 Y& [! U* i7 o
1 m% `0 D3 O  R5 G5 F7 C
"Excellent." Mrs. Connolly said. "Now lets select another
' H& V) H9 X- i9 g# Y8 F/ m/ `4 {pair. Doctor can Kevin user his cock so soon after the: c! c6 J' U4 O$ [* L. V( _
operation?"( j  \' K. ~8 V3 d) m, H) i

/ ^" [7 L% d# ~  M: ~"I'd give it another day," The doctor said. "I'd rather he1 Y& ?* C9 Y# q! Q* w; }% \3 Z) d# a
didn't use it that strenuously yet."& K, B7 C, L# u0 ?

& I6 D/ j+ @: V7 yMrs. Connolly nodded. "Christie check your little friends
- {7 ]' L8 m# Q, Xasshole and pick a boy to do him."7 J! n: a6 [) g9 }' ~- R
/ E1 n1 {1 w* t1 Y$ f
Christie pushed her finger into Kevin's pink asshole and0 D  \/ V4 j, H% o) ^
wiggled it around. He grunted but didn't cry out as she went) b7 e$ P7 m5 y" R9 s/ G+ t
in up to her knuckle. "Christopher straighten up and let me- }6 w' b+ b" H! {% V* n7 ]9 d
see your cock," she ordered. The youngest boy stood up and9 x0 q; k' c( v4 S0 @
she pulled him over by his flaccid dick. Her other hand
8 }+ w$ l( v7 d" x, ?still was exploring Kevin's ass. "I think Chris will be ok2 N* }4 B4 P  p, K5 O! s8 |0 F  ]# p
to do Kevin, Mom," she reported, removing her finger.
: y: F# ?# K5 u( D; x% j0 O$ w4 R5 ~7 G
It was Jennifer and Caitlin's turn. They inspected Andy and
" h  D& I* [/ v  B6 {/ O; }Ricky's widespread assholes. Then each girl inspected the
# o3 \0 Z# X  @/ Q6 ]two boy's cocks carefully. Ricky was selected to ream Andy
4 a, U9 Y/ k- efirst.   {* D5 y8 P# }( w

3 U) M/ {, Q& DRealization was setting in. The six boys were all sobbing by: P" G0 v& r5 h$ w5 w/ j7 H
now. They had known this was coming but they had been; L; K$ w; p; b
harassed all day and it was just now dawning on them. They
& M) u6 k( J9 Xwere entering a new stage of training and didn't like it one6 J/ J7 h' X/ T% T4 c( }1 `. K' G; w! d
bit.+ Q/ w' P" B$ z1 `
3 x( t6 H/ V, K- @+ O5 L; Y* e' k: @
The women were all sitting up close as Jennifer and Caitlin$ f5 X* Y0 a" V
arranged three beds in front of the row of chairs. & Y% |- r) a, T
- S1 H+ u! x2 ~) T7 q+ x/ }& O2 M0 w
Mrs. Connolly addressed the boys. "Michael, Andy and Kevin,* {4 b  T  T# `: S
you three are going to be the first to get it. But don't8 {  Q) Z/ f4 N. w
think the other boys are going to get their rocks off on) I3 x+ q# p$ y$ ^! H
your asses and you'll get nothing in return. In order to
( e% j7 X# N7 y1 x, |: O9 cmake this fair each of the other boys will now suck your
8 m: w* j6 v. ]* {4 r% tcock until you cum. Then they can do your assholes. " H1 ^+ `8 P9 L

) ]- D. s- b8 |1 s  Z+ B"I need all you boys to stand facing us," She ordered. "Good0 w: E/ S% A, ]% j
now Christopher kneel in front of Kevin, Josh in front of  N, M* `) X/ z# ?: }) q8 b
Michael and Ricky in front of Andy." Each kneeling boy will
/ e* `: V9 y, C, mlick the other's cock and balls like the calf licked Josh.' l( n$ {% N& P# @2 a% t' T. h
Now get started.") f# L: W! ]! ?0 x0 n& |

3 A5 C' v+ E, L& wChristopher took Kevin's balls in his hands and moved his
; F6 C, g! p6 b5 |1 Rmouth up close. His tongue flicked out licking the tip of; H( w: U$ R' H& A1 [
Kevin's velvet cock head. He licked at the underside of the
$ q0 E& i+ Y) g8 M: B# [4 t) Hstiffening shaft as Josh kneeling alongside him did the same" s1 T% K0 c1 R4 T, @) ~& c# r( s
to Michael.  ) |; k  w+ }* V
! p* A" `2 O) S
Josh peeled back Michael's uncircumcised foreskin, exposing+ x7 w9 ?% D  P! P
the red cock head. His tongue reamed the piss hole. Each$ U1 ]/ X& `/ X
kneeling boy knew the consequences of not obeying. A
0 p8 _4 {5 J0 t: w  Lspanking was the least of their worries. That awful remote
! G3 S3 ^7 P% A1 I+ B# j7 c; rcontrol that could trigger such burning pain in their balls
- t5 h# b; g5 ]0 i- T- Q8 owas what they feared the most.- e" b; n$ b  g  L( V
  k7 ~5 O$ L7 M. Z* G: ^; ]3 G
Ricky was cradling Andy's balls in his hands. His tongue and8 Y. W. g" O& |
lips washed Andy's cock, Then he turned his head and licked
) U+ N( ?0 V: A& s# V8 b+ Tthe underside of the other boy's balls.' _: h( a7 V: G  d9 c) W, U* f

6 y9 X" H+ `2 z8 o. HThe three standing boys had their eyes closed as the three
. @3 i) l  V7 `4 @  eothers sucked and licked at their throbbing cocks.
+ R; o: ^. c$ {- T* NChristopher had Kevin's large cock in his mouth now his head; T8 L: m0 a% I+ u* u9 b7 F8 v
moving back and forth as he swallowed more and more of the7 E8 w" a/ |4 @9 a5 s
thick pole. Josh was licking Michael's tremendous scrotum3 {/ D, j1 M1 W, t' D9 U& V
and as the girls watched awed by the performance he popped
  U, L2 p4 d  {" R/ _one large ball into his mouth and sucked on it.
. l  \+ i) d4 B9 o8 ]# B  v3 G" O, @" S8 ~
Ricky was pulling and pushing Andy's cock with his hands as
1 B. G, X7 v% s) t- x1 ?he continued licking the tip of it. His mouth was all over, Z3 k) n+ B; ^
Andy's balls. The three boys were moaning and gyrating their+ t& z8 f1 Q  q
hips as they neared climax. Andy held Ricky's head and face% U/ a# v3 ?  R% \- X$ @9 q
fucked the kneeling blonde haired boy.; h  w$ D$ V5 k& m- Z7 G, Z, n$ H

* P: h6 W. b' e( I5 FMichael was the first to cum. He held Josh's head with both1 A2 S4 m" u7 X- e& q) n
hands and stiffened. He yelled out, "I'm cumming" As he
! D0 j2 B' l# Spumped a load of sperm down Josh's throat.
0 A* ^, P6 q9 w
  S- B. ?" @6 g! P: }5 jJosh choked as the thick fluid ran down his throat. He was7 v6 F+ q% `: l  {+ ]. L. w9 D
being held in an iron grip and had to swallow. Somehow he8 X/ N% q$ Y  c1 d4 Y: ~, X
managed to breathe through his nose as more and more sperm( \* _* z4 G4 \1 K" N
shot out of Michael's thick cock.
8 ]& v" _4 e) o7 G: P1 Z; _% J6 }  I7 ^/ I) x: N
Kevin was next. He stood up on tiptoes and stiffened . He2 y8 H6 |! \9 q4 ~) U
moaned as he dry came. Christopher kept sucking as Kevin's/ i7 K0 P  ~. \4 I1 q5 v6 H
cock shrunk in his mouth.6 x. q; ?/ O$ Z5 o
6 b0 B$ G: l0 j; u
Now all eyes were riveted on Andy and Ricky. "Lick his balls
( m  ]; ?+ u: d1 B* Jsome more," Jennifer suggested as she stood by the side of+ @0 X- X5 C/ ^* K9 ~
the two boys. Ricky was cradling Andy's nuts in his hand and% h' ^) p1 @$ t& @& X& Q8 N
sucking on his cock. He removed his mouth and tilted his: i; f7 n; B8 \5 C
head. His tongue flicked out and licked the underside of
% Y; d3 y2 G1 U  NAndy's taut scrotum again. The combination of licking and0 O/ h  @/ T  h
stroking on his cock and balls was too much for Andy and he
' k: K: D9 u8 y+ b* f( x& Igasped and arched his back as he came. ! G! W6 `3 ^- d
1 A0 `  y7 p+ z2 Q% _( M1 P. _8 ~
The room was quiet, as the boys sat down on the beds,  G# O' l4 Q: w4 b1 F( ?; b/ k, E
exhausted, Their sides heaving from exertion. Caitlin broke0 x5 W8 m0 |0 u  t& X% o
the silence. "Wow, That was awesome," she giggled. 3 T* m& G! H; U
9 i7 q: v. A2 w, x% L" i
"Yes it was. Our pupils are learning," Mrs. Connolly said.
2 o" J  ?& q$ r+ q* o"Good job boys, now lets get to act two." Michael, Andy and0 u' I1 ^1 n" C- q! O. k
Kevin got up as Miss Thomas gave them their instructions.7 W& K4 W; p1 N7 d1 B
"Get on your hands and knees and face the wall," she: Y. x  g. _' U3 O9 G- y0 o6 {& c! e
instructed each boy as she positioned them on the foot of
) ~( [3 Q9 r4 `5 ~( N1 U# weach bed. Their feet were dangling off as each boy took the$ M. r7 _7 n! _
position. Miss Paulson stood behind and pulled their legs' t" V/ t; G7 J7 D
apart. "Put your heads down and asses up," she ordered.
5 X( w4 Z3 K. Q& A0 O  `% BPull your cheeks apart so we can moisten you up."* W9 U9 N& |0 Y
2 ]! t' U$ F6 }) }9 z
Mrs. Connolly asked the doctor, "Will this damage their
8 Z0 f" M3 g6 y; ^7 cassholes?" The doctor shook her head. "Michael had a large
$ f* f7 `3 v+ G4 o" o* Kasshole and Josh's cock is slender. Once its in it'll feel
& \( q- J2 N/ @: E5 s! P* Ouncomfortable much like a finger and he's certainly had
$ ~" V0 O6 F% c. O- h% N* Venough fingers shoved in there. Christopher's little cock
( t. ^/ |& a1 w& f) j6 jwill barely penetrate Kevin. And Ricky's cock should be all
4 Q, V2 U  ?0 u4 @right in Andy's ass provided you lube it up good."
' D( g9 c) H/ ?+ l8 @* Y8 M4 X) s1 i" N( \
Mrs. Connolly nodded and walked behind Michael. Removing a  i# q' Z; O, p0 Z# q7 @5 j7 ?; }
tube of KY jelly from her purse she squeezed a bit onto her4 Q1 g) A1 }. ]3 O$ ^
finger and knelt behind him. "Get your head down and ass1 \( J5 X. w4 B5 H
up," she ordered the sobbing boy. As Michael complied she( U* p. b( c6 ?( {+ q
inserted her finger up his asshole pushing the jelly in.! Y7 D! H+ B" J
Then she moved behind Kevin and looked at his pink pucker.. s( W" i  y; O& [
The butt plug had done it's work. Kevin's asshole gaped open) C+ t: V/ q) b9 M0 V. Y- g0 h' p
and looked large enough to take Chris's cock easily. ; p& |  [0 |* J5 m: O; {3 @
; m9 g. Q+ E  C, q8 x$ g6 ~
"Jerry Wilcox say's thanks for taking the rap," She$ ~& |2 P7 |; f
whispered to the startled auburn haired boy as she inserted! ?& p+ L' W3 r1 w
her greasy finger and pushed the jelly up into his asshole.
( v6 X3 v' u9 u! a& B. g0 {Kevin's head popped up. He looked at her wide-eyed. "H,h,/ m) l2 _8 B3 _' |0 D5 _
how did you find out?" He stammered. Mrs. Connolly smirked.) T' X/ {9 [- U; V! s
"Never you mind now get your head down and raise your ass,"
4 d, ~& ^# V0 [- N8 F  uShe instructed before moving on to Andy.
' {' s8 F  R! P( [) h/ r$ [' _- N  g6 Y: H' w$ k
Andy had already put his head down. He pulled his cheeks as% P8 X" ~& c5 M6 N5 D; i
wide apart as he could. Mrs. Connolly nodded her approval.
) C, Y& U1 A. yShe greased her finger one more time and pushed it into, R& @4 R* `, f( A0 f# `- i# ?
Andy's ass easily. Now all three of the other boys were
% u8 E6 m2 ], h! ?# L; A3 X( y5 N+ fmoved into position. Christie stood behind her friend Kevin
  o( z- M) g+ l' G, D6 S. ]and as her mother nodded she rubbed and pulled at Chris's, @& [% [  ?. w" C: l
cock until it was standing tall and proud. Jennifer did the' t5 e* q8 J: x) I* U$ t2 f
same for Josh and Caitlin and Kelly massaged and played with$ Z7 E* N0 T/ C, I
Ricky's thin cock and his balls until his member was  K* x' x- `+ }( q3 `( M3 ~+ E
pointing forward. Then the girls guided the three cocks into
: w$ c# I# j) B4 F' Z8 Othe open assholes.
5 e! F% {" O4 R1 ?4 ~" ^4 }$ H  G1 ~
Michael grunted but kept quiet as Josh's stiff dick pushed
  n6 |' n: y* ]6 Y3 @+ Xits way past his puckered sphincter and up into his bowels.9 V4 }: }2 u# ?+ a' C
Andy held his breath as Ricky's cock speared his puckered
9 f& r8 ]1 `  Kmuscled. Kevin was the luckiest of the three fuckees.$ V, R8 a! X0 O7 c+ y1 E8 N
Chris's small pecker merely tapped at the door. Kevin had a
" k3 p9 Y' k/ B/ }$ x+ G8 }; M; cround ass and Christopher's cock was just too small. Kevin) d7 h1 I5 @/ e% v
merely grunted.  + J- ^2 p# v* r9 ]. d

8 o7 c3 _; u- u% vThe three standing boys held on to the other boy's sides as: L# B/ @7 G% k0 g! H7 D0 E0 |
they poked tentatively into the open asses. Then Josh  r" x$ A+ y5 i$ u
established a rhythm and soon was pumping away inside
4 S7 E5 B: l" B5 i9 h8 cMichael. Michael found himself responding much to his! ^1 [) k; t  l' P+ @8 P7 t" D
embarrassment. It was humiliating enough getting fucked in
8 ~$ ]# S" \/ ^his ass but worse it was in front of the beautiful nurse
% a% a* G" o9 D+ m9 ~; HRandi. His ass moved back and forth as Josh's cock pumped in5 h' h# _" C" _0 h
and out.
' D8 B- k  ~' b; E8 h8 f# X- `  A  Z  }
Kevin thought about how much he hated Christie and her! B! r. [" p! f0 R- {5 N
family. "Damn it she used to be his friend. How could she
! w% Q8 _& F3 z& G9 w: [  Mbetray him and stand by the side of the bed giggling as she
3 v' V* x$ _( {: L; A$ \. B7 Nwatched him get fucked in his asshole."
, L. m# x0 b+ U( J. n1 C* @
+ w( [7 A8 w8 ?8 V1 l% PChristopher was trying his best. His hips moved in and out$ }1 Q, Z$ T9 p6 e3 E  Z) e
as his cock touched but did not penetrate Kevin. Not so with
$ U+ I" F! v. |- [! rhis brother. Ricky's cock was long enough and shoved its way
) V9 ]9 N( S! Q9 P" {into Andy's greased up rectum. His hands were on the other
  x/ C% J. ~( c. M- o; ~  vboy's hips as he pushed in and out. After staying still for2 _- ?- }; Y) `2 e4 d) k
a moment Andy started moving his body to the same beat as
' a( N+ J& [: q. {0 d# `9 {Ricky's. Each boy was breathing heavy. Josh was moaning as  v7 L9 }8 R8 j: d7 W5 {' I
the friction from Michael's asshole brought him closer and5 Z9 D/ }* p7 u2 Q0 S2 Y
closer to climax.
5 V. ?9 `) G5 P$ _# L# Q, M0 S6 o& `: u' J4 V$ i
Michael's thoughts were on Randi. She stood by the side of
# V2 b+ F! T6 Ahis bed watching as Josh's cock pumped in and out of his
* w2 c0 A1 w; I' [" B+ Uasshole. That same asshole that Ricky had fingered when she' A+ n, e6 M/ t' V9 |* D
gave him his physical. He shut his eyes and tried to imagine
+ H3 y% I6 g2 S7 T9 Phis cock pumping into her pretty cunt. "I bet she has blonde
% y% r, ~7 u; v' _- ^) d& d+ Xhair on her snatch," he thought, shutting out the feel of
! t, _) p  k1 ~Josh's dick.- U  M: W5 z0 M4 R3 O) Y6 U
# X5 w' h4 Z. V) W! d* \
Josh had his eyes closed too but for a different reason. He
( T2 ~9 O& T7 C  U. }) jwas enjoying the feel of power he had over Michael. He knew
+ s7 Z0 f; m' {  v1 m* Kit was temporary and soon Michael's cock may be pushing into- G; L+ {3 i9 V$ t% ~
his ass. But for now, As he neared climax he was in control.
  L6 \& q+ i% G% Z: L
! W4 c3 r' U* LRicky had his head thrown back, eyes closed as he pistoned
% V: p$ e8 M2 G' m3 l8 e' V$ Cinto little pink asshole. The feel of the other boy's tight
8 h# N& B0 u) i6 @! O, `/ @2 eass was pushing him closer and closer to cumming. The girls" }* k# A( o2 |! q" R5 g
had left their seats and Kelly was standing behind him" u4 S# W4 T/ x$ m
watching as his ass moved back and forth. She reached under
5 g( ?6 `" {9 o; {# {1 }0 c! qhim and squeezed his nuts. The other girls gathered around.
  U' Z# x8 N2 cChristie watched her friend Kevin getting fucked. She felt% i) O" m- _8 g# _
no remorse. If he wanted to protect Jerry Wilcox and get
8 X$ r! q- F# i* Lfucked it was his choice.8 F# F$ T/ d& b% Z& g

, [/ Z/ L; ^; Z) N+ ]! C+ {Jennifer watched alongside Randi as Josh tightened his grip
% O; d" x8 }: Eon Michael's hips and arched his back. He stood up on
/ r' v  h# g( hTiptoes and let out a sharp cry as he pumped a load of cum
: r+ N: q: ~& f% R' Minside Michael's ass. Jennifer laughed and encouraged Josh,' x: b4 z9 U- o
"Go baby. Shoot that load up his ass."
& w( ]: r% c8 |6 `
. t* p6 D1 T( J7 ^5 Q& `. E0 K; uCaitlin had Joined Kelly and was fingering Ricky's ass as he
" c$ \5 g6 A4 w# J8 L9 [+ \neared climax. With one finger up his ass, a little girl's' o- E; m! r- \- L2 m
hand cupping his balls and his cock up his friend's ass
3 c& {" Q3 ?, j- l5 M( YRicky couldn't take the triple assault on his body for long.
5 M2 E2 w% V' F5 u) \% C& uHe let out a sharp breath as he stiffened and arched his
& ?$ H. f0 Z" Kback. He thrust forward as he came and exhausted fell over: o. Y. }6 Q9 u
Andy.$ k% i6 R( F3 x- G
4 [& v8 ?0 [, i3 H% z2 a, |* r
Christopher was holding Kevin's butt cheeks closed around1 Q/ x+ l8 R3 m" M' d
his little cock. The friction as he pumped in and out of the* y  I, V3 q/ a2 G; k- l4 O6 c
other boy's crack was working. He was last but soon he too8 B) _1 q/ m- {
came. The two boys collapsed together on the bed.   _4 ~  Z# Z2 V. Y% D/ a# ^
( O% X. W4 n' P( H
Christie walked over to Caitlin. She was red faced as she  Q& K0 _: ^  Y: {. M' B) J
asked her older sister. "Do you feel funny, In there?" She
. X8 @! _5 ?2 v+ ^pointed to her vagina. Caitlin nodded. "Its perfectly
" a4 [% a5 u0 m& p2 [( Hnormal," she said with all the wisdom of a thirteen year, z' |2 N" I  `& T
old.# n4 Z) r) i; h4 G

5 t& s3 \( T1 w"What do you do when you feel that way?" Christie asked.' s4 P; `7 T& b# v5 d% d5 z

6 G" l% t( t- `; Q" JCaitlin shrugged, "I play with myself. I rub my fingers in
$ R# j4 B6 @: L+ Lthere and play with my clitoris. Its sorta fun. Then I cum."
) P4 [& [# ~# `; g& F
& z4 ?+ H8 J$ P& x% ]6 V& m"I play with myself too," Kelly volunteered overhearing the
) Q, j+ m7 w4 Y% _5 u- T# q1 A& gconversation.
1 w" v5 [6 k: l! d
; v; }* I9 ?9 K! G" {, o"So do I," Christie nodded. "But I'm not sure what a& v6 _5 b. c" m3 a
clitoris is. Do I have one or do you get it when you become4 \  y8 f" `0 u8 x
a teenager?"1 g' R, e' h* `& U: b

2 {, ?3 Q* R, j' l( {! s"Why don't you and Kelly come to Jennifer and my room" w0 C5 }! \; p: O  y  N
tonight and I'll show you." Caitlin smiled. "Jennifer had to
, \* x0 Y  Z: ]  Z3 w7 pshow me when I was ten."
8 D$ a* c5 Z7 b& b
- H( q3 J* J8 [7 \8 _* r# p- PChristie smiled. "Ok that sounds cool."  The girls turned
" R! Y0 O% K; C2 Stheir attention back to the boys.
, x7 g2 F) d! y
) [. w  d, N+ L5 h% A+ ?Mrs. Connolly had the boys standing at attention. "Your; O. S9 w9 \; S( @" z# \: z
cocks are covered with Grease and shit and the boys who got
. I* ]8 l2 Y2 o& Kfucked need to clean up as well. Take a shower and clean up
7 n4 h2 p+ u0 @for dinner. We'll be back to get you in one hour." She6 A) b8 M6 c) g& X9 u) |! ?
paused. "Michael I didn't forget what I told you at- r' @+ c; D) a5 c+ J: r
breakfast. After dinner you'll show us how to give a rim
8 }( y8 v6 |+ J- _( @job. You get to lick Andy's ass. Pray he cleans it well."+ e" A) O; @2 y7 }, r
' y( {! y+ o. D4 z
"You all need lots of practice ass fucking before the+ Y8 c2 j! E# ^9 s# t; I
governor and her friends come for a visit," Miss Thomas told* Y( }/ s: {: u0 p7 K. P- r" h- \6 r) o
them. "But all in all that wasn't bad for the first time7 k$ A# O1 a% p) m
Tomorrow after you meet your teachers we'll switch places
4 {; h: B6 v0 O* u2 Wand The fuckers will become the fuckees. Now get washed."- p$ s1 E, K' s: [3 X" _- X
She ordered.0 L$ F5 t4 R- J9 e$ X
4 L! ^' `4 m* V- C$ B  ~# S/ r
The women and girls filed out. The last sound the boys heard
# w1 V) O( S/ G2 e  hwas Annie cackling. "Does a body good to see men treated3 ?' }! W! H" D# `
like slaves."
9 B1 n( D% f" |8 i! Y
; c. p3 }1 `6 |+ KIn the shower as they soaped their weary bodies Michael told
2 \" W5 H+ |: x( `josh, "Wait until tomorrow queer boy. I'm gonna pay you back
1 y) r) U; {) e( v) q! ^in spades for that ass fucking you gave me."
4 G1 K' X7 H2 j/ G# f3 _% _8 R; h- B: i
Andy looked over at Michael. "I saw you moving your ass and
: [) A' R# |; Iyour cock was getting hard as Josh pumped into you. I think8 o1 Z$ j6 ~  Q  O9 t1 I" u
you enjoyed it."! ]* d: k: l1 M+ p6 X8 S$ v

- s. Z: Z- S5 D- G6 X% r"Fuck you Micelli. You've been riding me an awful lot,"
. h3 [3 ?- a+ z3 e1 FMichael snarled." You wanna have it out? Lets go. I'll kick
) `8 Y1 p- [, i7 _your puny ass."5 ], u- N  H! ^1 K: U1 Y8 N

7 r5 J1 {4 d2 K3 mThe two naked boys stood toe to toe. Kevin stepped in. "If/ t  |( q" a! I5 ?/ A2 s
they hear us they'll punish us. I saw how you fell down
( I9 \" D# ^* ~/ d$ Mholding your balls. I don't think you want that or a
7 U& y1 E) A) ]& D7 Yspanking. Tomorrow is gonna be rough enough. Those two9 C7 S- U* o  {4 h0 l
teachers are the Bitches from hell."
- x' ~1 k: [$ @
" I& P% {& o) vThat stopped the fight. "What you mean?" Michael questioned./ k6 h" p- J7 C5 ?' L9 A
4 m" q! k$ N- F$ {4 c
"Miss Fanelli was thrown out of high school last year. She  Z7 W0 x9 _# V* ]# v
was too tough for even the boys. They called her Queen
/ g( t# _1 ]4 s/ D9 m0 H$ wElizabeth. Miss Walton is the gym teacher in my school. She
" u/ [, ^# p* a0 o! }. Mstares at all the boys when we have swim class. Its as if
! s. N  B  Q  ]she can see through our bathing suits. She kept threatening( E8 [$ q) `( k; i/ U! Y9 a* y9 e
to pull my bathing suit down and spank me. Now she's gonna
% r( y$ V6 W& g* Z9 |, Q4 ]get to see me naked," Kevin started sobbing.  2 C: Q" l( g1 ~& e4 j6 |: ~; ^* j
9 |. {0 b2 R4 X; D" s" l: J
"This means we gotta stick together even more" Ricky said' Q  I! `3 J; e. L9 O; C
looking at Michael. "I got a feeling things are going to get- U& |2 [% v. w& q
a lot worse."
' Z8 J7 E6 M1 s* F& q' ^" N' \: Q3 E' b8 d  _
Chapter seven the endThe Grandview School For Boys 8: N% q. [3 z2 Y2 [, d
The Teachers From Hell9 g9 b" _! ?$ u3 D+ C  t% C: X! X* L
5 N9 r0 [% }) y
copyright 2000 By Mozzy 24
0 C+ \( n, S& W! Uall rights reserved; Y6 M6 q" U/ P  ?6 t4 L. B4 c2 C/ a! a
9 }) ^/ z  h# z

- Z; r7 U8 G; P; j( @# }3 f; _
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